Eyeseeyou's page

Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

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Thank you for clearing that up.
Although a probably still need to get used to it :D

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Question to Logan Bonner:

What is the official ruling on being able to cast cantrips & focus spells on lower levels / forced heightening?

Use cases:
Cantrip - Light
Voluntarily using a smaller light radius to enable a scout that is sneaking ahead to stay a little bit closer to the party.

Focus spells - Wild Shape
Druids keeping access to smaller sized animal forms in cases where the larger ones just wont fit due to space constraints instead of them being unable to shift at all.

Edit: If it is not allowed, why was that decision made?

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Forgive my obvious use of the necromancy school of magic here, but how has this issue basically been around since release and yet there is no official Paizo answer around that I can find anywhere even though there's there's severe consequences for this in the case of e.g. Wild Shape for focus spells or somewhat minor consequences with e.g. the light cantrip, if you want your scout to sneak closer to the party but can only summon a miniature sun, having somehow lost the ability to dim it down at all?