Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
"If Saulie's bust, then we're all bust." whispers Fingers. "Let's go find the goods 'fore someone nicks it. Larur's got some explainin' t'do." Fingers turns on his boot-heel and heads for the door, making for the flat on Rat Street. "C'mon Able. Any o' the rest o' ya who wanna tag in, gear up." Fingers considers what he knows about Rat Street and the environs on the way to the place and shares it with the others. Once they arrive, he stops and looks around outside before trying the door. Know Local, Rat Street: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
"Righto, mate" says Fingers, glad for something to do outside the casino. "I know you'll do a find job o' convincin' the cash changers to spill, Able. You have quite a convincin' way about yerself, if may be so bold." Before they leave, Fingers does show the drawing to Saul. "Reckon it were Clegg who left it and the wiggly biter in the kitch. Could be he nabbed ol' Feldin too. Whatcha wanna do about it, Saulie, eh?"
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Just for the record I will be traveling tomorrow through Thursday and my availability for posting will be limited to evenings only, if at all. Should get in one or two nights, but may go a day with radio silence. Forewarned!
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers rolls his eyes at the concept of authorities. "This is Riddleport, luv. Zincher pays the authorities. Frankly a bit surprised they haven't shut us down b'now, but he must have a reason to let it last this long. Showin' up here, that's jus' rubbin' our noses in it. No, if he's gonna pay, we're t' do it ourselves." He stalks around the room, pacing, obviously worked up about the whole situation. "Mebbe we go tell ol' Saulie and he tells us what he'd like t'do? He's been 'round this block a time to two."
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers shows the letter with the caricature of Saul to the rest. "Seems our boss has a secret 'dmirer. 'R maybe it ain't that big o' secret after all. Anyone see that lout Zincher back here? Nice o' him to leave a gift an' all, but it's high time we return t' favor."
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Leaving the gaming area at the shouts from the kitchen, Fingers sees the girl lying on the ground and Zarine loose a magic bolt at the snake. Reacting quickly, the slips a dagger from his boot top and flings it at the serpent in one smooth motion before anyone else can close in and block his line of sight. Fingers Dagger, throw: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Fingers is on fire apparently. If no sneak attack available, then reduce damage out by 3 to 4.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Theoretically before she starts to interact with Zincher, Fingers will share the information with Zarine and the others. Prefering to be more covert than the sorceress, Fingers stalks Zincher as he plays on the gambling tables, trying to stay just out of sight or mingle in with the rest of the crowd, but keeping an eye on the man just the same. Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 If Stealth isn't the right roll here, tell me what else might work.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers turns the chips back into the cashier, and lets the guard take the weapons away with the unconscious thugs. He silently approves of Saul's little speech, but wonders how the rest of Riddleport's crime bosses might take the Gold Goblin on the rise. When Saul asks them upstairs, Fingers follows along to hear with the boss might have in mind.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers is updated for level 2. Got a host of new skill points, but only added perception, the rest moved to rank 2. Also got a point of BAB, which is nice. Added one point of Reflex save and took HP in PFS style to move to 16 (FCB was skill point this time). Also added Rogue Talent which is Positioning Attack which will be useful for getting a sneak attack in once per day. Lastly, Fingers gets Evasion at second level, which always seems to come in useful for Rogues when I am GM'ing.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Keybella Astara wrote:
"Them skels asked for it when they took a poke at me mate over there. I know Able can take care o' himself in a fair fight, but four t'one, I jus' wanted t' even the odds a bit, s'all. Rule number one o' thuggery, 'don't draw down if you ain't ready t'pay the price'. 'Sides, we can't have every Joe an' Jim stormin' in here makin' la-dee-da with our cash, yeah?" To Zarine, he says:"You done jus' fine, doll. Remin' me t'stand behind ya when them blasts are comin'. Mighty impressive far as castin' goes." He gives her a thumbs up and a wink. Fingers seems pretty satisfied with that answer. And then goes about looking through the pockets of the fallen thugs, to see what they might have on them or if he knows them from around town. Know Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
I will be traveling a considerable amount over the next 3 days. Should be able to post in the late evenings (maybe not on Saturday?). If you need to bot Fingers, he will support his allies looking for flanks or sneak attacks wherever he can, including using Acrobatics to get into position. If he takes much damage, he will withdraw to a safe distance. Should be back to regular schedule on Monday.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Not really sure why the thugs are breaking things up, Fingers knows he has to back up Able, so he steps forward and stabs with his rapier at Red. Fingers Rapier: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Able Crask wrote: Where is the map? It is linked in the Campaign Info tab. Pixie - it's a bit easier on players if you make that link in the upper margin, by putting in the "Short Description" area of the Campaign Info sheet. That way, it can be gotten while posting or reviewing posts. Just a helpful hint. Yes, Fingers will go in 150gp on the CLW wand, sorry I forgot that before.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Weeks Income:
Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 If I did the math right, that means 1340gp for Fingers. He'll upgrade to MW Studded Leather, MW rapier and MW thieves' tools. After 10 weeks of helping out around the Goblin, Fingers has amassed more money than he's ever had in at one time in his whole life. It seems life is good, but Fingers is bored. He spends his days moping around the casino, sighing heavily, looking for anything that gives even the slightest hint of excitement.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
What skills can Fingers use? Sleight of Hand, Bluff? He's really not made for civilian work. Maybe Know (Local) to know how best to market or what skels to run out before they cheat the place? Will await your feedback before making rolls.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers greets Keybella with a firm handshake and a rakish grin. "Cayden, eh? Knew a priest o' the Lucky Drunk. Could always count on that fella t' buy a drink when coins was in short supply. Happy to have ya on as a partner." He greets Herman as well, shaking the big man's hand with aplomb. "A roof over our heads, better than time in the pokey, eh big man? Welcome aboard!" He bows low to Zarine. "Apologies fer me manners before, miss. It were all part o' the act, as they say. Came t' nothin' in the end anyways. Glad t' have ya in on this caper. Wonder where it'll lead us." After the introductions are made, Fingers inquires of Saul, "So bossman, what 'xactly is it ya need us doin' around 'ere? Seems a bit quiet 'bout now. Protection, think Herman here and ol'Able can fit that bill. What about t'rest o' us?"
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers listens intently to Vancaskerkin's pitch, his head tilted to one side like a curious dog. His eyes grow wide as Saul retrieves the shrunken chest. When the offer is made, the rogue shrugs his shoulders as if disinterested. "Reckon, I ain't got nothin' else cookin' right now. 'Sides, it'd be a change t'be on t'right side o' the law fer a change. I'd be in until somethin' more promisin' presents itself." As Vancaskerkin mentions his former life of crime, Fingers tries to remember what he might've heard about the little guy. Know local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Speaking from years of experience as PBP GM, combat is hard to run without a lot of details and without an accurate depiction/description of exact positioning of PC's and foes. My suggestion is for you to post the initiative order, and then have each player/foe act in order or post a prospective action out of order. That way, no one gets skipped, and we can follow the action sequentially. Some of this is understood at the tabletop but in the asynchronous world of PBP, nothing is better than over-communicating, especially in rounds. Not trying to nit-pick or override you -- I will live with your rulings. And my suggestions about combat round are simply that, suggestions. Your game, your style, your rules. Just advice, that's all.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
I agree, Fingers has acted in Round 1 (stabbign a guard) and would've moved towards whoever had the treasure in Round 2. Round 3 and 4 would consist of fighting for it. If allowed, here are my Round 3 and Round 4 actions. Round 3
Fingers Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Think that's a likely hit. If it doesn't drop her, he will continue the chase, and attack again in Round 4. Unless she is magically enhanced, he should be able to keep up with her. Round 4
Fingers Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
This doesn't count any AoO's from them moving through threatened squares. If for some reason you disallow these attacks, could we have a post-mortem about what exactly Fingers COULD do in Rounds 3 and 4?
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Is the treasure, now shrunken, on that platform at area 2? If so, and Fingers is in his starting location, he would've moved to that dais in round 2 and been in position to attack the lady taking his treasure, or at least offer an AoO at her as she moved or picked it up. I think...You tell me where I am in relation to them, and since I'm not sure of the initiative order, what the right sequencing is. Im waiting until I understand the relative positioning to act again, since it seems like it might be a last chance to stop the bad guys.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Pixie, is this being run on the map? Hard to tell relations in space without it, for example, did the woman have to pass within reach of Fingers, who doubled moved to the chest, to get to the door and thence provoke an AoO? Not sure the positions on the map mean anything at present.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Smiling satisfiedly after dropping the nearest ugly, Fingers spies the treasure that he's been eyeing all night begin to shrink to small size, easy enough to fit into his pocket. "Oh, no you don't" cries the unscrupulous rogue. "You can't take that, it's mine t' steal!" Rapier still in hand, Fingers rushes across the chaotic floor of the casino making a beeline for the now-shrunken treasure and waving his hands excitedly trying to get Able's attention to aid him. He keeps an eye out for an of the other attackers, avoiding them in his route to the loot. If this is Round 2, Fingers double moves in a direct a line as possible towards the treasure (is that on the dais in the middle of the gaming floor) but without running afoul of any of the muscle-bound thugs.
Zarine Greenblood wrote:
I'll vouch for Zarine who was off to a great start in our game before it got cut short due to our GM's illness. She did a great job mixing RP and story knowledge to have an interesting character. Hope you'll consider her.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Feeling much better as antibiotics kill off remaining invaders. I think all adventurers need a Z-Pack now and then. Failed a few Fort saves in a row it seems, but had some folks with high Heal skills get involved. All is headed in the right direction now. Thanks to all!
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers grimaces at this loss in his first hand of Bounders and is about to drop another bet and make his motion for Able to cause a distraction when all hell breaks loose. Acting quickly, he averts his eyes but sees the flash and the dazed looks on the faces of most of the patrons. When hired muscle starts pushing people around, and then someone has the gall to mess with "his" treasure, Fingers jumps into action. Is there a combat map showing locations of the foes and friends? Without one, I will take some liberties. Feel free to change up as needed. Drawing his rapier, Fingers gets the drop on the closest thug, stabbing him from behind, in his unseemly way. Trying to drop the foe, before anyone really notices. Fingers rapier vs FF AC: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Sorry guys. Spent the last 4 days in the hospital unexpectedly. Feeling better enough to check in here. Will try to catch up in gameplay, but bot or skip me as necessary. Would've posted my absence, if I could've gotten to a computer, but could barely get out of bed as it was. Should be back to normal now.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers takes a turn at the Bounder's table. He makes an initial stake of 5gp. first D20: 1d20 ⇒ 14 In the interest of time, will have GM roll the second D20. Fingers will double the stake before second roll if the 3d6 roll is between the 14 rolled and 10
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Fingers smile stretches across his face as Able agrees to lend a hand. "Swell, my man. I'll give you t' signal, like this..." Fingers waves his hand in a subtle but clear gesture. "An' then you raise t'ruckus that'll get all these rubes 'tention. We'll see what's what after tha'" As the event seems to get started in earnest, Fingers strides up to the first gaming table and scopes out his competition. What do we do to actual gamble, or is that hand-waved? Fingers is up for it...
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Able Crask wrote:
"Glad you weren't pinched then, it were a near run thin' as I reco'lec'." He turns and watches the tall pretty girl jump up on the bar, exhorting those around her, and shakes his head with sad amusement. "Reckon some cain't hold t'er liquor. If I din't have a min' ta win this here gambling go, I might inves' some time taming tha' lil lady. Damn shame, too." He clears his throat and whispers to Able as surreptitiously as possible. "Wanna work together on this caper, Able? If I get goin' good at t'tables, you can help out by causin' a scene while I nimble up some cards or p'haps a few silver sails, yeah? Splittin't the take 50/50 if it plays."
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Waiting for Able to post in Gameplay, so I can play off it. You out there big fella? I will be traveling for work tomorrow and may not get to post until later in the evening. Same with Wednesday traveling back home. I'll try to get at last one up each night.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Sometimes it was better to blend in, like when you need to relieve some rich gent of his purse or when you had to hide from the earlier-than-expected husband of an extra friendly lady. But there were also times when you wanted attention on you. Fingers entered the devilish setting of the Gold Goblin and figured this was one of those times. "Just as well give't up now, rubes!" he called making sure many around him could hear. "Mitchell's here, an' luck follows wher'eer I go. Jus' as well hand off tha' pile of loot t' me an' save yerselves all t' trouble. Might throw in a twirl wif one o' them devil-girls while I'm at it. Don' mind if I do." He tips a lascivious wink at the scantily clad succubi and whistles loudly. "Don' mind if I do t'all." Knowing that the odds were always stacked with the house, he felt like if he could reduce the confidence of some of the players here, and disarm others with some feigned loutishness, he might stand a chance. That immense chest full of treasure is just how Fingers imagined it would be. He felt like he could just dive in there right now and bathe in those coins -- maybe for a week or so. After sign-up Fingers mingles with the rest of the crowd, smiling and laughing just a little too loud and making a general ass of himself. Somewhere along the line, a tall, lithe dame asks Fingers what he thinks of the dark spot in the sky. "Love it, missy! L-O-V-E IT! All them marks staring up inta space only makes it easier fer a fella t' git his 'ands on their loot, knowhatamean?" He steps uncomfortably close the the lady, and whispers. "Know a good place ta look a' t' Spot all nice an' private like, if'n yer inter'sted when this 'ere's all said an' done, eh?" His hands slips around her waist in a way that is altogether too familiar; he tenses his jaw expecting the smack that's soon to follow. That lovely lady is supposed to be Zarine above, but could be anyone else if that doesn't work out. After beings spurned by the lady, Fingers stops and gazes around the main room of the casino. His eyes quickly catch on a familiar figure at of Able Crask lurking just inside. Sauntering over, purposefully and unapolegtically bumping into people or stepping on a toe or two, Fingers moves over by his muscle-bound friend. "Able Crask, as I live an' breathe. Didna think I'd spy you again after tha' last caper. Thought you got pinched fer sure. Wha' brings ya into this house o' skill an' chance? You come inta some coins tha' i can take of ya?"
Here is my submission: "Fingers" Mitchell. An unchained rogue who is just barely scraping by. If you are starting with the Player's Guide starting point, he has scraped together enough money to enter the Gold Goblin tourney with a chance to win some real money, for a change. Background:
Fingers never knew anything but life on the streets. Never even knew is real name. All he had was a lion-head ring engraved with the name "Mitchell" on it. He took that name for his own.
Orphaned and alone since before he remembered, Fingers survived. If it meant mucking out stables, at least it paid for bread. If it meant rolling a drunken noble in a dark alley, it was less work and paid better. Staying alive by begging, trickery, and outright stealing became second nature to the boy and he earned his nickname "Fingers" from his ability to lift things without notice. He is irresolutely independent, and very suspicious and resentful of those in authority. His primary motivation is gold, gems and jewelry in that order, but he also has an itch to find out about his family ring. He is not a hero and will not serve Good, unless the pay is right. But neither will he serve Evil, it'd just bring the Law down that much faster. Crunch: Fingers Mitchell Human unchained rogue 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 132, 132, Pathfinder Unchained 20) CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +4; Senses Perception -1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex) hp 10 (1d8+2) Fort +1, Ref +6, Will -1 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +4 (1d4+1/19-20) or dagger +4 (1d4+1/19-20) or rapier +4 (1d6+1/18-20) Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6/×3) Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +1d6 -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 14 Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15 Feats Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Weapon Finesse Traits child of the streets, optimistic gambler Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +4, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +8, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge (local) +4, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +8 Languages Common SQ measure the mark Combat Gear caltrops; Other Gear leather armor, arrows (40), dagger, dagger, rapier, shortbow, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk (10), flint and steel, masterwork backpack[APG], thieves' tools, trail rations (5), waterskin, 15 gp, 1 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Combat Reflexes (5 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed. Measure the Mark (Ex) Learn foe's Perception before pick pocket. Bluff check to go undetected if back out. Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3
Round 1 Drawing his rapier, and moving into the fray, Fingers steps to the side of the gold derro, and stabs at him as he goes. He hopes like hell the rest follow behind... Fingers rapier vs flat-footed: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15