Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva takes one end of the tapestry and indicates for Leo to grab the other, and together they carefully roll it up. Slinging it over one shoulder, Fortiva heads for the archway. "Computer... Arch!" =D ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva shakes her head in dismay at the librarian's histrionics.
Feeling much better after doing so, she contemplates the tapestry.
Getting nowhere with that, she explores the library a bit.
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva moves to get a clear shot on the librarian and lets another pair of arrows arc downrange. ◆ Stride
◆ Strike
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() The ill-fate effect is saddling me with the lesser of each roll. Guess I should have stuck with how I wrote it originally, "hero point the 3." ;)
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Swearing under her breath in Elven, Fortiva lets lose with a pair of arrows. ◆ Interact to stow the shield
I forgot we we had party potions along with that scroll.
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Also delaying. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() AC does not matter much against that attack bonus. I'm not going closer than shortbow range once it comes back out, except maybe to go all-in when it looks like it's down to one hit left. And keep in mind I've still got the ill-fated thing and have to roll twice on Everything. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva turns invisible then sneaks back towards the fray. ◆◆ Invisibility from Cloak of Elvenkind
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() GM Tiger wrote:
Okay, so miss by 1, not gonna hero point since a crit fail kills. At Doomed 3 and 29 HP, not in the fight anymore.◆◆ Double Stride w/ boots of elvenkind for 70' movement
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() That may be harsh, but the 1-2 combo of save-or-disadvantage followed by save-or-die is kinda ridiculous. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Gonna be offline until late... if the effect has Emotion or Fear, +1 and if it's the former, upgrade Success.
Also, meant to ask on the earlier save... I assume the mention of Hope Talisman is irrelevant, since I've never even heard of such things. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() What traits does this effect have? ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Such a BS encounter. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Because of the retconned shield block, I'm not 100% where I'm at on reaction availability, but I think I can swing when Hopper hit Blue (right before we got eviscerated by the librarian).
Then Fort Save: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22 Booooo ... Fortiva's turn Feeling pretty worn down, Fortiva backs off from the big threat and swaps her sword for a potion then drinks it. ◆ Stride
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Jiki, the Flatulist wrote: Was everyone just hanging out here yesterday but me? It was a fairly gaming-heavy weekend, yeah. D&D 4E, Gloomhaven, Alien RPG, plus this and one other PbP. =D ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Yeah, take the 10 pts and keep the shield functional.
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Very much forgot to repair the silly thing during our apparently-lengthy delay before coming to the library. I don't think we needed that much healing, due to all of the aeon stones, but it's a lot to go back to review. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() She wouldn't break her shield, except to avoid being knocked unconscious. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Will Save: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36 Half damage ◆ Escape grab
◆ Strike Blue
◆ Raise Shield Fortiva gets free of the creature's grasp, but is unable to land her low slash. When Squash comes in behind her, however, she is able to get her blade past the enemy's defenses. ↺ Opportune Backstab when Squash hits
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva shakes her head in dismay at the librarian's insistence on fighting before readying her shield and charging at her second. ◆ Raise Shield
↺ Opportune Backstab if Hopper or Wolfie connects on blue. Shield Block otherwise. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Ready! ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 19 + 2 = 22
Fortiva focuses on her healing arts and ignores the room for now. First ten minutes, herself and Squash...
"Cute poem. Is "the dark between" referencing something that I'm not thinking of?" ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() ↺ Opportune Backstab when Wolfie bites the gug
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Yeah, Shield Block to reduce by 10 and take 32 onto the shield Fortiva deflects part of the gug's attack before returning with two deep cuts of her own. ◆ Strike
◆ Strike
◆ Raise Shield ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Keeping her shield up against any surprises, Fortiva moves into a flanking position and slashes the remaining gug. ◆ Raise Shield
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Weathering the blows from the gugs, Fortiva gives Squash a slightly concerned look before driving her blade forward in an attempt to finish off the middle one. "I wonder what part of her psyche this represents? ◆ Strike red, off-guard
◆ Strike red (or blue at this point - Squash has reach so everything still works), off-guard
◆ Raise Shield ↺ Will Opportune Backstab if an ally hits something adjacent with a melee strike (assuming there are any, hah!). Otherwise, reaction can be used for Shield Block. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva moves forward with silent grace, her blade flashing into hand at the last second before she drags it across the creature's body. ◆ Stride
↺ Will Opportune Backstab if an ally hits it in melee and it's not negating being off-guard (thanks to Gang Up). Otherwise, Nimble Dodge. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Not one for theatre or longwinded bard's tales (she's clearly more of a tavern-goer, where the songs are bawdy and raucous), Fortiva focuses on the shortest, safest path through. Drink Eagle-Eye Elixir for +2 for one hour.
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() I think Fortiva is in the same boat. I'm skipping gameday myself, as well. I originally grabbed six or seven spots on the day the signups opened, and the psychic backlash from mentally juggling all of that convinced me I need to do less pbp. :shrug: ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Acrobatics: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41 Definitely more in her element here, Fortiva appears to be in more than one place at a time as she takes advantage of the space folding and twisting to guide her down. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Yeah, let's fix that...
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva should be at 123 after the recent heal. No damage from the reflex save - rogue and all.
Looking down at the starfield, Fortiva thinks about her years growing up underground, following the faintest dots of light or making her way by instinct and gut. Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 The memories are old and faded by now, though, and she learned to trust her eyes in the decades since. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Reflex Save: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (4) + 22 = 26 If that's all the maze is going to hit us with, I think more healing is a better use of time than trying to manipulate it. Fortiva lets Patrick lead the way and focuses on any lingering injuries.
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Deception to calm the labyrinth: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (6) + 22 = 28 Perception to Seek: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27 ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() "Best next option... on we go." Fortiva sounds more calmly resigned than either eager or worried. How long do we have in the cottage? Do we have a sense of any time pressure, beyond the general need to calm the environment?
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() "We would be happy to join you. What games are you playing? Fortiva says as she looks around the cottage. Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21 "Anyone recognize this constellation?" she asks, holding out the book. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Speaking quietly with Patrick while straightening the last bandage, Fortiva replies, "It's definitely questionable tactics. If we're worthy enough to defeat her, we're still weakened by the fight. But sometimes someone does a thing for so long, all they can see is that thing. They cannot even conceive of a better option." ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() At least the first one for Patrick, esp to remove the Wounded condition.
Jiki should be at 90 with his stone, so since that was a poor roll, let's use the second treatment on Patrick as well.
I doubt Fortiva can lie to the maze while also treating wounds... =D Fortiva clearly agrees with Leo but leaves the naga alone. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva is an expert in medicine with assurance, ward, and continual feats, so she can treat wounds for two people every ten min for 2d8+10 without a roll.
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() ◆ Treat poison for Squash Medicine: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31
Fortiva gestures for Squash to come a little closer and administers a few herbs to help with the poison.
Moving to the oversized pupper next, she applies a little learning from her first attempt, and mitigates a little of the poison's bite. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Not seeing a need to feint or maneuver, Fortiva readies her shield and focuses on violence. ◆ Raise Shield
↺ Opportune Backstab
Spoiler: Shortsword: 1d20 + 21 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 21 + 1 = 36 for 2d6 + 5 + 1 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 5 + 1 + (1) + (1) + (3, 2, 2) = 20 slashing, fire, cold, precision
Seriously, I've had it with these dice. Ooo, a hit... that barely rolls half of the average damage. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva adds another slash to Wolfie's attack. ↺ Opportune Backstab: 1d20 + 21 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 21 + 1 = 31
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() 35 AC = exercise in dice rolling. Wake me when it gets interesting again. ;) ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fort Save: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33 No damage Rolling with the boom, Fortiva joins Leo at the naga's side, slashing her blade across Jamimpi form twice. ◆ Stride
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() One enemy down, Fortiva vaults across the open space to engage the naga. ◆ Stride
Looking for someone to hit Jamimpi in melee to trigger Opportune Backstab, rather than Dodging. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Real quick...
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (20) + 22 = 42 Can't touch this. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Reflex DC28: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (6) + 22 = 28 zero damage
Fortiva seems unfazed by the fires detonating around her. She lowers her head ever-so-slightly and makes a move to the left before cutting back hard to the right. ◆ Feint blue
◆ Strike blue
◆ Strike blue
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() With rugged mentor (+2 to saves instead of +1, assuming that was picked), the 23 is 25 vs 28 and the 22 is 24 vs 33.
If other boons were taken, it's as written - 75 damage plus ongoing once his turn finally comes around. ![]()
Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
![]() Fortiva lets out a sigh and moves to stop the other beast that showed up to cause trouble. Taking advantage of her speed, she delivers a nasty slash and stab. ◆ Stride