Mithral Scarab

Faelana Zelandi's page

9 posts. Alias of Levi Steadman.


Hey all, really thought I was going to be able to keep up with this but (un)fortunately(?) I've had to take on some more responsibilities at work and I'm going to be dropping a few of the games that I'm in. Thanks so much for the opportunity to play with all of you and I'm sorry to leave!

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Heya! Sorry, I've been playing some catch-up after catching the stomach flu last week, PAX before that and moving before that. I should be back to posting in full capacity this week. I probably should've popped on at some point to some something, but my sick-brain kept me pretty out of it.

Listening intently to the list of treasures and initially in awe that they would be granted such a bounty as a down-payment, Faelana's expression darkens at the mention of the branding. She waits in anticipation for the answer to Buster's question, amazed the drunkard came up with a good one.

Just as a heads up I'll be at PAX Unplugged this weekend so I won't be able to post from Friday 12/6 to Sunday 12/8.

Faelana winces at her foolishness but doesn't reply to Pete's gratitude. We didn't have beggars in Iadara, I need to get used to the way humans handle their destitute.

"While I don't know what to think of you assessment of politicians, Buster, I'd hope we get more than a bench and ale from the man," she says, unsure what to think of the dwarf. While she hadn't met many back on Golarion, she was pretty sure Buster was the oddest she had ever met.

Finishing up her morning preparations (she prepares a shield spell for the day), Faelana packs up and leaves her room at the inn. She approached Bernum and Buster at about the time Pete was talking about the job, but waited to interject until now. "Good morning," she says to the group in a characteristically deliberate tone. "While Krofax doesn't exactly sound like a paragon of righteousness, I think it may be wise to take what jobs we can."

She opens her pouch and grabs the last gold coin that remains in there. Shrugging, she proffers it to Pete. "Thanks for the quality information, Pete."

As much as Faelana misses her family back on Golarion, she sees her new life here as a special opportunity. As a devout follower of Findeladlara (a holy symbol she keeps on hand even now), she believes that travelling to somewhere beyond the ken of any others from Kyonin is a gift. Maybe someday she would like to return home, but as an elf time is not really a concern.

I'd be fine either way on how the party got to know each other. Faelana is just kind of taking whatever jobs she can to get acquainted with how things work here before trying to do any deep research of her own.

Faelana, as a Lantern Bearer in-training, has made a few light excursions into the Darklands of Golarion. She doesn't know much about the cult of drow that were performing the ritual that shunted her to another dimension, but she is fairly certain they worshiped the demon lord Cyth-V'sug, the patron of Kyonin's greatest internal threat, Treerazer.

Since elven culture on Golarion has a rather unique dynamic, Faelana does not seem to get along well with the elves of this world. She has learned their language to play the part, but she knows that she could never truly be one of them. As such, she has spent the majority of her time studying the way that wizards formulate their spells in this world. Her old spellbook largely rendered useless, as if the fabric of reality and flow of energies here was entirely different, it took some time to learn the basics. Being alienated from the elves, she took to learning spells from human wizards. Using what few coins that she had from Golarion (gold is gold), she scribed what spells she could comprehend into her new spellbook.

Faelana found her time was best spent in the human city-state of Narimar. Ruled by an oligarchic council comprised of the city's guild leaders, the settlement had a strong focus on production and foreign commerce. This was fortuitous for Faelana, as jobs to be a merchant's guard were abundant. No better way to practice swords and sorcery than on bandits and highwaymen!

Alright, here is Faelana!