Damian Catus
M Human Paladin of Sarenrae 5/Oracle of Life 3/ Medium 1 | HP 85/85 | AC 20/14/17 | F +13, R +10, W +15 | CMB +7, CMD 21 | Scimitar +7/+2 (1d6) | Longbow +10/+5 (1d8+6) | Init +1 | Perception +4 (Deaf)
Lor-Sinn Imass
Tiefling Paladin (hospitaler) 1/Oracle of Life 3 | HP 38/38 | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | F +6 R +4 W +3 | CMD: 17 | Resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | Init +3 Per -2 | Darkvision 60 ft.
Bluff +14, Diplo +23 (+25 vs fey), Disguise +10, Heal +12, K. nature +13, Ride +8, SM +16, Spellcraft +13, Survival +13, Swim +14, UMD +16
Vesi Medvyed
Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1Artwork 2
Yaziyah "Speaks For The Dead" Human (Shoanti) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 10 | HP 92/92 | AC 22/14/20 | F+8 R+7 W+9 | CMD 27 | Init. +2 (War Sight) | Perception +13 | SM +3
Yaziyah Tanja
Female Shoanti Shaman 11 (Lore) HP: 2/89 | 28/28 | AC 25/13/23 | F+9 R+9 W+15 | Per +13 Init +7 | Hex DC 20
NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
Zenabiq Almuhit
F Undine Commoner 1 | HP 7/7 | AC 11/11/10 | Fort +0 Ref + 1 Will +1 | Resist cold 5 | Init +1 Perception +1 | Darkvision 60 ft.