Imron Gauthfallow

Fouquier-Tinville's page

67 posts. Alias of Doodlebug Anklebiter.


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Two days later the Third Estate, being obliged to sit in the church of Saint Louis, found the clergy coming to take part in their deliberations.

--Pyotr Kropotkin, The Great French Revolution, 1789-1793

At first it was but a murmur, a rumble, but by the time he had finished speaking, while the assassins were untying my ankles in order to lead me to the scene of my murder, I heard, as plainly as ever I heard anything in my life, the clinking of horseshoes and the jingling of bridle chains, with the clank of sabres against stirrup-irons.

--Arthur Conan Doyle, "How the Brigadier Held the King", in The Complete Brigadier Gerard

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Oh hey! There's a wiki page about it:

Anti-French sentiment in the United States

The Raven Black wrote:
I wonder where this idea that France is a land of cowards takes roots. Is it ancient or recent, a US thing or something widespread ?

In the US, I think, it's a combo of an older stereotype of the French as effete degenerates mixed with US anger and resentment at De Gaulle's "ingratitude" post-WW II.

In addition to Engels and Oyeyemi, I started reading a collection of Arthur Conan Doyle stories about a character I'm pretty unfamiliar with...Brigadier Etienne Gerard.

Not sure how the politics of a Victorian Brit writing about a Napoleonic soldier will turn out, but looking forward to it.

Vive le Galt!

Scythia wrote:
Even an abbreviated answer is an answer. From your points, I'm reminded of the French revolution, where the citizens who rose up (like your armed working class) were ever ready to do so again, and frequently did as each successive council or leadership was deemed corrupt by those who sought to replace them.

Alas, they didn't rise up for my boy, Max.

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
2. What exactly is a "leftish fashion"? If you mean painting people who disagree as "morally repugnant and socially retarded", than Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity must be some of the most leftish fashioned people on the planet. Glen Beck was famous for his blackboard dissertations in which he defined "progressivist" as someone deliberately out to destroy America.

This was cute:

Strange Bedfellows | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

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Oh ho ho, I know something about leftist terror, and as a member of Deism+ I say to you, you will all bow to the Cult of the Supreme Being or face the National Razor!

Clearly, we disagree.

[Look me up on wikipedia]

Pfft. At least Max opposed slavery.

Scott Betts wrote:
Fergie wrote:
I really liked Chris Cristie's witch trial for Hillary. There is just something about a large mob of lunatics chanting "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!" that makes me feel good about democracy.
Sadly, all I could think about watching that was whether it would sound any different if the crowd were filled with holdout Sanders supporters...

We* would be more likely to chant "Prepare the tumbrils! Prepare the tumbrils!"

*I actually was never a Sanders supporter.

Limeylongears wrote:
featuring villainous Jacobins called things like Judas McSerpent (like any reasonable person, I know perfectly well that my life would be 1bn % better were I to change my name to Judas McSerpent) who spend all their time seducing innocent young ladies into a life of ATHEISTIC LIBERTINAGE!

[Waggles eyebrows]

Peace to the cottages, war to the chateaux!

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Christopher Dudley wrote:
Knowing my players, they'd turn him in and join the Revolution. Vive le Galt!

Good lads. And/or lasses, as the case may be.

Vive le Galt!

BigDTBone wrote:
That dude needs to go slam his wang in a fire door.

I concur with the sentiments, although I'd prefer to use Razor Jenni.

thejeff wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:

They were not that homophobic. "Confirmed bachelor" basically meant "gay" and "Boston marriage" was a term for a lesbian relationship. As for unmarried sex: Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was well known, even in his era, for the massive amounts of unmarried sex he had, to the point he ended up contracting every STD known to medicine at the time.

So it's not that those things were not done so much as they were not talked about. But that was true, for the most part, of anything sexual; "Don't ask, don't tell" was pretty much the rule for anything that happened in the bedroom. High levels of homophobia didn't really exist until the 20th Century in the U.S.

So, realistically, they would be shocked by how openly such things are talked about and how women are treated today... but not by them existing.

Pretty much what I said. Not just homophobic, though I'd count "proposing castration for sodomy" to be pretty damn homophobic by today's standards.

But pretty much ok if you kept it discreet. Stayed at least nominally in the closet. Both for homosexuality and for heterosexual affairs.

Pfft. We declared sodomy "an imaginary crime" and abolished all laws against homosexuality in 1791. Eat that, Jefferson.

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Kirth Gersen wrote:

As of last night's reading, Aikman pointed to Satlin, Pol Pot, and the French Revolution, and concluded, "See, atheism always and inexorably leads to mass murder of the population by the government*, whereas Christianity inexorably leads to great civilizations!" Neither argument is particularly convincing, given the large number of counter-examples that are easily available. I guess Aikman skipped that whole unit on Venn Diagrams in grade school.

* ** spoiler omitted **

Not to mention that most of the French Revolutionaries weren't atheists.

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Despite my better judgment, I very much enjoyed The Scarlet Pimpernel, but he better not try that shiznit here in Galt!

Speaking of which, Auguste Blanqui was a true hero of the working class, brave and true, and I cherish his memory, but, alas, I have not read that book, Comrade Longears. Is it awesome?

Wes Anderson and the Old Regime

You don't have to tell me about the Reign of Terror, Citoyen.

What other country in Golarion do you think could possibly have been inspired by reading Les Miserables?

Vive le Galt!

Down with Charlotte Corday!

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Well, you see, you prounounce "Ang-" like...

No, Fouquier-Tinville, Jean-Paul Sartre, Intrnet Troll, it's all a lie. I have no idea how to speak French.

I liked Napoleon, too. Not as much as Robespierre, but better than f*~%ing Metternich.

Off with their heads!

[Scribbles Citizen K(e)rensky's name on a list]

For as long as I can remember, Citizen R. has wanted to see criminals die, or, at the very least, be severely punished.

Andrew R wrote:
Should be a line drawn hard and clear none of this sometimes adult, sometimes not but ok to cross the line BS

Agreed, Citoyen R. A line should be drawn hard and clear that laws against high school students boinking each other are stupid.

"Devil's Advocate" wrote:
It's a strange issue, and it reminds me of a debate my class had back when I was taking criminal justice and politics about how back in the day, a middle eastern diplomat had come to the use for some sort of diplomatic council and brought his wife. Without realizing why, the US arrested him as he entered the country because his wife happened to be 13, (even though they hadn't had sex, and more importantly hadn't had sex in the US), sent her home (now without her guardian and legal protector and now with no where to go) while they tried to figure out what the heck to do with him.

How strange. In New Hampshire, I believe, the law still says girls can get married at the age of 13 as long as they have their parents' permission.

He should have flown into MHT.

thejeff wrote:

Is also seems that the younger girl's parents didn't forbid them to date or raise any strong objections until she turned 18 and could use the courts.

If true, that seems like a horrible way to handle it.

This Revolutionary Tribunal agrees, Citoyen Jeff.

"Devil's Advocate" wrote:
I'm not sure this is a corner case at all, as much as just an uncommon one, with extra hot buttons. From the parent's perspective of the younger child, (removing the fact that both are female or that it is homosexual), it seems perfectly reasonable that they should have the full right to protect their daughter legally. Arguing that because it's a gay relationship goes a long way to show that the younger individual is regardless of her age, mature and competent enough to make a choice for herself, which then leads to well why would she then not be if the partner where a male? People might say that they don't think it would matter, but the past evidence of very similar cases (just switching up the genders) has shown pretty strongly that they (as a general community) simply do not.


what would be the difference if the other partner was male? That's basically what it comes down to, how is this any different than if an older male had been having sexual relations with an underage/younger female, and in what way should the remove the parents (of the younger girl's) rights to legally defend their child, (whom they are legally accountable for)? The law either applies equally, regardless of gender, nationality, race, or sexual orientation, etc. . ., or it doesn't. It's not about getting all the perks but none of the responsibility, which is exactly what arguing that "because they where gay it's ok" is doing.


It is the opinion of this Revolutionary Tribunal that sodomy is an imaginary crime, and that laws against high schoolers boinking each other, whether they be straight or gay, is the acme of stupidity. We find the defendant NOT GUILTY!

I think a lot of people are also jumping on the assumption that the parent's primary (or only) motivation is because they have an issue with their daughter being homosexual and are using this as an excuse to break that up. But the truth is that parent's of children are at least equally if not more concerned with their daughters having heterosexual relationships than they are with homosexual one, its very common that they disallow (or attempt to) their daughters from dating until they are _____ years old, period.

From what little I have read, the parents of the younger girl never complained while 17-year-old Kate was boinking their daughter and went and filed charges when she turned 18. These are unconfirmed accusations, as far as this Revolutionary Tribunal is concerned, but, if true, the offending parents shall be sentenced to a Fun-Timey Reeducation Through Labor Supercenter to produce vibrators and Massengill for the lesbian masses until they admit they harbor counterrevolutionary attitudes.

My understanding is that it was primarily oral relations, which again means



474. You have all been sentenced to the same Galtan concentration camp.

Yes, those were good times...

Nicely worded, citoyen. Even I can agree with that.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
LazarX wrote:

And while Vatican City isn't a major temporal power.
Thank you very much short french conqueror dude!

On behalf of the French Revolution, je vous en prie.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
Unskilled Troll is Unskilled wrote:

Well, you sure came to the right place for an intelligent, well-informed answer to the question.

Oh you didn't. You came to a website about gaming to ask an extremely data-dependent question, which is well outside the expertise of anyone here. Here, let me provide you with a link to the sum total of the knowledge of the community residents on the topic:


If you need further information, I recommend checking this website:


I'm actually finishing up an LL.M. with a focus on international tax law and tax havens specifically so.... :)

I, too, am a lawyer with a vast experience in expatriating rich people...

Vive le Galt!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

This one is a bit more highbrow, and probably runs more to Lord Dice's tastes, but there might be some lazzaroni in it, I'm not sure.

My Italian geography isn't so hot.

If I ever catch that elusive Pimpernel...

Srly, though, politics aside, that book is wicked fun. I think there's a series, kind of like the John Carter books. Except with guillotines.

Don't look at me.

I hope you don't mean Ms. Corday. Although, she did have quite a charming head...

Srly, though, yay!! When you get a chance we demand baby pix!!

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thejeff wrote:

Derailing history would be part of it. I'm not sure how any heroic PCs could get more than a casual look at tsarist Russia and not decide to overthrow him, which as 13-14th level characters in the real world, they could with ease. Along with dealing with the meta of players knowing the history.

If it's just a drop into Rasputin's house, fight your way through some guards, kill him and go, then no big deal, but also why bother having it on earth.

All I know is that Grigori Yefimovich better stay the f@## out of Galt.

No, seriously. Try Obama before a jury of his victims.

Doubleplusungood! Down the memory hole with you, Citizen Meatrace!

TheWhiteknife wrote:
If someone really wants "one nation, one law" then I would imagine that they cant wait to see President Obama stand trial for violating the War Powers Act.

I'd rather he be placed before a Revolutionary Tribunal of His Victims.

Up against the wall, motherf%~+er!

Vive le Galt!

If education and shaming don't work, there's always Jenni.

Citizen Meatrace, on the other hand...

But I would.

Vive le Galt!

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I told you I was watching, Citizen Sissyl.

Sissyl wrote:
We really need a Galt AP, where the Good, Brave people of Andoran put a stop to the Wicked, Murderous and Smelly revolution in Galt. ;)

I'm watching you, Citizen Sissyl.

What?!? You underestimate me, Citizen Games!