
Ezmerlilly Vanderpoof's page

16 posts. Alias of Great Green God.


I should probably note that this is essentially evening rush hour, with all the shoppers and shopkeepers heading home for the day and that there are probably about a dozen people with in earshot.

Dominic Radzi wrote:
"You don't recognize us? We're the people who were looking for Ulisha. But you were looking for her too, right? And you profited from taking that sickle off her body. Now, unless you want us to share this with your customers, perhaps you should remember who you sold the sickle to."

"Go ahead! This is Daggermark for gods' sakes. I told you where to go and what to do and did you? Obviously not. Because the stupid 'sliverhacks' thingie was still there a week later. I only went because I figured you all looked a bit dim and it turned out I was right to check. Now I have a posh little shop and you've got what? Questions. Well I'm closed for business just now."

At the sudden appearance of the Black Maiden though, Ezmerlilly screams and drops to her knees in terror.

"I already said, I don't know! All I know is that he local because I've seen him before and that he smelled vaguely of sausages. I swear that's all I know! DON'T KILL ME! I'VE GOT A POSH LITTLE SHOP NOW AND IF THERE WERE ANY FRIENDLY ADVENTURERS IN THE CROWD WHO WANTED TO HELP ME RIGHT NOW I COULD SEE GIVING THEM A SMALL DISCOUNT ON THEIR NEXT ALCHEMICAL PURCHASE!!" she wails.

Lucy_Galonnica wrote:

Lucy groans.

Who did you sell it to? It's important that I retrieve it...

"How should I know!" she says growing upset. "I don't even know who you are!"

"Err. Um. Oh! You mean the sickle! Now I remember. Yeah. I sold it months ago. That's how I got the silver to build my posh new shop! It's small but cute--just like me!" She beams.

"I was askin' for more, but the guy said he was cutting his own throat already."

Lydia Stillbourne wrote:
I don't see a map for wherever it is we are. It would help me decide how to go about this...including whether Fomalhaut might actually be more help as my shadow.

Map updated.

Looking skittish as Lucy approaches the gnome woman slides a hand into her cloak. "Who are you? What do you want? No refunds! And if this is about the mayor's skin condition and small hands I don't know anything about it!"

"Okay, well you see she's hiding in an old cave near a place they used to call the Caves of Chaos back in the day when this here city was just a small keep on the borderlands of the Taldan Empire. It's a few miles outside of town. Here, I'll draw you a map."

What's the plan?

Okay, one quick post.

“Okay. So there was this unappealing half-human (no offense)" Ezmerlilly says with a nod toward Lydia. "Blathering about town about some important blade or sword or something she found. Moon-sliver, Silver-vex, or some such. Kept going on about its history to any who would listen.” The merchant leans in conspiratorially.

“Well, I have it from the horse’s mouth--literally, I'm a gnome, I can do that--that she won’t be needing whatever it is wherever she’s going.” The merchant draws a hand across her neck, making an unpleasant sound.

“The Vessels Between will be on her soon enough. You just need to go out there to her camp and grab that weapon once they’re through, and I just so happen to know where that camp is. So is it a deal?” She says with a nervous glance at Lucy's hare.

'Vessels Between'? Knowledge (local) DC 20:
The Vessels Between is the name of the assassins' guild in Daggermark.

"Yes my lady just don't let that thing eat me!" Ezmerlilly begs looking at Mara. She tosses a coin pouch from her overcoat at the party as well as a few vials and stoppered jars. "Here take it! It's all I have on me!"

The pouch contains 200 gp. The party also acquires two flasks of alchemist’s fire and three potions of cure light wounds. Note this equipment is only usable during the course of this adventure so it is best to use it before your own equipment. Those who partake should makes a special place for "mission gear" somewhere near the "combat gear" and "other gear" sections on the character sheet to keep track of it.

"Tell you what, I have a line on an easy-to-get artifact you might be interested in. Just promise to spare my life, and it is yours!" She wails.

Zaratina wrote:
"Do you think we can ambush the assassins?" Zaratina asks Hallimir.

Ezmerlilly looks perplexed.

Blane Bonesnatcher wrote:
"i dont think she means that we need to go and attack assassins. i think she means that we should go see this half human and maybe we can get there before the assassins do.

"Sure you could do that I guess."

Hallimir Duskrin wrote:
"Thank you for your time Ezmerlilly. This information may prove to be very valuable. You wouldn't happen to know how long before the assassins make this prize available, would you....we wouldn't want to interupt and become targets ourselves."

"Well, I suppose that if you waited to see her until tomorrow you would find her to be a grave woman. *snicker* I heard that in a play once."

Hallimir Duskrin wrote:

"The vessels between! you know what she has done to draw the attention of the Assassins Guild? Either way, the location would be of great help....I believe we have an accord."

And by a margin of 1 to no one else voting they reach an accord. Side note this is often the same method we use in the United States to vote for our President so you know it works well.

"Okay, well you see she's hiding in an old cave near a place they used to call the Caves of Chaos back in the day when this here city was just a small keep on the borderlands of the Taldan Empire. Here I'll draw you a map."

What's the plan?

"Who told you I was in trouble?" She says eyeing Lucy suspiciously. The party can overhear the sound of glass vials tinkling against one another under her coat. "What's your hurry? You tryin' to pass some old attic cobwebs on me?"

There are multiple ways of negotiating with her (i.e. bluff, diplomacy, intimidate). One way is more difficult than the others, while another is much easier. Failure makes subsequent attempts harder. No successes yet....

“Fair’s fair. Unfortunately. There was this unappealing half-human (no offense) blathering about town about some important blade or sword or something she found. Moon-silver, Sliver-vex, or some such. Kept going on about its history to any who would listen.” The merchant leans in conspiratorially.

“Well, I have it from the horse’s mouth--literally, I'm a gnome, I can do that--that she won’t be needing whatever it is wherever she’s going.” The merchant draws a hand across her neck, making an unpleasant sound.

“The Vessels Between will be on her soon enough. You just need to go out there and grab that weapon once they’re through, and I happen to know where the camp is. So is it a deal?”

'Vessels Between'? Knowledge (local) DC 20:
The Vessels Between is the name of the assassins' guild in Daggermark.

"Lemme see." Vanderpoof carefully inspects the merchandise, sniffing it, checking it for firmness and finally (and slightly nauseatingly) taste with the tip of her tongue.

"Sold." She says. Then quickly sifting her gaze between all the party members she turns around and ducks into a hidden stash somewhere in her coat. Vanderpoof produces a heavy drawstring coin purse. She hands it, and a number of large and small vials to Blane all while simultaneously snatching away the gland and the silk webbing.

The pouch contains 200 gp. The party also acquires two flasks of alchemist’s fire and three potions of cure light wounds. Note this equipment is only usable during the course of this adventure so it is best to use it before your own equipment. Those who partake should makes a special place for "mission gear" somewhere near their "combat" and "other gear" sections on the character sheet to keep track of it.

"I would give you more, but that's as much as I have to give in material goods. Maybe you'd like some choice bits of information I've got regarding a certain bit of treasure that may become available soon, hmm?"

"Oh really?" Vanderpoof says. She crosses her arms, and cocks an impressively skeptical eyebrow at the half-elf.

"I don't know anyone by that name." She says eyeing Blane suspiciously. The party can overhear the sound of glass vials tinkling against one another under her coat. "Well? What do you want?"

There are multiple ways of negotiating with her (i.e. bluff, diplomacy, intimidate). One way is more difficult than the others, while another is much easier.

"Doctor? Yes! Yes, I'm Doctor Venderepoof. Who are you and more important who told you where to find me?" She says looking up and down the street.

"HEY! YOU! YEAH YOU FOUR! What are you lookin' at huh? You up to no good? I swear I'll scream for the guards to come if I've got too!" Shouts the indignant gnome from across the street.