
Fujiwara Kimiko's page

127 posts. Alias of Davachido.


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13th age should be an easy find for bits of information on the web but if you don't have the books I can explain the mechanics easy enough. So that's at least 3 interested, anymore takers out there to try this with me? :D

Yea need to check if more people are interested, but for new players it's relatively easy to pick up. There is a little more complicated things in the GM chair as it assumes you have played other RP games before as for the playerside. There is less to think about but still lots of customization to be had.

Hello all,

I am just testing the waters here to see if there will be some interest in running a Serpent Skull game in 13th Age.

I will likely only really be doing the first chapter of 6, as I'd like to get used to DMing in 13th Age as it looks like an all around fun system and far lighter than my regular crunch heavy games. If the players who have stayed on are having fun and are willing I will continue to run through the modules.

To keep up tempo I would like the posting to be regular, about 1-2 a day if you can manage it.

If there is enough interest, the game will start at level 1 and you will level to 2 about midway through. Ending the campaign at that level. (Of course if the game carries on the group will level at least once per module)

For those that don't know about 13th Age

13th Age is a OGL product that takes the spirit of D&D and simplifies them quite a bit. Not to say it dumbs them down, more that it streamlines combats and streamlines skills, amongst other things. If has just enough crunch to satisfy my need for numbers but maintains the magic the is D&D. It only has a core book at the moment which has the basic D&D/PF classes except Monk and Druid (They are coming in a splat later). It has many mechanics to make characters feel unique and it has different complexities between the classes.

For those that do know about 13th Age

The icons of course need to come in, and this adventure path runs in Golarion. So what I shall do is keep the names of the icons but of course change them to be different people that are already in Golarion.

Anyway if people are interested leave a note here!

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Well last I remember I did whisper something into El's ear, so we'll see the reaction to that at some point! But yea, tentatively waiting the return of our GM as the game has been quite fun thus far.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

That's cool, I know that pain. I just moved into a place on Friday man have I been busy.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko bows respectfully back at Treanda.

I am surprised, he greets me like a Nagaji. One of the few who knows our customs.

Kimiko listens to Treanda's story then the subject of the Spider.

Wait.. is that Dervago's alias?

"Sorry Treanda, tell me what do you know of this 'Spider'? Do you know how the name King of spider came about?" She asks.

"Regardless we are headed to similar goals Treanda. I feel that we can find your daughter along the way. We should be careful though there is much we do not see that will cause us problems." Kimiko says.

Kimiko is getting more embarrassed at the consistent plea to go into the House of Clouds. Kimiko bids Elegad come closer and she whispers something in his ear.


I don't think what I say here is all that important, I just thought it would be funny if Kimiko says something about the place being a masseur parlour with a 'happy ending' and that's what 'heaven' is. Just a set up for a reaction, so react how you think El would! :P

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Just a note about Treanda, it takes 5 skill points to get to a d12 and 4 to get to a d10. (not the 4 and 3 you have listed) So you might want to rejig your skills a little. Same with your Smarts, you've only put 3 points in which will raise you to a d10 not d12. I think you've forgotten about the lowly d10 along the lines. :P

Kimiko enjoys the walk away from the bustling part of the city mired with riots. True to her small joke earlier she has gotten a commoners dress. It is a matted brown and very simple. She has crudely cut a hole for her tail to feed through the back. She has taken her blades just in case but has hidden them. They are strapped to her legs covered by her dress, they will take a little longer to draw then she would like but better that than no weapons at all. Just say a full turn to draw them without moving.

Kimiko replies to El about the danger "Be careful the worst dangers in town you won't ever see until it is too late."

Kimiko lets herself get dragged by El until she reads what is actually on the sign. Kimiko stops him looking quite embarrassed. "Wait wait, I do not think that takes us to Heaven. It er... well..."

My training did not prepare me for this!

"Let's just say I think it might be a special type of masseur, I do not think..." Then the voice of Treanda fills her mind. She does not know who the voice is nor how trustworthy it could be, her mind has been filled with monstrosities very recently. Although, the image of a sibling in distress is something she knows all too well. She cannot help but sympathize. Despite the danger it might hold she replies in her mind wondering if the voice can hear her.

To El, Kimiko is staring off into the distance behind him.

I can not decline the plea of such distress. Tell me first though who are you? Forgive me suspicion there has been many a psychic in my head recently. I mean no offence if your goal is truly to save your sister. I am just growing paranoid after living here for a few weeks. If you are nearby please step out I'd like to meet you...If that pleases you?

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Once the party is a little away from the castle in a place they can discuss. Be it on the walk to the citadel or actually at the citadel Kimiko addresses the others. "I am truly sorry for the way I acted back there. By that I mean drawing my swords and potentially putting you both in danger. I was in a place was not, at least my mind was not. I can hazard a guess that it was the cloak that sent me to that place. Not that it was a good place mind you." She sighs.

"Bare with me, I don't want you guys thinking I'm crazy. I was walking through a set of tunnels with spun spiderwebs everywhere. Eventually coming to a man .. I think.. who was standing upright and had skin that was purple. He had sickle arms and the face of a spider. I do not know who or what that monstrosity was.. I really don't. She is saying this with utter confusion on her face.

I doubt common knowledge will help here so, creature knowledge check?

knowledge: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
wild: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
Well it isn't snake eyes on the dice but Kimiko hasn't the slightest clue what the creature she saw was.

Kimiko does try to think of the implications though. "If I got this vision now it means we might be... Give me a moment I will use up the cards magic for the day to confirm my suspicions."

Kimiko draws the cards then focuses her ki inwards. Just like her brother had taught her. She tries to stir the magic within the cards.

spirit: 1d6 ⇒ 5
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
ace: 1d6 ⇒ 2
1 Raise

"By the power invested in these cards, I ask the winds of fate. Is the purple creature I saw in my vision associated with Devargo and his dealings in any way?" She asks.

Regardless of the answer the cards give she addresses the party again. "Well, I think we should do like Mirian says and scout out Eel's End. Considering it is an inn we could go there for drinks and investigate at least the inside a bit. I would like to suggest a change of clothes for Mirian and myself though." Is El also in a uniform now? I forget, if he is then I will suggest the same to him.

"We will need to go as inconspicuous as possible. I know that is hard for me but I can act as a foreign mercenary who just hopped off of a boat. I will need to shed my houses' armour though as if someone recognizes it they will know my noble standing. It is unlikely but in a place where ambassadors go I am sure one or two people can notice foreign nobility such as I." Kimiko has a think of what to change into then smirks and laughs a little at a thought she just had.

"Want to go in dresses Mirian? I can wear one of the local dresses to make myself look that much more like a tourist. I don't think people will draw attention to an 'idiot' Nagaji trying to get a drink will they?" She continues to laugh, it had been such a long time since she didn't have to dress for either a function or for a fight that she actually welcomed the silliness she just proposed.

She winks at El "If we do that, El will have to tell us which one looks prettier." Kimiko jokes.

Silly PC plan is suggested, wooo!

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

As soon as Kimiko regains her senses the first thing she does is draws her swords defensively and looks around at the scene in front of her. Seeing that she is still in the castle she looks rather embarrassed with her face flushed away from her normal scaly green. "I.. I am fine.. just .. spooked myself a little.

By the gods what or .. who was that?

She rather briskly sheathes her blades, laughing nervously. "Ignore me don't worry, I didn't mean anything by it." Kimiko does nudge Mirian with her elbow giving her a worried look to say something is up. Mirian does get the feeling that Kimiko doesn't want to talk about it here in front of Kroft and Vencarlo.

Kimiko instead turns to Elegad. Sorry El, we were just discussing our next mission from the Queen before I .. scared myself.. Kroft wants us to get some information from Devargo in Eel's End about an Ambassador called Amprei. We'll work out the details later. She clasps her hand on Elegad's shoulder "Though more importantly I am truly glad that you have gotten your house back. See not all the nobility is bad, it is just hard for them to see everything that happens on their street. I'm glad that you can once again return home once all this is put behind us." Kimiko smiles warmly or at least it appears that way with the groups' only interaction Nagaji being Kimiko. Elegad does pick up that Kimiko is still worried about the trance she just went in.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

After Kimiko agrees to go do this she asks her two compatriots. "We don't have too much info to go on and I can't say I am up for bribing the man. I don't care about the money too much but I do wish that we get the information without resorting to underhanded tactics. If you remember Zellara, I think we can use what she left us to our advantage here." She mulls over a couple of things in her head.

"The cloak hasn't shown me much yet but I expect one day that it will so I will continue to use it. The cards we can ask a more direct question. Though I wonder as to what we could ask, shall we ask something about something else that might sway the man or some such?"

Check my profile, there should be a human witch there. She was originally a human druid that was made for jade regent and I'd love to pick her up again in SW if that's cool? Backstory is still the same so not uch I need to change there.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Cool, I'll think of a question in a bit, does Kroft have an answer for the question?

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

As expected, though at least this can end up with no one dead... hopefully. I have heard of this Ambassador before, I don't like the prospect of Korvosa being destabilized. I guess this would come under my diplomatic duties here. Kimiko stares at the bag of gold. Bribery seems so .. underhanded, I am loathe to use that plan. There must be a better one. Let us take the gold for now just in case there really is no other way out.

Kimiko bows at Kroft and takes the gold, securing it.

I will do as you ask Kroft. Let us hope it does not come to more killing but we will obtain the information required of us. Is there any information you could possibly give us about the Eel's End or what dangers this man possesses other than likely a small force of loyal patrons? Kimiko asks Kroft, inquisitive of their target. Likely this time they might be able to get in with more knowledge of this building than the last two they entered. Hopefully, considering it is a inn someone is bound to know something about it.

As she asks Kroft this she discreetly gets out Zellara's cards.

This will come in handy I am sure. Once outside I should think of something to ask the fates...

How would the divination power work on the cards? As I take it we can use it without a magic stat. So do we get one answer per day at no power point cost or something as none of us have power points?

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

That is a strange gesture, wait where have I heard about it before. Hmmm... ah yes, Gallantry. Oh this man must be some a courtly trained soldier of some kind. His hair is tied back similar to the kitsune men. Respectable, I wonder where he's from to pick up that habit.

Kimiko respectively bows. "Greetings Orisini-sama, are you the one intended to tell us of the Queen's wishes?"

Kimiko seems to want to talk about pleasantries but she is honouring the request that the Queen gave her and is trying to get on with the job at hand. She looks very out of place with the current very friendly exchange. Somewhat stern but looking eager to help.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko shrugs "I could name a few political matters that are on edge at the moment, though I doubt it is any of those. We have shown our mettle on the field of battle within city confines. I do not think that her Majesty would get us to fight a battle of words after our previous show. Likely it might be removing someone who is causing political unrest, someone like a person that the riots are rallying behind. I do not know for certain. I could be entirely wrong and we might be having a ball dinner with the intent of resolving a political situation though I doubt that one."

Kimiko isn't thinking too hard on the prospect currently. She is throwing ideas up in the air, likely from past experiences.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko is about to ask the Queen of the treaty between Nagajor and Korvosa but knows not to ask at this sensitive time. It might further push away good relations between the two kingdoms. However,

It seems the Queen has me in her good books, the money will be useful but there is something money can't buy and that is her favour. This is my foot in the door here. If I continue to help her I am sure she will look on my people in a kinder light. This is an opportunity, no time like the present to seize it!

As the Queen leaves Kimiko says. "Many thanks your Majesty, you humble us with the rewards you grant us. I for one would be happy to serve this nation for another bout." She bows before the Queen. She places her hands over the chest and closes it gently. Picking up the group's reward tenderly, thanking Sabina while she does so. Kimiko knows the next custom she performs is not one of Korvosa but does it anyway. Kimiko takes a few steps backwards putting good distance between herself and the Queen before turning around to leave.

She joins her group once they have left the greeting hall to meet up with the Field Marshal once again. She nods to Kroft "So I take it you have more to tell us about this political mission? What are the details and what should we be wary off."

Kimiko looks to the gold and knows she has seen quite a bit in her lifetime, the two with her are not of noble upbringing so probably have not seen as much as this before. She suggests. "I do not need much of this reward, I shall take two bars, you may share the other ten between you my friends."

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Oh forgot to put my level up, I have planned most of the character to Heroic so. Just follow the chain down :P

If I change something in the order I'll let you know.

Also since Vlaka left, we got 165 from the raids each. El got 100 gold from his fees. I got 200 from the reward and the others got 500 each.

So something like thus far, in addition to whatever you had at the start:

Mirian: 665 gold
Elegad: 765 gold
Kimiko: 365 gold

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko is happily focusing on the future but wary that the Queen would summon them so quickly. Kimiko mentally laughs at Elegad who does act like a child sometimes as he marvels at the grandeur of a castle. This is not her first time here nor is it the first time she has visited a castle. It is still something to behold no doubt but you grow used to the awe they emit. Kimiko's thoughts suddenly stop when she gets called 'Kimi'

Wait, shortening of names like that usually means ...? Is that the same here, I don't know. Part of me hopes it is. Fujiwara, you have better things to think about!

Kimiko nods cheerily at Elegad. "Yes El, this place is big. It's walls needs to protect the stability of a kingdom after all." To the question about the queen Kimiko replies. "I think it is only because we have her necklace though could be something more. We have after all gotten rid of an underworld boss and taken care of a group of deserters in the name of Korvosa. Or at least it can appear that way from the outside. That is pure speculation though. Likely the Queen will tell us herself, be it by voice or writ.

Kimiko falls into her courteous standard once again when talking with Sabina. "Indeed Ms.Merrin. We have the object of interest. We would be happy to return it. Should we do this in person or will you be our messenger?"

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko nods to Mirian "I am fine, I will be better later I'm sure. Thank you for your concern."

Kimiko smiles at Elegad "My brother is a good mine, a fine example of a proud soldier. I'm sure you'll enjoy his company."

It is good to know there are those that will help a foreign stranger such as I...

Kimiko wrings her hands a little. "Sorry I guess I owe an explanation for my show of weakness. Sorry that was ill suited. My brother has been shamed quite utterly and by our laws he would need to kill himself with a dagger. Fortunately with your aid yesterday we have found evidence that lead to clearing his name, so his honour has been regained and he won't need to commit honourable suicide. I.. I'm happy that he .. will be alive!." Kimiko says smiling and holding back tears.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko is about to say something to Kroft about Verik, then as he continues saying that her brother will be free she is overcome with emotion. The mask of office that she wears crumbles just for a brief moment and she begins to cry.

I have no idea what that would look like on a snake person, likely very weird.

She bows deeply to croft with tears rolling down her face. Choking a little as she says repeatedly "Thank you!"

He'll stay safe, he's free soon. He's got to.

Wiping tears away from her face she takes Kroft aside and says "You do not have to trust or believe what I am about to say. Verik left the army to do charity work for the poor which is what he did. I will vouch for that fact, I do think deserting at a time like this is wrong but he was doing it for the people. His subordinates however did him wrong, went against his orders and began to kill people under 'contract'. If you wish someone to corroborate that story then interrogate the chubby one." She sighs, trying to keep her composure thinking of her brother all the while. "This does not excuse his desertion but I believe you should give him a lighter sentence. That is my opinion as a foreigner but your laws aren't mine. I believe he still wishes to protect the weak, maybe you can cultivate that into something better. Verik has a stronger drive than most, enough to turncoat to provide charity." Kimiko nods at Kroft than returns to her group.

She is about to start talking again then sniffles and starts crying again.

Dammit, I should not be showing this weakness... I should not! He's fine, he'll be good.

Regaining her senses she says to her group. "I will be ready to depart shortly, I .. will.

Discipline, focus on the lit candle in your mind. Your concentration lies in the centre of a raging waterfall.

"No never mind, I am good to go now. I do not have anything more to do in the Citadel."

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko nods "Yes, I'm in agreement. Ikuzo!"

Kimiko runs with Elegad and dragging the two captives behind her towards the rear entrance. Then will try to find themselves back at the citadel.

Another hurdle passed, now to get back safely! I hope the riots have died down since yesterday.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko feels slightly frustrated at the whole situation but is content that they decide fully what to do when they get back to the citadel.

She replies to Elegad somewhat sad, she has had no training in how to judge people for their actions nor what to do about it except the concept of honour and disrespect. Verik did both but for a cause he though was just, she has heard of tales of Ronin that do the same but they all end like Verik's tale. Used by those around him, I wonder if that will happen to her in this city. Elegad! She starts of shockecd "I am not saying he should get away with anything! Do remember that he was defending himself from us when he had no idea what he had done wrong. I sympathize with his situation somewhat, not that I condone what he has done. Verik still has to answer for his desertion."

Kimiko does say one thing poignantly. "Gloating and angering your foes in a situation where they are bound unable to fight is not a graceful thing to do. Just because you feel someone has wronged you does not mean you should rub salt into their wounds. Do not get knocked off your horse, hold your head high instead of pushing men under your boots." Showing the teachings of her code.

Standing away from Verik so only Elegad may hear. "What my point was, is if his punishment is to serve the guard for the rest of his days. Let it be for the good reason he left, let it be to feed those people outside. She points to where the line is "With food from honest work. Let us not take the small bud of good in this mans heart and stomp it out. I believe that he has been lead astray by his men.

Heh.. I'm sounding more and more like Taka. Kimiko sighs again remembering her brother fondly. We might have our disagreements on this situation Elegad, but we both agree on one thing. This man must be taken to your Sable Citadel and tried for his crimes

I wonder if this will change Verik's life, one such time changed mine. Those men had what was coming to them but not by my hand. Kasumi, you have shown me much that I must thank you for.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Both of you stop! Kimiko shouts. Verik was unaware of these events, his men were not. There is no need to antagonize someone over something he did not condone.

Kimiko turns to Verik And you, don't convince yourself that soldiers are nothing more than dogs. If you truly believe that than I can see why you left your duties. Wear your badge, your colours with pride and actually do something. You ditched your office to help others, I do believe that what you did was for a just cause but you could have done it behind the aid of the name you bared as a guard."

Kimiko sighs then continues calmly. Now, think about this for a second, your men did what you very well did to your superiors. Turned their coats in and took matters into their own hands. Look what happened. Just doing things on a whim with no thought to the bigger picture is just going to cause tragedy after tragedy." Kimiko shakes her head.

"Let the justice of your people judge your actions, I will at least vouch that you did not cause your men to kill others like they did. Maybe they'll reinstate you if you ask for forgiveness, which I suggest you do. I doubt anyone would stop you aiding others within the guard now would they? I would hope that you continue to aid those weaker than yourself, I believe in that goal. If you continue that path despite the adversity that comes with it I will respect you. Don't throw it away." She nods. "Let us depart"

Sorry that might create a slight wedge in arguments between the three characters at the moment. "Vow (minor): Kimiko has a vow to protect the people of Nagajor and the weak." So I'm having side her with Varik much as he goes against what she thinks is honourable too. Yay for being tugged one way then the next.

Kimiko does begin to think that this is just anger being flung around without second thought.

Wait .. weren't we told to bring Verik alive? Which is why he is alive? Not.. oh never mind.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko leaps in front of the man grabbing a hold of Varik's wrist. Held in a brace with her forehead against his. "No! You are better than him, do not give into that anger. He will get his due, you still believe in the justice of your own people, right? Let him be tried. Do not bring yourself down to his level."

She looks at Verik intently. "If you truly believe this is your path to take I won't stop you, I will let you make the mistake for you to learn from. Though I implore you think before you act."

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Good you seem to be awake. Tell me then." Kimiko leans over to the tied up man. "Why were you killing people and planting them in pigs? Were these random people or targets? Or were these the remainders of your mercenary jobs that you took on the sly? Furthermore why were you giving them away to people." Kimiko looks at the nervous man.

"You have my word that no more harm will come to you if you tell the truth. If you don't however .." The Nagaji dislodges her jaw and shows her fangs. "I can show you how my kind eat."

Heh, this should get him to say something about this.

She turns to Verik who has been oddly silent. "Do you have something to ask your sub-ordinate? Now is the time!"

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

I.. okay, I'll look afterwards as well.. Kimiko says to Elegad, slightly confused.

What did I do to offend him? I must have done something, I don't understand, did I make him feel less of a warrior because I aided him? I was not careless! The idiot! ... Wait, why am I feeling upset by that?!

Kimiko ponders for a moment.

I need to apologize later.

Kimiko sighs turning to Verik "I am truly sorry that your men used you as a front to do their dirty deeds. Hiding behind something that was true and just. Despite my sympathy you are doing the right thing in turning yourself in. I will be sure to vouch for the fact that you were unaware of the events here, maybe they shall show some leniency though that does not excuse your desertion." Kimiko folds her arms taking in the situation.

Kasumi, how much tragedy do you want me to see? I am not sure to be impressed by your foresight or angry that you want me to see this...

"If it is any consolation I left one of your men alive, you could perhaps question him as to what is going on? They pretended not to know you when I brought up your name. I originally wanted just to talk to you but .. well that didn't pan out." She goes to pick up some of the ropes from the room.

"Hold out your hands Verik, you are hereby taken under custody of Fujiwara Kimiko who is acting on behalf of Korvason guard." She says while cuffing his wrists.

"Keep your sword, I loathe to take away the weapon of a good swordsman. Shall we see this man of yours?"

Kimiko leads Verik to the man she knocked unconscious, ties him up before walking him up for questioning.

There is healing magic though is is costly, Miriam does have healing as a skill which has been sufficient.

You can see the characters on the players tab but it is an ex-soldier, samurai noble and street urchin basically. There was an orc ruffian too but I don't know where he went.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko nods and sheathes her weapons out if respect. She moves to Elegad to help clean his eyes. Are you alright? I didn't mean for blood to get in your eyes!"

Kimiko then whispers El show us to what you found, we might be able to take Verik into custody with no more hassle. she realizes Elegad is still a bit angry Stay calm, I think we have dispatched the ones responsible. Let us just go find these atrocities, yes?

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

I do hope elegad is alright... Focus kimiko ... There is still a talented fighter in front of me

Kimiko twirls her swords then takes a deep breath Varik, I believe Elegad has stumbled on something you were unaware of. Despite what I said to incite you I think you are the only one of your men have any honor left. As you said I am a skilled swords woman, I need but a strike to kill you. I would rather not, let me see if you are worthy to reclaim what you lost. Give me the benefit of the doubt here, I killed 2 of you men. Knocked out another and I am standing in front of you now with not a scratch. Do you think you have what it takes? Or shall we go see if what Elegad uncovered is more than you know. If you believe we are still wrong after the fact then you have my word we may fight fairly once more. So stay your blades. Join us for this uncovering. kimiko says with her noble voice, showing her air of authority once more.

intimidate: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
wild: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

I do not believe this man is in the wrong, I might be incorrect but .. Sometimes you can earn a second chance at life, a second to fight for your dream. she thinks while pondering fondly of her new found friends.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

sorry was in a rush last post, and mobile devices suck for posting. Rolling extra deuce now

ace: 1d10 ⇒ 6
raise damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

first attack, 16 vs parry, 17 damage ap2. Second attack, 6 vs parry, 12 damage AP2

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Well that answered that question, he must truly believe in these mercenaries. They must have pulled wool over his eyes. All the more reason not to kill him.

With no remorse of killing the cow hammer boys kimiko attacks baldrago.

fighting: 1d10 ⇒ 10
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4

fighting: 1d10 ⇒ 6
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4

damage: 1d8 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (7) + (4) + 2 = 13

damage: 1d8 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + (4) + 2 = 12

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

I think talking is a free action so I will post this here anyway, while I have time.

Kimiko listens to Elegad's rage That man wears his heart on his sleeve which isn't a bad thing I suppose, but he should act more reserved. However, I guess I was right about the meat. That is disgusting.

Her attention returns to Verik. Okay calm down Kimiko, Verik might be a deserter, yes he deserves death for dishonour. However this is not the way here. It is not...I shall at least try to let him regain his honour the way his people do. Let me try at the very least...

I thank you for your compliment. Kimiko pushes back on the clash of swords so that they are standing apart. "I can understand your plight if what you say is true."

From the way the others looked, maybe Verik is unaware of what they are doing. Maybe that's why..? Let me give this man a chance, be it only one.

She braces her swords in front of her. "The rulers do get a bigger share than others in these lands I understand that. However deserting your oaths is not the way to do it! You should have suggested change and if not then change your allegiance properly and not by focused anger. Cutting people into meals is not helping those you kill nor the people you feed them to. I agree with Elegad, that is vile and even more dishonourable than you deserting!"

Now let's see how he reacts... Kimiko does look over at Elegad concerned. What did he see to confirm those suspicions?

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

"Elegad!" Kimiko stares at the man in front of her, hissing: "Out. of. my. way."

intimidate: 1d6 ⇒ 6
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4

ace: 1d6 ⇒ 6
scary lady: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Total 16, I have already taken Multi-action penalty away for this one.

Kimiko then attempts to knock the man out.

Wild, single attack, MAP
fighting: 1d10 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
ace: 1d6 ⇒ 4
10 against parry, Take penalties as last time for knock out, I have calculated in the rest.

damage: 1d8 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + (5) + 4 = 15

If Malder finally goes down Kimiko runs up towards Elegad, trying to get as near to adjacent as she can.

"Idiot! Why is he getting everyone on his heels like this. Is he intentionally trying to make me worry!"

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Unhand me, you crazy man! Kimiko hisses trying to break out of the grapple that has her armour starting to turn red.

break free: 1d8 ⇒ 4
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
explosion: 1d6 ⇒ 2
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to spend a benny after I see his result, but if I can. I will spend one to reroll if he beats me. Yes might get another snake eyes but worth the risk!

If Kimiko breaks free of the clutches of the boiling man she will ready herself again for Malder. Action was to break out so I only have first strike if he comes at me.

first strike: 1d10 ⇒ 7
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
damage: 1d8 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + (2) + 2 = 5
Again going for knockout with the hilt of my blade while half swording. Take penalties as required.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

@Mike: Oh don't worry I assumed intimidate wouldn't work but it is the only social skill I have! So that's all I will run with, unless I want to risk the d4-2 of doom.

I thought this could be solved relatively peacefully, I guess not.

As Kimiko spots the man wearing the Korvosan uniform her eyes narrow. "That's got to be Verik, if not Verik someone who knows him...let's try to take him out without drawing too much blood."

Kimiko gets off the hook and waits for Malder to attack her as he seems quite intent on doing so. She readies a secondary swing against him should he survive the first strike.

My intent is not to kill this man, so I will take -2 to my attack rolls. Feel free to subtract more as I'm basically halfswording and smacking him with the hilt of my blade. I might lose this action if I end up ahead of Malder in the next initiative.

first strike: 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1
wild: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1
damage: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (1) = 7

readied action: 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7
wild: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
damage: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (4) = 8

Well, first strike is snake eyes so that definitely does something bad. Provided he triggers it! Let's see what happens on the next initiative draw.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Sorry I will try to reply soon, the hostel I'm staying at format have wifi when they said they would. I didn't think I'd fall out the loop but I have, hopefully I'll get some tonight

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Tut, Tut, if you must know my name is Fujiwara. I am from Nagajor and.. standing around with your mouths open is not promising for the kind of payment I have for you men. So can I talk to dear Verik now?" She says twirling the katana a bit before placing it face down again. Hissing as she does.

Intimidate: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
wild: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Still not great but at least it is consistent...

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko leans her back on the wall next to the door frame eyeing the men in kind. "I need to get rid of some very very deplorable men. I must say, a powerful person like myself shouldn't need to get my hands dirty wouldn't you say?" She grins. "I have killed many but I doubt these men are worth tasting my steel." As she says this she draws her sword slowly admiring it before spinning it and holding it blade down towards the floor.

"I hear tell there is a man amongst the Cow Hammer Boys, called Verik, quite a reputation, quite a strong man, the kind of man I would need to help a lady like myself. Can he come out and talk about this small hunt I have for him?" She says tapping her fingers on the grip of her katana. Trying to look alluring for her kind, though this looks somewhat strange and alien to many other races. Kimiko knows this and is trying to do this to put them off their game, she is using her physique as an intimidating push.

Intimidate: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
wild: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Not doing as well as I'd like but hopefully we get somewhere with this.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

I got some money left over from the start of the game but I take it we also got 125 gold splitting between the party after the raid. I know there were only 3 of us but I think we should split it amongst the 4 players we currently got. I still have the brooch, I also have the deck of cards unless someone wants them? (I've got a cloak that gives me visions already so not sure I need the cards as well.)

"Might be he isn't." Kimiko says placing 10 gold coins in the man's hand then motions towards the inside.

I can see why Elegad is as opinionated as he is, seems like everyone is lining up to gather food from the shamed and the wrong. I feel sorry for these people. She glances at the line before walking inside, feeling a tinge of pity. Her people are treated differently, almost egalitarian to a degree. Of course a class system still exists but if the upper class, or Nagas rater, do the job wrong they are immediately overthrown. Not unlike what is going on now in this town.

The more we are different, the more similarities I see...Hayashi-sama, is this what you wanted me to see? Is this truly the world beyond Nibung? She is about to smile but turns it into a menacing grin while walking into the building. Provided the bribe worked.

Kimiko thinks about all she learnt from a set of new companions. Bushido shows that in how you fight you show what person you are, seeing her friends fight she has seen No there is more, through adversity Korvosa has shown its colours and its heroes. More is to come, let us see who these people are, and what it means to be a hero in your own eyes...

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

If you don't have a skill it's d4-2 with wild also being at -2

Kimiko shakes her head at Elegad's inquisitiveness "Nothing of importance at the moment." Kimiko smiles awkwardly at Elegad.

"Yes let us act" She sighs realizing that her group is unlikely to be good at lying, maybe a more forceful approach will take it.

If I omit information in the things I state do I still need to roll a Bluff check? I'm going to try to get by on intimidate alone and saying only what I need to, which might make this interesting or it might end up in a fight. Don't know yet...

Kimiko starts to port herself with her noble stance once more and puts on an err of someone more serious. She puts on a her 'scary face' to make it look like she is a tough woman for talk of serious business. She approaches the front of the butcher's shop cutting in line to reach the chain-mailed man.

intimidate: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
wild: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Brilliant roll there oh yea! I don't think this will be the most important check yet so I'll risk it and leave it as it is.

She leans in to the man hissing at him slightly, while quietly jingling a bit of coin in her pouch beneath her own armour. "I hear tell there is the 'night's special cut' on offer, can I discuss this with someone inside?"

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

"I did not suggest we kill them, more get ourselves in so that we can acquaint ourselves with the people and the inside. Even if it amounts to not capturing the man in the end we can try to identifying him by saying something along the lines of 'I know Verik is a powerful man and I'd like to hire him' After all I have no idea what Verik looks like. Do you?" Kimiko asks.

"Information will probably go a long way into gaining us our victory I should think, especially since we wish to minimize the causalities." Kimiko adds while a little lost in thought.

Though I would personally like to kill all these deserters for shaming their kingdom I know that is not the way it done here... Kimiko takes a deep breath. ...I shall respect that even though I don't like it. 'You always dive head in first to things you don't understand' I can hear my brother nagging. Perhaps he's right this time, Taka you better be alive when I get to you or I swear I'll kill you myself! Focus, you idiot that doesn't even begin to make sense! Kimiko sighs from the good memories of her brother before regrouping her efforts at the task at hand.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko thinks on what Elegad has to say for a moment. "If this meat is so readily given and you say they are a bit questionable do you believe that the meat is actually from cows? I would not put it above people to kill others and sell their meat." She shakes her head. "Do not take that accusation as fact, I am just musing on the possibility of worse case scenario here considering they are also mercenaries they are bout to do a lot of killing."

Kimiko smirks as much as a snake can and replies "Well we could go on a shopping spree for some new threads for yourself. I'm sure we can think of some good clothes that suit you."

She thinks for a moment. "Do we think we can use that code to get ourselves in under the pretext of hiring? I still look official and shiny after I polished by armour this morning. This could get us inside, I am not good for lying but I am sure one of us here could be? It is an option, if not I think sneaking in is our best option."

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Streetwise: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
wild: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3

Kimiko is lucky that she actually made it this far without getting lost in the crowds and the streets of this daunting town. Kimiko takes in the view of the butcher and tries to see if she can sense anyone inside.

notice: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
ace: 1d4 ⇒ 1
wild: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
7 on notice

Kimiko then turns to the group, "I doubt these men will come quietly. We also need Verik alive, I believe we need to figure out who he is before we either stealthily approach this or go in swords drawn. Perhaps figure out a plan of action from the layout we have or figure out what these deserters look like." She ponders for a moment "These were Sable marines were they not? Do you think deserters would keep their insignia with their armour still? Since I doubt they would get rid of something that might save their life, do we reckon they might still bear markings of their former loyalties?" Kimiko asks.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko nods at Mirian. "Yes, I believe I am ready. Let us depart."

Do we need to roll a streetwise or something to get to the butchers?

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko begins her morning with a short prayer to her ancestors before donning her armour and her daisho. She shines her scales a little to make herself look more presentable and gives a quick wash of her hands. Kimiko then moves to the main area greeting Vlaka.

"Good morning Vlaka, good to see you well. Are you ready to take care of some dishonourable foes?"

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Were the healers able to remove my wound point or am I stuck with it for 5 days? Kimiko will just rest up for now until we are ready to tackle Verik so my posting will be lower up until that point. (Unless I'm dragged into something of course :) )

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko will rest up for the night and be ready to go in the morning. She will seek out magical healers before resting if there are any in the keep. If there are none she takes out the bolt herself and patches it up to the bare minimum, letting the wound heal up on its own. When the group is ready she will depart with them in the morning towards "All the world's meat"[/b]

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko laughs "Yargin? Yea I guess we did... he was Lamm's right hand man and just as nasty piece of work as Lamm. I tied him up and I doubt he is getting out of those ropes unless someone saves him. Maybe he'll die a slow death in there out of starvation or dehydration, it is the least men like him deserve." She feels maybe they aught to bring the man to justice but thinks better of it. The city is in a state of panic and disarray, small time hoodlums like Yargin are the last thing on her mind at the moment.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

I think what Mirian means is what iconography and markings to deities are there in the mess hall, correct me if I'm wrong there Mirian

Kimiko rises stiffly.

...the castle? No...what if the riots reach it.. we must quell the revolts before.. No I shan't think of losing him.

Kimiko is hiding a lot of frustration past her face and a lot of pain from the bolt still lodged in her flesh. Finally now that she is in a relaxed state she falters and stumbles a little bit. Clutching her shoulder she says "I must retire now, I think I should rest up for the coming day ahead." She nods at Cressida "Can you show me to the lodgings you offered? I should be ready by the morning to go after Verik."

Kimiko passes Mirian on the way to whichever room they have prepared. "I am sorry for my rudeness earlier, I am bound by oath to show no weakness on a field of battle. Giving in to such a small wound damages my pride and honour. I should be an example for all fighting." Mirian can tell that even if it pains Kimiko to fight this way she believes in her people's teachings and training.

Female Nagaji Samurai, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (1) Toughness: 10 (4) Charisma: 0 (-2), Wounds 3/3, Bennies 5/3

Kimiko is taken aback by the information revealed to her. Kimiko still bows graciously and addresses her host Cressida-dono, is there anything more you can tell me about what is going on? I was meant to talk to the King not a few days from now. What has happened how has he died, do we know anything at all? I am more than happy to deal with such disgraces such as Verik but I also must stay true to the duty as to why I'm in Korvosa. Any information at all would be good. If not can you get me some information for when we return with Verik. I must know what's going on?"

She bows again and asks "Cressida-dono, can I ask do you know where another Nagaji like myself is currently kept in custody? His name is Fujiwara Taka. I believe he has been falsely imprisoned and I have proof. I want him freed more than the money you offer. The town guard work use this place as base of operations can you perhaps find out for me if you don't know? Please?"

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