Fadil Ibn-Kazar

Flurry's page

24 posts. Alias of Kios.

Full Name

Jake Corner


6' 3", 226 lbs.



About Flurry


Jake "the Flurry" Corner was one of the best boxers that ever lived. He had an almost perfect streak going when after years of fighting he finally got his shot at the championship.

It was thought that no man alive could beat Jake in a straight fight when he was in top shape. He had outstanding endurance, was quick on his feet, and hit hard. For those that still followed the sport, his championship match came as a great and horrible shock.

For five rounds, Jake and the champ traded blow after blow. Both showed signs of exhaustion and bruises showed plainly on their bodies. Jake bled into his right eye, and the champ looked like he had already had his jaw broken. They charged straight at each other as the round begun and Jake threw a spinning uppercut. The champ threw an overhand body shot, expecting his opponent to come in high.

As the fists landed, Jake's uppercut caught the champ right under the jaw, sending him flying to the ground. The champ's blow landed heavily on Jake's neck, right next to his should. He too fell, hitting the ground hard. It was a tie. That was what everyone thought at the time.

The champ's blow ended up paralyzing Jake from the neck down. He would never fight again, let alone walk. It was the worst of endings for such as great boxer as he.

Years passed and Jake became less and less relevant. As no one ever expected him to recover, the boxing world all but forgot about the man that was almost champion. Jake, however, would never give up.

He spent years straining his body in every way he could, torturing himself to the point of blacking out on multiple occasions from the pain, all so he could move again. Fighting was what he lived for and he could think of no other life.

He surprised all of his doctors when he was able to once again stand on his own. He surprised them even more when he pushed himself even further, getting in better shape than he had ever been, his training no longer feeling as painful or strenuous as it had once felt after his body had endured and overcome such an injury.

However, he could no longer be a boxer. With such an obvious and gruesome injury, he would not show his face in the ring. Even if he could, he had never regained the ability to speak, even after all the years he spent trying.

So. he did what he thought he must to get back in the game. He changed his appearance, growing out a beard and shaving his head. He put on a mask, so that no one would recognize him on the streets. On the streets, he found a new reason to fight, protecting those who could not fight their own battles.

Name: Flurry
Identity: Jacob Corner
Level: 1
XP: 0

Heightened Attack: +1/level accuracy bonus.
Heightened Defense: -4 to be hit while conscious and mobile.
Heightened Endurance A: +11.
Heightened Expertise: +4 to hit in unarmed combat.
Heightened Strength A: +10.
Speed Bonus: +50" to ground movement rate.
Mute: Unwilling or unable to speak.

Strength: 18
Endurance: 24
Agility: 16
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 14

Basic Hits: 4.5
Hit Points: 40
Power: 70
Reactions from Good/Neutral/Evil: +2/+1/-3
Movement Rates: 108" on ground
Carrying Capacity: 783 lbs.
Basic HTH Damage: 1d8
Healing Rate: 3.2
Accuracy Modifier: +2
Damage Modifier: +0
Detect Hidden: 10%
Detect Danger: 14%
Inventing Points: 1.2 (36%)
Security Clearance: 16