Mortimer finds himself within striking distance of a massive flying lizard, so steps up and strikes out powerfully, several times!
Fortitude Save v DC 22:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
The big lug's first fist, second strike, manages to knock a second dragon out cold for the second time in as many exchanges! Perhaps it's a small mercy, as several more of Mort's attacks break enough major bones in the dragon's frame to kill it outright, mid-flight. Its form plummets to the bottom of Rift Canyon, joining several other dragon corpses...
Ascaria begins introductions with the brave hill giants atop the Round House, bathing them all in Cayden's healing energies!
The injured among the Hills speaks up.
"Hey, ég er ekki lengur brennd. Kannski klára drekana fyrst, svo þá."
"Hey, I'm not burnt anymore. Maybe finish the dragons first, then them."
Eidi shirks off a crawler load, before launching his own insidious acidic attack on Brazzemal Himself! It lands, and the Ancient Red brings his head around to pinpoint the elderly half-elf, source of his persistent burn. His primordial vocal cords resonate, and all of the Rift Canyon hear the ancient Red's words...
"Ինձ բերեք չորացած էլֆի գլուխը."
"Bring me the withered elf's head."
Solrisa unleashes arrow after arrow, her own draconic might on display! Three of them pierce the younger creature's hide, and it roars in pain, while searching the skies for the source.
The Siege continues apace, as both green and fire collide, as well as blue and...
The Red Hill Giant looks confused at the gadfly gnome hovering in mid-air. A more intelligent, less belligerent individual might stay his hand, and listen thoughtfully to an obvious new ally in the fight, but the Red Hill giant is not and does not. A crawler load flies from the cliffside at 1 for Ascaria, 2 for Mortimer, 3 for Eidi, and 4 for Solrisa:1d4 ⇒ 4 Solrisa!
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load, Solrisa:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31for 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 Rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude Save DC 24 Negates
A distant roar from below sounds like it's becoming less distant, as a stunned blue finds its wings, and remembers. It sounds like it's coming directly from below Mortimer...
Emerging from the mists below, the mature Blue(Red) soars by Solrisa ArrowSmiter, gnashing at the metal maiden. Fly-By
Insult to injury, the third Blue(Green) tries to pluck the maiden's wings, testing the magics adorning the Outcasts.
Caster Level Check:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
When it's clear she's uninterested in falling, the blue drops into the mists, uninterested in becoming a target for the maiden's bow.
The remaining two hill giants ready a couple of crawler loads, but they don't immediately chuck them. At least, at you, since you're well within their range. Readied Actions
Readied Actions:
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31for 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6 Rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude Save DC 24 Negates
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25for 2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 Rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude Save DC 24 Negates
Meanwhile… Fire(R)- 20 (-31hp)
Green(P)- 20- (Paralyzed 6 rounds, falling, Beneath the Mists, Total Cover)
Green(G)- 19+
Fire(G)- 19 (-110hp)
Fire(P)- 19- (-5hp)
Fire(Y)- 18 (-31hp)
Fire(O)- 17 (-31hp)
Green(Y)- 16 (Paralyzed at first, Dead at last)
Fire(B)- 15+ (-31hp)
Green(B)- 15 (-60hp)
Green(R)- 14+ (-221hp, Stunned at first, Dead at last)
Brazzemal- 14+ (-3hp, Acid Arrow)
The distant green dragon(Purple) heeds Brazzemal's command, and closes the distance with violent beats of his wings. Arriving directly at Eidi's side, it bites down on aged elven flank.
Unfortunately, that triggers both readied attacks from the Hill Giants.
Fortitude Save v DC 24:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33 Fortitude Save V DC 24:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18oops
As soon as it arrives, it takes two hits to the face, and falls!
One of the southern fire giants(Red) takes his shot with his massive ballista, hoping to chain the southern green before it can become a menace. Sadly for him, the bolt pulls off to the side, and the dragon is left uninjured.
The green Green soars by Mortimer DragonBrainer, chomping in retaliation for the comrade lizard dead at his hands and feet, though it's mainly the bluster of beating wings that Mortimer feels... Fly By
The arrow-riddled green dragon(Blue) also follows Brazzemal's command, attacking Eidi, though it has to steady itself mid-air, due to its poor maneuverability.
Atop Far Tower Rock to the north, a race begins to end the paralyzed Green sitting like a, uh, sitting duck atop the roof. The heavily injured Fire Giant(Green), has the privilege, drawing his greatsword, and performing a coup de grace, while the other fire giants wait to see the results, before acting themselves.
Coup de Grace, Green(Y):6d6 + 30 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 3, 3, 1) + 30 = 48critical damage Fortitude Save v DC 58, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 1
The adult green dragon can't exert the walls of its chest to bellow its death roar, collapsing rigidly on the roof of the Far Tower Rock.
The remaining fire giants scramble. One calls for resupply, while another reloads a ballista. The other two man their ballistas, readying their own attacks against approaching dragons.
Brazzemal the Burning extends his massive wings and roars, bringing all who witness and hear the ancient dragon a moment of severe doubt.
The Ancient Red Dragon is now asserting its Frightful Presence as a Free Action. The Range is 300', which get you all, though Solrisa needn't mind. Will Save DC 34 please. Failure, and you're shaken for 5d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 2, 3) = 10 rounds.
Giants' Will Saves:
Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 7 Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 14 Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 4 Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 4 Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 17 Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 3
Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 19 Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 3 Will Save, 20 Succeeds:1d20 ⇒ 18
It's obvious to all who can see them(maybe even hear them?) that each and every giant is Shaken to his core.
Several strong flaps, and Brazzemal has taken flight! He flies languidly in Mortimer's direction, then lets loose a blistering stream of fire, intent on immolating the massive man, mid-air.
Round 3 Hill(R)- 20
Blue(R)- 19
Blue(G)- 18 (Beneath the Mists, Total Cover)
Blue(B)- 15+ (-120hp, no longer 500' down, presumably, still Beneath the Mists, Total Cover)
Hill(B)- 15
Hill(G)- 15-
Mortimer- 14 (-19hp, Reflex Save DC 36)
Ascaria- 13 (-61Acid)
Eidi- 10 (-46hp, -61Acid)
Solrisa- 6 (-25hp, -41Acid, Fortitude Save DC 24)
The Outcasts are up!! Roll20 Map should be current.
Party Buffs Blessing of Fervor- 15 rounds
Prayer- 5 rounds
Holy Aura- 4 rounds
Haste- 2 rounds
Particulate Form- 2 rounds
Telepathic Bond- 160 minutes
Air Walk
Wind Walk
Heroes' Feast
Protection from Acid (~120)
Protection from Electricity (~120)
Protection from Fire (~120)
Mortimer engages the dragons with a small token of irritation, while Ascaria creeps ever closer to the battlefront as only he can know it. Eidi decides the giant is better leveraged on the back of the closest blue, while Solrisa softens it up heartily before the giant can thump it immediately!
Fortitude Save v DC 22:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
Mortimer clubs the blue so hard, the creature goes limp, mid-air!!! Its huge, flightless frame plummets with increasing velocity, though you fail to see the true depth of its fall, after the mists offer it some privacy. You do not, however, hear it slamming into the canyon below, suggesting that the drop is at least greater than 500 feet below you...
The northern blue targets Mortimer, having bested his flying buddy with a single blow, while the second north-eastern blue plunges into the mists, disappearing from sight!
The hill giants have a moment. They look at each other, bellowing a quick exchange of not-altogether-coherent words.
"Þeir fljúga, og þeir hafa ekki fylgdarmenn. Mylja þá?" "Já, myldu þá líka."
"They fly, and they don't have escorts. Crush them?" "Yeah, crush them, too."
The southern hill giant, Blue, lobs a crawler load directly at Eidi!!
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load, Eidi:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30for2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3Rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude Save DC 24 Negates
The northern hill giant, Green, lobs another crawler load at the remaining blue dragon, though it only smears its face with noxious substance!
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load, Blue(R):1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30for2d4 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4Rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude Save DC 24 Negates Fortitude Save v DC 24:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32
From the best direction, Brazzemal decides he's done spectating. Watching Mortimer stun one of his blues, mid-air, the Ancient Red Dragon roars something otherworldly, and the giant feels its impact, from 200' away...
Mortimer, please make a Will Save DC 24. Failure, and you're Confused
Spellcraft DC 22:
Brazzemal just cast Insanity upon your beloved Mortimer. From 200' away...
The fire giant staring down the nostrils of a very near green decides to chuck another crawler load, instead of spending a round loading his ballistae.
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load, Green(Y):1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15for2d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5Rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude Save DC 24 Negates Fortitude Save v DC 24:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
In response, the spattered green throws its full attack at the unfortunate fire giant standing in its shadow, hitting with everything but its left wing...
The bloody fire giant's fellow fighter decides he'll try his luck with a crawler load, as well.
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load, Green(Y):1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15for2d4 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8Rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude Save DC 24 Negates Fortitude Save v DC 24:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
The fire giants finally demonstrate some success, as the green perched on their roof seizes up, the crawler load finding its way into several injuries, and the green loses all animation. It doesn't plummet, and perhaps it's regretting its choice to land...
Party Buffs Blessing of Fervor- 16 rounds
Prayer- 6 rounds
Holy Aura- 5 rounds
Haste- 3 rounds
Particulate Form- 3 rounds
Telepathic Bond- 160 minutes
Air Walk
Wind Walk
Heroes' Feast
Protection from Acid (~120)
Protection from Electricity (~120)
Protection from Fire (~120)
Tangleburn Fire Damage:1d6 ⇒ 6 Reflex Save v DC 20:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
The mounting damage on Blue blue takes a fiery hue, if only for a moment, as the Giant of the Outcasts brandishes fists, and waits for a draconic retort...
The short-sighted gnome holds his position, allowing his more eagle-eyed associates to call out the flying dragon pieces on the dragonchess board, as well as the castles and the giant-knights manning them.
Brazzemal appears to do the same as the little gnome. He waits, and watches, keen dragon eyes of his own take in the new entrants to the game afoot...
The Blue marked blue tries to hover in place, a direct line of attack searing from its mouth, with two of the three hill giants unfortunate to be in its path.
Blue(B) Attack on Hill Giants:
Fly Check v DC 15, Hover:1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20 Breath Weapon:14d8 ⇒ (1, 5, 7, 7, 1, 3, 5, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 8) = 48electrical damage, Reflex Save DC 24 to halve the damage Reflex Save v DC 24:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Reflex Save v DC 24:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
The hill giants brace for the attack, resigned to the dragon's breath. They suffer, but not as much as you might expect. Magical Resistance Two of the three hill giants target the northern blue, hoping to avoid another breath weapon in as many seconds. The crawler loads fly!
Return Fire!:
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load #1:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19for2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude DC 24 to negate Ranged Touch, Crawler Load #2:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16for2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude DC 24 to negate Fortitude Save v DC 24, #1:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28 Fortitude Save v DC 24, #2:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33
The dragon shirks off both foul-smelling bursts upon its hide, roaring its indignation before shifting its pitch lower for the roar to become threatening.
Far Tower Rock sees an exchange between the greens and the fire giants, as both sides try their utmost to down the other.
One green positions itself effectively, coating almost all of the fire giants in her blast of breath, though much the same, the fire giants weather the assault resolutely. Magical Resistance, again
Another bolt flies from ballista, but the fire giant proves equally effective as his comrade, who missed earlier.
The southern green passes across the roof, biting down savagely at the closest fire giant, injuring the defender! The fire giant takes the opportunity of proximity to throw his massive greatsword's blade at the dragon's neck, exchanging injuries!
Far Tower Rock Conflict:
Fly Check v DC 15, Hover:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 Breath Weapon:12d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 6, 6, 2, 4, 4, 1, 6, 6, 6) = 51acid damage, Reflex DC 22 halves the damage Reflex Save v DC 22, B:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Reflex Save v DC 22, G:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Reflex Save v DC 22, R:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 Reflex Save v DC 22, O:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Reflex Save v DC 22, P:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
The recently singed hill giant locks eyes with the blue burning him, and lobs another crawler load at the lizard, easily hitting it! Unfortunately, the lizard snorts, and shrugs off any chemical attack intent on paralyzing it, mid-flight...
Ranged Touch, Crawler Load #3:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29for2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6rounds of Paralysis, Fortitude DC 24 to negate Fortitude Save v DC 24:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
The Red blue dragon looks beyond the Round House, seeing your approach, so waits to see what something wicked this way comes. Delay
Two wicked arrows strike the Blue blue again, injuring it on top of your introductory injuries, as Solrisa's bow continues to harry the dragons in the sky!
Eidi, Mortimer, and the Delaying Ascaria are up! You have both Brazzemal and one of the blues who look very interested in you, especially after Solrisa's attack...
The Outcasts decide that the Hill Giants of Kongen Thulnir are their first beneficiaries.
Solrisa and Eidi target the Blue above the Rift, injuring it by arrow, both mundane and divine, and arcane. Ascaria makes sure his friends are properly reinforced with Cayden's Zeal. Mortimer give the Blues a choice- pummel the old Hills or rumble with the new Littles, positioning himself at the head of the line.
Approaching more closely to the ensuing battle, it's clear that both sides have taken their share of damages. The giants on both towers are probably fresher for their trouble, as their ranks can be swapped out for others residing within their respective towers. The dragons likely retreat for a while, tending to their wounds as dragons are wont to do.
Unfortunately for the fire giant, the great bolt goes wide!
The blue coming from the east towards the Round House swoops down on the eastern most hill giant, its great teeth gnashing at the exposed flesh, hoping to find purchase during a Fly-By!
Ascaria is up! For the transition, spriggan engagement, and travel, I've rounded off the spell durations by 10 rounds, for simplicity's sake.
Party Buffs Prayer- 7 rounds
Holy Aura- 6 rounds
Haste- 4 rounds
Particulate Form- 4 rounds
Telepathic Bond- 160 minutes
Air Walk
Wind Walk
Heroes' Feast
Protection from Acid (~120)
Protection from Electricity (~120)
Protection from Fire (~120)
The Outcasts advance on the northerly winds, headed directly at Round House, to discuss pressing matters between Hill Giant and Blue Dragon. The gnome has the right of it- the battles are awfully close to each other, but your approach goes largely unnoticed, so engaged are the several fronts they pay little attention to the littles...
Alright, I think this means you are all entitled to a Surprise Round, from your current placing on the Roll20 Map. Enjoy making your introductions, and we'll enter the First Round, complete with full initiative rolls, for many pieces on the board...
Roll20 Map has been updated- note that your position is at the very bottom.
Gazzilfek remains his puffed up self, though he does hang his head, somewhat resigned to the words coming from the Outcasts, given his sudden appearance, and all.
"Giants are pretty resourceful, you know. Especially when they're given a mighty purpose. But I understand. You've got dragon slaying to do! Epic stuff! Have at it!! I can even be your guide to Kongen..!" Before Gazzilfek can finish the name of the ancient giant city, he stops mid-sentence, cocking his head to the side, allowing his ear to hear something you all cannot.
"Yeah, they're here, but I caught them at the wrong time. I can wait for them to finish, and convince them I can help, just..." His words trail off, and the spriggan commences to shaking his head in a brisk, efficient way, so as not to tie you up any longer.
Spellcraft DC 20:
Gazzilfek looks like he's on the receiving end of a Sending.
He addresses the lot of you. "Alright, we should talk more, but now's not the time. Sorry, and I'll make it up to you, just, you know, don't die before I get back, alright? Alright!"
With that being said, the spriggan disappears! Eidi relates to the other Outcasts that he's definitely not there, standing in invisibility, otherwise his elderly enchanted eyes would still be able to see him.
You've lost two rounds time to the spying spriggan.
Meanwhile, there are actually two fronts of battle which intrigue the Outcasts.
The Far Tower Rock Location J on the Roll20 Map is currently under siege by five adult Green Dragons, while Brazzemal the ancient Red Dragon, looks on from a safe distance Location D on the Roll20 Map. They are meeting resistance from a half a dozen fire giants, using ballistae and catapults on the roof.
The Round House Location K on the Roll20 Map is also plagued by three, more mature adult Blue Dragons, who are meeting their own resistance by three hill giants, firing crawler loads into the sky, hoping to hit a passing wing or tail.
From your current position, both are equally distant, roughly 300' away.
The little fellow doesn't radiate anything other than a glint of light from his little helm. His head is quite animated, so there is a bit of glint. No aura
Eidi wrote:
"Oh, thanks. We have indeed a tale to make by stopping this army of dragons. But if you tell us... who are you... we might have a short moment for you. Would you happen to know Prince Zeech?"
"You wound me, master Eidi! Do you not remember the Banquet we shared? Does your aging mind forget fighting cockatrices with our beloved Prince?" The longer the little fellow speaks, the more your memories are jarred by the recollection of the Ominous Fabler, famed jester of Alhaster! Mortimer is quite correct in his mental pronouncement to the other Outcasts.
Ascaria wrote:
"You have six seconds to speak your mind. We have dragons that need killin’, and spells a wastin’.”
The Fabler fails to demonstrate either poison or disease.
The famed Ominous Fabler of Zeech Palace looks offended, but well before the gnome declares a time limit so sparse, it makes the dead-dragon-patter's buttocks pucker.
"Name's Gazzilfek, not even Zeech knew I'm a spriggan, I was an agent of a stone giant thane here in Kongen Thulnir, sent out into the world to verify a vision of his, regarding something called the Age of Worms, led me to Alhaster, to Zeech, and now, apparently, to you."
The little guy becomes not so little, his frame enlarging to something on the other side of Mortimer's size. "Spriggan, you see."
Knowledge(Local) DC 13:
Spriggans are essentially joyless gnomes, Chaotic Evil Large humanoids of the gnome type, who lean towards violence and malice, in general. This little, uh, largish brute seems more talkative than most of his kind. Gazzilfek's already demonstrated his Size Alteration, purposefully, but he can also Flare, Scare, and Shatter with the best of them.
The Outcasts cast out the flock of green dragons, barely beaten about for their encounter! The sole green to survive will mark the day, should she survive it, and tell tales of golden haired archer, the no-haired mage, the blind-eyed blinder, and the man of many fists...
It is a sight to be seen, and seen, it has.
You hear clapping.
Where Eidi once hovered, the sound of someone moving closer to your current location, coming up the stairs... until you see the applauder for who they are.
"Oooooo, that was remarkable!! The thing of legends!! You are mythological characters-in-training, you are!! The swiftness of your arrival, the deadly efficiency, the boldness to just let the dragons try and squash you..." The little man gestures the kiss of perfection with a small hand pinching to a kiss of his lips, throwing it to you.
"If you have a moment, I would seize it. If you have an ear, lend it, and let me speak my truths to you. Would you? Could you? I hope so."
The little helmeted man comes to a stop, next to the fallen green on the roof across from you, patting the dead thing with awe, giving you the thumbs up from where he stands.
Mortimer downs Green with his first two fists, so injured is the big lizard, it doesn't even get to regret receiving the pugilist's Stunning Fist! Its collapsing girth almost does in death what it sought to do to the gnome in life...
Solrisa somehow manages to fire arrow in a calculated arc over the dead body of the green, and lands four of five arrows into the side of Red, the last arrow missing only because the creature dropped so swiftly from the second to last loosed arrow. Red's unconscious drop almost snags the elderly half-elf by the cookie jar...
Ascaria brings another wave of Cayden confidence to the Outcasts, punishing the unconscious Red, insult to mortal injury, as the gnome's powerful belief overcomes the magical beast's inherent resistance to such divine mete-outs.
Lastly, Eidi takes flight/foot, and retreats to the safety of the adjacent rooftop, though his is a risky retreat when dragon's teeth linger nearby.
Blue AoO Bite Attack:1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26
Perhaps wary of the newly calculated power within this new group of intruders, Blue's bite misses the half-elf, potentially avoiding the blindness promised by the Holy Aura.
The mystical Eidi decides between arcane and divine, deciding that Blue should feel the touch of necromancy. Neither scales nor resistance stands against the Ray, but its internal fortitude does.
Fortitude Save v DC 21:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
Blue measures the cliff side, and finds she wants nothing to do with the four little things which have ended three of her brethren. She drops off the side of both building, and ledge, disappearing into the mists of the canyon, her roar quite distinct for both its outrage and despair.
The Outcasts are up! We may be Out of Initiative, unless you pursue Blue into the Mists...
Party Buffs Prayer- 17 rounds
Holy Aura- 16 rounds
Haste- 14 rounds
Particulate Form- 14 rounds
Telepathic Bond- 160 minutes
Air Walk
Wind Walk
Heroes' Feast
Protection from Acid (~120)
Protection from Electricity (~120)
Protection from Fire (~120)
Eidi lays out some massive cold, hoping to ice the wings of the greens and see them firmly discouraged from hovering about the Outcasts! The dragons trust too much their ability to avoid most amateur spellcasters...
Red Reflex Save v DC 23:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 Blue Reflex Save v DC 23:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Blue is lucky enough to catch the movement of the elder half-elf in the corner of his eye, dodging a good amount of the frost, while the already-injured Red is punished further for daring to close the distance.
The dragons have at you!
Blue lands atop the same building as Eidi, throwing out a test bite, while Red descends, hoping to end the half-elf's mad casting!
You can't help but notice that Blue closes his eyes, before throwing his mouthful of teeth in your general direction. Smart Lizard!
Blue Bite Attack, Flank:1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 21 + 2 = 32for2d8 + 12 ⇒ (8, 6) + 12 = 26 Fortitude Save v DC 27:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30 Miss Chance, High Good:1d100 ⇒ 94
Eidi, Red is trying to Crush, well, all of you! Reflex Save DC 22, again. Failure, and you are Pinned!
The green-Green watches the gnome cast a brilliant light so painfully close to his belly, as it regards its numerous bon-bons. It levels its full arsenal of attacks against Mortimer, its own dragony flurry!
Party Buffs Holy Aura- 17 rounds
Haste- 15 rounds
Particulate Form- 15 rounds
Telepathic Bond- 160 minutes
Air Walk
Wind Walk
Heroes' Feast
Protection from Acid (~120)
Protection from Electricity (~120)
Protection from Fire (~120)
DR5/Magic, Acid Breath Weapon(Cone, 50'), Weak Save is Reflex, Spell-Like Abilities(Charm Person, Entangle, Suggestion) as well as Spells (Alter Self, Mirror Image, Shield, Silent Image, Summon Monster I, Ventriloquism, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation), and Tres Sangres Cake
The Siege of Southern Kongen Thulnir is joined by the intrepid Outcasts, undaunted by dragons' roar or dizzying vantages. There are deep bellowing echoes in the canyon, not only from the dragons in descent, but also from the north, where you can place the sounds of battle.
Perspicacious Ascaria cloaks each and every Outcast with the strange, disembodying magical sandy form, while Judicious Eidi metes out the magics which quicken the sand.
Valiant Solrisa brings the glory of Apsu to bear with each pluck of her powerful bow, while Insuppressible Mortimer bides his time, striking when the iron is good and hot.
The first Rae of Light flies most true, striking home, and sending the intended, aged green dragon into the mists of the canyon, its surprised roar a signal to all that the dragons that they do not hold sway over the giant stronghold, not yet.
The second dragon is far luckier, as Apsu's Wrath fades with the death of the first dragon, though its flight path alters in the face of apparent prowess. Both Red and Blue decide to strafe, laying out their breath weapons, before arcing away, arching their backs to see the damage they wrought on the rooftop.
Two Reflex Saves everyone! DC 22, to halve the damage of Red's 12d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2, 2, 4, 2) = 41 acid damage, and Blue's 12d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6) = 41 acid damage!
Green decides on a much more direct attack- he lands directly on the rooftop to join you all!
Ascaria, Green is trying to Crush you! Reflex Save DC 22, again. Failure, and you are Pinned!
The Giant of the Outcasts is rewarded for his patience, as the fearless Green stands in their midst, within reasonable striking distance of Mort's many fists! He manages to land three swift strikes, chastising the drak for daring to stand so close to them...
The roars of the three surviving greens swarming you are answered by similar roars in the canyon mists...
The Outcasts are up! Well, most of you- I Delayed Mortimer this round, so his response is already recorded for posterity's sake :) Solrisa, Ascaria, and Eidi can take their actions, then the Greens, then Mortimer!
Party Buffs Haste- 16 rounds
Particulate Form- 16 rounds
Telepathic Bond- 160 minutes
Air Walk
Wind Walk
Heroes' Feast
Protection from Acid (~120)
Protection from Electricity (~120)
Protection from Fire (~120)
Let's say your Mirror Images still have a good 16 minutes on them, as you popped them at the conclusion of the concussion of Noggins ;)
Thank you for your patience!! The catching up. Posting PC blurbs is deceptive, as you think it's gonna be a quick, easy chew, and character chirp. Now that I have three such indulgences, time skitters by waaaay quicker than I anticipated this evening.
I should be able to update earlier in the day tomorrow, if the winds are kind.
The chill air above the Citadel hits your nostrils for only a brief moment, before the elderly half-elf collapses the space between the roof of your current building, to the building roughly 500 feet away. Location M- the Gate House, not Round House as previously listed
Your nostrils flare with the smell of char and chemical burning, as you've landed in a more central location of recent battle. The twenty-foot high heavy wooden gates are burnt, but still intact. From your new vantage, you are well aware of the approaching gaggle of adult green dragons, intent on landing somewhere, perhaps similar to your current whereabouts.
Knowledge(Arcana) DC 22, regarding the Greens:
Lawful Evil Lizards of Unusual Size, they spew Acid in Cones,
Greens are obsessed with perfecting their minds and bodies, and exceed even the learned Bronzes in scholarship and study. Many chromatic dragons consider the Greens traitors, for they seem more interested in learning than rampaging. Indeed, several attempts by metallic dragons over the past few millennia to redeem chromatic dragons en masse began by targeting the Greens; of course, all such grand attempts failed miserably, and it is doubtful that dragons as a race will entertain such an idea again for at least a millennium. -Drakanav Codex, Chapter 17
1 question for every 5 above 22
At least one of the Greens spots you, roaring her discovery to the others. Their trajectory changes ever so slightly, and they begin their descent at different angles. From what you can tell, based on your mathematical bents, each of them has adjusted their flightplans to account for the guylines running from cliffside to outcrop.
Well, old friends, I would have harassed you with some Frightful Presence, but you're too powerful :) They'll be upon you in a round's time, the blink of a lazy eye. For a rough understanding, you're 20 feet above the ledge floor, while your guests are descending from various heights 50 feet above you...
Round 1 You- 20
Them- 10
The Outcasts are up! Solrisa will have already cast her Divine Favor, moments before Eidi's Dimension Door. If you would be so kind in your first post back, please inform your mates and myself what current magical buffs are in place.
"Could you direct us to the dragon commanders? Where do they vex you, that we might slay one so as to prove ourselves to your king?"
Kagro pauses a moment to regard the gnome.
"Recent reports have us dealing with at least two old ones, maybe three, though we only know her by her acid spray. Cowardly green, she is. They keep moving, of course. If you're trying to hunt them, look for their prey, our brothers. Of course, you can head to the roof, and make yourselves known to them. I'm sure you'll draw their ire, eventually."
Solrisa wrote:
"Yeah, we don't want to hurt you guys, and if we have to kill a few dragons instead, we can do that. I'm very good at killing dragons. And I have a nice bow just for that."
Kagro nods to the maiden. "Best be at it, then."
Eidi wrote:
"If you would be extra generous you could point to us how to, and where to, present our respects to the Giant King."
"You only need to cross the bridge from the Citadel. The Palace(Location P on the Roll20 Map)is heavily fortified. You may not be well-received during the siege, especially if you skulk like you did here."
Taking to the roof of the Citadel, you can confirm Kagro's words- under the many guylines of Southern Kongen Thulnir rests the Palace. Its facade is heavily damaged, but its walls still stand. Roars of the dragon siege echo from all directions, as you witness a small flock of four young black dragons led by an adult green headed towards the tall tower (Location J on the Roll20 Map), and another flock of four adult green dragons headed towards the Round House (Location M on the Roll20 Map).
The expanse of the Southern Section of Kongen Thulnir appears quiet for the time being, courtesy of the several imposing guylines, likely.
Bram places a finger to the side of his nose, and snorts a copious loogie of snot and blood from the passage. Kagro ignores the noise and nausea, setting eyes on the gnome, who seems to speak for the infiltrators.
"You seek more than peace. You seek to take something from Kongen Thulnir. That's not a permission I can give you, as I'm charged with the defense of the Citadel here. No, you wish to speak with our king, if he still lives."
Kagro pauses for a moment, then speaks to all of you.
"If you set foot in the Citadel again, you best bring the head of one of the dragon commanders as tribute. Otherwise, I'll have every reason to believe you're just another enemy here to pillage Kongen Thulnir, while we're occupied in the skies."
Having spoken, he gestures for you to leave the way you came. He doesn't advance, though, giving you time to answer. His facial expression is slowly moving towards disinterest.
Your eyes are drawn past the injured fire giant in the large doorway, to a well-groomed fire giant, accompanied by two other, lesser fire giants.
He strides across the Common Hall, before stopping halfway. The other two fire giants take their positions at his side, left and right.
"Kagro, keep your distance. These wee folk can cut deep, both blade and magic." The bloodied giant steps through the doorway, but he doesn't go far, allowing the new giant a chance to lay eyes upon you without obstruction.
"Peace, Bram. Tend to your wounds, while I speak with the intruders." The well-groomed Kagro doesn't lower his weapon, a viciously beautiful greataxe.
"You don't smell of dragon's blood. And Bram's injured by your hands. You look like dragon allies. Tell me why I shouldn't take your heads, here and now."
Time seems to dilate, giant eyes exchanging glances with gnome eyes, gnome eyes exchanging glances with half-elven eyes, half-elven eyes exchanging glances with human eyes, which half-awkwardly exchange glances with themselves.
The action coils to a halt, the promise of unwinding all the apprehension mere moments away...
This bump is good. It is a good bump. This week will see a light return to Ravengro, so here's hoping you all are still interested, given the hibernation...
Apologies, folks. Slowly renewing enthusiasms, last couple of weeks have been heavy. Will update the game shortly, and hope that I can apply the needed attentions to build back the momentum.
Acolyte Rankin appears genuinely interested in not only the condition of the skull in his hands, but also what it might have looked like with skin and hair, possibly trying to identify from which grave the bones have sprung.
Exiting the still standing Town Hall, your eyes adjust to the cool air and moonlight to see that most everyone in attendance stand across the Town Square, their faces mildly sooty and strained in fear. As you cross the Square to join them, the faces begin to relax and nod, some voices calling out praise.
Zena Draznoi's voice and figure bursts from the crowd to meet Milovic half-way. "Ooooo, how you made me worry!!" The woman is tighter on her outward display of emotion, but it is a coiled thing, this concern of hers for her Rabbit. She brings both hands to both of Milovic's shoulders, looking him over for signs of injury, and her nose wrinkles when she finds nothing. Not even a trace of soot, so good is the young man's cleaning magics. Others in the crowd take notice as well.
Sense Motive DC 20:
The superstition is strong in these folks.
The two men overcome by the flames are indeed stable, and are being looked after by their respective families- Luthko by his Marta, and old Arlo by none other than his son, Deputy Thomas. Thomas does defer to the the kind doctor, having done little but cradle the old man's head in his lap.
Father Grimburrow and Councilman Hearthmount approach you all, as most of the villagers take their leave, their bellies filled with unease, their minds in search of quiet before they are laid to rest and threatened with a repeat performance behind fitful eyelids.
The Father speaks, when he's reasonably sure your conversation will be kept private, out in the open of the Town Square.
"Vashian here has agreed to do what he can to fund your investigation, where our local shops might find themselves a little tight in their respective generosities. I will do my part, as well. There are things that I can provide you, all you need to do is meet me at the Temple. When you're ready, of course."
Councilman Hearthmount appears a little uneasy, but it's hard to tell if it stems from the recent events, or someone speaking for him, regarding discretionary funds.
The Dining Hall echoes the sounds of battle, which further echoes through the Citadel through the now-opened door.
Ascaria steps up and heals Noggins so swiftly, the creature is pulled from the puppy door of Pharasma's Gate, and the magical beast is lifted from the true death, and laid on its doorstep, instead. The 12-headed pyrohydra is Unconscious, and also Stabilized, courtesy of the gnome's spell casting.
The words of the gnome and the half-elf are a sturdy introduction to influencing the fire giant, had the maiden not laid into him, knocking the hiccuped parley out cold. He doesn't fall to the sword, but his injuries certainly deepen.
"You're a confusing lot. Certainly powerful, dangerously so." The fire giant looks the pyrohydra over, noticing its side rise and fall, though none of the heads open their eyes. Its wounds begin to heal, beyond what was lent by the gnome...
"She'll be stirring in just a bit. She's been there before, she knows the routine. I can't promise she'll not be angry with the likes of you for almost slaying her. Like I'm angry with the woman and her sword."
The fire giant points his handaxe at Eidi. "You started it, when you weaseled your way into the Citadel. If you survive, you should find a way of shoving your own prick up your arse. That's my way of telling you to go f#&* yourself."
The Citadel is certainly growing louder, while you exchange pleasantries.
Eidi follows the maiden's initial aggression with some of his own, blasting both giant and hydra.
Reflex Save v DC 23, FG:1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 Reflex Save v DC 23, 12HPH:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
The fire giant does his best to duck the blast, but the poor pyrohydra takes the blast of cold full in its faces, and the elderly half-elf kills the rare creature before it can do further harm. It slumps to the floor, all its heads intact.
Mortimer clocks the giant, the large red and black man trying to shake off the thumping.
Fortitude Save v DC 22:1d20 + 23 ⇒ (4) + 23 = 27
Ascaria casts the strange dematerialization magic on each of the Outcasts, bringing them more protection against the impending hostilities.
Solrisa, without a pet to pound upon, redirects her attacks against the fire giant, connecting on her first swing only.
The spear embedded in the gnome rips loose, and returns to the fire giant.
"You killed Noggins." He looks down on the chained creature, raising a single nostril. "I'm not dying to you runts. Mine's meant to be between a dragon's teeth, not gutted by skulkers."
The fire giant saunters across the room, and throws the door open. "Intruders, here! They killed Noggins!"
The giant looks down on the dead pyrohydra, and shakes his head. He appears to be waiting for reinforcements.
Perception DC 20:
With the door opened by the giant, you can hear the sound of approaching armored folk, as well as from the parapet behind you.
It takes a concerted effort, many hands unified in the makeshift fire brigade, and the Red Fire winks out! Its last embers blacken, leaving the Town Hall singed but secure. Two points of fire, and five folk fighting 'em? It's an easy hand waive.
We are Out of Combat.
Acolyte Rankin moves to examine the nearest flamed out skull, while Mellum takes his leave to catch up with the others outside. You are able to enjoy some small quiet, before heading outside.
The dual strike of archivist and mentalist finish the third flaming skull, one of them dampening its fire, the other leeching its unlife force completely. The more meditative of you all pulls water from thin air, dousing another section of the Red Fire.
This leaves the four fellows nearby to try their luck against the only remaining threat to the Hall's well-being...
Milovic and Sebastien are up! Likely our last round, but the Dicebot has been on a tear lately...
Ajir denies one flaming skull entrance to the affair, while Marinus does the same with the second flaming skull. Millicent readies herself for the new guests. Sebastien just misses the third flaming skull, while Milovic sees to the size of the Blue Fire still smouldering, diminishing it by half.
The evacuation proceeds apace, the elderly gentleman being escorted out by both deputies. Russel decides he wants no part of the clacking, crackling skull hovering in front of him. He bolts along the outer aisle, striving to catch up with the burdened Marnie and burden Luthko.
Before the fires get a chance to grow ever stronger, Rankin watches Mellum for a moment, hoping the young man will snuff the Blue Fire, so he may be freed to fight the last Red Fire.
Mellum CMB:1d20 ⇒ 8
The teenager fails, forcing Rankin to remain where he is.
The Skulls draw the frantic attention of everyone still gathered within the Town Hall, but within two swift redresses, two of the Skulls are smashed to ember and bone, as the youth stabs one with two inerrant magical projectiles, and the monk thumps another one twice with the thick sole of his boot.
The dhampir shoots for the third, but the undead thing shrieks, and the bolt passes through the open mouth, thunking into the wall behind it.
The last skull-o-fire swoops down at the closest living being- Millicent!
Slam Attack, Mill:1d20 ⇒ 3for1d2 - 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) - 1 + (3) = 3damage, including Fire
Sadly, the only thing the flying flame can manage is invading the archivist's personal space...
Milovic is up! I'll update for Round 2 shortly thereafter...
The wee undead are Immune to a great many things, but Vulnerable to nothing. Dark magic certainly animates the lonely skulls, whether intentionally, say, to create a familiar or guardian, or inadvertently, when black circumstances bring a body part to horrid unlife, seeking to avenge a wrongful death, or plague an unfaithful lover...
They are going to headbutt you to death. If the Slams don't get you, their burning might... Fire-based attacks are but butterfly kisses to these undead.
Marinus remains the ever-steady Voice of Reason, never once wavering in his calm, reassuring tones which glide above the fearful yelps and moans of the most of the gathered. Within moments, the townsfolk in attendance depart, leaving you to your selfless acts of immolation!
The fire brigade continues to oppose the parching!
Milovic shows that not only old deputies can overcome threats, halving the Green Fire! Ajir shaves a third off his own personal Red Fire! Millicent leaves the last of the Yellow Fire to Russel, kind soul that she is. Sebastien, in his zeal to see the fire out, accidentally catches his sleeve on fire, so spends a little time patting it out, instead of the Blue Fire before him.
Ravengro's Best step up again to help the Bereaved!
Russel CMB:1d20 ⇒ 10
Russel finally manages to snuff out the Yellow Fire! He looks over at Millicent and Marnie, and sighs, relieved. "Thanks for the help, mam. That frost of yours is just what the doctor ordered."
Rankin CMB:1d20 ⇒ 14 Mellum CMB:1d20 ⇒ 6
Rankin and Mellum balance each other out, the older, steady hand manages to shrink the blaze, while the youth keeps both acolyte and dhampir company, at least. The young man spends time stomp kicking a piece of char off his leather boot.
Winfielde CMB:1d20 ⇒ 10
Deputy Winfielde drapes his raincloak over the last of the Green Fire! "Well done, master Draznoi. Glad you stuck around."
The Blue Fire grows, as does the Red Fire...
Deputy Thomas moves to help Winfielde with the collapsed gentleman, while Sheriff Caeller moves to help Councilman Muricar with the unconscious Councilwoman.
Marnie bids her man follow her out, figuring Russel will catch up when he can. Luthko doesn't seem out of place, slung over the dwarf's shoulder.
With the fires diminishing in the corner of the Town Hall, it feels like things are finally coming to a conclusion, when the Hall's back windows shatter inwards, allowing three floating skulls wreathed in their own cranial flames to gain the interior! They are the size of normal human heads making them Tiny, and the flames surrounding them look painfully real. Their ember red sockets locate each and every person in the room, allowing you an inhalation, and an exhalation.
Knowledge(Religion) DC 11:
Your new guests are Flaming Skulls, a subcategory of creatures known as the Beheaded. These are Neutral Evil Tiny Undead.
Beheaded are floating skulls or severed heads whose bodies have long since abandoned them, either in the moment of death or long after. Reanimated via dark magic, these horrors are usually created as mindless sentinels for dungeons or lairs. Beheaded silently hover at about eye-level, often making them the last thing a casual wanderer or careless villager in an infested area ever sees.
Solrisa introduces herself, and her martial prowess, as the pyrohydra feels several sword cuts in her side. Its wounds begin to heal at an extraordinary speed. Fast Healing
Your little corner of the Citadel ignites in a bouquet of fire!
A Dozen Breath Weapons:
Solrisa, please make 3 Reflex Saves, DC 20. Failure, and you suffer 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1) = 5, 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5) = 9, and 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2) = 13 points of fire damage. Success, and you may halve the damage(s).
Eidi, Mortimer, and Ascaria, please make 9 Reflex Saves, DC 20. Failure, and you suffer 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5) = 10, 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5) = 10, 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6) = 16, 3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3) = 9, 3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) = 13, 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2) = 8, 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2) = 10, 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7, 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1) = 8 points of Fire damage. Success, and you may halve the damage(s).
Your resident gnome might have some breath weapon protections still simmering, to shirk off or tick off my Fire attacks...
The fire giant as yet unnamed furrows his brow as the maiden handles the pyropet handily.
"Vicious little thing, are you?"
The fire giant moves around the table, producing a spear. He attacks 1 Mortimer, 2 Eidi, 3 Ascaria:1d3 ⇒ 3 the closest thing to a dwarf he can get- the gnome!
Ajir struggles valiantly against the growing flames, finding himself just shy of dousing part of the fire nearest him. Milovic takes a cue from the monk, and successfully extinguishes a section of wall creeping its way north, after a sweaty bobble of a bag. Sebastien loses his grip on his fanning fabric, before grasping it firmly, and seeing the little conflagration beat back. Millicent kills two birds with one ray, as she extinguishes more of the Yellow Fire, strategically freeing the singed Luthko, freeing Russel up to concentrate on the fire. Marinus is unwavering in his control of the crowd, almost finishing the shepherding through the front doors. Uh well, the only doors to the Town Hall, perhaps setting up a future conversation about fire control and new entries/exits to the communal building, should it survive the fire!
As much as Gibs pushes and shoves, the man seems less like a rat fleeing a burning building, and more a man seeking seating on the first life boats on a sinking ship. He eyes the flames warily, but measures them for the control being applied against them, and he is no longer loud about his departure.
Marnie locks eyes with Marta, and Missus Avanaki relaxes her stance, which looked fit to return to poor Luthko, abandoning their daughter. Marnie demonstrates a very functional strength in pulling Luthko away from the outer walls of the Hall, while her husband attempts to bring another section of the Yellow Fire to heed.
Russel scrambles to produce his own waterskin, and the grave digger digs deep, quenching a part of the Yellow Fire himself! CMB Bonuses cloaked.
Russel CMB:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
The Yellow Fire grows, though it now has two challengers at its heels.
The Red Fire grows.
Acolyte Rankin and Mellum join the dhampir in fighting the Blue Fire!
Rankin CMB:1d20 ⇒ 11 Mellum CMB:1d20 ⇒ 3
The pharasmin proves useful, while the boy stumbles to pull a tapestry off the wall to participate himself.
The Blue Fire grows, defying Rankin's contribution to Sebastien's dangerous work, but at least it's smaller for the efforts!
Deputy Winfielde debates dragging an unconscious body, or helping the Draznoi boy against the Green Fire. He presses his effort against the raging heat. Somehow, the old man manages to snuff a small part, his raincloak sufficiently suffocating!
Winfielde CMB:1d20 ⇒ 7
The Green Fire grows, the deadly tug o' war not giving an inch on either side.
The Burning of the Town Hall continues.
Single Full Round Actions only, please. Roll20 Map has been updated, and the four fires are color-coded for ease of description. One more Round of Directing the Crowd will see the Town Hall successfully evacuated!
Possible Actions:
For ease of play, I'm using the AP's suggested list of choices. Feel free to get creative, too :)
You have several options for action. You may...:
Flee- Move through the crowd at Half Speed to Exit the Building
Fight the Fires- CMB Check DC 12 to put out a Small Fire. The use of appropriate magic lends you a +4 to the Check.
Direct the Crowd- Diplomacy Check DC 15 or Intimidate Check DC 20 will allow Villagers to move 30'/round towards the Exit.
Save the Townsfolk- Standard Action to remove a Villager from a Fire. The Villager automatically Stabilizes when this action is taken.
The fire giant looks down on each of you. You can tell he debates matters, as his brows take turns being the higher one. "Not for me to say. That would be Kagro. He's my boss. If he thinks you're not dung beetles, then he'll hear you out." The fire giant picks up the horn.
"That's if you're still alive." The fire giant blasts the Citadel with a clarion signal.
"Me? I'm only here to fight dragons. No fun if you chase them all away. I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed none of you are dwarves. If you're still alive by the time Kagro gets here, you may be lucky enough to convince him."
"Lord giant, I am visible, and eager to speak with you, but I cannot get past your pet here. So to see me, you’ll either have to come to me, or pull your hydra back a bit.”
"Don't mind if I do." The fire giant gets up from his place at the head of the table. He picks up a rather nasty-looking greataxe, hefting over his shoulder. His hand on the horn grasps it, and he moves down the table to get a better look at the newly visible Citadel infiltrators. He sets the greataxe down, but he doesn't take his hand off the hilt. "Don't you mind Noggins."
Eidi wrote:
"Dragotha is menacing the stability of our world, we need to defeat it. The thing is, we have discovered there is something precious for him that was hidden in this valley. We need to find and destroy that thing before the dragon leader can be defeated. That is the reason of the dragon siege, isn't? The dragons want Dragotha's most precious treasure, am I right?"
Ascaria wrote:
"We’re no friends of the dragons, and could help you with that.”
"Dragotha, you say? That's the leader? And they've laid siege to our city because... they're looking for something? What something?"
Sense Motive DC 20:
You get the sense that the fire giant is asking sincerely.
Solrisa wrote:
"Oh yes, we're here to kill dragons. And if we have to kill all the many headed dragons and giants too, we'll do that but would prefer not to, I mean, it's not like the dragons aren't already winning and, like, you don't need the help or anything..."
The fire giant points the horn in his hand at the maiden. "What is it, then? You here to fight giants and dragons, or are you here to find something precious? Ah, or are you here to loot the dead?"
Your parley becomes tenuous, as the giant's attention drifts from the gnome and half-elf, to the maiden, and back.
Milovic pulls the middle-aged man from the fire. His eyebrows are already missing, and several red splotches dot his exposed skin, but he's breathing, and blissfully unaware of the pain he's sure to feel when he gains consciousness. Sarianna stands resolute when the young Draznoi demands they stay where they are, though his mother's face is a swirl of pride, fear, and frustration. "Be careful! The flames are growing!"
Sebastien squares off with the northwestern fire Blue, and frustrates the blaze's desire to unite with the northern fire, at least. The Blue Fire's size is not diminished for the effort, however. As the dhampir flames the fires, Father Grimburrow finishes a scolding command, and Rankin relents. The acolyte hands off his superior to the others departing, and moves to join Sebastien in the suppression.
Ajir puts his mind to water, and water to fire, using every drop of his waterskin to see part of the Red Fire extinguished! Waterskin seems quite appropriate ;) The Red Fire hisses at the water bearer monk, but its diminished stature is stubborn, and promises a resurgence. Gharen Muricar proves strong enough to see himself and Shanda Faravan closer to safety, though he almost collapses with the councilwoman to the main floor.
Millicent decides to literally overcome a Town Hall pew, which inanimately, indignantly denies her first attempt to vault. A second attempt is successful, and the archivist finds herself a little further north, for her effort. Luthko looks glad for her company, witness to her adeptness at putting out fires already.
Marinus plays the pied piper, and keeps the focus of the ones fleeing from the fire, and firmly on the front doors. A couple of the townsfolk pat the young man on the shoulder, some even try to pull him along, though their grips, insistent at first, relent when Marinus stays his ground, and speaks a rational music to those in fear for their lives. The exodus is slow, but it is steady. A half dozen villagers, including Zokar and his son, Pevrin, exit the Town Hall. The Avanakis round the corner, and work their way closer to the exit, while Russel and Luthko advance on the Yellow Fire. Both men take their shot at snuffing the growing danger. I'm cloaking their bonuses.
Russel CMB:1d20 ⇒ 7 Luthko CMB:1d20 ⇒ 1
Sadly, neither man can contribute to the firefighting. Marnie looks on, but she's quiet in her concern.
Gibs rounds the front pew, coming face-to-face with Marinus. He shoots a look to both sides, only to make eye contact with Father Grimburrow, who looks on the old farmer with a stony stare of don't-you-dare. Marinus remains untouched, for now.
The Fires grow. The Yellow Fire decides which way to advance. North 1, South 2:1d2 ⇒ 2 Poor Luthko finds himself enveloped in flame! The shopkeeper drops to the floor, struggling to put out his clothes, quietly groaning to himself, aware that his cries might pull his wife and daughter away from his desired direction for them. Marta looks at Millicent, considering. The dwarven woman's eyes are fierce, and promise action. At the same time, Mellum breaks from his mother, and bolts down a row, his intent plain- join Milovic, and do his utmost to see the Town Hall saved. Audra Richer cries out, and is immediately restrained by Sarianna, who begins to whisper calm into her neck.
The Burning of the Town Hall continues.
Single Full Round Actions only, please. Roll20 Map has been updated, and the four fires are color-coded for ease of description.
Possible Actions:
For ease of play, I'm using the AP's suggested list of choices. Feel free to get creative, too :)
You have several options for action. You may...:
Flee- Move through the crowd at Half Speed to Exit the Building
Fight the Fires- CMB Check DC 12 to put out a Small Fire. The use of appropriate magic lends you a +4 to the Check.
Direct the Crowd- Diplomacy Check DC 15 or Intimidate Check DC 20 will allow Villagers to move 30'/round towards the Exit.
Save the Townsfolk- Standard Action to remove a Villager from a Fire. The Villager automatically Stabilizes when this action is taken.
Your knowledge is comprehensive, and understands pretty much all of what a 12-Headed Pyrohydra is. As for its preferred cooking style for eggs? It has a belly full of fire, so it can consume them raw, if it's impatient, or it can hardboil them, though it doesn't bother removing the shell.
The big, burly giant doesn't bother looking in your general direction, with nothing to set his eyes upon. Instead, he tosses his unfinished drumstick at the pyrohydra, and watches as the several heads recede, leaving a single, focused head to snap the table scrap out of the air. Amused, the giant launches another drumstick, and another ungreasy head accepts the bone.
"How does it decide? You think one head is closer to its stomach than another?" The giant shrugs his shoulders, before casually tossing another drumstick, this time in your direction. It draws the pyrohydra's attention, and it moves towards you, before stopping at the length of its chain, not more than ten feet away from either the gnome or the maiden. It's still fixated on the meat before it, but several of its heads bob and weave, the ones not occupied by a thighbone. They look awfully interested in yours. Bones, I mean. The ones they seem to smell...
"Parley, you say? You want to kill the dragon leader? Your words are pretty slick. I'll give you a chance, then. Show your faces. Only cowards like you sneak around unseen. Especially in war time. You've seen the dragons outside. I don't smell their blood on you." The giant stands, placing both hands on the table. One of those very large hands now rests on a dragon's horn. It could be a drinking horn, might be a signal horn. Hard to tell, from your place on the floor.
Roll20 Map has been updated. And, somehow, we're still not in initiative. You folks, with the golden tongues...
As the Burning begins, the Bereaved jump into action! Ajir heroicly hefts Councilwoman Faravan from the Red Fire! He beseeches the other members of the Council to step up. Milovic moves to tackle the Green Fire, which threatens several townsfolk, and burns one already. Millicent deftly distinguishes herself by extinguishing the Orange Fire fully! Marinus motivates the townsfolk to make their way to the exit, his voice a call to action, the villagers regaining their senses! Sebastien rushes to the Blue Fire, the dhampir readying to dampen the beginning blaze!
The suddenness of the explosions, combined with the agita of the crowd, and you fail to observe anything immediately before the lamps shatter. Your process of arcane/religious deduction would have you believe that this was a concerted attack on inanimate objects within the Town Hall, by unseen agents, though whether their immediate presence was required is unknown.
On stage, both Mirna and Vashian fail to answer Ajir's call to action. This leaves Councilman Muricar to approach, and take the unconscious woman's body from the young man. Father Grimburrow is taken by the arm, quite unceremoniously, by his acolyte Rankin, who only wishes to see his senior safely out of the burning building.
Millicent's snuffing allows the Avanakis egress, though Russel runs towards the next fire, while his wife Marnie looks on with a tried patience. The central aisle becomes a bit congested, the likeliest path out, and away from the growing fires.
The three ladies, Sarianna, Zena, and Kendra, struggle to decide where their abilities are best applied. Zena looks ready to jump over a pew, and get to the Green Fire, and the poor fellow burning under its glow. Both Lorrimor and Vai restrain her, their flowing dresses just the thing to add fuel to the fires.
And the fires find the fuel they need to grow. Each of the remaining four fires creep into adjacent spaces. Each Fire is now centered on two intersections, and require separate actions to Put Them Out.
The Burning of the Town Hall continues.
Single Full Round Actions only, please. Roll20 Map has been updated, and the four fires are color-coded for ease of description.
Possible Actions:
For ease of play, I'm using the AP's suggested list of choices. Feel free to get creative, too :)
You have several options for action. You may...:
Flee- Move through the crowd at Half Speed to Exit the Building
Fight the Fires- CMB Check DC 12 to put out a Small Fire. The use of appropriate magic lends you a +4 to the Check.
Direct the Crowd- Diplomacy Check DC 15 or Intimidate Check DC 20 will allow Villagers to move 30'/round towards the Exit.
Save the Townsfolk- Standard Action to remove a Villager from a Fire. The Villager automatically Stabilizes when this action is taken.
Ravengro's Town Hall resonates with the powerful voices of the Bereaved, at times chorused by familiar faces, while at other times challenged by scared and/or angry faces. Despite his best efforts, Luthko can't soothe his Marta, who calls out her concern that even this might be too much for the friends of the dead Professor. "If you're saying you'll succeed where Petros failed..." Others murmur her uncertainty.
Sheriff Caeller groans as Marinus calls for police action, while Gibs wanes against Sebastien's withering gaze. Most faces briefly turn your way as you speak, then return to the stage, where Ravengro's old power rests, elevated above the rest. It is finally enough for Mirna Straelock, Councilwoman, to stand and approach Vashian's side. When he feels the presence of the old woman, he takes a slow step back, as if giving her permission to speak, when clearly he had no choice.
"I say we let them volunteer for this investigation, and we thank them for the obvious risk they're taking to do so." Mirna looks towards Sheriff Caeller, half-expecting a retort. When none comes, she continues. "This is some kind of infestation, something unsettled and bubbling up. If we have ourselves a posse of youthful hopefuls, then let's embolden them with coin, and the promise of our gratitude, should they succeed." With this last sentiment, the Councilwoman sets her gaze upon the Missus Avanaki, half-expecting another retort.
Sense Motive DC 20:
The Councilwoman is also speaking shrewdly here. Dead investigators collect no coin...
Perhaps no one was expecting the retort to take a wordless form. Instead of a raised voice of support or opposition, the sounds of several oil lamps shattering commands the attention of all the attendees of the the Ravengro Town Hall meeting.
The entirety of the gathering cries out in alarm! And the panic welling in their chests becomes a visceral impediment to clear thinking. No one voice rises above the fray to clear their heads, as the fires become the focus. Poor Councilwoman Faravan is caught by the burst of the lamp on stage, and she collapses to the stage's floor. Another townsfolk is enveloped not too far from your lady friends. The fires are dangerously social, and will likely begin to spread, given free rein.
The Burning of the Town Hall has begun.
We are now in Rounds. Single Full Round Actions only, please. Roll20 Map has been updated, and the five fires are color-coded for ease of description.
Possible Actions:
For ease of play, I'm using the AP's suggested list of choices. Feel free to get creative, too :)
You have several options for action. You may...:
Flee- Move through the crowd at Half Speed to Exit the Building
Fight the Fires- CMB Check DC 12 to put out a Small Fire. The use of appropriate magic lends you a +4 to the Check.
Direct the Crowd- Diplomacy Check DC 15 or Intimidate Check DC 20 will allow Villagers to move 30'/round towards the Exit.
Save the Townsfolk- Standard Action to remove a Villager from a fire. The Villager automatically Stabilizes when this action is taken.
The ladder connecting the fourth and third floor is retractible, if a little heavy. Descending the ladder, your noses are treated to an increasingly pungent aroma of dung smeared along the floor of the garret. Arriving at the Third Floor, you also observe bones scattered about, gnawed upon by something bigger.
Another muscled move by Mortimer, and the single, giant iron door leading from this parapet's tower opens before you, allowing you entrance to the Third Floor of the Citadel. This time, the door is slightly ajar, and it creaks open to give you enough space to continue through, invisible.
This cavernous hall is dimly lit by two windows in the western wall and a heavy iron pot of glowing coals hanging from the ceiling beams above. The pot sways slightly, casting weird shadows throughout the room. The ceiling slopes down from the center of the room to a mere fifteen feet at the west end. A stone table surrounded by six giant-sized chairs dominates the center of the room. Another feature of the room is a Huge serpentine creature, with ten, wait, no, is that twelve heads? They keep writhing like a swarm of puppies, it's hard to tell. At least it's chained to the wall, though the chain looks very forgiving for the space of the room. Most of its heads are angling in your direction, despite your invisibility. Their nostrils flair, curiously.
Knowledge(Arcana) DC 23:
Looks like you're in the presence of a Pyrohydra, a Huge, Neutral Magical Beast, its nature based in Fire. They prefer volcanic mountains, for the heat. And they can sense with Scent.
1 Question for every 5 above 23
At a very large stone table, in a very large stone chair, sits a very large fire giant, munching on an overcooked drumstick, occasionally looking through the windows over his shoulder and to his right. When the door creaks open in a scraping, metal against stone kind of way, the large black and red man sets his drumstick down.
"Looks like we got company, Noggins. Smell 'em, do you? Yeah. Who's at the door, I wonder. Who's come to play?"
Roll20 Map has been updated. The maneuverable map is to the right of the Main Map. You are not quite into Initiative, yet.
Your speculations begin to take form with your attempt at casting your rudimentary magical spell. It also fails. Now you've tried, and failed, to cast two spells of the Divination School of Magic, and your deep knowledge of all things Arcane would suggest that Kongen-Thulnir enjoys some kind of defense against Divination Magics... No peeking now...
The gnome casts a protective magic against all things evil, which should shield the Outcasts against both dragon and giant alike.
Standing on the defensive tower's Fourth Floor platform, the giant among you decides to try for the trapdoor in the floor, and succeeds soon enough to open it, and you gaze down to the Third Floor, 20' down, which sports a similar door into the Citadel, but no more trapdoors in floors.
Mortimer's trapdoor flinging has provided you two paths. Enter the Citadel on the Fourth Floor, or on the Third Floor.
How do you proceed?
Roll20 Map has been updated to demonstrate your progress through the Citadel. Light blue doors are passages. Mortimer's token demonstrates your current position.
"Sir, the only demons in this room right now is your language, your rank aroma, and the beast that drives you to the mug."
Mister Hephenus steps a little closer to Mister Jiro, lowering his voice, while narrowing his eyes.
Ajir, and anyone able to make a Perception Check DC 19:
"You will regret saying that. Jook."
Having visibly spoken to Ajir, Gibs nonetheless returns to the pew, standing a good while before lowering himself into his seat.
Ajir wrote:
"Do you wish to continue to your debate, or will the wisdom of silence save you from yourself?"
"Your voice won't be the only heard here tonight." Councilman Vashian Hearthmount speaks up. "You will wear out your welcome in Ravengro if you tell its citizens to be silent." This spurs a murmur through the Town Hall, a mixture of sentiment, both kind and ill in turns.
Ajir wrote:
"For our actions last night, dear Ravengro, you are welcome. As for the cause, I'm not nearly smart enough to know the Professor's mind or suspicions, though others amongst our group have theories. Personally, I look forward to building a rapport with all of you, as I am invested in finishing the professor's defense of your town."
Hearthmount appears ready to speak, when Marinus lends his voice to the gathering at hand.
Marinus wrote:
"The Professor cared very deeply about the safety of Ravengro. His research led him to suspect that dread necromancers had set their sights on Harrowstone and the unquiet spirits whose lives ended there. If he was correct, their foul magics may have spilled out to Ravengro, causing the dead to walk. We wish to investigate."
Before Vashian can answer, Father Grimburrow speaks from his place on the stage. "The boy speaks true. We must be concerned about some kind of growing presence, some kind of evil waking in this land. The Professor's friends were selfless in standing between Ravengro and the walking dead." Vashian reluctantly nods, looking from the Father to the next Bereaved to speak this evening.
Milovic wrote:
"I'd... j-just like to... point out that we're not... not... all... fuh-foreigners..."
Gibs can't sit anymore. "That's ripe, that is!! The bastard wants to suck at his mum's teat, and say he's still Ravengro born and bred!! He's only son to a deserter, is my guess!!"
This outburst ripples through the Hall, though several townsfolk bark at Gibs, Luthko going so far as to bid Hephenus to sit his soggy ass down.
Sense Motive #1 DC 20:
On stage, Councilman Gharen Muricar did his utmost to suppress a sympathizing laugh in response to the sudden blast of words coming from Gibs. Likely, the old man has tried his guiles on Zena Draznoi, and failed...
Sense Motive #2 DC 20:
Zena Draznoi is staring poisoned, berserker's daggers at Gibs, and hasn't risen to defend herself or Milovic only for the steadying hand of Sarianna Vai's on her shoulder.
Sebastien wrote:
"The Professor's research was intent on stopping last night's tragedy from happening and even in death he arranged for us to be here so we could finish his work and we will do everything in our power to put an end to this threat."
"There you have it!! Ravengro will be very grateful to your group, if you can determine what plagues us, and with Abadar's blessings, perhaps you can end it!!" Councilman Hearthmount seizes at the chance to bring the debate to a head, to some form of resolve and strategy for the way forward.
"Now, tell us. What exactly do you plan to do?"
Sense Motive #3 DC 20:
It's Father Grimburrow's turn to look uncomfortable. He's showing slight agitation that Vashian is so openly discussing such dark matters in public.
He searches the dead Fire Giant in search of a clue as to who these giants are, via holy symbol or other possessions, as well as a way inside.
The Outcasts en masse descend to the lower parapet, preserving their cloak of invisibility for the time being. The dead fire giant sports both a masterwork greatsword and a masterwork composite longbow with 50 arrows also adjusted for +10 Strength. He wears a set of +1 Full Plate armor. In his belt pouch, you find 2 oils of magic weapon, 2 potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, 2 Tanglefoot Bags, and 5 flasks of Alchemist’s Fire, as well as 4d100 ⇒ (13, 43, 58, 35) = 149 worth of various gold and silver trinkets on his person.
From your estimation of giants, and the floors of this Citadel, you gauge your current height in the building at roughly the fifth floor. The current parapet on which you stand hosts a single trapdoor in the floor.
As Eidi prepares a little communication magic for the Outcasts to speak in private, he discovers he is unable to do so. The spell fails.
It takes a little work to lift the trapdoor, but Mortimer makes it look easy. Just a more diminutive giant frame with more than adequate muscles to effect a giant's comings and goings through the wooden way. Fortunately, it's not barred from below when he tries and succeeds to dead lift it. Requires a Strength Check DC 15 to move the heavy giant door.
A ladder facilitates your descent into the Citadel, and you reach the floor 20' below Fourth Floor, likely. You have a single door leading from this room, as well as another ladder leading down another 20' to the dim floor below.
Still under Eidi's cloak of invisibility, you manage to successfully touch down on the topmost level of the Citadel. The roof of the tower is surrounded by a 7-foot-high parapet. A lone ballista stands idle, along with 12 bolts and 2 harpoons. None of the crawler loads, unfortunately. There is a single trap door in the southwestern corner of the floor.
Looking over the parapet's northern face, you also notice an unguarded smaller balcony, 20' by 20', and a surrounding 10-foot-high parapet, as well as a door leading into the northern face of the tower upon which you currently stand. There are 15 throwing boulders stacked here.
Looking over the parapet's southern face, you spy another parapet standing 80 feet above the main gate. It has an excellent view of the approach to the citadel. You can see well enough a trapdoor in the southwestern arc of its floor. More interestingly, you discover the body of a fire giant slumped against the wall, horribly mauled by dragon claws.
Roll20 Map has been updated to highlight your current position, as well as the three ways immediately visible to you, by which you might gain entrance to the Citadel.
"Councilwomen Straelock and Faravan. Councilman Hearthmount. How like your forebears you look. I am sorry for what happened to your great-great-grandfather at Harrowstone, Councilwoman Faravan. He was a good man, if a bit set in his ways. Not a trait you’ve inherited, thankfully."
Shanda Faravan visibly blanches at the youth's words. "The nerve." Shanda's voice is accidentally adenoidal. This leads Mirna to extend a hand, placing on the hand in Shanda's lap. The two women look upon Marinus coldly, though they say nothing further, as Ajir begins to speak from his new place, in front of the stage, and in front of the citizens of Ravengro.
Ajir wrote:
"The events of yesterday are not to be blamed upon our dear departed. Even from beyond the grave his efforts have been to protect his daughter, and you. Our efforts last night would have been absent had his last wish not been our staying in town for some amount of time."
"B!%#*$#%e. We don't have to listen to this tripe, from foreigners bent on paying respects to a demon lover." The honorable Gibs Hephenus, master elocutor and friend to the misunderstood, stands and jabs a meaty finger in Ajir's direction.
"Their words are dipped in demon blood, meant to lead you to your deaths. Why do you think he's already trying to argue for the Professor's purity?? Bury a demon lover, and you get demons walking our streets!!!"
From your current position on approach, you've used five minutes traveling from your reconnaissance position Air Walking to take in the city. From this position to the Citadel, you use another 2 minutes.
For their concerted Air Walking, Sphere of Invisibility clustered migration to the Citadel, the Outcasts move as one flock, and seek out the grounds of the Citadel, which are numerous.
The army of giants appear to have largely retreated into the Citadel, and the dragons sieging this section of Kongen-Thulnir have turned their attentions elsewhere, for the time-being.
There are three fire giants patrolling the main doors on the lowest level, while the topmost tower sports a single, abandoned ballista.
Alright, we're back, and we're charged up. Thank you for your patience. I hope you are given the sense of one of the reasons I was delayed in bringing this to the table. Grand amount of exposition and detail, and I'm sure there are still things that will leave you with questions.
If you have them as players, please entertain them here, in OOC. Of course, if your characters are befuddled, enjoy the RP that might spring forth :)