The Crimson Masque wrote:
Who is this... Crimson Masque ? He doesn't seem the right type for mister Gruumash, umph !
Jean-Paul Sartre, Intrnet Troll wrote:
I don't know you, sir ! And you most certainly don't know me ! And anyway "Huis Clos" sucked* ! But I can certainly understand why you would think other people are the problem... [snickers] * that's a nasty word. You made angry, though, so it's entirely your fault that I used it !
Kullen wrote: Some sissy half-orc man with rich woman earring and peasant woman headscarf? Methinks there be some unresolved class and gender issues! Gender issue ? I don't understand how people can be so mean ! Have you no shame, you big grey mean meanie ? Gruumash is just awesome. And you're jealous. |