Temple is a pathfinder list of chores you need to complete, which requires role-play and investigation. Although I do enjoy roleplaying scenarios, this actual scenario didn't seem to encourage this out of the players that I could tell.
1. I agree with the review by Jason S. that there is very little railroading.
2. Clever use of skills and paranoid players might allow one or more of the encounters to be bypassed. We did on the 1-2 sub tier.
1. The scenario needed more action, in the beginning and middle it was too slow, boring, and tedious, then suddenly and for no reason players died with little signal to why or even a chance to get away. (this might have been the GMing as well)
2. NPCs as written weren't interesting enough to pull me in.
3. Also the tendency is for most players to explore every area and some areas were just too deadly for the level, which seems counter, intuitive when several of the faction missions have you map the place.
4. It was very easy to figure out where this scenario was meant to go however in order to role-play you sorta feel led by the obvious fact that anything other than your list was gonna be a dead end.
One of my GMs was extremely well prepared, funny and gentle with us.
The encounters were extremely difficult for 5 players at subtier 1-2. We were mostly level 1 and we almost TPKed (two died) because of a few very powerful monster abilities, guaranteed, and through no fault of our own killed them. The big finale dragged on for tons of rounds, which was especially rough without a dedicated healer, which we did not have. I appreciate that this GM did give several warning and fudged for us to get out as many as we could before times end.
The other GM will remain nameless was not so good.
6 players at level 3-4. He killed 2 players and almost TPK'd the group, had not someone in the group insist we depart the Temple immediately. Fights either dragged out or haunts which where OP instantly killed players. Over all not impressed with the GM or the scenario. I personally am going to review the rules in this adventure closely before running it for our PFS.
Although I didn't die in either of these scenarios I felt bad for the people who did.
Length: On both occasions we finished the game in a little over 4.5 hours but mostly cause people flailed about wondering what to do and got stuck on the last encounter trying to fight the big bad that everyone was CONVINCED we could kill. We all had different faction missions, so this scenario seemed to go way longer than planned.
Experience: As a player with five (level 1-2) players at sub tier 1-2. Then as a player with 6 level 3-4 sub tier
Entertainment: The basic idea is good, however, combat intensive players will be bored as will people who want to clear the map. (3/5)
Role-play: The NPC personalities and intrigue elements weren't strong enough for there to be no action for hours at a time. (1/5)
Combat/Challenges: Fights where too hard for (non-min/maxed) low number player tables at the con. Level 1 / 3 TPKs and player deaths seen by others and my tables seemed high. (Unless a GM ignored the scenario and fudged it for the players). (2/5)
Maps: The Map was nice I thought it had potential for more encounters. (3/5)
Uniqueness: I agree with other reviewers that only few sandbox scenarios in PFS exist so it was nice to play that way, however there was nothing special the encounters just the deadly haunt, and boss who was again OP (Perhaps less HD or levels). (3/5)
Faction Missions: several of the faction missions where ridiculous even with the help of other players, poorly placed but interesting ideas (some depending on crazy high rolls or small players in the party). (3/5)
Overall: The roleplaying and NPC development did not seem strong enough to hold my interest (2/5)