Jemet Winderbole

Finnace Cailean's page

160 posts. Alias of KingTreyIII.

Full Name

Finnace Cailean


| HP 28/28 | Resistances: none | AC 19 | F: +5, R: +9, W: +6 | Perc. (e): +7 (+1 circ. to Perc. DC; +2 circ. to Seek undetected creatures)


| Speed 25ft (30ft while in panache) | Class DC: 18 | Active conditions: None.


Male CG Halfling (observant) Blow-in Swashbuckler 2

About Finnace Cailean

Finnace Cailean
Background Blow-in
Class Swashbuckler 2
CG, Halfling (observant), Humanoid
Perception (e) +7; +1 circumstance to Perception DC (but not Perception checks); +2 circumstance to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30’.

Other Details

Ethnicity Chelaxian
Nationality Chelish
Birthplace Cheliax
Age 24
Gender & Pronouns Male, He/Him
Height 3'1"
Weight 33 lbs


AC (t) 19

HP 28

Class DC (t) 18

Fort (t) +5
Ref (e) +9
Will (e) +6


Speed 25’ (30’ with panache)

Melee Strikes (t)

Throwing knife (agile, finesse, thrown 20’, twin): +8 (1d4+1 P)
Juggling Club (agile, nonlethal, thrown 20’): +5 (1d4+1 B)
Hatchet (agile, sweep, thrown 10’) +5 (1d6+1 S)
Fist (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed): +8 (1d4+1 B)

Ranged Strikes (t)

Throwing knife (agile, finesse, thrown 20’, twin): +8 (1d4+1 P)
Juggling Club (agile, nonlethal, thrown 20’): +8 (1d4+1 B)
Hatchet (agile, sweep, thrown 10’) +8 (1d6+1 S)

Special Abilities

Confident Finish [[A]]
Keen Eyes +2 circumstance to Perception to Seek hidden/undetected within 30'; flat check vs concealed is DC 3 and vs hidden is DC 9.


Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Languages Common, Halfling


Feats/Class Features

Ancestry Feat (1) Innocuous
Skill Feat (Background) Subtle Theft
Class Feature (1) Panache
Class Feature (1) Precise Strike 2d6
Class Feature (1) Confident Finish
Class Feature (1) Swashbuckler’s Style (battledancer)
Skill Feat (bonus) Fascinating Performance
General Feat (bonus) Shield Block
Class Feat (1) Flying Blade
Class Feat (2) Juggler Dedication
Skill Feat (2) Pickpocket
Skill Feat (bonus) Juggle



Acrobatics (t) +8
Athletics (t) +5
Deception (t) +6
Diplomacy (t) +6
Underworld Lore (t) +4
Medicine (t) +5
Performance (t) +6
Religion (t) +5
Stealth (t) +8
Thievery (t) +8


Readied Gear (Bulk)

10 throwing knives (L*10), 5 Juggling clubs (L*5), 5 hatchets (L*5),

Worn Gear (Bulk)

Leather Armor (1), 2 Bandoliers (—),

Other Gear

Adventurer’s Pack (effectively -1) [backpack (—; negates 2 Bulk), bedroll (L), 2 belt pouches (—), 10 pieces of chalk (—), flint and steel (—), 50' of rope (L), 2 weeks' rations (L*2), soap (—), 5 torches (L*5), waterskin (L)], Thieves’ Tools (L), 3 sets of replacement picks (—), Wooden holy symbol (L), Disguise kit (L), Healer's Tools (1)


pp: 0
gp: 1
sp: 7
cp: 3

Total Bulk 3 Bulk (3 Light Bulk)
Encumbered Bulk 6 Bulk
Maximum Bulk 11 Bulk

Signature Trick:
Blade Cascade
Injury, Prop