High Shieldmarshal Armand Meneley

Flint McGregor's page

46 posts. Alias of RocksAhead.


Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

I want to say that I enjoyed my first foray into Traveler and thank you for DMing. I don't really think there is a need for Flint going forward though. He was created as more firepower to back Marcus up when there was a large group of people but as many of those dropped out he be came rather useless. This moving on comes at a great time for me to step away as my work load is going to ramp up and so my posting rate would decline. So again thanks to all for a fun adventure.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Who the hell is this Master? This is all way beyond my scope of understanding.
Flint says with a shrug and a frown.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Well on bright side at least I am getting locked in here with you Miss Shadye. Flint said with a wink. Seriously it is the smart move. I at least expected to be quarantined but I am certain glad to have company.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Hey Doc! Glad you're alive down there. Those things got a claw into me. I'll need some personal attention when we get back.
Flint said flirtatiously into the radio.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Yeah we lost our doctor and our pilot PCs. Should have made a backup of those instead of just more fire power.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

I will take the injection if anything starts to feel weird.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Sure why not I'll be the guinea pig for us all. After all I guess I may have been exposed to something when my Vacc Suit got ripped by those things.
Flint says as he puts his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

And we left the doctor on the Grav Sled and I could definitely use some medical attention. Not sure about Marcus.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint relieved to be inside the small craft and not in the vacuum outside looks down at the patch covering the tear in his Vacc suit and the scrape beneath it.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint looks around the area for anything heavy to possibly help barricade the door they recently came through.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Thanks Ephraim. Flint says begrudgingly. Maybe his preconceptions about the man were off a bit and he wasn't the scum of the station.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

I propose that until END runs out it doesn't mean that the armor has been breached just damaged and thus tires you more when you try to move in it. Once you start dipping into STR or DEX then it means that the armor has been breached. But I will also try looking for a rule.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

right good question thanks Emilyene ... as Flint suffocates.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

now to figure out healing. lol

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

So I thought Effect of the attack was the attack role minus the TN which on average is 8. So the effect of the attack on Flint is 11-8 =3. This number gets added to the damage being done. In this case 1d6+4. So the total damage being done is 13 I have a Vacc suit with protection 8 so 8 points of damage are absorbed so I end up with 5 damage points off END. In the case of Marcus the effect is 4 so total damage is 10 but after the Vacc Suit he only losses 2 from his END. Am I reading this right? It seems like your post is saying the effect of the attack IS the damage rolled.

Dodging would be to take a -1 on any attacks next turn but to subtract your DEX DM from the attack roll. So Flint could try to dodge he would still be hit but might be able to reduce the effect of the attack and thus the damage taken. Sorry this is my first traveler game so I am still trying to learn some things.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

I think I applied the damage correctly. I was wondering about the damage roll on me it is a 1d6+4 but I was thinking it should be 1d6+3 as 11 is only 3 greater than 8. The way I read the rules the Effect of the attack is applied to the damage. Also how do you want us to declare reaction actions?

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint screams at Marcus Run forget the gun. He then concentrates and sends a volley of bullets down the hallway.
GunCombat: 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2, 3) + 1 + 2 = 8 for Dam: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
GunCombat: 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 1 + 2 = 8 for Dam: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4
GunCombat: 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3) + 1 + 2 = 9 for Dam: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
After he fires Flint turns to run towards the door.
Flint will spread his shots but make sure that the creature closest to Marcus is one of the targets.

Wow sucky damage dice again

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Ok sounds like Marcus is saying you can roll his disarm check. I am waiting on that result to decide what to do.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

waiting to see what happened with Marcus and his weapon.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

With Emilyene back towards the front of the group with the key Flint falls back to rear guard position with Marcus. When he gets a chance he will fire his ACR on full auto at 3 different targets as well.
DEX+Gun Combat (Slug Weapons): 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3) + 1 + 2 = 9 Dam: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4) = 8
DEX+Gun Combat (Slug Weapons): 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5, 5) + 1 + 2 = 13 Dam: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9
DEX+Gun Combat (Slug Weapons): 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 1 + 2 = 8 Dam: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) = 8

3 additional hits on the leading creatures for 8, 9 and 8 damage. wow those damage rolls are below average.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

In the lead of the group Flint is one of the first to make out the keypad off to the side of a heavy metal gate.
Emilyene! Keycard please.
He shouts back as he continues to run towards the doorway.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint would have been at the opposite end as Marcus. Marcus called that he was covering the rear so Flint would have been in the front. These 6 are coming up from behind us so that would flip orientation and Marcus would be in the front lines and Flint in the rear.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint walks over to the twitching creature in the lab coat and snatches up the Id tag. He takes a look at it before handing it to Emilyene.
Do you recognize the name from any of the information in the computer?
He then turns his attention and rifle on the hole in the ceiling.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Give ground back to the generator room
Flint says as he takes a few steps back through the doorway he kneels into a firing position so that the others behind him may have freedom to shoot over his head.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

That point when you realize that your first shot didn't kill the monster. Flint would have fired at one creature until it went down and then swung his aim at the next one.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

so if I get everything right Flint just burned through 25% of his 40 round ammo clip using 9 shots to activate the full auto mode.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint's eyes widened as he saw the mob of humanoids burst through the vegetation.
He quickly brought his ACR to bear on a group of targets he switched to full auto mode and fired his gun hoping his training would prove worth its scars.
Gun(Slug)+2+1: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3) + 2 + 1 = 8
Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 1) = 10

Gun(Slug)+2+1: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3, 4) + 2 + 1 = 10
Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5) = 12

Gun(Slug)+2+1: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 + 1 = 7
Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 4) = 14

After blazing away with his ACR Flint takes a few steps backwards keeping his eyes on the creatures.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint moves into a position at the rear. He keeps glancing over his shoulders towards the ominous sound keeping an eye out for whatever may have been the cause of the noise.
Recon: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 5) + 2 = 10

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Marcus you are on point. Fling says as he rushes to the door to help muscle it open.
Athletics(Str): 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 1 + 1 = 6

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Nothing good! Emilyene what did you do?
Flint starts looking around the room they are trapped in for vents and also for possible exits.
Everyone stay calm. Flint says more to himself than anyone else.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Umm Emilyene what's the issue? McGregor repeats with mounting concern.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Quick question to control. I think there is some confusion of when Lab D got power to it. I for one am under the impression that this was during the base evacuation. It seems others are under the impression that we somehow triggered power to Lab D.
Look I'll guard whoever you all think best. My personal opinion is that we avoid Lab D. Not sure if its worth taking power from Lab D until its investigated. We could still save some time if we go and check Lab D before lowering power levels there to activate Supply Dome.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

well that last bit was a tad sinister.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Cool I thought we were under a time restraint to get back to the moonbase before everything shut down.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

1. What kind of time frame are working with? How much time remains before we need to head back?

2. Can we speed up the 6 hours by splitting into two teams for recovery of the items?

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Right-o! My mind was going towards any unfortunate survivors carrying the KV not the virus itself. Flint scratched his head and shut his mouth waiting for the smart-ones to figure out this pickle. He did increase his already vigilant watch over the group. Quickly glancing from doorway to doorway.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Damn sounds like a biological weapon to me. 90% immediately wiped the rest turned into hairless adrenaline pumped monsters. Turning to Ephraim.
The report mentioned an increased breathing rate so unless it breathes nothing I think a vacuum should take it out. Also at this point I doubt any of us have been exposed yet. Seems it is all locked up in Lab D

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint moves to the left and takes up a guard position maintaining a professional level as the group moves through the dense jungle-like room into a room filled with so many machines it most be the mechanical room.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Well that was a short jog. No can one of you bright ones get us inside. I seem to have lost my key. Flint smirks at his own joke.

Which way was the majority of the electric cars facing towards or away from the door we are now at?

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

I think it best to stick together until we know it is safe here.
Flint answers Ephraim. Besides we saw where the Environmental and Power Plants were located. They seemed to be in the next dome over, I vote we all make our way there together.
Flint keeps a wary eye out for trouble as a shiver runs down his spine. The vast emptiness of this place makes him nervous. Too much space for something, anything to be hiding in.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint looked down at his feet when Ephraim disparaged his idea. He knew he wasn't as smart as the others he should have just kept his mouth shut. Flint heard Marcus question the red headed engineer about her abilities and was stirred to speak again.
Marcus how can she know if she power them up until she sees them? We have no idea what we are working with here. I think our course is clear we need to get to the reactors and see what can be done once there.
Flint takes a few steps in the direction of the next dome before stopping and turning around to add.
If you think that's alright Marcus, I mean.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint's attention was grabbed by the dimming of the terminal.
Lost power already? Any chance we can power this thing from the grav sled. If we brought it through the bay doors? I am not very good at this sort of thing so I might have it all wrong.
Flint realizes that the rest of the group probably doesn't need his stupid input and quickly closes his mouth again and returns to keeping an eye out for any trouble.
INT+Recon: 2d6 + 0 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2) + 0 + 2 = 8

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Ok fixed that.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Oh boy just reread through and found out I need to add some skills. I missed the extra free skill for "making advancement roll" So back to the book and the character sheet.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Flint shuffled his feet at the back of the group. Furtively switching his gaze from keeping an eye out for anything approaching from the direction they came from and keeping tabs of Ephraim.
Still don't trust that one but Marcus seems to value his opinion. Not my place to question orders.
He thinks to himself as he tries to stay alert and un-distracted by Emilyene's work at her hand comp.

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Hey all. Posting first out of character. I made something along the lines of Aven Brody. This guy is more a meat and potatoes security guard of the moonbase. I am fine with him being a junior partner or direct subordinate to Marcus. (Thinking that is one connection) I think that he would also have had several run ins with Ephraim Cole on the outskirts of the moonbase. (Other connection providing Vac Suit). I will write up his backstory in a few hours. Basically Flint comes from a line of space marines. He had some training from his father and grandfather in the Marine way before enlisting in the guard services as a grunt (Army(Infantry)). I see this guy focusing on combat and lightening Marcus's load in the department so Marcus can expand more into a party face role.