GM-JCServant's page
3,715 posts. Alias of JCServant.
Jade Regent - Why wait for the new AP to travel to Tian Xia, when you can travel there now?
Using Foundry VTT, Discord, Pathfinder 2e gaming system
Game Time: 5:00pm Eastern Time, United States, Sundays, 3.5 to 4 hours per session
Session Cost: $20.00
Character creation rule: 2nd level character, Free Archetype from a list that ties into the theme of the campaign, Ancestral Paragon rules
When a decades-old secret is exposed, an unassuming close friend of the PCs discovers her birthright is to rule one of the ancient Dragon Empires of Tian Xia—the empire of Minkai. Yet the current ruler of this empire, the mysterious and increasingly cruel Jade Regent, has no intention of giving up his hold over the throne. In order to save Minkai from a would-be tyrant, the PCs must not only escort their friend from Varisia to Tian Xia, braving the frozen horrors of the Crown of the World, but must also aid her in gaining the trust and support of a nation on the edge of anarchy.
Join us on this epic adventure that takes the group across the world of Golaria into Tian Xia with this conversion of the beloved, classic PF1e Adventure Path.
We started a few weeks ago, so the adventure has just begun. We have four players so far, but would love to have a few more. Come join us for the adventure that spans the entire world of Golarion!
About Me: I'm Phil aka JCServant, and I've been DM'ing games since the 80's. I ran PF1e for nearly a decade, and for the last six months, I've been running PF2e games on Start Playing four times each week. I really enjoy the hobby and look forward to new adventures with my players.
More Details & Signup Link: StartPlaying
My current understanding is that Eric wants to play a monk and Dom wants to play an arcane caster type. Let me know if that's what y'all still wanna do.
This is the out of character discussion page for JCServant's Rise of the Runelords.
A new play by post that I'm playing with my friends.
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Scythia, are you open to online gaming via things like Maptools, Skype, etc? I've run some pretty successful campaigns with players from all over the world using that setup.
This is actually a great topic, Zolan. I'm glad you brought it up.
I've run hundreds of sessions, and dozens of campaigns with all kinds of groups. Challenges, such as what you describe here, as well as many others, have killed countless campaigns. Real life circumstances tend to polish off those not murdered by drama.
Among those, I have had a few that did not really care about the game itself. It seemed that they were there more for the social aspect than any of the RP. Thankfully, that number runs low. Usually, I end up asking those people to leave. In a small group like the one you describe, I may just dissolve it altogether.
There are many, serious RPGamers out there... you just have to keep looking :)
Personally, I will be houseruling the slide that it still provokes unless used as part of a withdraw option. I know of a player who wasn't just sliding to get out of melee issues, but popping in right where he could do more damage with cone spells and the such. Even with my houserule, this skill is still plenty powerful for that reason alone. You can pop into exact position (in range) and fire off your spell...much easier than running into position while worrying about tripping AoOs.
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Over the last four years, I've GM'd nearly a dozen campaigns and dozens of PFS games. In my home games, like most GMs, I use a list of house rules. My rules include the following...
Quote: Variant Spontaneous Casting System
The variant spontaneous casting system I use is designed for spellcasters who normally prepare their spells in advance (including clerics, druids, paladins, rangers, and wizards). A spellcaster using this variant prepares the same number spells per spell level as normal. However, instead of preparing the exact combination of spells that she can cast that day (such as two magic missile spells and one mage armor spell for a 2nd-level wizard with Int 14), the spellcaster prepares a list of spells for each spell level from which she can spontaneously cast as she chooses. For example, that 2nd-level wizard with Int 14 would three different 1st-level spells. During the day, she can cast any combination of those three 1st-level spells a total of three times. In effect, the characters list of prepared spells is treated like a sorcerers' list of spells known.
Unlike what a sorcerer can do, a spellcaster using this system cannot spontaneously cast a meta version of the spell on the fly (They have to pre-memorize the meta version(s) they wish to use, taking up slots. Example: A 12th level wizard can memorize 3 level 5 spells. He may choose Cloudkill, Hungry Pit and Maximized Magic Missile. During the day, he may cast 3 cloudkills, or 3 pits, or 3 maximized magic missiles, or any combination of those spells...but once he casts 3 of them, he's out of fifth level spells until he rests.
As you can see, its quite similar to the arcanist in structure. While my version cannot meta on the fly, and has no arcane pool powers, they do get the same number of spells/day as the RAW wizard while having the arcanist's flexibility.
So, my opinion is not "armchair general" analysis, but opinion based on years and countless games of observation "in the field".
In short, my qualified, experienced opinion is This set up is not OP'd.
Over the years, I've had players complain to me when they play next to an optimized, pouncing barbarian, certain summoner builds, and a gunslinger. I have nurfed or outlawed most of those.
However, I've never had players complain, once, about feeling that their team wizard was overpowered. I have had other GM players who say they want to use this houserule. I believe there are two reasons for the GM *and* player love.
In PFS, where wizards must run as RAW, I find few wizards. They're very hard to play. You must prepare your spells ahead of time, oftentimes not knowing what you're going to face. And, if you want to cast a certain spell multiple times, you have to memorize it multiple times. The end result is that the fabled flexibility/adaptability of the wizard generally gives way as players memorize multiple copies of spells effective in the majority of situations, and don't bother with the more situational ones that make them feel more special. Taking away their ability to scribe scrolls in PFS(the best way to keep those situational spells on tap outside of arcane bond) makes it more difficult. Being squishy and generally not doing a lot of damage doesn't help, either.
In my home games, even with these rules (which clearly make wizards/casters more powerful) I don't find players banging down the door to play them (though I generally get balanced teams). Now, I've clearly made a powerful class more powerful. Why don't players bellyache, the way they gripe about some of the other, semi-broken classes? Simple. The way the wizard is OP'd mostly makes others shine. When a wizard buffs someone with invisibility, or crowd controls with stinking cloud, sets others up to knock those pins down. The wizard enables team awesomeness. Sure, I get the occasional evocation build that just kills things as often as possible, but true power gamin' wizards go for CC and buffage. Unlike, say, the OPd summoner build of death that consistently kills tough (or even some boss) mobs in on round... which drew comments from my players like "Why are we here? It's like we're the backup singers for the summoner."
So, this gets more people to play arcane (which always seems to be a need), and gives the wizard more ways to shine which, in turn, helps the entire party to feel more awesome. I think I'm OK with that :) The only ones who tend to feel the burn, here, are my lovely monsters. The added flexibility does allow the wizard to be more effective, more often in combat. But, hey, my enemy casters get to use the same rules, so its all good :)
I've given this a lot of thought...and I believe the right decision for me is to step down as GM of this campaign. Most of the reasons are personal. Mainly, as I look ahead to 2014, I want to reduce the number of concurrent campaigns I run so I can make the remaining campaigns a higher quality, deeper-RPG experience. Running contradictory to that is the fact that my responsibilities are increasing at work which makes this it more difficult to do just that on these play by posts. And, judging by the number and whatnot of the posts, many of you are in similar circumstances.
With that being said, I've loved this campaign so far, and I loved the roles and characters each of you have played. I brag about this group all of the time, and when it comes to getting in character, this group has been second to none. That's sayin' something since I've run over a half dozen campaigns since PF came out. Brandon, some of your posts are legendary. I love your character and the way you played him. Beppo, you've played the traditional in-your-face warrior I love so much very well. Kyle has made me laugh with his over the top love for the ways of Sheyln. Awesome stuff. And the rest of you too, of course!
Let me know what you think. Happy Holidays to all, as well.
You'll want to email all level up changes to me. I handle most of this stuff using my email account as a to do list :)
In my day, I was majestic. Handsome. And brave. But now, I am reduced to this. Where are your questions? I do not have long.
A...a wayfinder. Yes, you are a most unusually looking one. I assume that if a priest of the good light supports you that you didn't obtain that by unsavory means. You have convinced me, yes! Now, you have questions...I believe. Ask them! Before the madness of death's grasp overtakes me once again!
He is, Pathfinder? How can I believe you? Many have tried to lied to take from me!
The bones around the skull shake.
Thanks to all of you, as well. I wish I could keep this up, as it could be a lot more fun. But, I'm just not there. You all deserve a better experience as well.
Pathfinders...yes...I am, or was...one. Good. This is good.
The voice sounds detached as it continues.
Or..wait. You could be lying to me, yes? How do I know you are friends of the true Pathfinders?
Did I? I do not recall. Pharasma's voice is loud. My apologies if I did. My questions remain unanswered, holyman.
Peach? Peas? Oh, Peace. Yes,... I can see clearly! Your light has driven the madness from me, for a moment. Yes, the fog is still there. Hazy, but clear. Yes. Who are you, holyman? Who are your friends? Why are you here?
Kyle looks carefully at the skull and body...and the items being held onto. He hates to interrupt the rest of the dead on one hand... but, on the other hand, he would hate to leave such lovely items behind. Their beauty must be redeemed, not left inside a dusty, dank Pathfinder Lodge.
As he looks carefully, he sneezes from the dusk.
Salud! the skull says, lying on the ground.
If we are careful in leaving, hopefully, we won't run into more of those dolls or alert the dotorri that we were here.
Where does the party go next?
My apologies for taking so long to post...but I've been tied up.
Its becoming increasing clear to me that I don't have the time to keep up with this as I had hoped. I'm missing a lot of posting times...and even the ones I do hit, I'm often delaying higher priority items to make this happen. Unfortunately, I overestimated my ability to keep up with multiple things at once. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to suspend the game indefinitely :(
I want to thank you all for trying this out with me. In a better situation, I would have had more time to properly explain more and put down a better setting. I can understand why some of you feel lost at times. I just cannot keep up.
If that changes down the road, I'll email you guys first thing.
With that being said, again, thank you. And Merry Christmas/Happy New Year to you and and you family.
OH, and Killian...don't think you're getting off just cuz you're taking a siesta at the moment. I have something in mind...but I need to see what way the party goes here.
Ok...Well seems like most of you just want to play though. Fair enough. Be aware that for the next two weeks or so, my posting times may be off. Furthermore, there will be no postings from me on the following days...
Friday, Dec 20
Wed Dec 25
Thur Dec 26
Wed Jan 1
Other days I have to play it by ear as I'll be in areas with limited internet connectivity. I'll do the best I can.
Even if I do not post, however, you can still post discussions between each other while waiting. Also, a number of you still need to post yoru background in the dropbox. Even if you have posted, you can feel free to add to what you have.
Wow...gotta be careful in this place. I didn't even see anything lay a hand on him! Must have been that skull.
I totally spaced and did not get the items done this weekend...apologies...I'll get that updated soon. In the mean time, the question is do you press forward a man down, or do you retreat?
Ayup...kinda gettin' to that level. At level 5 or so, you start getting nasties who are occasionally higher level than you. And PK (Funny how the letters work out there), is only a 4th level spell. Scary stuff!
Well, I got some good news and bad news.
Bad news is Killian died. His heart just couldn't handle the fear. Killian, you will need to roll a d100 once revived, assuming you do.
Good news, the party found loot. I'll detailed everything you find on the body, using a take 10 on spellcraft with detect magic, and add it to the loot table this weekend.
Better news. Happy Holidays. The party level is now six.
A shining light emanates from Kyle's hand, and the skull fulls to the ground, inert. With the threat neutralized, Kyle looks at his new friend. He bends over, feeling for a pulse, and finds none.
Need a touch attack roll on that, too.
Round 1
1d20 ⇒ 121d20 ⇒ 21d20 ⇒ 11d20 ⇒ 16
Holy light pours from Kyle, causing the shadows and floating skull to sizzle and burn. Beppo slashes through multiple shadows as Aemon shoots the skull.
The shadows disappear, and the skull shatters into pieces on the ground. As the dust settles, you hear Damaia gasp. Killian? Killian! Wake up...I... I don't think he's breathing!! Killian!!!
Before you can attend to him, you see the bones of the skull coming together again.
Another Know: Religion check
I was kind of waiting for you all to declare what you want to do next. At the risk of sounding like a computer RPG or a which way book, you have numerous options at this point. You can drink at a tavern before heading to bed... you could wait out by the guild hoping someone opens the door sometime in the near future...you can follow up on the halfling's invite... you can ask people for information ... you can use diplo/Kn: local to listen/seek out rumors... And anything else you can think of.
I would really like to hear from everyone today. What are your thoughts for the rest of the year? Do you want to play everyday except the holiday dates themselves? Or do you want to take one week off? Two? Let me know, please. I would like to declare our plans by the end of the day.
I would really like to hear from everyone today. What are your thoughts for the rest of the year? Do you want to play everyday except the holiday dates themselves? Or do you want to take one week off? Two? Let me know, please. I would like to declare our plans by the end of the day.
You have fought these before, and recalled that they were incorporeal undead with slightly higher than normal resistance to positive channeling.
Killian strides forward, and chops the head off. Instead of falling on the ground, however, it floats up into the air screaming Thieves! Thieves! Thieves!
As it does, chills go up Killian's spine. Three shadows come up from the bones, surrounding the party.
Killian, Will and Fort save. Everyone, COMBAT ACTIONS.
Well, let's see how this rolls... but, I would like go gauge how you all feel as far as busy-ness goes for the next few weeks.
1d20 ⇒ 5
The door seems locked. It doesn't budge, even a little.
We are coming close to when I would normally declare a two week or so break for the holidays...as it gets harder for people to keep up with all that silly holiday activity and prep. Might be a good time to do that now, eh? Thoughts?
We are coming close to when I would normally declare a two week or so break for the holidays...might be a good time to do that now, eh?
You guys are split, but you can easily get back together whenever you want. Ushed isn't that big.
Toriel knocks on the door of the mages guild. Located near the center of town, the three story building's height, as well as its ornate moldings, demand attention from any who pass by.
No one answers.
You look more carefully at the skeleton holding the items. You cannot see whats in the bag, but you do see magical leather armor. A magical ring sits on one bony finger, and a magical heavy crossbow sits across his legs. An magical quiver containing dozens of crossbow bolts and two magical javelins of is wedged between his bones and the back of the chair he sits in. A wayfinder is clutched in one hand, a dusty rose prism ioun stone set in the wayfinder’s central receptacle.
Toriel brushes against a brutish man. He immediately retaliates with a verbal assault. Hey, pointy ears! Watch where you're going. I guess you don't see too well with those eyes of yours!
He swears as he stomps off.
A halfling who witnesses the incident approaches her and says, Ummm, I'm sorry. Bukanuscanbeabitrudeattimes. Youlooklost. CanIhelpyouwithsomething? He sees that you're struggling to understand him, and he repeats what he said, slowly. Bukanus can be a bit rude at times. You look lost. Can I help you with something? You explain what you're looking for. Ah, well, the mage's guild is right in the middle of town. You can't miss it. It's the only three story building in Ushed.
Toriel thanks the older looking halfling. He replies, The pleasure is all mine. Let me show you a real Ushed welcome! Come to my house tonight at the corner of Main Street and Lanton. I'll make you and any friends you have some nice tea!
The well dressed halfling skips off.
Damaia looks carefully over the room. I agree with you, Edmond. You don't need my expertise to tell you that our dead friend here has a surprise waiting for anyone who touches his bag. Still...if it could be figured out...
Another 10 minutes has passed searching this room.
You sense various auras around the skeleton and the room. A book on a shelf registers with powerful magic, as well.
And that would be a logical thought. Experience has taught me that players don't want to use it. Unless I specifically push for players to do so, I've seen players leave a dungeon/town/etc rather than entertain the thought that they missed something that obvious, lolz.
As long as *you* guys keep it in mind, it is a good thought. Remember, you don't get charged if there's no answer.
You try several of the keys. Finally, one of them works. You open the door and walk in. The walls of this room are lined with bookshelves. A velvet sofa along the southern wall contains a single skeleton clad in long-decayed rags, its arms wrapped tightly around a burlap bag bulging with unseen items. A scattered pile of junk sits on the floor before the skeleton, a corona of treasures and clutter alike. A message in Common is scrawled on the wall in huge crude lettering opposite the seated skeleton: “He who steals from me dies by my hand.” The grisly pile of skeletal remnants heaped in a mound in the center of the room seems to testify to this threat.
Nevuda is wearing a disguise, such as a heavy cloak, right?
Shallya/Toriel You look around, but you don't see one. Roll a Knowledge: Local (or, you may roll diplomacy to ask around), just in case you're missing something :)
Jark finds the constable, in charge of the Ushed malitia. A hearty man in his late 40's, Jark's story only seems to add lines under his aging eyes.
I'm very disappointed to hear that this small band of orcs pushed its way so far into our lands. Even more devistating, that they were able to cut down a number of our men. That's not good. He sighs heavily. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it. We have enough of our own problems here, and there's always too much on my own plate to worry about farmlands two weeks away. I'll be happy to mention it to the Royale Guard next time I meet with one of them.
In fact, listening to how you and your friends took care of those monsters, you may want to check in with them if you're in Silverfall or any major city that they have a presence in. They're always looking for mercenaries to take care of some of the smaller complaints.
I would just hate for you all to get stumped on something, like the keys. It's not the first time its happened, and I don't always have an NPC voice in the party. Some of these dungeons and situations literally become dead ends if you don't remember some of these details.
And as much as you don't have time to write/read...well, searching / scanning and entire month of posts (or more) takes a bloody long time, hahahaha. And it doesn't seem fair to presume that someone else will do it, and/or remind you (as a player) of those necessary details.
I'm open to other suggestions as well. Just trying to address what I see as a re-occuring concern here. With that being said, it's not a critical concern... yet :P
Yeah...in case someone missed it, I linked it in Damaia's statement above. It has 12 keys. As far as keys for all locked doors...you won't know until you try :)
Thoughts about lost keys In most of my regular campaigns, I have players maintain a log of events. In the play by posts, I haven't requested that since we can see the full history in writing here. Yet, in talking about this situation with one or two of you, no one recalled the keys found in the cove or anything. And, it turns out it's a bit of a pain to read through page after page of gameplay to find that one thing you need to recall. Perhaps a journal *is* in order? Thoughts?