Gailbraithe's page
Organized Play Member. 1,179 posts (1,181 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
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I have the full set of Alea Magnetic Markers, and use them in my game. They are quite cool, and really do make the game easier to run by making it easier to track conditions. The plain white markers are also of great use in keeping track of which orc is which.
But they do have their flaws. The biggest issue is the tendency of stacks of markers to attract or repel each other. So if you have a tightly clustered group of creatures each with a marker or two under it, they will shift position everytime you move one of them. Sometimes they will slide out of position, stick together, and otherwise cause problems.
This is a heavy, solid miniature, built to 28mm scale, with a lot of personality. I painted mine in browns and oranges to get an autumn camo look, and he's spectacular. This mini requires some easy assembly, and is pretty easy to paint.