![]() The spiked chain is for reach and free AOE. Also the spell storing will have bestow curse on it to nuke a mele as it closes in. The problem is the mele guys wont be able to see him. He can see in perfect magical darkness and he is laying down a 4th level darkness spell. Neither mele or ranged are going to be able to get close. Then his minions the shadows come in to drain the mele guys str as well. He makes a great villian and a painful Area of effect. This guy is a fight in darkness and tear them appart. If he fights in the open sure he is going to take some serious range damage but even and obscuring mist can make them close into mele. With the two resist types he can put on his minions he can avoid most spell damage. He also gets the spiked chain for free due to his god so I thought it would be nice flavor. ![]()
![]() This is a pathfinder Cleric build that I have always wanted to play in pathfinder but I have had enough problems justifying the cleric of Calistria but this cleric is an absolute monster. Behold the Cleric of Badass. So I stated him out as a 9th level cleric but this build requires level 8 to work. Sadly this is mostly pfs legal might not be able to afford the fullplate of speed by this point but most of it you could. Also you would have to change the alignment to LN. This guy is a dps monster he does 9d6 to everyone DC 18 for Half while healing himself 9d6 each time. He has a spiked chain to threaten and with certain boosts he is a monster. He can also heal himself with the neg energy with his undead allies as well. You can swap out the Darkness domain for Law if you wanted to be able to create undead. This version is more of a attack in the dark type of guy with his shadows. CLERIC OF BADASS
Domain Power Spell-Like Abilities Bleeding Touch (8/day), Touch of Darkness (8/day) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 9th, concentration +14):
Feats Armor Proficiency, Heavy, Blind-Fight, Command Undead, Extra Channel, Improved Channel, Quick Channel, Weapon Focus (Chain (Spiked)) Skills Acrobatics -3 , Climb -1 , Diplomacy +12 , Escape Artist -3 , Fly -3 , Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5 , Knowledge (Religion) +12 , Ride -3 , Spellcraft +12 , Stealth -3 , Swim -1
![]() David Neilson wrote:
![]() We ran high tier and were slightly hard tied because we only had 5 players. We generally broke into 3 groups and we able to get the items to repair both golems, complete the faction mission for the exchange and avoid the final encounter. The ranger had some amazing handle animal checks for the root to avoid combat at the hippos and a well places charm person and we avoided the battle for the pearl and we were able to pay them half up front. However we had some serious difficulty in the warehouse battle. We almost had two party deaths because the caster was just layering the area with mist and two people got engulfed. The only reason why we survived was due to some speed buffs and my cleric finishing off the cube before people died which was impressive because I play more of a bad touch/compulsion type of cleric with some channeling buffs which really were eliminated due to note having line of sight to anything and the cube was kinda immune to most of my tricks. Spiritual ally proved effective because the cube engulfs it, the ally made of pure force doesn't care and keeps attacking. Overall good encounter though players need to understand that you need to spend money and that diplomacy is a useful skill. ![]()
![]() heyyon wrote:
That is disgusting If I were you gm I would chain lighting you are your friends till you are dust and make you roll up new characters. ![]()
![]() I use that slot for something else, that is my resistance and temporary hitpoints slot because I use my cloak for something else as well. I have long given up on being the main damage dealer, what I do excel at is keeping the party alive and getting into flank for other party members. I buff myself long enough to keep from getting pasted. I am also not switching weapons just upgrading. I chose a reasonable upgrade path so I don't have to keep selling the weapon back every time. I don't plan on swapping out my weapon till level 9-10. Right now it is secondary eq like a 8k for a wayfinder that grants invis and 10k for another resistance item. I shouldn't need to redo the character for season 6, hell if he can make it through bonekeep I think he is reasonably optimized right now but I just don't know how bad higher level mods are for will saves. I know bonekeep was freaking murder with them but that isn't typical. I haven't generally run hi tier specials except with my cleric and well he is just a cluster of brokenness and channeling and his will saves are pretty silly at this point. I was debating on picking up the ratskull from bonekeep to counter swarms with swarms, plus I have a few other tricks up the character sleeve. He has a wand of magic missles and I am saving up for a wand of scorching ray to do for ranged sneak attacks with and to help deal with swarms. ![]()
![]() I have a boon that decreases the price for holy by 10% and another boon that decreases the cost of 1 purchase a session by 10% and they stack. So the price isn't as bad as you think for holy. I see everyone going Adamantine for last season. I know there are a ton of constructs but I just picked up 20 adamantine arrows for my short bow and called it good. ![]()
![]() I had though about taking the Swashbuckler Feat as well at level 9. Iron will is just to much of a biggie. I think it will help when people attack me multiple times by parrying the second attack. I can't really afford more on the weapon it is already a +1 agile weapon and cost limits are really going to get expensive. I was going to add holy to it to help with evil creatures and creatures with good dr. I considered the headband of ninjitsu but right now the 15k is out of my price range. I rather pay 4k for a +1 in all situations, I am not really having a problem getting past concealment due to dancing lights and other things but I appreciate the idea. Part of the reason I am taking wallclimber is to help me get around the battlefield more. I have been finding that people I can't get to in mele are due to flight now more in modules and it is better then throwing a dagger at them. ![]()
![]() Well after surviving Bonekeep Level 1 without any of the diseases I feel pretty good about the character. I made some slight tweaks from the progression. I opted out of taking Arcane Strike, I found I was using my swift action way to much to be of much use. I found 7 uses of Ki a day was extremely useful especially for getting me out of the oh god this is going to hurt kinda situations. I have found even with flanking and being invisible sometimes I still don't connect which is because of the slow bab bonus. Next item to pick up is a Cracked Pale Green Prism Ioun stone for the +1. My Agile weapon is now also starting to be solid with 1d6 + 6 + 3d6 sneak attack. It is such a solid hit that I become the target so lowering their attack and increasing my AC Against them has been the priority. Completed So Far
Here is where I am thinking for the next few levels. 7 Iron Will
![]() Part one of the dungeon is a slog but a decent party can move through. Found the fighter backed up by a cleric worked best. I blew through part of a wand of owls wisdom to try to boost the partys saves so we went through that part of the dungeon in rounds. This helped keep the party inline because everyone gets 1 thing to do going around the table even out of combat. Part two wasn't two bad till we lost two people who just rolled bad saves to the killer effect. First guy went down and second tried to breath of life him and went down as well. Boom party done. ![]()
![]() I always take this trait with my rogue. Veteran of Battle (Gorum): You have fought in several battles, and each time felt the presence of Gorum guiding your sword-arm, making you ready to act at a moment's notice. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks, and if you are able to act during a surprise round, you may draw a weapon (but not a potion or magic item) as a free action during that round. ![]()
![]() Also I forgot to mention I almost TPK the party in the high tier with the tiefling armies. Being able to fire the crossbows as a standard action and as a move action burn anything around you, I dropped two players to neg with the fire. I had to rule that they didn't burn to death for a round because it lasts that long but I just found they were slightly over powered. Also the rules for (unit) types are kinda weird. ![]()
![]() I had to improvise here a little. Several party members refused to make the climb checks and just were not able to. Some decided to make jump checks across to bypass the kytons. It got a little dicy for awhile, I tried to prevent a TPK by having him cast for a few rounds to buff in back instead of killing them as they tried to jump. I had the kytons switch the grapple and it make things brutal for the players. ![]()
![]() I very rarely have had to run a mod cold. I find two things that help me immensely. 1. Masterwork Tools: Pathfinder Open Source Reference It helps me without flipping through books everywhere to look up something. I keep it on my phone and tablet so I can have two things open at once. 2. http://www.pfsprep.com/ or the old google docs for the prep. It is nice to see good pitfalls in a fast manner. I find that some mods are just brutal without prep, a ton of the season 5 mods I wouldn't want to have run without prep. ![]()
![]() I really am liking the kitsune for ninja. Kitsune Ninja Scout Arch Type
1 Weapon Finesse
Primary weapon would be a wakizashi that would be getting to +1 Agile as fast as I could. I really have dropped the two weapon because of Ninja ability to spend a Ki point for an extra attack really I am only wanting that when I am flanking so I can crank the damage and I can use a ki point for that. Will have some daggers as backup weapons and I can throw them as well if I am invis don't want to mix it up yet. ![]()
![]() Also to help with some of those will saves I just can't really make I plan on adding in this magic item. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/seduc er-s-bane +5 to sense motive and then +5 resistance to will saves vs enchantment I also like the flavor of it as well. Oh you thought I was dominated, well sneak attack b*!%~ bet your are flat footed now. ![]()
![]() Follow up on this thread I know it was awhile ago, I am using my kitsune ninja with arcane strike. Kitsune qualify due to their dancing lights. Benefits I get from that. 1. Great way of treating your cold iron/silver shuriken or dagger as magical for attacks, great for damage as well. 2. I pair it with my wakizashi for the high crit and since an general bonus it gets stacked with the crit. 3. I always have something to do with my swift action that is relevant. Usually when I have lots of Ki and flanking I use the extra attack but when you are low on Ki arcane strike is nice. Example at level 6 my +1 agile wakizashi I have a dex of 21 with magic items at this point so my damage on 18-20 is pretty sweet and with weapon finesse I keep a good high to hit. Magic items of note, added in cracked pale green prism ioun stone +1 hit
Arcane Strike Base
Bite Attack
Arcane Strike Bite Attack
![]() Adam B. 135 wrote:
There is a reason why most of my characters don't go anywhere with out a cold iron dagger and a oil of bless weapon and magic weapon. ![]()
![]() PC Gen is still a little buggy but I submit about a bug a month for strange things that don't work in it. Good thing is they have a Jira frontend for bug submissions and all the bugs have been fairly responsive since I have been using it. Let me clarify buggy, there are a ton of edge case rules that aren't always taken into account. Part of the ruleset it is just complicated. ![]()
![]() Hey Tomos, I think I am just going with a cold iron Wakizashi, I will have some silver daggers and cold iron daggers to throw. Till I can get holy on my Wakizashi just going to have a few oil of bless around. Final weapon should be a +1 Cold Iron Holy Agile Wakizashi. If i still want to stab something with the Dagger I can, weapon finesse still works with them so not losing much. I also can carry some silver blanch as well for the occasional devil you run into. ![]()
![]() From what I read you can use Arcane Strike with Full Round Attack and even use your Ki Point to get an extra attack to really lay down the hurt. Main 4 combat situations I think I will encounter. Charging a caster, get sneak attack on the attack due to Scout. Need to Spend a Ki point for invis because I want to sneak attack with dagger or no flanking options even with a acrobatics tumble. Full attack, I have flanking or can get it with a 5 ft step or have improved invis and need to drop someone fast. Low on KI points and after 8 levels I can use acrobatics to move 10 feet to position myself into flanking if I need to, or strike and withdraw if possible. K I tweaked it to take iron will at 7. ![]()
![]() So try this one on for size. Kitsune Ninja Scout Arch Type
1 Weapon Finesse
Primary weapon would be a wakizashi that would be getting to +1 Agile as fast as I could I really have dropped the two weapon because of Ninja ability to spend a Ki point for an extra attack really I am only wanting that when I am flanking so I can crank the damage and I can use a ki point for that. Will have some daggers as backup weapons and I can throw them as well if I am invis don't want to mix it up yet. ![]()
![]() Fruian Thistlefoot I already have a arcane caster and trying to play things I haven't played before. My understanding of arcane strike since I am not progressing as a caster it always it stuck at +1. Granted I could use it low level and retrain but I have a ton of eq that is going to be costly managing gold for this is going to be tough. On the ninja point I went back and forth on whether to play a ninja or not or even if it made sense to dual ninja and rogue at some point. Ninja lets me use vanishing tricks and shadow clone to do what I could do with wands and umd. I know I could simulate two weapon fighting with ki points and just take extra ki for the extra attacks and not take the -2. I guess I could spec out a Kitsune Ninja would a similar theme and see if I like it or not. I also wanted him to be more of a tricky type of guy. Like assume the form of someone else and get ya, I know that is harder with pathfinder. ![]()
![]() Alex I am bypassing level 2 and most of level 2 completely with GM credits, so I am not really worried about first level, I do admit it would be an issue normally. Part of the reason why I didn't want to take the Kitsune archtype is that I am giving up magical trapfinding for basically a plus 1 to some skills till 12 level. I feel like magical traps are going to come up more often then the +1 is going to be worth it. Moonlight stalker requires blindfight and combat expertise and with a cloak of minor displacement around the same level as I get it basically +2 to hit and dam all the time. With my bonus to acrobatics and and skirmisher by 8th level I don't really need to worry about feinting. I looked at the vital strike tree and I just wasn't that really big of a fan. If i was I would be taking a 18-20 crit range weapon with a GM boon. ![]()
![]() So response to the mithril, it is for those sick puppies that like to have things that will rust your weapons like oozes or rust monsters. They also don't take the -1 to damage. Blades made of this special metal count as alchemical silver weapons and are immune to rust, including that of rust monsters, the rusting grasp spell, and so on. They are always masterwork weapons—most often scimitars or longswords; the listed price includes the cost of the masterwork bonus.
In response to Very squishy yeah I realize that, especially since I am losing a possible 12 hp by not doing my favor class bonus in it. I am maxing out UMD, I am also going to be throwing in a wand of false life with a wand of shield as well to help out with some of that ac and hp problems. Ways I am thinking of mitigating this is around that level Vanishing Wayfinder, the invis will help me get out of hard places as well. Also the constant 20% miss chance should help somewhat. I looked at Offensive Defense rogue talent but it seems like it was nuked to where the dodge bonus don't stack with itself and the ac bonus only goes with the target you attacked. I admit there is going to be a somewhat glaring problem with saves, I have my free reroll that I save for saves and because of my cloak choice I can't really get a cloak of resistance. ![]()
![]() Looking for feedback on this build, I have never done a two weapon fighter before and I wanted to stay away from the feint and two weapon feint feat charts. Kitsune Rogue Scout Arch Type
Traits Observant (Grand Lodge), Veteran of Battle (Gorum) help with drawing weapons in a surprise round to work well with underhanded. 1 Two Weapon Fighting
So I really want to take Kitsune Realstic Likeness for RP flavor earlier on but that really hampers my hitting concealed opponents.
So things I like about this build I can do 3 str or 2 str & 1 dex with each sneak attack at higher levels. Around 7th level I am going to get a cloak of minor displacement so I get my moonlight stalker bonus all the time except for a cleric with true sight cast. Underhanded really lets me control the surprise round, with being able to draw a weapon as a free action I get to basically kill whatever I attack opening scene. At low levels the bite attack can be helpful trying to get more damage and sneak attack in, Weapon Finesse stacks with the bite which makes it even better. Scout Arch type does make me lose uncanny dodge but I feel like Scout's Charge and Skirmisher that are basically going to let me sneak attacks more often. Even if I have to re position via tumble to get a flank I still get a sneak attack which is nice. Equipment
![]() That is kinda confusing and not really clear. On one hand there is dispensation for running this adventure paths in a home setting which then may be applied to a character. I had not read anything about playing it in a home game before it was sanctioned. I see what you are saying about not being certified. http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/about/additionalResources So just giving them the chronicle sheets and walking them through adding it to one of their pathfinder chars by the instructions should be fine. Also technically I get DM credit for Skulls & Shackles but I am just saying it is going on a char I am never going to play like char 100 or something because we really didn't like the adventure path that much. Going forward if I do a home game should I make a private event or just hand out the chronicle sheets when done for people who want them? ![]()
![]() Not sure where to ask this but this seems like the best place. I just finished up another adventure path for friends. When one of them asked me for the chronicle sheets for their pathfinder characters so they could put it on a new level 1. I was confused so I did some research. Basically I knew that rise of the runelords had character credit but I didn't know that some of the others did. To put this in reference I have played like 10 sessions of pathfinder society over the last few years and GM 8 and most of that was back in season 3. To get an idea of how much I keep up a required tracking sheet for your consumables was kinda news to me. I had always used PCGEN to manage that stuff. Anyway what do I do now with the old adventure paths that I never registered. So I just go in a create dummy events and use the pathfinder player numbers for the people who wanted it and put in dummy numbers for the rest? Can I give the players the tracking sheets and is that good enough? If I have to make events how to do I do them retroactively? I have 5 adventure paths I need to make events for Curse of the Crimson Throne
![]() So I just wanted to give feedback to people on how some of the modules have played. Silent Tide, I could have easy had a TPK. I was nice and just made two critical roles normal hits, didn't want to scare off the new people. Maybe should make future modules only have crossbows or something x3 crit weapons are just mean. Citadel of Flame, I made a ranger with range focus for a pregen which did help them out on the bridge. Using the normal set of pregens would just have killed them all. Devil We Know Series, I borrowed and read through these modules from a friend but I didn't find them compelling. I was really kinda hoping for a set of 3 modules that a good tied in story line to get people excited about Pathfinder Society, maybe a new person induction into pathfinder. I just had a bunch of people that didn't know a ton about the world and didn't make a huge amount of sense to them. Frankly I just started playing in this setting back in 09 so I don't have all the backstory either. Most of the modules are geared towards you have played other ones before, I think it would be a huge boon if there was a 3 modules made just for player introduction.