
FAQ finder's page

10 posts. Alias of dragonhunterq.


Dark Archive

FAQ confirming Hedwicks post. For clarity, the only way around HtWs example is by using ways to reduce/avoid the metamagic cost - there is no way that I am aware of of using those higher level spell slots

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The aforementioned FAQ. No claws on the feet of bipedal creatures. Quadrupeds get a pass.

Dark Archive

blahpers source, for convenience.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

TrinitysEnd, it is an FAQ - Humanoids cannot put claws on feet.

One of the feats granting you claws would therefore be redundant.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

FAQ. Double reach then add static and conditional increases.

Dark Archive

Ooh! Good call Doc, I forgot about the faq...
Linkified for convenience

Dark Archive

FAQ: a touch attack is a standard action.

Dark Archive

FAQ referred to by MrCharisma for reference.

I don't have a lot of general advice, so this is a really fancy dot in many respects. for some of your specifics though, maybe:

Lesser metamagic rod of reach spell - far less risk of the targets wandering out of range of your shield other.

Your vision mastery already reduces blink miss chance to 20% (but you can stock up on potions of see invisibility if you fear running out of uses), ghost touch will negate that remaining 20%. Probably not worth it though.

Dim door to beat reach? Teleportation Mastery or cape of the mountebank? Invisibility or displacement also greatly increase your chances of not being hit.

Dark Archive

The FAQ Taja is referring to

Dark Archive

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