
Faern Zagdul's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for Ravingdork.


Dark Archive

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But it's not a social justice problem insomuch as a playstyle difference problem.

Dark Archive

I heard it said that if d20pfsrd didn't use ads then they wouldn't have those legal issues, could use the proper names, and would likely draw in more users.

I aso imagine it is also why many people flock to other sites and why they didn't get a contract with Paizo like AoN did.

I for one don't pay for ad free interfaces. I pay for the quality services themselves. That's why I'm a proud patron of AoN. Anyone using d20pfsrd's business model will never see a dime from me. It's essentially a lesser form of blackmail.

Dark Archive

66. It was decided that it was time for Pathfinder 2.0, and so Starfinder was released.