The Cinderlander

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RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 19 posts (21 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Sovereign Court

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Hello all,

I went to MAGfest for my 4th year in a row and the experience just keeps getting better every year. I'd like to highlight the D.C. PFS Venture Team for their excellent commitment to making PFS (and MAGfest) great and an excellent convention to attend.

My investigator jumped from level 4 to level 6 over the weekend and would like to note a few things he discovered over the weekend.

- Sometimes it is better to diplomacy out of a final encounter and lose a Prestige instead of facing something that would likely kill (at least) one of the party members

-Apparently Diplomacy is not only a skill, but also a Bardiche. Worked really well in the hands of a certain Barbarian.

-Mutagens save lives. Friggin 7-06 2nd encounter was rough. Only lived because of the Natural Armor bonus gained from the mutagen.

-My investigator has a rival in the form of a Bard (detective archetype)

-Hall of the Flesh Eaters doesn't have to be scary. All you need is*REDACTED*

Great times. I only had one minor gripe, and that was the lack of high level scenarios. The highest level available was 3-7, and I had brought my lvl 8 and lvl 10 with me. But that is also why I brought a range of characters with me. There was a lot of new(er) people playing pre-gens for most of the games, so the lack of high level scenarios made more sense as the weekend progressed.

Which is why I'd like to appeal to the community (especially in the North East) to come to MAGfest and maybe we'll get some high level play going. Attendance is growing every year, the GMs are knowledgeable and know how to run an engaging game, and the organization is constantly improving. Perhaps we could shoot for an interactive next year?

Give MAGfest a try, you will not be disappointed. Much respect to the D.C. Venture Team and GMs for organizing a great weekend.

Sovereign Court Star Voter Season 9

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Hello all. This was my first time entering the contest. All critique harsh and pleasant welcome, as I will be the same way on my critiques.

Glimmersheen Chain
Aura moderate illusion; CL 6th
Slot armor; Price 18,250; Weight 25 lbs.

The metal used to construct this +2 chain shirt is formulated to bond and interact with silversheen, which can be applied to it even though it is not a weapon. Coating the armor in silversheen requires two free hands and five minutes. The armor must not be worn during the application process.

One vial of silversheen adds five charges to the armor. All of the charges must be expended before applying another vial to the shirt. As long as the armor has one charge on it, it has the mirrored property and its armor bonus increases by 1 against melee attacks from lycanthropes or creatures with DR -/silver. The charges last indefinitely until spent.

As a swift action, the wearer gestures with an empty hand, causing one charge of the silversheen to come off of the armor and dance in the air between him and a single adjacent target. The target becomes distracted and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC and to CMD for one round. A successful DC 16 Will save reduces the distraction's effect, imposing a -2 penalty to Dexterity instead. Lycanthropes and targets with DR -/silver incur a -2 penalty to their saving throw. Sightless creatures are immune to this effect.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, hypnotic pattern; Cost 9,250

Sovereign Court Star Voter Season 9

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One word: Cloaks

Sovereign Court

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Thanks for the answers. I'm working on the build to 12 now. It seems like taking the Extra Arcana feat will be the best way to go about dealing with the 'feat tax' of Flamboyant Arcana.

So the first 7 levels would look like:
Traits- Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp)

1st Kensai with WF: Katana and a feat( thinking best options are Dodge, Arcane Strike, Toughness, or Piranha Strike[maybe])
2nd Swashbuckler to get Swashbuckler Finesse, Deeds, Panache
3rd Kensai, with Slashing Grace feat
4th Flamboyant Arcana
5th Feat-Extra Arcana: Arcane Deed(Precise Strike)
6th Bonus Feat
7th Arcana: Spell Blending or Maximize Spell, Feat-Extra Arcana:Arcane Accuracy

Any other recommendations for traits? I've looked at Arcane Revitalization, Arcane Temper, Reactive, Bladed Magic, and Indomitable Faith.

Thanks for the help,