Fleetwood Mac and Cheese's page

6 posts (79 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

Alright guys, everyone settle in. You have the day to make any changes to your sheet or work anything out. Gameplay will start tomorrow.

Dot here.

Private recruitment for those chosen. Nothing to see here.

Alright guys, everyone settle in. You have the day to make any changes to your sheet or work anything out. Gameplay will start tomorrow.

Dot here.

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Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vented within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Talistril, under the watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

Character creation:
-25 pt buy
-Starting at 1st level
-Average starting gold by class
-Max HP at first level, roll every other level.
-Any non-evil alignment
-2 traits, one of which must be from the Kingmaker Player's Guide. You may take a drawback for an additional trait.
-Any class is allowed, and any archetype aside from Synthesist Summoner.
-All Core, Featured, and Uncommon races except for Drow Noble and Svirfneblin are allowed.
-Material from all official Paizo books are allowed, where applicable.
-3rd party material is allowed on a case-by-case basis. There is no harm in asking, but I make no promises.
-A backstory for your character, with some depth to them. I like depth, and I take the character backgrounds into account when selecting a party, so make it count.
-Give a general direction for your character from a gameplay standpoint. What they'll be able to bring to a party, what aspects of their class they emphasize, and where you intend to go with them build-wise over time. It doesn't have to be along, just to give me an idea of what you're going for.

And then some notes about just the game and how I run things.
-We won't be using the grid. Narrative combat for life.
-I don't like bogging the game down or restricting how you want to build a character by worrying about carrying capacity, so encumbrance is out. Your strength will still be important for carrying really heavy objects, but your low-strength Rogue can carry all the rope they want.
-Reflavouring certain things to better suit a character is more than okay by me.
-Houseruling, like third party material, is something you need only ask about.
-To account for the higher point buy and larger group size, encounters will be rebalanced for higher difficulty as needed.
-If you played/GMed parts of the game before, it's not a problem. I think most people can avoid powergaming just fine.

I'm looking for a group of 5 or 6 players to run through Kingmaker. Specifically, people who can make at least one post a day on weekdays and one during weekends. Party selection will be decided by a mix of having a party that hits all the necessary roles (obviously with some redundancy given the larger size), and on the strength of applicants' backstories.

I'll keep recruitment open for roughly a week, and be around to answer questions/comment on applications as needed. If you have an existing character for a previous Kingmaker game that fell through/you didn't get picked for, but who is under different build rules, don't worry about tweaking it until you're accepted. The backstory and general idea is what I care about more than having everything done right now.

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The people of Ravengro always found Professor Petros Lorrimor a peculiar and potentially worrisome neighbor. The already superstitious folks were wary of someone who so willingly threw his life and work into his chosen career path, and it did not help that he kept company some considered to be more than met the eye. Something sinister, to be feared. They had no idea how right they were.

Now, the good professor is dead, and his will has drawn some of his associates, acquaintances, and subjects of study to the small village in Ustalav for his funeral. Those who aided and owed a debt to him in his life will find his last wishes, much like they are in the eyes of the villagers they stand amidst in grieving, to be something much darker than they could imagine.

I'm looking for a six-player party to run Carrion Crown, because my real life group isn't really into horror the way I am, and some of them aren't too gung-go about getting deep into a character, which is something I would like to work with and explore here. So I've come here in hopes of finding a group of people who can give me the GMing experience I'm looking for. People who can really get into the setting and tone of a horror game, and who like to create vivid characters to roleplay with.

But there's a twist. I'd like to run a game where the characters are written along various horror archetypes or themes. The morally questionable doctor more concerned with discovery and experimentation than with ethics. The rogue who stalks the night and cuts throats as he builds a paranormal legend for himself. The half-vampire whose heritage drives them to become the scourge of undeath. The holy warrior or cleric who believes their divine mission is to shine holy light into the most descecrated corners. The experiment who struggles with the need to either hold onto or affirm that they indeed have any humanity. The wife whose family was slain by a creature of the night, and whose quest for vengeance has set them on a dark genocidal path. Those sorts of the things.

It's okay to be derivative, as the idea is to be a send-up to the genre throughout the years, the same way the setting is. Taking inspiration in any degree is perfectly fine. You should aim for something that isn't alien to the world you'll be delving into; you knew the professor to some degree, and that is not by small coincidence.

Character Creation:
-You begin at first level.
-20 point buy
-Two traits, one of which must be from the Carrion Crown Player's Guide. You may take a drawback for an additional trait.
-Any class is allowed, as is any archetype except for Synthesist Summoner.
--Flavourful archetypes that fit the game are adored.
-You may use any playable race, except for Drow, or any race considered "monstrous" or "very powerful".
-All official Paizo books are admissable where relevant (ie. not Mythic Adventures).
-No third party material.
-I'm open to houseruling certain things, you need only ask. Homebrewing a confusing mess of features is not really my thing.
-Reflavouring certain elements is also perfectly fine.
-Please give a background for your character with some degree of depth into it. As requested above, the character should be in some way "on topic".
-Provide a general direction for your character. What sort of role you see them filling in the party, what aspects of their class they emphasize, maybe what direction you intend to build them over time. Doesn't have to be long, just something to help consider party balance.
-There are no major alingment restrictions, but your character should at least be willing to play nicely in a party (no stealing or picking fights just to be an abrasive dick) and be willing to see the plot through. If you seek something along the lines of a Jack the Ripper-esque character or someone who definitely qualifies as "evil" in some way, please don't be cackling cartoon ever, and also, as just kind of a general personal thing, don't play a rapist. Or really involve rape in the game in any way.

We won't be using the grid, partly due to my preference as a GM and partly because getting too hung up over distances and moving pieces kind of detracts from the mood a bit. Narrative combat allows for both more flexibility and the ability to increase tension a little. I also don't like getting bogged down by keeping track of encumbrance, either in terms of bookkeeping or in terms of forcing characters to have a certain minimum strength to carry all the things they want/need. Outside of things like overhead carrying capacity/pulling/pushing/etc. don't worry too much about what your Strength score lets you do.

I'll be taking a party of six players, chosen based on a mix of backstory and party balance. Please be able to post once per day, barring circumstances. For now, we'll say recruitment runs through until Sunday, but I don't mind extending it a couple days. Until it closes I will be around to answer questions and review characters and such.