
Fake Healer's page

Organized Play Member. 7,591 posts (10,120 including aliases). 6 reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.

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The Exchange

Has anyone created files for 3d printing minis that would fit as Starfinder-ish minis? I am very disappointed in how Paizo and the company making the minis is handling the mini release and the huge delay with a kickstarter. $40 for 4 minis is incredibly high and still only covers iconics, then $36 for a couple ships is ridiculous.
I can't imagine that the community won't move to fill this miserable execution and create something great to cover this blunder so if anyone knows of any good sources please inform us.

The Exchange

I am curious, what are people using for minis for ship to ship, space combat? I have some images that I glued to cardboard and mounted to minis as ships but I was wondering if anyone had a good source or ideas I can cull.

The Exchange

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

if I have 2 ships with different drives trying to navigate the drift together to reach the same destination from the same starting point, do they arrive at different times depending on their engines or can they adjust the engines to sync up their time of arrival? Like the more powerful engine running slower to keep their arrivals simultaneous?

The Exchange

Getting prepped to run this and I was wondering if anyone else has yet and what their experiences were so I know what to look out for and expect. What level was the party? Were there many deaths? Any oddball encounters that went unexpectedly? That kind of stuff....

The Exchange

Looking for a FPS for the Xbox One that is good for a lone player...
I am not looking for online deathmatches or co-op. Just something I can pick up and enjoy myself. I have all the Halos and enjoy them but it's time for something different.

The Exchange

Has anyone found a definitive list of what Mods are going to be available on the Xbox One version and the PS4 version? I am unconcerned with the PC version as they of course will be able to have all. Also any word on if they are going to come with the box or do we need to download them? Will there be a cost?

The Exchange

Anyone playing this? Thoughts, reviews, is it worth purchasing the adventures in game?

The Exchange

I've seen some decent ROguelikes, like Pixel Dungeon, but I am looking for something with a bit more depth....anyone got some favorites?

The Exchange

If you created characters under Adventurer's League Rules with an approved/registered DM for AL is there a way he could run the Curse of Stradh 5e adventure and our characters still be legal for Adventurer's League usage outside of that game, like in Cons and other AL DM's games?
I am unfamiliar as to if there is some rule that allows that....

The Exchange

I am running a 5E game through Savage Tide but I took it totally off the rails. The group was borderline amoral and went along with Rowyn's idea of joining the Lotus Dragons and they want to rebuild the guild and undermine the nobles, essentially taking over Sasserine's port and ousting the ruling government in favor of turning it back into a bandit-kingdom cityish thing....
They are currently double agenting between Lavinia and Rowyn with their primary allegiance being to Rowyn. They met and took down Vanthus and have retrieved a couple journals of the Vanderboren's parents that outline plans to settle a remote island rich in resources and corner the market on the exotic exports of the island, a journal of Vanthus' outlining his plans to backstab the Lotus Dragons and kill his sister, and some maps outlining the route to the Isle of Dread with some cool stop offs on the way like Tomoachan (sp?) and such....
My problem....I am free-forming the entire adventure from here on. I need some ideas on what resources I can mine for good adventure locales and maps. I need a good Tomoachan stand in. I would love to find some good ship-at-sea adventures besides the ones from Savage Tide. And I need to figure out how to roll in some political intrigue and the taking over of the city.
I need ideas.
I have also added in Sanity as a stat and toss in some madness in a Lovecraftian manner with my game (the Savage Fever feeds into this well).
Thanks for any ideas and thoughts that may help.

The Exchange

I am going to be running a new 5E campaign that I am building on a stripped down Savage Tide game with a bunch of short adventures placed throughout. I am going for a more sandbox feel to the path.
I was wondering if anyone has any good resources that could help....battlemaps, maps, cool handouts, conversions, etc....basically anything that would enhance the gameplay and get the PC's into the feel more.
Sifting through the various STAP threads is painful with all the old links that no longer work so I thought to ask so those actively using the path might help out.

The Exchange

Is there a rule about making a perception check or something to see an enemy when there is an ally or 2 between you and the enemy?
What about darkvision, does a torch in the area totally negate it or does it work outside of the torch area?
How about moving through a friendly pc's space during combat, is there a check to do it or is it ok as long as you don't end movement in an occupied square?

The Exchange

I am gonna be running a one-shot for Next week, 5E, and I need 7 or 8 pregens for the game....
I am looking for odd combos of race and class, 3rd level, with basic equipment...
Any help would be welcome. For stats I want to stick with the basic array in the PHB.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So my group is playing 5E and we are enjoying it very much. I am not seeing us using the Advantage/Disadvantage system much though and I want to figure out why.
The actual rules surrounding when they should be used seems to be mostly "when the DM determines you have one". It doesn't clearly define when to use them though.
Here are some questions:
*Is it basically a replacement mechanic for +2/-2 adjustments?
*If you are a rogue using your sneak attack do you get advantage?
*Does higher ground/lower ground trigger use of Adv/Disadv?
*How about surprise round? Does everyone participate in combat on the surprise round with the surpriser getting advantage on attacks and the surprised getting disadvantage?
*How would this work with skills?

I really like the rule but it is so vague on when to use it that it almost doesn't seem to exist in my game currently and that is really a shame. I want to rectify this.

The Exchange

Anyone know of any free printable character sheets for 5E? If so leave a link. Looking for anything....

The Exchange

I am joining a new gaming group and they are in the latter stages of a L5R 1st edition game. What is the game like? Character Gen? Equipment? I don't have the rules yet but I was just looking for some thoughts and stuff on the game in general to get my head on straight. Anything interesting from someone's experience with the game, please post, also any links to resources would be cool.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Card Hunter!!!
This is a free game with for-pay extra stuff. It is set up like a tabletop game with minis, a battlemap, and the tabletop has things on it like dice pens and books to add to the effect. You move your minis around and perform actions with Cards that are attributed to each party member based on their equipment (a mace will have 6 or so cards with a range of attacks from a hard attack that targets one foe to a weak attack that can hit a couple). It's a really interesting setup and fun as heck to play.
PC Gamer magazine did an article on it in the holiday issue 2013 and gave it 85 out of 100 and that is how I heard of it.
You don't need to pay for anything to have a full-rich game, but if you did decide to pay you do get some really cool extra stuff.
A quote from the review: "I never felt like I was missing out by not spending money." and another "It's a remarkably ungreedy free-to-play design choice that makes multiplayer in particular a tense and satisfying experience".

Believe me, if you enjoy Tabletop RPGs and Virtual Tabletops, you will love this game. What the heck, it's free too!

The Exchange

Hey all, I am doing a bit of mental exercise and would like to make a list of fantasy races, especially some decently obscure ones that could be overlooked. I pretty much have the standard Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Humans, Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Lizardfolk....

I am looking at maybe develop a world ala Dawn of Worlds world building game and would like to have a good standard list of races to use that may have some different and interesting races on it.
Scorpionfolk, cyclops,....things that are classics but seen more rarely lately.

As a side note, I am surprised that someone hasn't made a Dawn of Worlds electronic version with a fractal world map that can be edited and updated with changes per the Players and Gods....with as many talented computer programmers as there are this would seem to be a cool little project for someone...

Anyway, looking forward to seeing some interesting stuff!!

The Exchange

I have been really enjoying some of the half-way cheesy(or all the way cheesy in some cases) movies that SyFY channel has been playing, especially their originals so I wanted to post some thoughts on a couple that could be looked at for GM inspirations and stuff....

Husk-- A really neat mix or stuff here. Backstory is awesome if you really look at the clues tossed in randomly (would've liked to see more). The movie used some cool "Haunt" moments that remind me of the haunted mansion in Rise of the Runelords, and the Cornfield slayings really reminded me alot of the cornfield ghouls in Rise of the Runelord (second book I think?).
If I needed a one-shot for halloween I would grab the RotRL book, combine some haunt traps with the scarecrow cornfield, use the "one spirit hopping from scarecrow to scarecrow" effect in Husk and use beefed up ghouls or something. Party members would be NPC classes of low levels and expect to be slaughtered.

Primal-- Some Chuthlu mythos undertones here but tied to ancient cave? Interesting. Once again I would've loved a bit more backstory on this one. Perhaps some different flashbacks to earlier times...
Another good idea generator for a one-shot Halloween game. Bunch of young adults explore ancient cave drawings and unleash a disease that turns one of them into something sinister that wants to spread the disease and feast on the others....and provide food for an ancient evil to be reborn.
This is a remote wilderness area I see either ghouls, sinspawns, or maybe the "Savage Creature" template from Dungeon magazine's Savage Tide adventure path being used for the creatures. The ancient evil could be almost anything from an intelligent grick to an ooze, to a demonic octopus-thingy...basically anything with tentacles or psuedopods to lash out with and grab stuff. Once again Party members would be NPC classes of low level and lose a few of their own. As members are killed off have the players take over play as the creatures they become and perform attacks on the remaining party....keeps them playing and engaged, and the GM can concentrate on setting up ambushes and such without having to focus on running a bunch of new monsters.

Anyway I am hoping for some other people to post about some of the shows and how to use them for inspiration in a game.....

The Exchange

Ok, so I am going out of my usual areas of gameplay in an evil goblin campaign that is set to start soon for my group.
I have decided it would be neat to try out a Command Undead minions type of goblin and decided on cleric since "wordz am reed stuff!" eliminates wizards for RP reasons.
I was looking at the Undead Lord Archetype and found out that it is more or less a pain to keep spending 8 hours making an undead that is gonna die fairly quickly.
I really don't have a clue about what domains I should pick, if I should do a subdomain, feats that help, possibly multiclassing/prestige classes, etc.

Anyone have some ideas on builds? Also some ideas with the build on their role in the party would be really helpful. My GM is allowing most Paizo stuff (she is pretty cool about stuff).
I would love to start play with an undead minion if possible but it is not a requirement. I more or less wanted that for my backstory reasons but if I need to dig up some of my goblin predecessors at a later time and press them into service than so be it.

Any help would totally rock. Thanks.

The Exchange

It doesn't say in the description that he has to be able to animate dead just that by performing an 8 hour ceremony he can animate a skeleton or zombie from a corpse that will follow his commands and can't have more HD than the cleric.
So how does this work on the Undead Lord archetype?
Also any suggestions on a decent build for an undead lord?

The Exchange

Looking for what this would be called type-wise. Is it a Half-construct with the outsider subtype or something? I need to know for a race I am constructing.

The Exchange

I need a map making program (for free!) that allows me to do a bit more than just generate random world maps. Anyone know of one?

The Exchange

Hopefully someone can point me to a Gaming Store near the Celebration/Kissimmee area of Florida. I know there is a Medieval Times dinner/theatre so I assume there is some sort of Gaming community nearby with a store.
Thanks all.

The Exchange

Thought this may be of some interest to some people here....
Record setting Settlers game.

The Exchange

I am putting this out there as I am gonna be moving within the next couple of months and would like to see if there is any Pathfinder RPG games going on in the Celebration area of Florida.
Hoping to minimize the amount of time spent trying to find a game. Also what is the nearest Gaming Store?
43 year old
Playing D&D/Pathinder since forever, took a 10 year break during 2E D&D.
I make custom terrain and have a ton of minis.
Looking for a fun group that either wants to rotate GMing duties or needs a good GM/player.

The Exchange

So I am just checking up on some math and stuff....
A player in our group brought out a 15th level Pistolero with a +8 modifier to dex, 2 +5 distance double barreled pistols, 2 weapon cords, and twf/ITWF. He had signature deed:whatever the extra damage one is called and all the good feats and such to help with reload and PBS and all that.

His 1st range increment is 40' from distance. He gets +1 hit, and damage within 30' for PBS....

How many attacks could he get off in a full attack and what should his damage look like?
We were seeing 12ish attacks each doing 1d8+4d6+24ish within 30'. Is this correct?
Not that all attacks would hit but if they did it would look like 12d8+48d6+288 or about 510 average damage if all hit the creature's touch that right, is my math off somehow?

The Exchange

I would like to know if anyone has a good build for a Barbarian/Sorc/Dragon Disciple that is focused on melee and strength. I was looking at Crossblooded Orc/Draconic, but could be somewhat flexy. Lets assume 20 pt buy, open to different races (would like half-orc or even orc), not concerned with casting other than some self-buffs and such. Would like to figure out what levels to take different classes. Also would like to go to DD10.
So if anyone has any good builds that meet this idea, I would love to see it.

The Exchange

I keep having trouble finding's getting annoying that it isn't as easy to find on the PRD as the other bloodlines for sorcerers.

The Exchange

So I was going through some of my stuff and realized that a bunch of the stuff I love to use or plan to use was from free PDFs I ran across on the interweb/nets/thingy.
I thought it would be cool to have a thread where people share their top 3-5 best free pdfs/files that they use in their games to enhance it. It also would give me some cool stuff to look at.
The Rules:
3-5 files, links are nice, a brief description.

I'll start:
Microlite20, purest essence--a cool lil' stripped down old school-styled RPG that is really rules light.
Sean Reynolds' Alternative Level Advancement--a simple and easy way to break leveling down into 3 sections to stagger the leveling process.
Dawn of Worlds Game--Cool little world-building rules with a twist to make it into a co-op game-like thing for a group to create their world together.
E6---E6 is a cool PDF that lets a d20/pathfinder game end up at 6th level (arguable the "sweet spot") of the game. Comes with extra feats and such to make the transition from a 1-20 level game into an Epic 6 game fairly simple and painless.

Hope you guys like....

The Exchange

A cr 14 creature, a cr 12 dude, a cr 11 creature, a cr 8 caster, 4 cr 6 creatures, and a group of guards (5) that equal a cr 5.

I am just wondering what EL my GM thinks works with our group.

The Exchange

So a dude and his wife decided to make accessories for Lego people to make them look like Sci-fi warriors, Post-apocalyptic, WW2, gangsters, Medieval, Fantasy, Ancient, etc. and sell them. They also made a game up that seems to be a gladiatorial arena called Chains to Champs for 2-6 players and has cards and dice to play. I thought maybe some brickheads here may want to take a look at the site or people could go all nostalgic...
Brick Warriors!

The Exchange

Just wondering, and if so is it any good? I was re-reading the series (4th time through) and wondering how they could have handled magic and stuff....

The Exchange

wondering how many according to the Advanced Races Guide the Core races are....
Trying to figure out how I would allow a 25RP race alongside the core. Perhaps by having a differing Point Buy or something....

The Exchange

I was looking for a Hero Lab-type of program with less of a cost to it than actual Hero Lab. I can't justify spending $70+ bucks on the program with all the Ultimate books datasets.
Is there another option?
Looking for a good mix of quality and low price. I just can't justify spending $70 so I can keep a couple PCs updated, and yes if I bought Hero Lab I would need to buy all the PRPG datasets in the core and probably the Beastiary 1 at least.

The Exchange

Could a shadow wear a Ghost Touch amulet of Mighty Fists? I have never seen a shadow using equipment before but a player is asking if his companion could by RAW.

The Exchange

So I was thinking about a goblin gunslinger....anyone have any good ideas for builds or a certain archetype for them? I was thinking of Pistolero but I am unsure about what would work well for any gunslingers having never played one. Any ideas on whether or not to multiclass?
For guidelines lets assume 20 pt buy and standard gold, and maybe a progression to level 10ish. I have no idea on what gear or feats work well on a gunslinger so feel free to play around a bit. Official Paizo only please (core and ultimates).
Thanks all. I look forward to ideas.

The Exchange

I was wondering how it would look with say a sorcerer who used a gauntlet of rust. Is it possible for him to still be able to cast and act well with a single gauntlet on and be able to touch attack any dudes getting close to him? Would he be able to Shocking, Rusting Grasp someone's armor? could any touch attack to a dude's armor be able to combine the rusting with it?
If viable is there any ideas for a build for this?

The Exchange

Just wanted to state something and see what happens...
In the blog on minis for Shattered Star there are a couple minis that are written up as being "quasi-huge for a large" and "pushing the envelope on what a large mini can be". Please stop that. I hate putting a mini on the table that is large and it is bigger than some huges that we have. Not only does it ruin my personal immersion but it make the battlemat look crowded when a base is covered with as much plastic as can possibly fit on it.
I already have a bunch of minis that I won't use because they look ridiculously out of proportion (prime example is the D&D mini of a blue-garbed dwarf that was taller than most half-orcs and fully as wide as his base).
Please stop making minis that are over the line and tagging them with a "right at the limit of what a XXXX size should be" Paizo. The truth is it is too big to scale with the minis around it and that sucks.

The Exchange

Is there a good auto calc sheet that does the core classes/base classes and includes the core prestige classes that is any good? If so I would love someone to link to them please....I want to make a mix of either barb/pal and sorc and into DD but can't seem to find a good auto calc sheet that includes the stuff specific to said classes.

The Exchange

anyone have a link to some good, cheap miniature bases of various sizes? Looking for mostly Small, Medium, and Large sized creature bases (3/4",1",and 2" or thereabouts). Would also like to figure out some ideas for the larger minis like C'thulu and the larger dragons.

The Exchange

If I had a half-orc dragon disciple with Elemental spell:acid, bloodline arcana acid(green dragon type, +1 damage per die), and the favored class bonus for fire spell damage(1/2 to damage per level), and I cast a half and half fire/acid ball at 6th level, would the damage be 6d6 +3(half-orc favored class bonus) +6(for bloodline arcana)?
Oh and I was thinking of the trait Magical Lineage:fireball to remove the +1 spell level for the elemental spell so it could actually be cast at 6th level....

The Exchange

I have a thought for a character (possibly a goblin in an all goblin campaign) but am unsure how to go about it.
I would like to figure out how to make an arcane trickster who uses his bloodline abilities and low level spells to do nice sneak damage. I thought about a Crossblooded sorc to get 2 different missile attacks based off of 3+ charisma bonus. I am not worried about getting high-level spells, just lots of things to hit with sneak attack, and trying to get some decent damage out of it to keep damage contribution for the party reasonable.

Sorry my thoughts are scattered and I can't seem to organize them to give any extra clarity....

The Exchange

Ok, a spellbook with all 0 level CORE spells and 7 1st level spells in it.
I came up with 312.5 gp.
My math: 0 level spells cost 8.75gp each to purchase and scribe into the book.
1st level spells cost 17.5gp each to purchase and scribe into the book.
The blank book is 15gp itself.
So 20 0-level x 8.75=175gp
7 1st-level x 7 = 122.5gp
and 15 for the book.....
Am I correct on this? Usually someone else handles this in our group but I am stepping into the treasure tracking duty and want to get it right.


Aasimar (V)


Arcanist 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +1 | Per: -1 | Init: +5 | 5 resist Acid/Cold/Elec | 6 arcane res points









Strength 8
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Riwaka

Riwaka is an emberkin aasimar, and as such has not only the normal human and celestial blood, but descended from peri, his line includes a fallen celestial. Fire magic is strong in the peri, and when he was younger Riwaka was strong with fire magics, but also rebellious and destructive. He doesn't talk about it, but refuses to use fire magic anymore. He came to Falcon's Hollow to escape the same events in his past, and works in town mostly magically repairing equipment and other minor magical services

=== Defense ===
AC: 13 (+3 dex)
HP: 8/8
CMD: 12
Fort: +1
Ref: +3
Will: +1

=== Attacks ===
Speed: 30 ft.
BAB: +0
CMB: -1
Arcane Reservoir: Starts each day at 6, max of 7 ARPs
Ice Missile: +3 (1d6+3 cold, stagger 1 rd vs fort 13); costs 1 ARP
Light Crossbow: +3 (1d8 piercing); 20 bolts, 2 +1 flaming (+4 1d8+1p+1d6f)
Club: -1: (1d6-1 bludgeoning)

=== Notable Skills ===
Bluff: 8
Knowledge Arcana: 7
Knowledge Dungeoneering: 7
Knowledge Religion: 7
Spellcraft: 9

=== Special Abilities ===
Pyrotechnics 1/day

=== Traits ===
Reactionary: +2 initiative
Unpredictable: +1 bluff, bluff is class skill

=== Feats ===
Extra Reservoir

=== Arcanist Exploits ===
Ice Missile

=== Spells known ===
0: all notably:
1: color spray, enlarge person, grease, mage armor, silent image, summon monster I

=== Spells Prepared in Town ===
0 (4): Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation
1 (2): Enlarge Person, Grease

=== Spells Prepared Going Out ===
0 (4): Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Resistance
1 (2): Color Spray, Mage Armor

=== Casting slots ===
1: 3

=== Inventory ===
Rats Tail
Gems worth 30 gold
2x +1 Flaming Bolts