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Goblinworks Executive Founder. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblinworks Executive Founder

I think I will train a ranger as strickly an escort, tracker type. But my rogue would list her profession as 'Expert Relic Recover-er' lol

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Alastar wrote:
I went with the $500 pledge myself. In the end I just had to have the messenger bag, tablet portfolio and granite plaque.

Me too.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I know this isnt an official thread or anything :) But it's an interesting topic and I'd like to add my two cents.

I've played alot of mmo's. I'd like a little less need to grind to level. A lot of story (which the blogs so far say there is, so no worries). Easy inter-character action. Wheither that's an ingame Voip like DDO, or not.

I really, really dont want to fill my backpack every ten minutes and have to go sell it, or store it. If we could make that frustration go away, I'll have a happy play time :)

Housing is always cool. I have the blogs and I know about the guild halls and camps and such...but even just instanced apartments that characters could get would be cool. Like in Asheron's Call.

Basically, take the coolest stuff from other games and put them in lol. That would make me happy.