General Dakovya

General Dakoyva's page

10 posts. Alias of xdahnx.


"You'll meet Gasker here, at the edge of town, tomorrow morning. I'll be at Piren's Bluff, with the army, shortly after you arrive. I imagine they'll lock down the town as soon as they know we are present, so communication will be difficult. You don't want to risk revealing yourselves as rebels too early. Trying to cross the walls may draw undue attention to yourself. If you can do it discretely, then we can talk. The Baron flies his own flag from the keep. When you manage to take care of him and his supporters, bring down the flag. That will be communication enough."

"Well then. You could try your luck at The Feathered Serpent. I can't guarantee what he'll have in stock, but you should be able to find all number of magical trinkets there. His stock changes all the time, as adventurers like you float in and out. It's just off the main strip. You can't miss it."

"Forgive me, but I feel as though I've given you a great deal of information. I can spell it out more plainly, however. Your targets, to use your own words, are the Baron, and any supporters he may have. I daresay that he is your most important focus. With the baron eliminated and an Andoren army at their front door, I don't imagine many others will put up a fight. He should be your target, as any others who are currently supporting him will have nothing to gain by resisting you."

"In terms of arousing suspicion, Gasker is one of my agents. You are to accompany him to Piren's Bluff as part of his routine trading route. Once you see him there safely, your, imaginary, contract with him will be fulfilled. There will be no abandoning whatsoever."

"Left to your own devices, how you get into the keep is up to you. This is precisely why I have hired you. It is your job to get to the Baron; I can only get you as far as the town gates."

"And, my halfling friend, I know a little of the local merchants. Are you looking for a jeweler? A cooper? or an alchemist? What are you looking for?"

"Useless? I think the generous amount of coin we are giving you up front should show our integrity, our seriousness, and our trust. You may not be able to spend it all right now, but I'm sure it has done it's job of securing your efforts."

"I need you to move swiftly. The army will be right behind you, so I doubt they will be very forthcoming with letting many strangers in. I am sending you in under the guise of merchant guards. Another one of my civilian agents, a man named Gasker Drolp, will play the role of merchant. It helps then, that he actually is one. You'll meet him tomorrow morning. Once he's ready to go, you'll move along with him."

The General spends a moment looking at the halfling. "I know some of you may already have a mount available to you. I can provide the rest of you with one if you are in need. You'll need to move swiftly, but discretely."

General Dakoyva places 5 boxes made of a dark and sturdy wood on the table in front of him.. 250 pieces of platinum are inside each. "I appreciate your sentiment, Kellid. Trust that I see nothing of cowardice in you. Think of the yellow ribbon as another kind of weapon to use against our enemies."

You may not be able to purchase a wand right now, short of banging down the door of a sleeping merchant, but if you hurry, you can pick one up in the morning before you leave. Gasker may have a few things to sell you as well, but I'll let you know what those are when the times comes. If you are looking for partially charged wands from anyone in town tomorrow, roll a d50 to see how many charges are left in any given wand. That seems fair enough to me.

"Indeed. Our allies make themselves known to each other through the use of a symbol. A simple yellow ribbon tied to a sprig of mistletoe. I included the same ribbon with your message, should you need it to convince any of the rebels."

"Yes, proud warrior. There are a number of civilians who secretly support our cause, and may aid you in overthrowing the Baron. They must live. In addition, there will be a number of refugees and innocent people in the town. No harm must come to them. I want you to focus on the Baron and his men. They will certainly be your toughest opponents."

"Of course. As I'm sure you all are as well. However," the general closes his eyes for a moment, almost as if he was concentrating on listening to something, "the real protection lies in the army marching at my behest. We're marching to Piren's Bluff. But, most importantly, we're marching for you. Come inside, then. I'll explain everything."

He waves you inside a large tent, and motions for you to take a seat, as he does.

"Now, I'm sure that at least some of you are not local to the area," he says, looking at the Halfling, "so perhaps it's best to start from the beginning. After three decades of civil war, in which the diabolists of House Thrune consolidated their hold on the mighty empire of Cheliax, the tide of revolution swept through Andoran. Frustrated with centuries of foreign rule and appalled by Cheliax’s new masters, the people of Andoran banded together to throw off the shackles of empire and embrace republican rule. During those days, the Andoren nobility faced a difficult choice: side with the people of Andoran and forfeit their titles, or join with the evil Chelish empire and face the wrath of the people. In the end, those who openly sided with Cheliax were killed or driven into exile, while those who embraced the revolution retained much of their wealth and influence. A brave few
nobles chose neither side, unable to relinquish their cherished nobility and unwilling to side with the foreign empire. The most famous of these is Baron Vendikon, once master of a large barony, who now controls little more than the few miles around his keep in Piren’s Bluff. While his remote holdings were small enough to avoid the wrath of the mob during the revolution, Piren’s Bluff is key in defending the new nation of Andoran from its enemies in Cheliax. Of late, the People’s
Council in Almas has been leery of leaving such a strategically important position in the hands of a neutral party, but as of yet, they have been unable to take direct action."

The General clears his throat. "That is, of course, until now. We have recently learned, through some of our contacts close to the Baron, of some Chelish movements in Piren's Bluff. Let me explain. In the last few years, Chelish emissaries have visited numerous border towns in a subtle scheme to gain the sympathy, and eventually the fealty, of their leaders. Their plan is to take back Andoran one town at a time by instigating civil unrest, and hopefully even civil war. Piren's Bluff is their curent target. Emissaries came to Baron Vendikon and whispered promises of arcane power and political might beyond his dreams. At first, the baron, still very much the political player he had been at the height of his power, entertained his visitors and politely rebuffed their offers. Yet the trickle of Chelish visitors coming to Piren’s Bluff bearing small gifts—magical scrolls and baubles or rare texts—continued to swell, and the seeds of rebellion they planted in the baron’s corrupt heart began to flower. Eventually, Baron Vendikon’s passion for arcane knowledge and the secrets of the planes overcame his good sense, and he began accepting the more diabolical Chelish gifts—everything from hell hounds to a fiendish magical assistant. Finally, 2 weeks ago, the baron recanted his neutrality and vowed to hold Piren’s Bluff for his allies in Cheliax."

"Now, Cheliax is moving swiftly to consolidate its position. Sinister agents of the House of Thrune and its allies have already arrived in town, and soldiers from the Chelish army are not far behind. Although Baron Vendikon made every effort to keep the Council from learning of his treachery (at least, before it was too late), the townsfolk of Piren’s Bluff guessed the truth and managed to get word to the Andoren forces in Darkmoon Vale. The military is already mobilizing to take back the town and oust the corrupt baron before a Chelish army
pours across the border. "

"While our army marches to Piren’s Bluff, our contacts have learned that some members of the town still oppose the baron’s plans. You must understand, we have no desire to kill loyal Andorens," the General closes his eyes again," and a full out siege would necessarily cause the death of innocents. Instead the marching army is a front. Instead, I'd like you to infiltrate Piren's Bluff. While the army surrounds the town and gives all appearances of a prolonged siege, this small group will sneak into the keep and put an end to the baron and his Chelish compatriots once and for all."

General Dakoyva opens his eyes finally, and meets each of your gazes.

"Do you understand, then? Does it make sense? Do you have any questions?"



The town is large enough that you would be able to purchase a wand here. Of course, it is midnight now, so it's not going to happen any time soon.

The General does not seem pleased to know that someone was eavesdropping on them. Knowing that she was on their side helped buffet the frustration.

"I appreciate your eagerness, but I am anticipating another. I'd like to explain everything in full once we are all gathered. Does that sound fair to you?"

"Please, no fighting. I did not anticipate you all being familiar with each other. It does, however, lean to our benefit. I need you all because of your unique talents. There is a complicated matter that I would like you to uncomplicate, in a town not so far from here. A standard fee of 5,000 gp will be paid to you, half upfront."

Whoops! I didn't see that you were skulking around in the shadows, Pae! Did you edit that in after or something? Either way totally my fault. Sorry! Let's say you tripped on a rock or something.

"There are a number of you, actually.", comes a voice from the other side of the gate. "I'm not sure how many of you will actually show up, but I'm prepared to give them a little more time.", continues the voice. The voice is attached to a tall man that begins to walk toward you. Dressed in Military attire, his rapier and his medals swing to and fro as he walks.

"I'm General Dakoyva, and I've summoned you here. I thank you for your crisp punctuality."