Eagle Knight of Andoran

Galvrin's page

97 posts. Alias of Tenro.


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RETIRED Human Dread 7

a half-orc ninja! aw man. i was thinking kinda long those lines, someone going in and out (not actually just staying in).

honestly i just think that Dread was a poor choice of class on my part. not strong in a fight, not particularly good at endearing the folks under siege to my cause, and not having much to offer in a mass fight.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Yes, looks like i'll be back come round 5 end or top of round 6?

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin moves to where he saw the dragonfire. Depending upon how long that takes, etc., it may be a few rounds before he gets into actual combat. the plan is to get it, probably 2-4 flasks, and run back to use it on the writhing mass of ants.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

So for the bath and well that access an underground stream, how big is that opening? could someone potentially swim through there (assuming they could hold their breath?

RETIRED Human Dread 7

still here, i've done what i wanted to do and am waiting on the others, now that they have the information i got.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin will report his findings, especially as pertains to the dragon's fire, to Dyalg and Illa. I suspect that we will be able to put them to good use.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Once Illa has finished issuing orders, Galvrin will personally inspect all areas adjacent to earth (floor level, basement, basement walls, etc) for possible points of access other than gates. (drainage grates and the like) to see if there are any signs of comings and goings from within them.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"I agree."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

that does sound like a capital idea

RETIRED Human Dread 7

bluff: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19 another +4 if you let my nonchalant thuggery trait count since this is an aggressive action.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"All the better if Grah could trap something in there as well."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"true, but that might just have some orcs show up rather than expose the ones who leaked it to them.... but perhaps the orcs are just using magic to see these things."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

untrained aid another Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

RETIRED Human Dread 7

i have intimidate, not Diplomacy. haha

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"Yes, that sounds quite useful."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

i could question them. i would invite others to ask questions as well.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

I do not speak Auran. Also I am still wondering what the other players think about interrogation. I could see it bringing good info, but i could also see it unduly hurting morale.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"I could interrogate. It would take a lot of time, however, which may prove prohibitive."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin is following illa's plan, just waiting on a response

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"Yes, we need to consider arcane possibilities when dealing with them. Don't they have shamans or witches capable of such spells?"

RETIRED Human Dread 7

straw + oil/pitch + fire could be useful, although not sure how much of those resources we have or how much we would be willing to part with for a short-lived bonus to defense...

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin will question the soldiers who were on shift or who passed by or were on the shifts prior to the siege weapons malfunctioning to see if anything strange was reported.

sense motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

RETIRED Human Dread 7


RETIRED Human Dread 7

Yeah. as i level i will try to keep an eye out for more useful mass combat abilities. i just figured at least at some point there will be close combat with the orcs, and i thought it would be cool to scare them out.

alternatively, i can sneak really well so i could harass the orc troops on the fringe of their camp.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Aura of Fear (Su): At 3rd level, a dread radiates a palpably daunting aura that causes all enemies within 10 feet to take a –4 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Creatures that are normally immune to fear lose that immunity while within 10 feet of a dread with this ability. This ability functions only while the dread remains conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

mostly touch at the moment, plus a 10ft aura. later i can get some ranged ones. one power (that costs PP) that is a 30ft radius centered on me, and one that costs PP that is medium range (but only stuns a single target)

RETIRED Human Dread 7

yeah, not much i can do other than shoot arrows during combat unless we actually get in close combat with orcs.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Barring any commands from Illa or Dyalg, Galvrin will head to the tower.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

nothing in particular i wanted to do, but here's a question

To Dyalg's revelation, Galvrin asks, "Should we perhaps divert some food and save it somewhere else? If is probably the most important resource here."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin reminds Illa to ensure her soldiers guard the bodies of the dead in case they rise in undeath. or at least have a guard there ready to raise an alarm.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"I'll sleep wherever, but I could use some sleep. Is there a place to lay your dead in state?"

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin smirks at Illa's words, eager to see if the orcs can really be convinced to bring their hag for parley rather than these chest-beaters.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"why dont we settle this here instead of losing countless soldiers on both sides? That is, unless you are late for an appointment behind your hag's skirts..."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin stands by Illa, not saying anything, loose posture, arms crossed.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin will follow Illa's lead.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

No additional preparations for Galvrin.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"That is a good point. Where is Dyalg? I am interested to see what he and our two troublemakers have to say on the issue."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"Heh, well the only way I typically negotiate is by force. I'm sure it is a language that they are well-versed in, but it likely won't earn us their peace. On the other hand, I don't particularly subscribe to the idea that they are really here to parley. They're probably sizing up the newcomers, thinking they already took out all leadership with that rage dust. They were probably expecting to walk right in during the assault we repelled earlier."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"I'd like to hear what they have to say. I should probably keep my mouth shut, though," Galvrin says with a small smirk.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

woops i read parlay as par-tay hahaha i thought they were gonna fight

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin looks to Illa, "Well, General, what's the plan?"

RETIRED Human Dread 7

i hope my intimidates and pissing off the guard are not too disruptive, just playing the character how i think he would be. if it is disruptive, let me know and i will scale it back a bit.

RETIRED Human Dread 7
motteditor wrote:

"The man backs down slightly. Fine, as long as you're just investigating. You can wait until we're all in our graves before you try to pick over our bones, though," he says, practically spitting.

As Illa begins to examine them, she sees a word, Aris, written in Elven begin to glow on the plain silver amulet.

Sounds like Graah just brought the rings and vials out, so that's 6 Spellcraft checks, plus the two wands if Galvrin brought them out as well.

Galvrin would have presented the wands for spellcraft-checking when Graah was showing the other items to Illa.

To the guard, Galvrin replies with a smirk, "Yes, and if you keep trying to test me, we will find out sooner rather than later. Besides, I couldn't use your bones for anything anyway, their shaking would give up my position a mile away." will accompany with another intimidate if necessary. Also, The intent was to pull out all items of use from the room, but leaving the armor and the like. It is of no use to us and would likely be looked even more poorly upon than taking magic jewelry and wands.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17 intimidate

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 will

"it's called investigation, so stick to your job and I'll stick to mine. You keep obstructing our investigation, you might start to look like a suspect."

RETIRED Human Dread 7

oh whew it worked. i tried to submit my post at least 10 times.

RETIRED Human Dread 7

will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

it isnt letting me submit

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin ties the pouch tightly closed and pockets it.

"Maybe just let it air out? I mean how long can this stuff be active?"

RETIRED Human Dread 7

Galvrin grabs the two pouches and holds them in separate hands, holding them at a distance from the other players but in full view of the ones outside the room.

"look magical? "

RETIRED Human Dread 7

"Yeah, I'll grab it. But if I bring it out, the murderous compulsion might follow."

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