FUNCHO's page

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I don't have my count handy,

The pros on this set:

Some really nice figures - Large Water Elemental and Troll Champion are stunning.

Finally the N/PCs are mostly rare, so with two bricks, I am at something like 80-90% monsters - yay!

The cons:

There were a lot of figures off the base or broken in some way, including rares. My Natalia's leg was separated from her ankle.

It's still hard to amass a decent bunch of commons.

Your distribution needs work. Three rares in an entire brick is a total letdown.

Overall though, I am a fan who will keep buying. Great set!

You are really doing minis in a grand style! Is the incentive figure a Sea Serpent? That'd be cool!

My two cents - the D&D minis went all Anime with 4th ed. too. Compare pre and post 4th ed. Ettins and War Devil vs. Horned Devil.

There is a lighter, more playful feel to the Rise minis but I don't find it offensive. Mostly I just like to have my new minis.

Thank you for a set that looks like it has more monsters than characters (so far anyway). Now if you guys eventually give me the huge Aboleth that has been denied me up til now, we'll be best friends forever!

PS. Including gargantuan as a regular figure size - how cool are you??

Can I just say that I am a RABID mini collector and I really appreciate seeing monsters that I have not seen as minis before, and more monsters than PCs in general from a minis set. That said, the one issue I had with Rise of the Runelords was that it was hard to build a big army of commons. Ever consider bumping the number of commons or offering an uncommon/common army builder alternate booster?

Thanks again for these minis!!!