Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford grit his teeth as the wight tore into his body. Nobody said the path to godhood was easy, but nobody said it would be painful either! Still, he was standing, and it would take more than wound like that to end him. Fort Save (I think?): 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 - 1 = 19 "No! You will not be rid of me so easily, monster! Not after your transgressions!" Ford declared, placing his hands on the wand and inhaling as he healed himself of the wounds he suffered. Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Forgive my ignorance, but how is Caemillia dead? Shouldn't she be in the dying phase of things, or do wights have an ability I'm unfamiliar with? Also, I doubt it will, but would my Rebuke Death ability do anything to fix it? It only restores 1d4+1 to creatures below 0 HP (which, I guess technically, is Caemillia), but with an ability name like "Rebuke Death", one would think it could do just that - give death the middle finger. Just trying to be a team player. I know how much it sucks to lose a character. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford frowns as Caemillia falls to the undead menace. Patience... patience is crucial. he thought, kneeling down and grasping at his wand, placing his hand on the fallen paladin. "The gods are not through with you yet, milady. On your feet, brave knight!" Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford's eyes quickly swept across the ensuing battlefield, resting on Caemillia as she faced up to the wight, smirking as she asked Serenrae for guidance. Perhaps divine aid is closer than you realize, my dear... Ford approached the back of the group as he quietly stretched out his hand, filling it with divine power as he tapped Caemillia's armor lightly at the back. What's the saying? If you do things correctly, they won't know you've done anything at all. Move action to get within reach of Caemillia and using Bit of Luck on her. All d20 rolls are rolled again and she can take the higher one until the next turn. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford squinted as the undead rose up to attack them. Such horrible fates... the dead were not meant to walk like this. I believe Ms. Penn is correct. That is a wight, if I recall rightly. Kn. Religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 Ford raised his spear up, stamping the blunt end into the ground as a surge of energy burst forward, this time targeting his allies as the power flitted it's way around each of them. "Have courage, my faithful. We must put these unfortunate souls back to the peace they have bravely earned." he encouraged, inhaling as he focused on the divine connection network he'd formed. Hopefully, the others would be inspired and feel his energy flow through them... Casting a use of Bless on us all, seeing as we're all so close and combat proper has yet to start. +1 to all allies' attack rolls and saving throws vs. fear. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford bends down to pick up the stone, looking about as he squinted. Silence... I know this spell. Quiets everything around us. I need to get that other eye. We cannot communicate like this... and I don't think I have a way to counter it. Yet. Ford reaches back up with his spear to get the other gemstone out. One never knew. If not needed, he could take it back. It make benefit some of the needy back in Absalom. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford simply closed his eyes, shaking his head. It was to be expected. He wasn't quite to god status yet, but they couldn't understand; they probably saw him as an arrogant fool. He wasn't... not really, so he thought. He was merely Aroden's replacement. Nothing more. Pitiful by deity standards, really. But his thoughts were interrupted, by the sudden silence of everything. Looking up, Ford noticed a statue. He recognized it... somewhere. It was demonic in nature, that much was for sure. But who... in any case, this silence was agitating. Perhaps... this seemed like a spell. Was it one he recognized? Kn. Religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Looking up, he noticed the gemstones in the eyes, burning orange. Another color! How to get it out of there... walking closer, Ford reached up with his longspear, hoping to pry the stones from their sockets. Strength Check?: 1d20 ⇒ 19 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford quirked an eyebrow back at Caemillia, before chuckling and shaking his head. "Ah. You still doubt my divinity, hm? Understandable. Perhaps, in time, I can convince you. I assure you, I'm quite fine." Ford replied, nodding before passing Sial with a smirk. "No need. My task is to protect you all. This is merely part of my job." Stamping his spear into the ground, the weapon's tip lit up, shedding light on the path ahead. "We still have work to do. Let's move." He said, leading the way further up the steps. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford patted Caemillia's shoulder as he passed her, smiling as genuinely as he could. "You don't have to bear the burdens for all - that's my job. I'll be certain to inform Serenrae that you are performing admirably. Besides, the day is not over; there is still time to prove your valor." Ford reached into his pocket, pulling out of the blue stones he found. "I found these in the pool. I wager they'll aid us in coaxing the door to open. If my hunch is right, there should be more like these around the tomb." ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford suddenly shakes his head, apparently snapping out of a trance as he looks back around him. His thoughts, engaging as they were, would have to wait. His allies needed some divine intervention. Ford pointed his spear at Tecolote as his hand wrapped around the wand in his pocket. Some of Tecolote's wounds began to stitch themselves up as he did. Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford continues to, almost leisurely, close the distance between himself and the battle ahead. But when he notes that Tecolote nearly making a dangerous mistake and getting cut as a result, he quickens his pace and begins to hustle. Upon seeing Sial faring even worse, Ford breaks into a run. "Stay strong, my friends! You are performing admirably!" he called out, fumbling into his pocket for his wand. No time for appearances. A good deity doesn't let their faithful suffer! Hauling butt with a Run action to catch up. AC should be 15 for this round. Also usng Wand of CLW to heal Tecolote, since he's closest. Sial is next! Just don't die! CLW on Tecolote: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford kneels down to gather as many of the shards as he safely can, placing them in his waist pouch. "I believe these will be of use." Looking up through the mist, Ford squinted as his allies seemed to be making their way quickly to the undead. Turning back to the small dinosaur, Ford pounded his spear to get it's attention before waving a hand. "It's Orza, right? Come on, Orza! Let's go find your master!" he encouraged, leading on and hoping to get the little creature to follow after him. Handle Animal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 Let's see if I am as good with animals as I am with the ladies! Taking a move action, since I'm fairly certain gathering up the blue shards was a standard action, if not longer. Perhaps we can trade them in for a Water Stone! (inb4 Pokemon reference) ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Stepping out of the fog and moving towards the pool in the center of the room, Ford kneels down to inspect the waters. They were glowing, after all... perhaps some sort of magic warranted the presence of undead guardians...? Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford squinted up across the water basin at the skeletons. Keeping his hand in his pocket, Ford pointed his spear at Orza, channeling the wand's power towards the poor dino. "Not today. Death had best run, for I now walk these halls." Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford peers down into the pit trap, squinting and moving along the side. "To my knowledge, Lady Caemillia, the spell doesn't render you invisible to your own eyes. It is not true invisibility - more of a mass illusion. A discerning eye can see through it. And since you are the one conjuring the illusion... well, you understand by that point, I imagine." Passing carefully along the wall, Ford quirked an eyebrow, before reaching down to grab a nearby rock. "May my divine presence serve to warn the faithful." he chanted, before lighting the rock up with bright light. Taking the rock, he tossed it into the pit trap. "That should stay alight for about 20 minutes. Simply look for the light." Casting Light on a rock, tossing it into the trap. Should be able to reach to the top of the pit, and outline the hole pretty distinctly. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford nodded as he leaned his staff against his shoulder, raising his hand to point first at Caemillia, then to Bolger, squinting as their wounds slowly stitched themselves up. CLW Caemillia: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 CLW Bolger: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford stamps his spear in the ground again, though thankfully, no energy waves pulse from this one. "Lady Caemillia, how are you faring? If you are injured, I can assist with that." Ford turned to Bolger, smiling as he kept his hand in his pocket, grasping the wand as he used another charge of it to heal himself once more. Soon enough, I won't have to pretend like this... "That goes for anybody. Master Bolger, you look like you could use some divine aid..." he stated, smiling as his own injuries mended themselves up. Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford leveled his spear at the remaining goblin, clearly not looking very happy with the creature. Not how I meant for that to happen, but perhaps I can use that to my benefit. he mused interally. "If you do not wish to meet the same fate, you will drop your weapons and give up! NOW!" Ford declared, glowering at the goblin. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford watched as this blasted little goblin seemed to be dodging everything they threw at it! Time for some divine intervention. "BY my might... YOU! WILL! YIELD!" Another stamp of his spear into the ground, as waves of energy spilled forth, darting straight for the last goblin, and it alone. Channel Negative Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford smiled back up at Caemellia, before snarling and wincing as the arrow flew into him. They were starting to sting a good bit. Slowly reaching up and loosening the shaft from himself, he tossed it aside and quietly laid his hand on his wand in his pocket. Touching it, Ford steadily transferred some of it's power into himself, focusing it's healing energy into his wound. For all purposes, it looked as if he was simply regenerating; after all, appearances were crucial for a fledgling god. Wand of CLW: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford notices that Caemillia seems to be having trouble scaling the scaffolding, and promptly makes a quick rush towards her. Reaching up, Ford taps her briefly, imbuing her with a bit of his power. "Do not relent. Only those who quit truly fail. Now... get up there and kick that little menace's butt!" Clearly Ford was a deity of little subtlety. Move action and Bit of Luck on Caemillia. Reroll any d20s and take the better one till her next turn. Now get on up there and whoop 'em! ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford grunted as two of the arrows impacted him, squinting both from pain and frustration at their glee and delight. "I see... then I will not pull my punches anymore... now, you feel my might!" Ford grasped his spear with both hands, pounding it into the ground as waves of energy swept up and out from him once more. "Everyone! I need your faith! I need your belief! I ask you to believe in my divinity - it shall not go to waste! I! Will! Protect! My followers!" Ford shouted, concentrating as he manipulated his powers once more, letting them pass by his allies while targeting the wretched little creatures. Channeling energy again, this time to hopefully deal some significant damage. Channel Neg. Energy DC 17: 1d6 ⇒ 2 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford continued to move unfazed through the barrage of attacks, the arrows falling around him harmlessly, as if refusing to touch him. As the goblin comes up to strike him with his shortsword, Ford deflects it with the butt of his spear, spinning past and continuing his march. Finally, however, he stopped, twisting about to identify 4 of the goblins closest to him. "You have seen how effective your struggles are in the face of a god, and yet you persist? Perhaps a more tangible demonstration is in order!" Ford stamped his spear once more into the ground, as strange waves of energy suddenly irradiated from it, immediately chasing after the 4 closest goblins... though his allies seemed to be ignored by these pulses of power. 5 ft step, move to place myself withing range of all 4 goblins (assuming my assessment of the map grid is right) and using Channel Negative Energy with a DC 17 to halve the damage. Also, I can Selective Channel around at least 4 allies, though I think only Orza and Bolger are in current danger... ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford frowned a the battle seemed to be teetering between going well, and going piss poor. He couldn't quite tell yet. But that was about to change as he began walking forward, spear pounding into the ground. "Lady Caemillia, if you would be so kind - bring some of these poor little souls to me, if you can manage. Everyone else - please give me some space. This will be easier without a crowd..." Making a double move action towards the center. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford inhaled, coughing a bit at the smell of the musty air before focusing his attention ahead. "It seems this place is not as abandoned as was anticipated... perhaps we can convince the little troublemakers to leave." ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford smirked at Caemillia, grasping his spear and reinvigorating the light, leading the way. "A proper deity is satisfied with faith alone. Your willingness to trust my power is enough." he stated, holding his spear up to lead the way. If he was being honest with himself, that was a lie, but as they say - fake it 'til you make it. Biting back any further comments, he led the way ahead with his weapon... no doubt making the attempts at stealth by his feathered friends more of a challenge. "I never liked bringing justice from the dark. Better to let them know the power they face." Should Caemillia (or anyone, really) happen to note, Ford's 'holy symbol' is a somewhat poorly handmade object hanging off his belt - a shield with a pair of broken arrows carved into the front. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford raised his spear higher to better illuminate the creatures scurrying about in the darkness. Narrowing his sights on the two monstrous... things, Ford turned back to his group. Caemillia in particular, he smirked at her, before placing a hand on her shoulder. "No disrespect to Serenrae, but today, you will be MY agent of divine might." Ford's hand glowed with bright energy, instilling the paladin with some semblance of faith. "We have so many in such a small space, I cannot unleash my full divine might. You will have to act in my stead. Now whoop 'em!" Using Bit of Luck on Caemillia. Free re-rolls on all d20s! ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Using his spear as a walking stick, Ford is always prepped for battle. Not that he expected it in here. Someone seems to have left some sort of offering or sacrifice here? Strange... the fact it was half-eaten didn't bother Ford - anything could've done that, but that didn't mean it was down here... after all, goblins were crafty buggers, they could've tailed the feast and gobbled it when it's owners left. The problem, though, was not that it was eaten, but only half so... why? Rod stood up from his investigating the pig, peering down the empty hallway ahead of him. "Brace your eyes." he warns, before pounding the haft of his spear into the flagstone, as the head suddenly bursts into a bright light, illuminating the place. "Agents of darkness, flee! My divinity lays claim to this ancient place!" Lit up, Ford traipses boldly ahead into the darkness, still wary, but unflinching. Casting Light on my spear and moving ahead. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford seems well dressed and groomed, though he doesn't seem terribly into it. He keeps up appearance more out of necessity. One thing the crew will learn along the journey is that Ford believes himself a divine entity... sort of. He believes he's meant to replace Aroden, and given the control of his divine magic, it's almost hard to argue with him. In any case, he's friendly enough, if perhaps a tad touched. He tries hard, never asks more of anybody than he puts on himself, and pushes himself hard, insisting on taking up tasks himself, even if others might be better suited for it. "Aww, and what's wrong with Varisia? Lovely country, lovely ladies, lovely everything! Ah well, to Thornkeep it is. I imagine a door will prove little problem for a future deity." ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Everyone's gonna hate me, but Ford would not be satisfied until the cave is fully explored and the gillmen are safe. However, if nothing else big is inside, we can just go ahead and call it a mission. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() "Milday! If you would..." Ford asked, motioning for her to approach as he waded through the waters of the river, pulling out his wand. "We saw more than that. The cave is apparently an old temple to Aroden, my predecessor, but that's not what brings the gillmen here. One inside, Uroi, said they come here because the waters are sacred. And apparently, someone else had the plan to kill them and turn them into an army of the undead. Ironically, his plan seems to have eaten him, so his threat is removed." ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford seems very indignant about the laughing. Clearly, this big brute needed an example. "Lady Janira!" Ford shouted back, glaring firmly at the halfling female. "This is for your safety, and we are more than capable of dealing with this monster. I will not request again: fall back! We will handle this behemoth!" Grasping his spear in both hands, Ford stamped his spear into the ground again. Waves of searing energy rippled outwards, passing fluidly up and around his allies. However, when it connects with the bull-headed beast, it'll cut nasty lashes into the minotaur's skin. "I warned you!" Channel Negative Energy against the Minotaur, using Selective Channel to prevent everyone nearby from taking damage (Janira should be out of the range, if my counting it right.) DC 17 to save
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() And all my credibility as a candidate for God-hood goes right out the window... Maybe the minotaur takes a penalty because he's laughing so hard at that attempt to be threatening. Along with everyone else... ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford moves closer to the river, before stamping his spear into the ground and bellowing at the minotaur. "BEAST OF LAMASHTU! You cannot comprehend the foe you have made today; not an agent of the divine, but the divine itself! I do not judge the deformed, but to those who would turn their ire on the weak and injured, I will see you driven before me!" Ford felt himself in prime form; not only was the minotaur threatening his comrades, but he had injured a lovely lady like Janira. Both his old and new self were in agreement; this thing was going down. Ford stomped his spear into the ground once more, a wave of energy unfurling his vestments and pushing away the nearby grass and pebbles. "My name is Ford Benett! The successor of Aroden! God of the weak and downtrodden! Those in my care who are attacked will earn my wrath: this means YOU!" Taking a move action and then standard action to make an Intimidate check on the minotaur to get it's attention and possibly shaken it.
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford races ahead, spear at the ready as he calls out to Janira. "Milady! Fall back! We shall handle this beast from here!" he orders, before calling to his allies. "Try and draw the minotaur away! Or at least see Janira to safety!" ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford scowls as he steps forward. The quarters were tight, the tougher ones were restricted, and this blob of goo wouldn't go down; it was time to flex his divine might! Stamping his staff into the rocky ground beneath him, waves of harmful energy seared forth from the contact point, weaving around his allies and targeting the slimeball. "Creature! From darkness you have spawned, and to darkness I shall return you! Impede my path NO MORE!" Channel Neg. Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford moves up to the fray, tapping Ragnar's shoulder and imbuing him with more magical power. "I'm choosing you to enact my will. Dispatch this creature with haste so that we may progress." Using Bit of Luck on Ragnar. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford blinks as Janira's voice echoes from within the cavern Ragnar discovered. Readying his spear, he quickly follows after the group, ready to lend his powers to their aid. "Servant of Lamashtu? That's sounds bad. Hurry, if Lamashtu or her underlings are involved, we need to quell it fast" Making a Knowledge (Religion) check to see if there's anything about Lamashtu I could recall that would make this a smarter way to approach danger.
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford winces a little as he feels where the skeleton had wounded him. Turning his wand to himself, he inhaled and concentrated, restoring himself to a less critical condition. "Does anyone else need my might? I shall see to it that you're all restored." Turning to Kaneka, he says a little quieter. "Are you alright? I was worried when I saw you so badly wounded..." Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford spies Kaneka take a nasty blow from one of the undead scourge, and frowns. Not necessarily in disappointment, but perhaps the closest he could display to worry. Walking calmly through the fray, Ford drew his wand of healing and knelt down beside her. "Save your strength, and your wand. I shall take care of such concerns, milady." he says, tapping the wand to Kaneka's skin. Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford gave a small curse under his breath as he saw the undead creatures. "It had to be the undead... of course. It can't be helped..." Stepping forward, Ford reached up and placed his hand on Draylan's shoulder, shimmering with divine energy as it spread to the rest of Draylan. "When the forces of darkness rise, so too shall good select it's own champion. For now, you are that champion..." Using a use of Bit of Luck on Draylan. Be sure to use it to kick their butts. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() "I will not have humble pilgrims attacked at their place of worship. Especially if such a place is sacred ground to Aroden. Please continue your prayers, Uroi. We shall see to it you and no others are distrubed here." Ford says with authority, stamping his spear into the ground before moving alongside Ragnar to seek out the dangers of the cavern. ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford seems somewhat relieved at the gillman's welcoming nature, clapping a fist to his chest and bowing back. "Well met, Uroi. My name is Ford Benett, future successor to Aroden. As Brayden says, we were curious as to why you were here. A friend of ours noticed you entering here every full moon... I suppose because the waters here are at their holiest during this time?" Making a knowledge check to see if I can't rack my brain as to why a gillman would be praying here for any reason... I suspect most likely to Aroden, so I'm hoping that sheds some light on things.
Ford looks up at the rest of the caverns, scowling a little at the mention of other inhabitants. "Other creatures defile this twice holy ground? Not while I draw breath. What lurks down here that would ruin such a sacred spot?" ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford, however, seems to have no reservations about approaching the gillman, spear set at the ready as he stands undeterred by the fellow's presence. Whether the gillman knows what he's saying, or he speaks Common, or is even dangerous, Ford doesn't seem to care much. "You stand on Aroden's holy ground, my friend. As his successor, I have no qualms with your presence, should you seek safety or asylum. But if you have less honorable intentions, I must ask you cease them, leave... or face the consequences." Not sure if this will work, but...
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() The team spirit went into Divine Favor, Bit of Luck and True Strike. Saves against fear are nice, but what do you have to fear from something that's dead? ...or at least incapacitated. :P ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ah, right, sorry. I thought I had them listed... For 0th level, I've got Light, Detect Magic and Read Magic.
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() Ford squints at the etching for a bit, before going wide-eyed and jaw dropping a bit, trembling in place. "This place is... it's in honor to my... my precursor deity. The one I'm meant to replace. It's... these are guises of Aroden!" Ford's hands run gently across the etchings as he explained them all to the group. "The Fisherman, declaring the great accomplishments of teamwork. The Hunter, taming the wilds for humankind... and the Soldier, bringing light to the dark corners of the world." Ford grew silent as he looked over the etchings, studying them. Suddenly, he turned around, looking grimly determined. "Where are the gillmen? I want to know what they are doing here, and why. This place is sacred, and as Aroden's successor, I cannot allow them to run unchecked here." ![]()
Male Human Cleric/2 HP: 14/14 (9/9) | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +2 | Will: +5 | Init: +2 |Perc: +7 | CMB: +1 | CMD: 13
![]() I don't know if this room has any particular purpose or significance religiously, but I can give a Knowledge (Religion) check. See if it has some kind of design that would be important or anything. Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21