
Father Meghdad's page

41 posts. Alias of MythrilDragon (RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16).

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I am thinking of trying the Rise of the Runelords for the Roll20 website. Has anyone played or GM'd with it? What are your thoughts?

Do you have to have the payed level of roll20 for it to work, or will the free level be enough as a GM? What about the players?

Thanks ALL

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Hello all, in a few weeks Im going to finally get to join a table playing PFS. Im thinking of playing a Dwaf Monk of the Sacred Mountian who is part of the Liberty's edge faction. Any thoughts, advice, suggestions, or warnings from some more experience with Society rules?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The open call voting is coming, I for one am itching to start pressing those like buttons. When they announced the open call public voting the first time I was skeptical...but turns out I think it has become one of the best parts of the contest.

It takes time and dedication to sit through the voting grind, some will certainly make Champion Voter again...really...nothing else better to do? :) Whether you vote 5000 times or 500 times we need you to evaluate and pick for YOUR favorites. It takes time but it the end it is worth it.

We get to see lots and lots of entries, some great others not so much, but in the process we get to learn from all the things we see.

So VOTE EARLY and VOTE OFTEN or at least as soon as the booth opens and 60 seconds has passed.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! I can't wait to see what goodies this year will bring.

The Sandpoint Swallowtail festival so far had been a big success, great food, fun games, and amazing entertainers were everywhere. The air is filled with excitement and cheer unlike any the town had seen in a very long time. Today the new Cathedral stood as a symbol of hope, not a reminder of tragedy. Conversations today were about the future and not about the late unpleasantness. Among the local residents, outlying farmers, traveling merchants and wandering Varisian’s a small group of adventures were unaware that Fortune was guiding them to find each other….

This is a continuation of the RotRL Campaign originally started HERE

Vikh the Bloodboiler:

You have been enjoying the festivities in Sandpoint, occasionally your Shoanti garb gets a wry look but for the most part you feel welcome in town.

One thing you do notice is the Shoanti sheriff, Belor Hemlock. You study him closely for tattoos or any other indication of what Quah he was from, but are unable to tell. It is obvious by his name and his garb that he has let go of his traditional heritage, and the long cloak and livery of his office cover his skin enough to hide the customary Shoanti markings.

After stuffing the last third of a lemon tart in your mouth, as Zantus' speech comes to an end, you deftly move around the crowd to the sultry strawberry-blonde beauty who was leaning against a lamppost. 

“Vikh’s the name, and though you're a business woman I want to make your experience as pleasurable as you've ever had. Shall we take a walk and find some…privacy?” Her slight smile indicates she is interested and after agreeing on a fair fee, she escorts you back to the Pixie’s Kitten for an afternoon of delight. As you dress to leave she gives you back a few coins, ”It was indeed pleasurable, be certain to ask for me agai, just ask for Ferrah any time.” She gives you a sweet wing as you leave.

Out in the streets again gain the rapt attention of the crowd and delve into an oration of excitement and adventure! Of blood and glory! Of hags and wayward children, of armored knights and fiery dragons! In conclusion he proclaims [/b]“I’m here all week! Look for me in your favorite inn![/b] A few coins fall at your feet, enough to cover the cost of spending time in Ferrah’s arms.

Eventually you happen upon the Lighthouse Smash game. Your first inclination was to save your coin but wanting to try his aim, decided to give it a go. The catapult contraption, was awkward in your native hands and the onlookers chuckle as you disastrously miss on your first attempt. A second fling, brings more laughter and even some bemused heckling. Growling you let a third shot fly…SMASH! The toy tower falls and you are reward with a sewn doll made to look like a flying dragon.

Eventually you find yourself on the cathedral steps, making some new friends….

Rhiannon Unwin:

It has been an amazing day, working for the society and your are certain the Venture Captain is going to love all the information you are recording for them…for history! What a wonderful fate to meet a skilled armed fellow to help protect you from the pressing crowds…and introduce you to ale, mmmm.

When finished with the first ale you go back for another. “From the awful odor I would have thought it tasted worse. Never really went near pubs because they were rowdy and smelled bad…”

Soon you are at the cathedral, only slightly tipsy from the drinks. you lays a sheet of coarse paper across the glossy text, aligning it perfectly before using a stubby piece of charcoal to capture the words. Then you tuck this paper into the front of her journal with a silky cloth over it to protect it.

As you finish you find yourself not only meeting Baldric, but as fortune would have it several others. You try for another swig of ale from your recently filled canteen, but find it barren. Shaking it upside down with the cap off and not even the smallest drop falls free. "S$!~," you mutter.

Zwain the Insane:

What an interesting day, unlike any you have had yet on your visit. When the chance arises you immediately, break into an impromptu operatic piece, right there in the crowd, sung in Dwarven and grossly off-key. You get a few of those kinds of looks, but you are used to that. Most just laugh your performance off, and one voice yells out in Dwarven, ”Back at your arse! As the day passes on towards late afternoon you find yourself at the cathedral, the day’s main focus, taking to some interesting new…friends?

Baldric Moore:

It couldn’t be a better venture in Sandpoint, already employed with ale to boot. Certainly you are earning your way, having to keep these new companions you have met out of trouble when you hustle back to the beer stand. “Hey, they're waiting for your performance on the cathedral stairs. Don't leave them waiting too long.” The well placed lie keeping the tensions from boiling over.

As you reach the stand, you pull a few coins from a coin pouch and hand them to the barkeep. With in a few moment you are able to turn back toward the temple a few coins lighter but apparently having smoothed everything out.

As the Swallowtail release comes closer you find yourself on the front stairs of the cathedral, with a friendly new employer and as fortune smiles perhaps some new friends…

Travok Shortstrider:

The day is a wonderful day to explore, smell stone and marvel at the work of the new cathedral. You are certainly glad you left Janderhoff for this…this is a day for making memories. As the day passes you become acutely aware this is not your dwarven home land.

After watching other people eat pies for far too long, you move on feeling a little bit disgusted. You can only watch people gorge themselves on food for so long before you realize how debauched it all seems, you think. After wandering around for a while you spot a group of curious-looking humans inspecting the cathedral. The butterfly-event should only be moments away so you decide to pass the time with some small-talk. Fortune smiles on you again as they seem eager to get to know you as well.

Satinder Coric:

Finding your way to the Rusty Dragon sponsored food booth was easy and soon you are approaching the woman your brother described. She was easy to find. Trying your best to sound confident you speak up “Excuse me, Miss Ameiko? I don't know if you remember him, but my older brother is Kyras Coric. He said that you would be best to speak to about finding out how to assist against the goblin raids in the surrounding areas. Is he correct?”

Ameiko looked up from the table of food in front of her and pushes the hair back from her eyes. “Ah, Kyras. I do remember him. You're his brother, eh?” she says, before being interrupted by a request for a plate. “Well welcome to Sandpoint. You picked the best time to come - unfortunately, I'm a little busy at the moment. If you're interested in helping with the goblins, I suggest you go talk to old Daverin Hosk over there. He can square you away.” She points with a sausage-skewered fork towards a stall in the middle of the square, manned by an older, bald human.

“Thank you ma'am. I appreciate the help!” Walking through the lively crowd as everyone around you seems in a care free mood, you keep a smile on your face. Finally making it through the crowd, you approach Hosk, "Excuse me, Mr. Hosk? Do you have a moment to spare? I was hoping to offer my assistance towards dealing with the goblin raids in the area and was told that you're the person to speak to about that.”

The retired adventure gives you a startled look, ”Yer after goblins are ya? Well you shan't find any in Sandpoint lad. Ya need to be out in the Hinterlands to be hunting goblins. Relax son, enjoy the festival..They are gonna be setting the Swallowtails free soon and ya are not gonna want to miss that. Celebrate today, on the marrow you can come by mi Goblin Squash stables and I tell you about how I killed that nasty Bonegrinder Chief Whartus. He gives you a friendly pat on the back as he moves on through the crowds.

The crowds around the plaza in front of the cathedral are growing thicker as it gets closer to the Swallow Tail release.

Please go ahead and pick up where you left off, once we have a post from all the characters I will jump us right into some action. (insert evil DM laugh) Usually when I use a spoiler it is only for the names listed, then it's up to the character to share that info in game, or give permission for other player(s) to view it also. Today I am using the spoilers just to cut down the wall of text. Please feel free to open and read them all in this post.

Welcome Baldric, Vhik, Rhiannon, Zwain, Travok, and Satinder to your new Discussion Thread. I am very excited by the initial role-play you have already done and am eager to so where that all will lead. While I work out an opening post that will include connections to those first posts you already made I have a few questions for you, just to help me be a good DM to you.

1) How familiar with RotRL are you? Played it or DM'd it before, read it?

2) How familiar with Sandpoint are you? I see some of you at least know the NPC's in part and I am curious how much I need to give and what you already have access to. I come from the more the players know the better the story telling camp, so I am fine with you knowing all about Sandpoint and its locations/residents so you can add in character knowledge. I can always add twists and surprises.

3) What do I need to know about your character that I might not have picked up form your initial posts/ character sheet? I did read over your original game thread, and skimmed the OCC one, but I did not delve into any creation conversations you may have had with the first DM.

4) What were you original creation guide lines, I am not going to ask you to change them...just want to know for power balance.

5) How much experience as a gamer do you have with Pathfinder? Howl much have you had with PBP? Just so I know and don't assume.

6) What do you want most as a player out of this campaign? What do you want most as a character?

7) Is there anything you want to know about me?

While you are thinking about your answers here are mine:

1) This will be my fourth time DMing the Rise of the Rune Lords. The first two were both table top and neither gaming group completed the first book. Not from lack of desire, but in both cases I moved away from the group. The third is still ongoing here on the Piazo boards and we are now well into the second book of the AP. I am also playing as a character in a RotRL adventure currently on the boards as Blake Deverin... a Magus, son of Wade Deverin (killed during the late unpleasantnes) and cousin to the Mayor of Sandpoint. We are about 2/3rds of the way through the first book.

2) I am pretty familiar with Sandpoint and I love to use the NPC's they have already provided, If there is a particular NPC you know of..or a type of NPC if you are not as familiar with the town..that you want your character to have a relationship with (good or bad) let me know. I like to think of Sanpoint as a living and breathing community and your interactions with the NPC's help make that happen.

3) Obviously I don't have a character, I don't make DM PC characters...I have enough to do with the NPC's that said I am not above creating an alias for an important NPC and having them go with the PC's if the story calls for it. In those cases they are along to help, but not lead the group. I once was very irritated with a DM who's NPC was actually his character and the story was all about their glory and we were along for the ride...not fun for the rest of us.

4) Don't worry if your original guidelines are different then I would use, I can adapt to fit the action to the story. You have a large group which will probably require me to buff up the encounters from the AP.

5) I have been gaming for 30+ years...DND Red Box up to the current Pathfinder and love the game. That said I have not had the opportunity to play at higher levels often. I also tend to have old house rules or old versions of rules ingrained in my mind as actual rules so call me out when I make a mistake and I will fix it. As for PBP I have had few start and fizzle and one that is going strong, albeit a bit slow right now. I feel I have worked out a lot of the kinks to this style of gaming, but I am always open to suggestions on how to make it a better experience.

6) As the Player in the DM role the thing I want most out of the campaign is for you all to have FUN! If it's not fun let me know so we can correct and change things so that it is fun. If anything seem odd or out for you, just bring it up in the OOC thread. I am more than willing to look at better ways we can gel as a group. With a PBP that can take some time and patience. As the DM "character" I want to partner with you to tell your characters best story! Character goals, hopes, dreams, fears are all more important to me than stats, bonuses, and XP.

7) I have probably told you way way more than you wanted to know already, but please ask if you have any questions. Also feel free to share any comments or concerns you might have.

Now to get working on the opening post!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congrats to all the contestant for putting out some wonderfully creative creatures.


For any who are interested...

10 of the Top 32 got all three judges to recommend their monster for advancement.

Of those Adam Daigle said 4 would need some time and work to develop.

Only 6 of the Top 32 did not get any recommendations to advance by the judges.

Liz Courts recommended 18 to advance.

Lee Hammock recommended 19 to advance.

Adam Daigle recommended 16 to advance; 6 of these would still need some time and work to develop for print.

What other trends are you seeing?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I am going to be moving out this way in a few months and am wondering if there is anyone playing Pathfinder or other RPG's in the area. Any good game shops?

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

Wren Chavali was dancing for the crowd when the butterfly landed on her, perhaps a sign that Sandpoint was indeed a place for a fresh start. The troupe she traveled with was talented, but they were content to roam the Hinterlands performing for farmsteads, and roadside inns. She wanted more and hoped that the Sandpoint Theater was the answer, besides their leader, Wesh, was becoming annoying and had already professed his desire to wed her on more than one occasion. Throughout the day she tried several times to get Master Drokkus to notice her talent, but he always seemed occupied with someone congratulating him on the opening of the new show. As evening comes, Wren is dancing among the crowds, twirling a crimson scarf and earning a good bit of coin.

Brock almost killed the butterfly that landed on his shoulder but paused with his hand but an inch from crushing it. Its silvery wings reminded him of a butterfly shaped charm that Father Tobyn used to wear. The half-orc was on edge trying to avoid the stares, and wondering if anyone recognized him. It had been five years since he had run off to Magnimar to join Black Curs, a membership that he didn’t feel so good about now standing in shadow of the new church. After seeing Father Zantus at the start of the Festival, Brock has been trying to sum up the courage to speak with the new head priest. Father Zantus had been Father Tobyns most promising student, and had always been nice to the half-orc. Brock is staying in the shadows at the back of the crowd when night starts to fall, wondering what the priest would think of the things he had done over the past five years.

Eponine was thankful that the festival was going so well and was thrilled with how excited everyone seemed about the new church. When one of the butterflies landed on her nose, while stuffing her face with some of Amieko’s award winning curry-spiced salmon, she thought that Sandpoint just might be a good enough place to settle down for good. The people here were great, especially the owner of the Rusty Dragon. A kindred spirit, Amieko and Eponine had finished off more than once bottle of wine after the inn closed for the night sharing tales of adventure. When she needed coin she could usual find work at the Glassworks filling crates when they were behind schedule on a large order, or more often than not Larz Rovanky needed someone to run deliveries at the Tannery. As the consecration ceremony was preparing to begin as the sun set, Eponine was quick to find a seat close to the front where she could see the excitement up close.

Sophy was feeling edgy as the festival began, her thoughts often drifting back to the destruction and death that she had possibly penned the night before. When a butterfly landed on her it brought a sense of peace, perhaps she was normal and everything would be okay. She spent the rest of the day at easy, putting the horrific thoughts behind her as she enjoyed the food and festivities. As night begins to fall she is up front holding a very special book. After the first chapel had burned, Father Zantus had asked her to take very good care of this one, and she had. It was the Scriptures of Desna and she was to present it to the Church as part of the consecration ceremony that was about to begin.

Victor was home and it felt good. The festival was already underway when he strolled into the square, and the church looked good. He was impressed at the look of it, towering over the crowd a symbol that the dark memories of five years past can finally be in the past. It was then as he was looking up that the butterfly landed on him a sign that he had made the right choice. He might even talk to the sheriff about signing up with the town guard. He was munching on some of the White Deer’s tasty peppercorn venison as the sun set and the ceremony was about to begin.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

Wren Chavali was dancing for the crowd when the butterfly landed on her, perhaps a sign that Sandpoint was indeed a place for a fresh start. The troupe she traveled with was talented, but they were content to roam the Hinterlands performing for farmsteads, and roadside inns. She wanted more and hoped that the Sandpoint Theater was the answer, besides their leader, Wesh, was becoming annoying and had already professed his desire to wed her on more than one occasion. Throughout the day she tried several times to get Master Drokkus to notice her talent, but he always seemed occupied with someone congratulating him on the opening of the new show. As evening comes, Wren is dancing among the crowds, twirling a crimson scarf and earning a good bit of coin.

Brock almost killed the butterfly that landed on his shoulder but paused with his hand but an inch from crushing it. Its silvery wings reminded him of a butterfly shaped charm that Father Tobyn used to wear. The half-orc was on edge trying to avoid the stares, and wondering if anyone recognized him. It had been five years since he had run off to Riddleport to join the Black Curs, a membership that he didn’t feel so good about now standing in shadow of the new church. After seeing Father Zantus at the start of the Festival, Brock has been trying to sum up the courage to speak with the new head priest. Father Zantus had been Father Tobyns most promising student, and had always been nice to the half-orc. Brock is staying in the shadows at the back of the crowd when night starts to fall, wondering what the priest would think of the things he had done over the past five years.

Eponine was thankful that the festival was going so well and was thrilled with how excited everyone seemed about the new church. When one of the butterflies landed on her nose, while stuffing her face with some of Amieko’s award winning curry-spiced salmon, she thought that Sandpoint just might be a good enough place to settle down for good. The people here were great, especially the owner of the Rusty Dragon. A kindred spirit, Amieko and Eponine had finished off more than once bottle of wine after the inn closed for the night sharing tales of adventure. When she needed coin she could usual find work at the Glassworks filling crates when they were behind schedule on a large order, or more often than not Larz Rovanky needed someone to run deliveries at the Tannery. As the consecration ceremony was preparing to begin as the sun set, Eponine was quick to find a seat close to the front where she could see the excitement up close.

Sunny Beanstalk was spending the day working, escorting several of Sandpoints orphaned children from the Turandarok Academy to the festival. When a butterfly landed on her head, the children laughed, and leaped to try and catch it. Sunny said a silent prayer that its luck would stave off the fits of rage she often felt. Since coming to Sandpoint the dreams had gotten worse, horrible violent episodes that frightened the Halfling. Ilsoari, was quickly becoming a good friend and he often stayed up late with her, sharing tales of his adventuring days when she could not sleep. The headmaster suggested a course of lessons that allowed her to teach the children without broaching subjects that triggered her wrathful fits. Since then her days were almost episode free, now if only she could only put an end to the nightmares. As night approaches, Sunny is sitting at one of the festivals large tables, entertaining the youngsters with a cultural lesson about Varisian dancers while they watch a lone woman dance and twirl with her crimson scarf.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

Actually I had to deleat this thread and start over. Something went wrong with the post and I couldn't get it to show the rolls. The new thread is

RotRL by Mythril DM

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

Here we go gang. Lets start with Character Creation:

20pt Buy
1st level
No Free bonus feat per the Players Guide (You may select from these feats with your normal slots if you would like)
Choose 2 character traits instead
Starting HP is equal to Max HD + Con + 4 free hp
I would prefer sticking to the main classes.
I am open to alternate races if it can be done easily while keeping the balance of the game and can be explained with a good role-play reason.

If you are very familiar with the AP I suggest making a character who is from Sand Point and perhaps knows one/some of the AP's major NPC's well. Otherwise you just need a good reason to be in the town for the Swallow Tail Festival. I will assume that everyone is familiar with the Players Guide.

Any Questions??

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Hey all, I am looking to add some side trek adentures to round out my RotRL game. I am looking for some suggestions on adventures that are heavy on the roleplay and less on the hack and slash and would fit well into the AP. We are about to finish Burnt Offerings so I am looking for some things (cheep or free) to put between chpaters or that I can run simultaniously while in the towns/citys of the AP. Thanks for any ideas you can come up with.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I am running a Pathfinder RotRL campaign and the Paladin in my group is looking for a prestige class. He wants to have a super cool weapon and some earth powers so I worked this up. I'm throwing out for everyone to look at and critique before I allow it in the game. My biggest concern is does the class remained balanced with other higher level characters. So.. Thanks in advance, be harsh, offer suggestions and let me know what you think.

Heart Forged Champion


Role: Dedicated servants of Torag who seek out to eliminate the affliction of evil in the world.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Hit Die: 1d10

Race: Dwarf
Base Attack Bonus: +9
Feats: Master Craftsman, Weapon Focus (war hammer)
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks
Special: Divine Bond Special Ability (celestial weapon option); Smite Evil Special Ability

Class Skills
Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Chr), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Chr), Knowledge (arcane) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)

Ranks per Level: 2+Int modifier

Special Abilities at each level

1 Craft Magical Weapons/Armor; Divine Bond Affinity; Heart Forge Ritual
2 Aura of Justice
3 Dancing Weapon
4 Smite Evil +1/day
5 Mercy; Acid Resistance
6 Tremor Strike
7 Smite Evil +1/day
8 Aura of Faith
9 Mercy
10 Earthquake Strike

Spells Advance as follows: LVL (1st/2nd/3rd/4th)
1 (2/1/0/-)
2 (2/1/1/-)
3 (2/1/1/-)
4 (2/2/1/-)
5 (2/2/1/-)
6 (3/2/1/0)
7 (3/2/1/0)
8 (3/2/1/1)
9 (3/2/1/1)
10 (3/2/2/1)

The follwing spells are added to the Champions spell list
1st: acid splash, mending
2nd: make whole, soften earth & stone
3rd: shrink item, stone shape
4th: minor creation, spike stones

BAB, FOR, WILL, REF all follow the Paladin Advancement from 11th to 20th level.

Explination of Special Abilities
Craft Magical Weapons/Armor: At first level Heart Forged Champions gain this as a bonus feat.

Divine Bond Affinity (SP): The Heart Forged Champion develops a stronger bond with the celestial powers that enhance his weapon. The number of enhancement bonuses and uses per day increase faster for the Champion then the regular paladin.
(LVL/Enhancement Bounus/Use per day)
1 +3 3 per day
2 +3 3 per day
3 +3 3 per day
4 +4 3 per day
5 +4 4 per day
6 +4 4 per day
7 +5 4 per day
8 +5 4 per day
9 +5 5 per day
10 +6 5 per day

Heart Forge Ritual: The Heart Forged Champion can perform the Heart Forge Ritual when crafting a magical weapon to imbue it with special qualities: (Still under developement; should have something to do with allowing earth powers and extended life to the user)

Aura of Justice (SU): A Heart Forged Champion can expend two uses of his smite evil ability to grant the ability to smite evil to all allies within 10 feet, using his bonuses. Allies must use this smite evil ability by the start of the paladin's next turn and the bonuses last for 1 minute. Using this ability is a free action. Evil creatures gain no benefit from this ability.

Dancing Weapons (SU): You can give a Heart Forged Weapon touched the dancing special weapon quality for 4 rounds. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, twice per day at 6th level, and three times per day at 9th level. Any enhancements the Champion has placed on the weapon will continue to function while the weapon is dancing but will cease if the weapon becomes controlled by someone other that the Heart Forged Champion.

Smite Evil (SU): At 4th and 7th levels the Heart Forged Champion gains an additional use of the Paladin Smite Evil ability.

Mercy (SU): At 5th level the Heart Forged Champion can select a mercy from the Paladins list as a 9th level paladin. At 9th level the Heart Forged Champion can select a mercy from the Paladins list as a 12th level paladin.

Acid Resistance(EX): At 5th level, you gain resist acid 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 10th level.

Tremor Strike (SP): As a standard action the Heart Forged Champion can use a weapon created using the Heart Forged Ritual to strike the ground and create an earthquake like tremor. The tremor radiates through the ground as a 30’ cone in the direction the Champion is standing. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time creatures on the ground, within the cone, can't move or attack. A spellcaster on the ground must make a Concentration check (DC 18 + spell level) or lose any spell he or she tries to cast. The tremor affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area. The specific effect depends on the nature of the terrain where it is cast.
Cave, Cavern, or Tunnel: The roof breaks apart, dealing 4d6 points of damage to any creature caught under the falling debris (Reflex DC 15 half).
Open Ground: Each creature standing in the area must make a DC 15 Reflex save or fall down.
Structure: Any structure standing on open ground takes 50 points of damage. Hardness does not reduce this damage, nor is it halved as damage dealt to objects normally is. Any creature caught inside a collapsing structure takes 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 15 half) and is pinned beneath the rubble (see below).
River, Lake, or Marsh: Fissures open under the water, draining away the water from that area and forming muddy ground. Soggy marsh or swampland becomes quicksand for the duration of the spell, sucking down creatures and structures. Each creature in the area must make a DC 12 Reflex save or sink down in the mud and quicksand. At the end of the tremor, the rest of the body of water rushes in to replace the drained water, possibly drowning those caught in the mud.
Pinned Beneath Rubble: Any creature pinned beneath rubble takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per minute while pinned. If a pinned character falls unconscious, he or she must make a DC 15 Constitution check or take 1d6 points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until freed or dead.

Aura of Faith(SU): At 8th level a Heart Forged Champions weapons are treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Any attack made against an enemy within 10 feet of her is treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Earthquake Strike(SP): As a full round action the Heart Forged Champion can use a weapon created using the Heart Forged Ritual to strike the ground and create the effects of an earthquake spell . The earthquakes 80’ radius is calculated from the striking point and the Champion is immune to the effects.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I am getting ready to start a RotRL adventure. I plan to run a side adventure after Burnt Offerings berfore Skinsaw Murders that uses Troglodytes. I am adapting an old adventure from a Dungeon mag and am looking to update the god that the Troglodytes worship to fit Golarion. The PDR entry says, "Troglodytes generally worship one of the countless demon lords, particularly those of a reptilian or primeval shape and form or those whose Abyssal domains most closely resemble the tangled caverns troglodytes prefer." Any suggestions on one that would be good and where I could find some source info so I can create a cool Shaman villian for the adventure.

Thanks for the Help.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I'm doing the prep work for RotRL game for a new group. The last group I started on this Adventure Path loved the bookstore and wanted to learn more about the books on the shelves. While I was able to spin a few titles off the cuff and fill in with the generic books of history, elvish poetry ect this time I'd like to be able to have list of book titles to draw from. So I thought I'd ask everyone here for some suggestions. DM's what have you used in the past or with this AP? Players what text's have you found that peaked your characters desire to adventure?

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000


The bandit Bruthazmus has been so troublesome along the Lost Coast Road as of late that Mayor Kendra Deverin has offered a 300 gold piece reward for his head. Hoping to rid the land of such a brutal bugbear and earn some coin the three of you have been working up and down the road for weeks searching for some sign of him to no avail. Knowing that the famous ranger Shalelu often times her wanderings into Sandpoint around the full moon you headed to the Rusty Dragon in hopes of crossing paths with her to see if she had any leads as to Bruthazmus’s whereabouts. The last full moon occurred two nights past on the 8th and tonight you were in luck. Shalelu arrived for dinner and was glad to share a bottle of Magnimarian wine with you. Though the conversation was pleasant she too has been unable to find any signs of the bugbear and wonders what magic he has gained to make his trail disappear. All that she could tell you was that a splinter group of the Licktoad goblin tribe has taken to working with him for the time being.

It is now late and Shalelu has taken to her room. The three of you pay your tab and exit the inn with a parting nod to a familiar serving girl, Dirdelle whom you’ve befriended over the past few days. As you stroll down the quite streets of Sandpoint a sudden scream sounding of pain and panic sounds from a darkened ally between the Inn and the Sandpoint Meat Market.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

Welcome players to the discussion thread. Post any character creation and OOC comments here.

I am looking for no more than 5 PC's to take on a Pathfinder RPG beta rules PBP.

The adventures will start in Sandpoint and the surrounding areas but will NOT be following the Rise of the Runelords AP. Assume that the Swallow Tail festival of the AP occured without incident and that the glassworks is running fully opperational. Characters can be from Sandpoint, Magnimar, or anywhere nearby with a reason to be in Sandpoint. Players can work out backgrounds to know each other if they want but it isn't necessary to do so. We will use Invisible Castle for all dice rolls.

Character Generation:

Stats on a 20 point buy.

Core classes and Races only.

Characters can start at 3rd level

Starting Gold is 1.5X max of first level for normal equipment with the left over representing treasure found in the characters early adventuring career. Player can convert some of the left over to gems, jewelry, or other valuables to represent this if they like.

Each character gets upto 2700 gp value in magical gear. Any of this gp value that is not spent on magic items is lost. Players can opt to purcahse exotic or rare itemes with this instead of magical items with DM approval if they have a valid Rolepalying reason.

Once I have 5 intreasted players with character concepts I will start a discussion thread.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

So, I am going to be moving to the Louisville area in January and was wondering if any one could tell me the low down on the areas game shops, clubs, orginzations ect. Thanks

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Just curious if anyone is using this because I have a few questions.

1. How well does it work? I am looking for something that will allow me to continue my table top game after I move away from the rest of my group in the near future.

2. Where can I find map items? The program seems to have floors of various types (coblestone, grass, water ect) but I cant find any dungeon dressings (wells, tables, statues ect).

While I am asking does anyone know of a good "FREE" or cheap internet software that can mimic pen and paper over the internet?

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

The Elucidating Sojourn

Part I: Journey of the Shanty Queen

Altus is the last remaining free city in the lands of Terran. Ruled by a council and defended by its independent militia it has held free of being enveloped by the Daklovi Empire. On this particular morning the Dock Ward is busy with the loading of ships. At the end of a pier you find the Shanty Queen. Dockworkers are loading the last of the cargo as a dwarf with a beard (tied in dozens of braids) shouts orders at them. Between bellowing his commands he seems to be arguing with a well dressed man who is accompanied by a lady with a babe in arms.

The gentleman is pleading, ”Captain Stonewave, you must remember that I purchased the boarding passes from you just three days past. One for myself and one each for my wife and child, you sold them to me. I have no idea where my pass could have gone, but surely with their two you will let us all board.”

The dwarf replies, “I told ye once already, no pass no passage! And don’t be thinkin’ you can be pullin’ any funny stuff or Leili be givin’ you the tough end o’ her axe”

Standing guard at the top of the gangway is a tall, lithe young woman. She wears form-fitting studded leather and carries herself as though she's ready for a fight at any moment. She bars the way resting the head of a great axe on the top of the gangplank.


You recognize the gentleman as the traveler whom you lifted your boarding pass from


From your spot atop the gangway you can see the wife is almost in tears.


Each of you has a boarding pass.


With out a boarding pass you will need to find some way to get aboard.


You awaken in the dark wooden hold of a ship. Iron bars prevent you from leaving a small cell. Beyond the bars you can see various cargo crates, two fine stallions tethered in makeshift stalls, and your personal belongings piled just out of reach. The only things accompanying you in the cell are a few piles of straw and a rusty pail that smells of excrement.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

To make things simpler I have decided to start the game fresh as a Homebrew. Characters will be made using the 10,10,12,13,14,15 array and use the alpha rules. Max Gold and Max HP+Racial mod in the alpha rules. Everyone can pick one bonus "backstory" feat. It can be a savage tide feat, golarion feat, or any feat that can by justified by the character history. I get final approval, these should be story orriented, not a dig for more combat feats. I'm open to alternate races so just ask. I'd like to stay to core classes but if you want a bard, monk, or ranger use the 3.5 rules until the updates hit. Will just figure out some way to adjust the skills. The game will start in the major port city of Altus. Feel free to be creative on backstorys because Altus is the center of trade of a very large fantasy world. I love to grab hooks from character historys for later adventure hooks. Characters can be locals or just off the ship starting a new life, maybe even on some personal mission. Ask any questions that you need to and we'll start as soon as all the characters are done.

We recently lost our DM and a few of the players. To keep the characters "alive" I have taken over the DM role and will continue the adventure on a new path. We chose to convert the characters to the new Alpha rules and are now looking to replace our healer type and a warrior type. You can read our prior adventures HERE

Characters will be made using the Stat array of 15,14,13,12,10,10 and start with max HP and Max Gold. Each will get one bonus feat from the Savage Tide Players guide and should be from Sasserine.

This will be a slow moving thread as I will only post as the DM probably twice a week so that I can keep up with my other threads and real life. I anticpate being able to make a DM post on Wed, and Sundays alowing all the players plenty of time to ge thier posts in.

I will take the first two or three intersted players that respond and hope to get started again next week.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

A line of Lizardfolk advances ominously swinging stone clubs from side to side. Behind them a wicked voice hisses an ancient incantation. With a crackling of unholy power, a humanoid figure looms behind them, rising in size until she tops twelve feet high. Upon her head a writhing crown of black and gold vipers hiss, thirsty for blood. In one hand she wields a ferocious leather whip that cuts the air like lightning. In the other she clutches a golden scepter, its cobra head bejeweled with sapphire eyes that radiate power. In a shrill voice she cries out, “Who dares to interfere with the disciples of the Scaled One? Come forth and look me in the eye if you dare!”

Kalyani Yafa, High Priestess of the Scaled One CR 18

Female Medusa cleric 11
LE Large [righteous might] monstrous humanoid
Init +1[+1 Dex]; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Listen +4[+4 Wis], Spot 10[+4 Wis, 6 ranks]
Aura Strong Evil


AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 18
(+4 armor, +1 Dex, +5 natural[+3 base, +2 righteous might], -1 size)
hp 119 (17d8+51[+3 Con, 17 HD])
Fort +12[+9 base, +3 Con], Ref +9[+8 base, +1 Dex], Will +16[+12 base, +4 Wis]
DR 3/good[righteous might]


Spd 30 ft.
Melee +2 whip of wounding +21/+16/+11[+14 base, +2 enhancement, -1 size, +5 Str, +1 Weapon Focus] (1d4[righteous might]+7[+2 enhancement, +5 Str](non-lethal)+1 point Con damage/x2) and
snakes +18[+14 base, -1 size, +5 Str] (1d4+5 plus poison)
Ranged mwk short bow +15/+10/+5[+14 base, +1 Dex, +1 mwk enhancement, -1 size] (1d6+1[+1 enhancement])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks petrifying gaze, poison, rebuke/command reptilian creatures and snakes 8/day[3 base,+1 Cha, +4 feat] (+3[+1 Cha, +2 synergy], 2d6+12[+1 Cha, 11 levels]) , rebuke/command undead 8/day[3 base,+1 Cha, +4 feat] (+3[+1 Cha, +2 synergy], 2d6+12[+1 Cha, 11 levels])

Spells Prepared (CL 11th):
6th-animate objects, blade barrier* (DC 20),
5th-animal growth* (DC 19), righteous might, scrying (DC19)
4th-divine power, cure critical wounds, poison (DC 19), summon monster IV* (x2),
3rd-contagion (DC 17), dispel magic (X2), greater magic fang*, summon monster III,
2nd-bulls strength (DC 16), cure moderate wounds (x2), death knell (DC 16), hold person (DC 16), spiritual weapon*,
1st-bane (DC 15), divine favor (x2), doom (DC15), entropic shield, magic fang*, obscuring mist
0-detect magic (x3), detect poison, light, read magic
*domain spells; Domains Scalykind, War


Before Combat Kalyani casts righteous might before combat, these effects are included in the stat block.
During Combat Kalyani prefers to let her minions do the front line melee fighting. She uses summon monster III & IV to bring fiendish snakes into the battle. After petrifying attackers with her gaze she casts animate objects on them for an impromptu ally. A rod of absorption allows her to strategically aid her followers, attack her enemies, and defend herself with additional spells. In melee she uses her long reach and whip to trip opponents so that her followers have easier targets. Whenever possible, she commands snakes and/or reptiles to join the battle. When her righteous might spell ends she has several potions of shield of faith for additional protection (+4 deflection bonus to AC).
Morale When the tide of battle is no longer in her favor, Kalyani uses a divine scroll of word of recall to escape to a hidden sanctuary. Base Statistics When the righteous might duration ends after 11 rounds Kalyani becomes medium size with a space of 5 ft. and a reach of 5 ft. Her stats become Str 16, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14. She loses 17 temporary hit points, damage reduction, and any size modifiers. Her Fortitude save becomes +11, and her Concentration skill check +16. The natural armor bonus becomes a +3 reducing her AC by 2. Her strength modifier becomes +2 reducing her melee attack and damage modifiers by 3. The damage die for her whip changes to 1d3.


Str 20[14, +2 level advancements,+4 righteous might], Dex 12[8, +4 racial], Con 17[13, +2 racial, +2 righteous might], Int 14[12, +2 racial], Wis 18[15, +2 racial, +1 level advancement], Cha 14[10, +4 racial]
Base Atk +14[+8 cleric, +6 medusa]; Grp +23[+14 base attack, +4 size, +5 Str]
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Extra Turning, Exotic Weapon Proficiency-whip, Improved Counter Spell, Improved Trip, Leadership(18[level 17, +1 special power, -2 cruelty, +2 stronghold], cohort-Princess Myra Benadoir {aristocrat 5/sorcerer 3/cleric 4}), Weapon Focus-whip(divine favored weapon)**
**Bonus Feats
Skills Bluff +4[+2 Cha, 2 ranks], Concentration +17[+3 Con, 14 ranks], Diplomacy +12[+2 Cha, 10 ranks], Heal +10[+4 Wis, 6 ranks], Intimidate +12[+2 Cha, 10 ranks], Knowledge-arcane +7[+2 Int, 5 ranks], Knowledge-religion +7[+2 Int, 5 ranks], Knowledge-planes +4 [+2 Int, 2 ranks] Move Silently +4[+1 Dex, 3 ranks], Spellcraft +16[+2 Int, 12 ranks, +2 synergy], Spot +10[+4 Wis, 6 ranks]
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal
SQ spontaneous casting (inflict spells)
Combat Gear +2whip of wounding, potions of shield of faith (3), rod of absorption(50 charges), Scroll of word of recall, chain shirt, mwk short bow, +1 arrows (25); Other Gear bracelets, rings, & necklaces of gold and jewels (5000gp)


Petrifying Gaze (Su) Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage 2d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Rebuke/Command animals (reptilian creatures and snakes only) (Su) Affect these creatures the way an evil cleric turns undead. Number of attempts per day equal to 3+Cha, there is a +2 synergy bonus if the cleric has 5 or more ranks of Knowledge-religion.

Rebuke/Command undead (Su) Force undead creatures to cower in awe by channeling power through a holy symbol. Number of attempts per day equal to 3+Cha, there is a +2 synergy bonus if the cleric has 5 or more ranks of Knowledge-religion.


Deep in the Jungles of Peridia the Scaled One, a goddess from a prior age, whose true name has been forgotten, is regaining power. The medusa Kalyani Yafa discovered the Temple of Coils over two decades ago and has since uncovered many secrets of the Scaled One. Wielding the goddess’ warlike power and command of serpents, she leads the Peridian Lizardfolk tribes. They revere her as a High Priestess of their primeval religion and the prophesized savior of their kind. Furthermore, she has cultivated a network of evil beings headed by her devoted acolyte, Myra. These cells of dark hearted individuals have adopted the ancient religion unaware that their wicked deeds are orchestrated by the medusa. Through this network, Kalyani spreads the glory of the Scaled One and sows the seeds of discord.

Kalyani is a cruel and callous ruler who demands unfaltering loyalty from her followers. Her wrath is fierce, and those who disobey her decorate her temple gardens as a stone testament to warn transgressors. Her dedication to the Scaled One is fanatical, and spreading the goddess’ influence across the world is Kalyani’s most sacred undertaking. Any who impede her find themselves victim to the medusa’s treacherous plans. Many of these plans may take years to fulfill, but she is patient and works zealously to see them completed.

As Kalyani’s power grows, so does her ambition. No longer content to rule over the Jungle tribes alone, she schemes to increase her sphere of influence. Kalyani knows she can not lead the Lizardfolk in a traditional war against the neighboring Kingdom of Yazel, so instead she plots to place a male heir on the kingdoms throne.

Princess Myra Benadoir of Yazel is how Kalyani intends to fulfill her plan. Kidnapped by agents of the medusa ten years ago, the king’s only daughter and heir has been brainwashed into Kalyani’s loyal servant. Princess Myra even plucked out her own eyes at Kalyani’s request, allowing her to stand in her mistress’s unveiled presence without fear of petrification. Kalyani is dealing with the reviled barbarian tribes of the Kraggen Reaches to determine which chief will have the honor of fathering the next heir of Yazel, a task Myra is eager to accomplish.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

“…and on his back a mighty nation shall grow.” – Waonni prophecy.
Alignment: LE
Capital: Ciuka (pop. 16,900)
Notable Settlements: Qolpeen (pop, 12,100), Ikastur (pop. 7,800)
Ruler: The Most High Champion, Kull Cereaz, Fallen Lord of the Icalu
Government: A strict social caste system formerly ruled over by an empirical council that has collapsed, replaced by the tyrannical reign of the remaining Fallen Lords.

Adventurers flock across the Jarred Sea to explore the rugged lands of the Spine Peaks. Some seek the lost tomb of Icaluian the fallen angel, which lies deep beneath the ruins of a long dead civilization. Others desire to visit the Gnomish crystal mines of Delln, whose pure crystals are highly sought after by psionic users across the world. The lush jungles and high mountains offer many rewards to the brave who dare enter the lands of the Icalu Fallen Lords.
Centuries ago, the Icalu crossed the Eastern Waste expanding their holdings and conquered the Spine Peaks and the peaceful Waonni who dwelled there. The massive Icalu Empire stretched the length of the southern continent until the tyrannical council warlords turned on each other. The empire crumbled decades ago as the Fallen Lords put all their energy into ousting each other to stake claim of the sacred mountains. Now, after years of fighting the remaining Fallen Lords, Cereaz, Azsukel, and Turgen, clash for control of the mountain they believe holds the tomb of their celestial father, Icaluian.
While many of the Icalu nobility have sided with each of the warlords, Cereaz had marshaled the support of the largest and most powerful families. He controls the port city of Ciuka in the jungle basin on the eastern coast and uses his influence over the trade routes to assert himself as the sole ruler. To the east on the highest peaks, Azsukel schemes from his stronghold in Qolpeen, built on the ruins of an ancient Waonni settlement. Along the Elza River, Turgen pushes to complete the newfound city of Ikastur in the Arkavalle, upsetting the Gothnor Dwarves who stake claim to the rich grazing lands.
As the Icalu warlords squabble over alliances and territory the native Waonni, oppressed as the unworthy caste, are starting to shake free from the chains of domination. Their tight-knit kinship groups, which have provided a necessary network of aid for centuries, are forming secret alliances with missionaries from across the sea. The Brotherhood of Stars has established itself in Ciuka, precariously navigating the Icalu political regime to free the Waonni and reestablish their right to the land.

The ruins of ancient Waonni temples and settlements are scattered across the lands. Many explorers seek to discover the mysteries of these wise and ancient people by uncovering their knowledge of the world’s creation now lost beneath the mountains. Perhaps there is even a way to uncover Icaluian’s tomb that some legends say is actually a prison and that the Waonni have captured the fallen angel and will imprison him in until the Last War has begun.
The Fallen lords are powerful sorcerer-warriors who have dedicated their lives to mastering their arcane and marital skills to enforce their rule over the Icalu Nation. Fallen Lords use ancient dark rituals to dedicate their lives into service of the fallen angel gaining increased magical ability.
The current Fallen Lords of the Spine Peaks are:
Kull Cereaz (Fighter 9, Sorcerer 8, Fallen Lord 3)
Kull Azsukel (Fighter 8, Sorcerer 9, Fallen Lord 1)
Kull Turgen (Fighter 8, Sorcerer 8, Fallen Lord 2)
The Waonni people understand that reliance upon others is the only way to survive in the mountain regions. By forming kinship ties with extended family and in-laws in villages up and down the mountain, they are able to exchanges goods between altitudinal zones where some necessities are not available. Called Selenos, these familial groups are steadfastly loyal, and feuds between them are rare.
The Altitudinal zones are:
Altis Veream – Warm, Jungle (Ciuka)
Altis Taerlos – Warm, Hills
Altis Maedian – Temperate, Hills (Ikastur, Arkavalle)
Altis Taermed – Temperate, Mountains (Delln)
Altis Feream – Cold, Mountains (Qolpeen)
The Brotherhood of Stars has sent missionaries across the Jarred Sea to put a foot hold of faith in the southern continent. The members of the order secretly aid the Waonni in hopes of changing the current political structure.
The population of the Spine Peaks is 20% Icalu, 76% Waonni, 2% Gnome, 1% Dwarf, and 1% other. Elves, Half-Orcs and Halflings are not are not native to the southern continent but many have crossed the sea seeking adventure. Delln is the mining settlement of the Spine Peak Gnomes. The ten clans that share the subterranean stronghold, in the northern slopes, have a precarious alliance with the Fallen Lords that ensures the trade of crystals that are highly sought after. The hillside roaming Dwarves of the Arkavalle do not have a permanent home but move with the seasons herding cattle, sheep, and goats. Recently Kull Turgen founded the new city of Ikastur right in the middle of some of the richest grazing land in the region, upsetting the Dwarves. The intolerant Icalu have driven the monstrous races out, pushing them into the Eastern Waste.

New Regional Feats

Icalu Lineage [General]
You have the blood of Icalu ancestry running in your veins.
Prerequisites: Born in the Spine Peaks with at least one Icalu parent.
Benefit: You gain a +2 skill bonus on all Spellcraft checks. In addition, your arcane ancestry allows you to cast a 0-level spell from the sorcerers list as a 1st-level caster one per day.

Seleno Network. [General]
You have made familial ties with members of the Waonni society through out the Spine Peaks.
Prerequisites: Born in the Spine Peaks with as least one Waonni parent.
Benefit: You gain a +2 skill bonus on all Gather Information checks. In addition, once per week you can receive up to 100gp worth of goods or services valued at less the 20gp from one of your kinship ties.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

These gruesome braids of horse hair are ornamented with the gnawed upon severed ears of Goblin kills. Strands typically have 1d4 ears when found and grant a +1/ear to listen checks when worn as a necklace. Adding newly crafted ears or removing ears adjusts the bonus check. A strand requires one attached ear for the bonus to function and holds a maximum of five magical ears at one time. As a standard action the wearer can remove and eat an ear to gain the effects of casting a silence spell as a 5th level caster [PHB 279]. If an ear is eaten while not wearing the strand the effect fails and the eater suffers from ingesting poison (DC 15, 1 Con/ 1d6 Con).
Faint Illusion; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, silence; Price: 720gp/ear.