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Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

Howdy folkes! My name is Blake and I live north of Providence near the South Shore Mass area. Im looking for players to join in on a Adventuee Path campaign, the specific one to be determined (Rise of the Runelords and Strange Aeons are the current contenders).

I'm willing to host, or alternatively run this game out of Rivendell in Rhehobeth, MA (I also have space I can request at some of the local colleges). Considering Sunday afternoon and weekday evening time slots at the moment.
You can respond herr or email me at
3rd party content will be considered, as will alternative rules as presented in the Unchained hardcover.
Newbies and Vets both welcome!

Grand Lodge

Thanks! Im familiar with Untapped's schedule, but the schedule does not work for me. I havent heard of Tabletop yet, but it might be a possibility.

I have also considered running non-PFS sessions at Rivendell Books and Hobbies for any would might be interested. The current ixea would be to start with the classic Rise Of The Runelords campaign with shorter modules mixed or between chapters.

Grand Lodge

Well hello!

Figured I'd post this up in an attempt to scout out some players in my general area! I dont care if youre new to the game or an old vet like myself, Id like to expand my base and maybe make some friends! Unforunately the Providence area seems to have little in the way of Society play that I could find, but Boston seems to have quite a bit.

Who plays what and where? Who's ready for the new playtest?

Please don't be shy!