Winter Witch

GM_MatsuKeiji's page

147 posts. Alias of MatsuKeiji.


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Sorry all, been very distracted with PF2 and work. Still here though.

Simeon wrote:
I could probably manually copy the info. I've saved my character as a PDF, would you be alright with me putting up a link to it?

more than!

Anyway you can post them here?

psionichamster wrote:

Just outside of edit time...drat.

Maybe worth checking out, for ideas of nothing else:

Fallout Setting Packet

I am devouring the knowledge of it now.

KingHotTrash wrote:

So how are we starting off then? Are we all leaving a shelter that has no supplies within it left, which is why we have no gear or material to take with us out into the world?

I just want an idea of how you're envisioning the start because while our stats and skills are important, a survivor with nothing doesn't give a lot of breadth where that person came from.

You bring a solid point. You do need gear, basic gear at the least. Nothing really big. Rations, basic melee weapons like a knife, bat or pipe, and for guns... Pistol, shotgun, hunting rifle. Any other equipment, ask and I'll clear it if I think it fits.

karlprosek wrote:

Not a soldier, scientist, or specialist in any particular field, my guy's an Average Human with a 4 in Agility, 3 in Presence, and 2s in the rest. He is trained to survive in the wild, observe and report, and learn about and possibly negotiate with existing communities, with ranks in Athletics, Brawl, Driving, Negotiation, Perception, Ranged (Heavy), Stealth, and Survival. His free Lore is Geography, to reflect him knowing where potential supplies and resources should be according to 2020 knowledge.

Driving's in there because I'm imagining him riding a motorcycle, but I could switch that to something else (Deception or Skulduggery, maybe) if we're not going to be starting with vehicles.

Not starting with vehicles no, but you can get some.

Simeon wrote:
Given that you want some characters, what're the creation specifics going to be, most specifically the starting money?

Money is a... Problem as it means nothing and you aren't going to have much when it comes to stuff after a few hundred years from the shelter. Stats and statistics are the man n concern at the moment.

Well, we have seemed to collect more than enough people, I might even have to trim... Which sucks. Still, work with what we got, throw some characters at me! Let's get a little started.

spacefurry wrote:
If we're going along the Fallout with magic theme. I'm thinking some kind of arcane soldier turned explorer.

Magic is a stumbled on later thing. So that wouldn't work to well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
spacefurry wrote:

i don't have access to the books.

is there a link some one can post?

karlprosek wrote:

Oh, cool, I didn't realize we'd be getting to 2020 in our current history. That still leaves a lot of tech options open.

Since sci-fi tech isn't something we'll be starting with, does that mean at the other end of the spectrum we also shouldn't start with magic?

You bring a fair point and I agree, not yet. An enjoyable surprise for the characters when they interact with the new world.

karlprosek wrote:

How futuristic are we talking for sci-fi? Do we want to stop/branch tech development at a certain point in our history like Fallout does? Could we have enclaves (or Enclaves) of very high tech, like the Institute with their androids and teleportation tech?

That I can't tell you yet, that you get to find out in your new world. As far as your concerned though, 2020 our time is the stopping point of tech you would currently know. Or rather your ancestors did. You didn't get to play with much in your shelter, just what was available.

So exosuit is possible down the road, but not out of the shelter.

TheUnthinker wrote:
Genesys is interesting. Are you counting this as Weird War or Steampunk? Or something else maybe? I ask because certain archtypes are informed by the setting you choose to utilize. Or are you okay with things from either as long as you can sort of rationalize it with the fallout-esque setting?

If we can rationalize it, I'm for it!

psionichamster wrote:
I'd love to play a gadget tinker type. The kind to scavenge machines and make gear/weapons/armor from scrap.

A valid choice in a place like this!

Okay, we'll think this means we have enough people interested in this, now to the characters getting made. I have decided to go with Genesys. The question is now, is there slots to fill? The soldier, the engineer, the face, the survivalist? Do we even need slots? I'm not sure.

Late to offer a system maybe, I'll look at it anyway, but late to possibly join? Not at all!

Jesse Heinig wrote:

I personally like SW over GS, as GS's use of fiddly dice makes it harder to read/interpret and creates so many terminal states that it becomes burdensome for the GM.

GM_MatsuKeiji wrote:
It's been a few hundred years like fallout
Funny you should mention this, as I am one of the original Fallout devs.

Well I love your work. I am also willing to try Genesys and see where it takes me, I hope it still interests you to try.

So many people want Savage Worlds when I'm looking so interestedly at Genesys, lol. Well, it's a good back up. Though I think I'm going to stick with Genesys, I understand it and it lets us both get interesting on the narrative. I hope that still interests you all to continue!

As said before, this will be for five to six players. It's been a few hundred years like fallout and supplies are running very low, if the shelter is to survive, they need supplies or to finally leave the place. You are the first scouting volunteers (Or forcefully chosen if your character messed up bad), you all are placed with the decision on what they will do with the outside world.

When in comes to equipment, don't worry on that, we will talk it out. Right now think on jobs you might have had in the shelter and work around that. On or two of you will have a latent magic talent that comes out as well when you immerse yourself.

That is another thing to look at, but currently I'm liking Genesys. Though if it doesn't work, though I hope it does, we can switch systems.

I've heard Savage Worlds, that's also something I'm looking into. I like how Genesys runs as well. So it will be between those two so far, if that's ok with anyone joining. I'm looking for great narrative fun, especially since it's going to be forum based!

Oh, then I will research better into it! I want this to be as simple, but fun and customizable as I can make it!

... Imma go find that!

So I found that, but I don't think they're dice rollers for the type of dice it needs.

I will look into that, I'm peeling back all the systems I can find for this to find the right one, or just make a basic one myself. I think a dice pool, role and keep might be best so far. Current thoughts and all.

In our world, we have no magic, or at least nothing believe like real magic of course. The sad truth is that there was, it was simply forgotten, and science can't leave anything alone. With a simple test, it came back... explosively, killing billions. Thankfully there were some bomb shelters and the like left over from various wars that people fled to as the effect swept over the earth. Within, the early survivors could hear immense noises and feel grand earth quakes. Once they feel they could finally leave,the world would never be the same again. The only question would be could they survive the knew world.

I am still looking for the right system for this as I want it to be very basic but customization possible. I want to allow swords and sorcery and guns! I am looking into more systems to see what will work nicely. Though opinions to help would be great! Yes, as you are likely guessing, something very fallout like but with magic too.

What to expect:
Monsters! Fantasy and sci-fi alike due to radiation!
Magic and Science!
Exploring a 'new' world with ruins of civilizations now past!
Settlement making!
Factional dynamics!

What I am looking for:
Five to six players
Story heavy and wanting to impact the world at large

Secret Wizard wrote:

Oh, please. I prefer to think of myself as a carefully worded wish spell.

Make sure to realise at higher levels that your character is so lethal that she can shift the parameters of what makes someone weak or strong by her own choice of slitting a certain type of people's throats or not!

I see and understand, she will be glorious!

Wizard... Thank you, i love you so much right now. I'm going to be using this archetype immediately. You are a miracle.


I am somewhat disappointed to hear that it's not a warpriest anymore, but at the same time curious about what it will be like as an inquisitor.

As I threw down the Drow warpriestess idea, for how the culture works, yes it should be gender restricted to females, but no drider, I'm sure something could be worked for them later.

Secret Wizard wrote:

drow warpriest sounds awesome i like it and id rather not do a slayer since the stygian slayer is too good for drows already.

You bring up a solid point with the slayer, I'll remember that, thank you. I eagerly await the Drow Warpiestess. But above all else, have fun with it.

My friend, you have done amazing things I see. They are very good, and I believe you should get that job from Paizo fact I will wish you the greatest luck you do. On anotgher side of things, I was wondering if you could do a Drow Slayer and Warpriestess. I have a game I am doing soon, and I would love to have some of your archetypes in it. I don't know if these have been posted, I apologize if they have.

And once again, these are works of beauty, how do you do it?

As sad as it is to say, with everything happening, I will not be able to concentrate on this for a long while, and I'm not going to have you sit here and wonder when a post is going to be. So, with a heavy heart, I'm calling this campaign. I don't want to drag you all along. I'm sorry. I don't know when I would be able to start again.

We have monsoons, but its been relatively light. I am so sorry for the wait, its all finally starting slow down with the car, with life, with the roommate that caused hell. Still kicking at the car somewhat and trying to breathe... I am sorry. I will try to post something back up in a few hours, but my brain is so rattled from this its taking a bit. On the otherside of things... the Advanced Class Guide is nice.

Let me add to the happy birthday. Sorry I haven't posted. I'm dealing with a lot of things all at once and I can't concentrate on the campaign at the moment... I'm trying to clear it up but.
. A lot is going on at the moment.

It is the noble you met earlier, with his dog, he has since buried him and is drinking.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
The sad sap was too enamored and drunk, trying to get a look down her cleavage as much as he could, with a wave of her hand, Allie had an additional 5g, and 69s. Congrats!

With the brutal cleaving of the goblin commando and his mount, once again in an eruption of gobliniod gore upon the man, the final goblin squeals in free and runs away as fast as his little legs could go, their raid a failure.

That left the group with the noble who cradled his dear friend's body, sobbing softly now that everything was calming down. He stood up and looked to them,"I... I thank you for savimg me, I will repay you... but first, I must say goodbye to a friend... I'm staying at the Rusty dragon. I'm sorry I can not do it now..." he nodded to them and walked back into the town.

Ruby stood silently, before fallimg back on her butt, sittimg on the ground. She was breathing kind of hard from all of the adrenaline, she looked to the others when the noble made his exit and was a good distance away before she began to laugh a bit, tears in her eyes. It was done, they could hear it by the cheers and celebrations, they could look to the town streets to see the townsfolk lookimg to them and clapping, cheering and more. The group were seen as town heroes in their eyes.

Ruby makes her way to Lera's side and begins to sing to her companions, hoping to inspire them once more before adding firepower with her new bow.

Inspire Courage once more!

The goblins set to their attacks, feeling the urge to stab!
Attack to Emilio: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Attack to Finn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Attack to Finn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
But seems they are not feeling the same momentum they were before, but they aren't smart enough to notice that!

The goblin commander curses in goblin before knocking back an arrow and loosing it at the half-orc

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

And misses by an inch!

The man takes the body of his prized hound and moves away as far as he can.

We'll forgo the intimidation, but I thought it was funny. Just leave it as you are trying to scare each other and failing, haha

I thought meaeting Ac as still amiss, you have to succeed it, that's how every game I played did it. But if you all want to play meet AC hits we can. Also no will save for intimidation or have I not read that barbarian rages make them immune to intimidate.

The blue and white goblin fall. Well, the blue one does with a knife in the eye, dead. The white follows the past sibling that met Emilio's axe, mist that covered his body.
Will: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Still the half-Orc does nothing to scare them! Something is odd about these goblins for sure!

Also, hunting for a replacement caster, but if need be, I will retrain Ruby.

I see that, thank you all. Once I get home I'll have the flow start again. We finally got help from the in-laws. Got the car to the shop just to find the radiator cracked as well as the alternator mount issue. To top it, the signal issue arouse again. Upsets the wife greatly. Hehe... Ugh...

I'm more than a bit upset at this because of the circumstances... But if that is how it will be. Very well.

@Lera: I will check with them if they are interested. Thank you. And thank all of you who are dealing with this with kind patience. I am literally stressing out over this whole situation.

The mounting brackets for the alternator are not setting proper and the belt keeps slipping off. The original issue was the alternator belt snapped, and the new one won't stay.

Ps called shots are fine. Now to keep trying on this beast of a paperweight!

Indeed it was, I am sorry for the lack of posts today, my brother-in-law, wife and I are working on my car as it is being ridiculous... If it wasn't for the Tucson heat, we'd be far past done...

Great... now I need to make the actual artifacts for this, going to be mythic and everything. Then hunt down the proper classes for them... more of my life taken, wee! .... But seriously, I'm gonna do it and love it.


Nwither do i, I adore minis. I know they take first dibs.

Reaction post!: Ruby nodded, she grabbed the shortbow and arrows from the goblin warsinger's corpse and followed by as close as she could, bow at the ready.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

She noticed nothing as Allie pocketed items, too concerned with backing Lera up.

The goblins looked over at the roaring Half-orc. Still not quick enough to counter yet, but under the guidance of their commander, the seem fearless to the barbarian!

I love mature players. It makes life better. But I will see about adding reaction posts to help. PMs and the like as well.

My issue was the posting speed thing. Hehe, you are playing a proper rogue

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