
GM Wasted's page

1,069 posts. Alias of ElegantlyWasted.

Hello friendos!

As some of you may remember, I am ElegantlyWasted (alias GM Wasted). I was pretty active on the boards several years back but a couple of occurrences of cancer led to my long absence. I'm fully in remission, and looking to get into some gaming again (and have a new office job which gives me plenty of time to sneak to the boards >.>).

I'm considering running one of two games. I could run both but I'm a busy bee and I don't want to get burned out, especially being so newly back to the RP boards.

I'm considering one of two games.

One would be a solo Kingmaker Tristalt game. Yes, you read that right! Tristalt! Like Gestalt, but MORE!

There's a lot to like in Kingmaker, but I feel like it suffers from being a bit of a pure hex crawl, and I've seen many a group sort of flounder when it came to exploring the more interpersonal bits of a group of adventurers suddenly running a kingdom. What I would want would be to take one person, give them a cast of NPC's to work with, and explore their personal story, delve into what it's like for them to be, all of a sudden, a lord... maybe even a king or queen.

It would be somewhat similar to the Kingmaker video game by Owlcat in that regard. As far as adventuring went, you would have a companion or two and combats would be a bit smaller, a bit more intense, a bit more personal. I'd expect you to build your character well, to be able to handle most challenges that came your way. And I'd expect you to be a damn fine writer and roleplayer, because it's just going to be you and me, and I would want this to be a quality character exploration between the two of us.

The other option I'm considering is Adventures in Middle-Earth, the LOTR-themed 5E game. I love LOTR, and AiME is, I think, a pretty good system for translating that world into a d20 skin. I'd be using elements from existing campaigns to tie them into a 1-20 supercampaign, much of which will be homebrewed content. Be forewarned, that would get extremely nerdy... I am a big Tolkienphile and my knowledge of the lore of the setting is as vast as the waters of Ulmo. It would be a campaign focused on a group of sort of "middle heroes". The time period is set between The Hobbit and LOTR and I don't have a ton of interest in changing the established LOTR story, so we, as players and the Loremaster, would know that it was not possible to completely defeat the Shadow. But it would be possible to determine the fate of lands not directly involved in LOTR. It would be possible to delay the return of the Shadow until it can finally be defeated. It would be possible to travel to lost lands and defeat threats that would have laid low the Fellowship before it even began.

So yeah. Those are the two campaigns I'm thinking of running. The Kingmaker game would only have one player.

The AiME game would have four to six.

Any takers?

Greetings, friends! Sadly, one of our players had to bow out due to RL issues. He played a Paladin and was a heck of a front-liner.

We're looking to replace him with another martial type.

Here's all the relevant info!

Format and Expectations:

The format will be Play by Post, if that wasn't obvious!
Posting expectations are one post per day from every player. Weekends are exempt but I will post on weekends, so if you're free we'll get through stuff that much faster! If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a while, that's just fine. Just let me know, and we'll work something out.

Character Generation:

Just to get it clear, no third-party material will be allowed.

Attributes: Roll 2d6+6 six times on this thread, or 20 point buy, whichever is higher! You may assign the results however you wish.

Races: Corr preferred. Featured races from ARG are also fair game. Anything else will be a case-by-case basis. Racial archetypes and alternate traits from Paizo are all kosher.

Classes: Core/APG preferred. I have not yet read through Occult Adventures or Path of War, so those classes will not be available. All other Paizo is available, though Summoners must play the Unchained variant, and Gunslingers are restricted to the Bolt Ace archetype.

Traits: Two traits. One must be a campaign trail from the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide. A third trait may be taken if you take a drawback. However, the drawback must be explained in your character background. Which leads me to my next subject...

Backgrounds: At the least, I would like a 10-Minute Background. Candidates that have both that and a regular background consisting of a few paragraphs will be considered most strongly. If you're having trouble with your character background send me a PM! We'll work on something.

Skills: We will be using background skills. We will also be using one consolidated skill- Athletics, replacing Acrobatics (jumping), Climb and Swim.

Starting Level: You will start at Level 2.

Starting Wealth: 500 GP

Recruitment will be open until I have someone I like. Good luck.

New campaign page.

Discussion tab is now open!

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Time for a retelling of the prequels! This time with 100% less suck!

This campaign will be using the Star Wars: Saga Edition ruleset with significant house rules, including modifications to many classes. This recruitment will run until February 9th, and I'm looking for between 4-6 players. Interested? Read below!

The Game:
I've long thought of the potential in the prequel trilogy, of how cool some things could have been. I've decided it's time for a retelling.

The campaign will start as the crawl indicates, but it will SIGNIFICANTLY deviate from canon. That said, the broad(est) strokes will be the same; Obi-Wan Kenobi will train Anakin, and Anakin will turn to the Dark Side.

There is, however, a LOT of room to play around with exactly how that looks, and that's exactly what I want to do. Interested? Read on!

Character Creation:
Players will begin play at level 7. Attribute generation will be as follows; roll 8d8, drop the lowest two scores, and add 10 to each of the remaining six. Assign those six scores to whatever attribute you wish. No attribute may be over 18 at character creation, even accounting for racial adjustments. If you would have an attribute over 18, it gets adjusted to 18. Them's the breaks!

Are we going to get powerful characters this way? Why, yes we are! We are going for a higher powered game to express the cinematic feel of Jedi calling on the Force seemingly on end, of soldiers and scoundrels making crack shots and daring escapes, of success against seemingly impossible odds!

Hit Points- Max per level.

Available sourcebooks (species, classes, etc)- All of them, but let's try to keep it appropriate. Ewoks wouldn't be around right now, right? I reserve the right to ask you to change things to make it fight the time period a bit better.

Canon Characters- If you wish, you may play a canon character. In fact, I absolutely *need* an Obi-Wan Kenobi and an Anakin Skywalker. The Anakin of this game will be a bit older (probably fifteen or sixteen), and the player will not be with the party at the beginning of the game. Given the sometimes glacial pace of PbP games, it might be a few weeks before the party encounters you, but them's the breaks.

If you wish to play a canon character, for their background, you can simply link their page on Wookiepedia, though if it's not too in depth I encourage you to take what's there and create a full background instead. Instead, I would like a sample roleplay from you, as the character, at least three paragraphs in length. Longer is better. I don't want a novel, but I want to get a feel for you and how you're going to play that character. Feel free to set them at any point in their lives and put them in any situation. This is a free write to demonstrate your skill at portraying that character.

Jedi Knights/Masters, high ranking military officers, renowned bounty hunters...these canon characters are off limits. Gotta give you guys something to work towards after all!

Some Suggestions For Canon Characters- Quinlan Vos
Aayla Secura
Captain Panaka
Joclad Donva
Agen Kolar
Bulta Swan
Barriss Offee

Original Characters- Original Characters are also accepted. Other than requiring an Obi-Wan and Anakin, I don't give any weight to portraying a canon character versus an original character. Original characters need not provide a sample roleplay; instead, I'd like a Background, Personality and Appearance section from you.

Destiny: Destiny is in play. If you select an inappropriate Destiny for a canon character I may ask you to change it.

Feats: We'll be using the Pathfinder feat progression of every odd level. You still get bonus feats as per your class progression.

Talents: You gain two talents per level instead of one.

Skills: Climb/Swim are now Athletics. It still keys off Strength. Jump is folded into both Athletics and Acrobatics.

Equipment: You begin play with 50,000 credits to spend on equipment. If you take the Wealth talent, you instead have 100,000 credits. The party will have an opportunity to pool funds and design their own Starship, using the rules in Starships of the Galaxy, should they so desire.

Droids: I'm not a huge fan of droids, so you'll really have to sell me if you want to play one. If you do want to play one, you will instead roll 6d8 and drop the lowest one. Droids have a lot of advantages over others, power-wise, in Saga, so hopefully this will mitigate that somewhat.

Force Revamp (special thanks to jemstone for sharing these house rules): Force Training

After much research, consideration, and noble Bothans being flung to their death, it has become apparent that starting Jedi characters are heavily restricted in what they can and cannot do with The Force. This does not model well when compared with the various movies, regardless of which of the six you actually believe exist and were real. Further, review of the various classes and opponents listed in the game clearly indicate that it is expected that a starting Jedi will have the Force Training Feat. Unfortunately, no other Class is so penalized at game start: All of them start with the appropriate Feats necessary to do their job. To remedy this, all Jedi gain the Force Training Feat at First Level. Playtesting has shown this will not unbalance the game. The Force Powers Suite is modified accordingly, as listed below.

Force Powers Suite

The Force Powers Suite is normally generated by taking the Force Training Feat. When you take this Feat, you would normally gain 1 + WIS modifier in available Force Powers for use during the Encounter. Normally, you must assign each of these points in your Suite to a specific power, with each assignation indicating another use of that power per Encounter. Unfortunately, this once again doesn’t map to the abilities and opportunities available to other Classes. Thus, the Force Powers Suite has been modified so that the Jedi gains a Force Powers Suite equal to (1/2 Level + WIS modifier), with a minimum amount of (1 + WIS modifier) at First Level. The Jedi may use any available power during an Encounter, up to the total number of points in the Force Powers Suite. This requires amending the “Using Force Powers” rule to no longer indicate that a roll of a natural 20 on Use The Force when activating a power recovers all Force Power Suite points at the end of the Jedi’s turn to maintain play balance.

Force Points

Years of fighting against the forces of evil have proven that restricting the Force Point resource to a diminishing pool that only increases at Level-break and replenishes under extreme circumstances is not conducive to the theatrical, over-the-top, Space Opera genre that the game exists in. In fact, it leads players to jealously guard their Force Points like a greedy Jawa, instead of using them during normal game play. Rather than hoarding Force Points for “when I really need it,” it makes more sense, and encourages the Players to engage in more thrilling heroics, if the Characters have access to a dynamic pool of points that they can “spend like water.” Therefore, all Characters gain six (6) Force Points at the start of each session. These points automatically replenish at the start of the next session, unless the GM is running a multi-part, danger-laden session. Force Points are regained by doing foolishly heroic, dangerously noble, and other Star Wars appropriate actions (throwing yourself in front of an AT-AT, running screaming at a bunch of Stormtroopers, and the like).

Data Slicing

There is ample evidence in Star Wars to indicate that data is not handled the same way it is handled in the real world. The reason it was so important for Darth Vader to get back the Death Star plans wasn’t because the Rebels were running around with a stolen copy – it was because the Rebels had stolen the only copy. Data in Star Wars is a valuable commodity: it is not impossible to do so, but it is clearly expensive and difficult to copy data. Droids are not backed up, they are simply wiped clean when they accumulate too much data (and thus, personalities). Ship “brains” are tricky and difficult to repair. Slicers in the game should be aware of this – being sent in to Hutt Space by the Republic Intelligence Service to “steal a few plans” is not something to be entered into lightly!

Jedi Alteration: Block and Deflect are now a single talent: Parry.

Soldier Alteration: Anyone taking a level of Soldier gains Armored Defense as a bonus talent.

Scout Alteration: Scouts possess a full BAB progression. Anyone taking a level of Scout gains their choice of Acute Senses or Improved Stealth as a bonus talent.

Scoundrel Alteration: Anyone taking a level of Scoundrel gains their choice of Dastardly Strike or Sneak Attack as a bonus talent.

Noble Alteration: Anyone taking a level of Noble gains their choice of Connections or Born Leader as a bonus talent.

About the GM:
I've run games for years and years. I was pretty active on the Paizo boards before a cancer bout took me out of commission (still sorry for everyone I disappeared on!). After treatment, though, I've got a clean bill of health and am back in full swing. I love Star Wars with ferocity.

What I Want From You:
I'd like everyone picked to be able to post at least once a day during the week. As far as applications go, I'd like to see a full stat sheet with everything I listed above (background, sample roleplay, what have you) as appropriate. If you want to get picked, make a real person, someone that walks and talks and breathes. Make a character you want to play. Be a team player. Be polite. Be helpful. If you have questions, you can post them here or PM me.

If there's anything I didn't cover, feel free to ask, and may the Force be with you!

The prequels sucked. It is known.

What if we had the chance to re-tell them?

A Saga Edition campaign has been ruminating in my brain pan for quite some time. This thread is merely a check to see who would be interested in a retelling of the prequel trilogies. This would deviate SIGNIFICANTLY from canon, though, ultimately, the idea is for the game to serve as an alternate prequel for the Original Trilogy.

I would be looking for four to six players. There would be options to play original or canon characters. I would require only two canon characters- Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Much of the game will hinge on the relationship between those two players and characters.

Players would have freedom in how to build any character, canon or original. I would be using some house rules for faster feat and talent acquisition; in my Saga games I like a more cinematic feel to the action and prefer giving characters more options. Conversely, threats will generally be far more deadly as well.

This thread is ONLY an interest check. Who might enjoy a game such as this?

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So! I was pretty active here on the boards six moths ago, and was then diagnosed with a pretty serious illness, soooo...I disappeared. Which was a good decision because my illness has been treated and I have a clean bill of health.

And I am ready to rock once more.

Some of my players went through a couple of different DM's to try to keep the game alive, and they're still interested. There are two or three of them (Mary/The Wisp, are you around?), and I'm rolling with five or six players, depending on how I feel. So I'm looking for two or three players.

For anyone familiar with the AP (which is not a barrier for entry), the players are still early in the first book but have had some of the initial encounters.

If you submitted a character for this thread last time around, chances are you're going to have preference over others for this game. Here is the original recruitment post for your perusal;

"From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Sandpoint to an ancient lost city at the top of the world, Rise of the Runelords takes a party of adventurers from 1st to over 18th level and delves into the mysteries of Varisia's ancient past. Millennia ago, the powerful empire of Thassilon ruled the land, dominated by despotic runelords who maintained their power through harnessing the power of rune magic. Thought gone forever, the workings of Thassilon are not so far beneath the surface and one of the runelords plans a return to power. Only the brave adventurers stand in his way."

Hey gang! I'm looking for a few players to add into the game. Players are still first level and it's quite early in the campaign. We did lose our divine caster and arcane, so one of those would be appreciated! Other than that, most roles are filled party-balance wise, so just make whatever sounds appealing to you!


A bit about me, first! I'm a gamer with over twenty years of experience, and a quite experienced GM as well. I've rolled dice almost as long as I can remember and love no gaming experience so much as role-playing games. I'm new to the Paizo boards but an experienced player and runner of Pathfinder. I also have quite a lot of experience with the PbP format.

Format and Expectation:

The format will be Play by Post, if that wasn't obvious!
Posting expectations are one post per day from every player. Weekends are exempt but I will post on weekends, so if you're free we'll get through stuff that much faster! If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a while, that's just fine. Just let me know, and we'll work something out.

Character Generation:

Just to get it clear, no third-party material will be allowed.
Attributes: Roll 2d6+6 six times on this thread, or 20 point buy, whichever is higher! You may assign the results however you wish. Shamelessly stolen from DM Mathpro!

Races: Core preferred. Featured races from ARG are also fair game. Anything else will be a case-by-case basis. Racial archetypes and alternate traits from Paizo are all kosher.

Classes: Core/APG preferred. I have not yet read through Occult Adventures or Path of War, so those classes will not be available. All other Paizo is available, though Summoners must play the Unchained variant, and Gunslingers are restricted to the Bolt Ace archetype.

Traits: Two traits. One must be a campaign trail from the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide. A third tree may be taken if you take a drawback. However, the drawback must be explained in your character background. Which leads me to my next subject...

Backgrounds: At the least, I would like a 10-Minute Background. Candidates that have both that and a regular background consisting of a few paragraphs will be considered most strongly. If you're having trouble with your character background send me a PM! We'll work on something.

Skills: We will be using background skills. We will also be using one consolidated skill- Athletics, replacing Acrobatics (jumping), Climb and Swim.

Starting Wealth: Starting wealth is max for your class.

Recruitment will be open until Friday the 16th. I will consult with my players to see who they're interested in taking. We have a vigilante and a fighter, as well as (I think) a rogue, so casting classes are preferred.

Hello, all! I had a couple of players disappear (as it always happens), so I have a couple of slots to fill for one of my Rise of the Runelords Tables!

We lost our divine caster and a magus. I'd like one divine caster, but we do have a sorcerer, so the other character can be whatever. Full info on what I expect, as well as character creation guidelines, may be found RIGHT HERE. Please apply on the linked page, and best of luck!

"From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Sandpoint to an ancient lost city at the top of the world, Rise of the Runelords takes a party of adventurers from 1st to over 18th level and delves into the mysteries of Varisia's ancient past. Millennia ago, the powerful empire of Thassilon ruled the land, dominated by despotic runelords who maintained their power through harnessing the power of rune magic. Thought gone forever, the workings of Thassilon are not so far beneath the surface and one of the runelords plans a return to power. Only the brave adventurers stand in his way."

Hey gang! A couple of players disappeared (as so often happens), so I'm opening recruitment! I'm looking for two players to add into the game. Players are still first level and it's quite early in the campaign. We did lose our divine caster, so one of those would be appreciated! Other than that, most roles are filled party-balance wise, so just make whatever sounds appealing to you!

That is not a guarantee of acceptance, but I am more likely to select you if you tried before.

All of the info from the original recruitment is below.

A bit about me, first! I'm a gamer with over twenty years of experience, and a quite experienced GM as well. I've rolled dice almost as long as I can remember and love no gaming experience so much as role-playing games. I'm new to the Paizo boards but an experienced player and runner of Pathfinder. I also have quite a lot of experience with the PbP format.

Format and Expectations:

The format will be Play by Post, if that wasn't obvious!
Posting expectations are one post per day from every player. Weekends are exempt but I will post on weekends, so if you're free we'll get through stuff that much faster! If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a while, that's just fine. Just let me know, and we'll work something out.

Character Generation:

Just to get it clear, no third-party material will be allowed.

Attributes: Roll 2d6+6 six times on this thread, or 20 point buy, whichever is higher! You may assign the results however you wish. Shamelessly stolen from DM Mathpro!

Races: Corr preferred. Featured races from ARG are also fair game. Anything else will be a case-by-case basis. Racial archetypes and alternate traits from Paizo are all kosher.

Classes: Core/APG preferred. I have not yet read through Occult Adventures or Path of War, so those classes will not be available. All other Paizo is available, though Sulmmoners must play the Unchained variant, and Gunslingers are restricted to the Bolt Ace archetype.

Traits: Two traits. One must be a campaign trail from the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide. A third tree may be taken if you take a drawback. However, the drawback must be explained in your character background. Which leads me to my next subject...

Backgrounds: At the least, I would like a 10-Minute Background. Candidates that have both that and a regular background consisting of a few paragraphs will be considered most strongly. If you're having trouble with your character background send me a PM! We'll work on something.

Skills: We will be using background skills. We will also be using one consolidated skill- Athletics, replacing Acrobatics (jumping), Climb and Swim.

Starting Wealth: Starting wealth is max for your class.

Recruitment will be open until Friday. Good luck!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, I'm a laconaphile. It's a real thing! I've wanted for a long time to run a game set in mythic Greece. This would be a highly modified Pathfinder game. The concept would be the heroes rebuilding the Argonauts and making the world safe for humanity from cthonic monsters after the deaths of Heracles and Jason. Politically it would focus on keeping the peace amongst the numerous city-states and perhaps uniting against a greater threat (invading Persians, maybe Troy?).

This would be an extremely low-magic setting. To offset that, players will gain powers from a lineage. This will be from a variety of members of the Dodekatheon or, as in the case or Odysseus, from being an extraordinary mortal. Mechanically this will function like having a sorcerous bloodline. I would likely only allow things like Paladins or Rangers as the only casting classes.

Every character would also gain a fatal flaw. It would be a personality foible and when I deemed it necessary, a Will save would have to be made against that flaw. You would thbe be forced to act a certain way, dictated by your flaw. One example would be the pride of Odysseus, when he named himself to Polyphemus the cyclops, who then prayed to his father Poseidon. Poseidon cursed Odysseus, resulting in the Odyssey.

Would anyone be interested in a game like this?

Table 1!

Discussion is live for Table 2! Had more time than I thought :p
Discuss among yourselves if you know each other and get ready to go my friends! Gameplay will go live in 12 hours

Table 2!

So I lied :p
Discussion is up! Feel free to talk among yourselves, in or out of character. Figure out if you know each other or if you will be meeting for the first time!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Sandpoint to an ancient lost city at the top of the world, Rise of the Runelords takes a party of adventurers from 1st to over 18th level and delves into the mysteries of Varisia's ancient past. Millennia ago, the powerful empire of Thassilon ruled the land, dominated by despotic runelords who maintained their power through harnessing the power of rune magic. Thought gone forever, the workings of Thassilon are not so far beneath the surface and one of the runelords plans a return to power. Only the brave adventurers stand in his way."

Yes...I have decided. Time for me to try my hand at the iconic adventure path!

Hello, friends. I'd love to run some Rise of the Runelords! I'm looking for five players. If you're new to Pathfinder or PbP, that's totally fine! I welcome new players and veterans alike.

A bit about me, first! I'm a gamer with over twenty years of experience, and a quite experienced GM as well. I've rolled dice almost as long as I can remember and love no gaming experience so much as role-playing games. I'm new to the Paizo boards but an experienced player and runner of Pathfinder. I also have quite a lot of experience with the PbP format.

Format and Expectations:
The format will be Play by Post, if that wasn't obvious!
Posting expectations are one post per day from every player. Weekends are exempt but I will post on weekends, so if you're free we'll get through stuff that much faster! If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a while, that's just fine. Just let me know, and we'll work something out.

Character Generation:
just to get it clear, no third-party material will be allowed.

Attributes: Roll 2d6+6 six times on this thread, or 20 point buy, whichever is higher! You may assign the results however you wish. Shamelessly stolen from DM Mathpro!

Races: Corr preferred. Featured races from ARG are also fair game. Anything else will be a case-by-case basis. Racial archetypes and alternate traits from Paizo are all kosher.

Classes: Core/APG preferred. I have not yet read through Occult Adventures or Path of War, so those classes will not be available. All other Paizo is available, though Sulmmoners must play the Unchained variant, and Gunslingers are restricted to the Bolt Ace archetype.

Traits: Two traits. One must be a campaign trail from the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide. A third tree may be taken if you take a drawback. However, the drawback must be explained in your character background. Which leads me to my next subject...

Backgrounds: At the least, I would like a 10-Minute Background. Candidates that have both that and a regular background consisting of a few paragraphs will be considered most strongly. If you're having trouble with your character background send me a PM! We'll work on something.

Skills: We will be using background skills. We will also be using one consolidated skill- Athletics, replacing Acrobatics (jumping), Climb and Swim.

Starting Wealth: Starting wealth is max for your class.

All the pertinent info is up there! Recruitment will be open for one week. It will end on Friday, April 15, at 12:00 PM PST. After that, I'll make my selections over the weekend and have a group selected no later than Sunday morning.