
Evan Kestin's page

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Arcutiys wrote:
Evan Kestin wrote:
Arcutiys wrote:
Evan Kestin wrote:
Arcutiys wrote:
Evan Kestin wrote:

Most of the time, its completely unnecessary to have multiple races in an RPG because player play them all EXACTLY THE SAME. Now, sure there are occasional times where playing a different race may come in handy, like a dwarf being able to be a liaison between the party and a dwarven clan, but that itself doesn't really make it worth it.

The fact is that most of the time players only choose a special race because they want the bonuses that come with it.

Here's why we should have a mechanic for giving each PC cultural diversity instead of racial diversity that all end up being exactly the same:

"Most of the time" isn't good enough for a "all of the time" solution.
Actually it is. When you design a product, you focus on the most common use case, whatever your customers will want to use 90% of the time. Maybe some of the other stuff is supported, but it's pushed to the back.
I very highly doubt that race makes 0 difference 90% of the time. I highly doubt it's 20% of the time. Maybe your groups just don't try to roleplay.

In my experience, race comes into play much less than 10% of the time. As in, we all forgot he played a dwarf until he used his dark vision that one time in a 4 hour session. And even that is an ability, not a difference in personality or customs.

That's from about 8 different groups I've played in, and a few I've heard on podcasts or youtube.

You can't account for lack of roleplaying in a roleplaying game.

The way an RPG is designed could affect how it's played and how much role-playing is encouraged and supported. Just look at the difference between Numenera and D&D 4.

Arcutiys wrote:
Evan Kestin wrote:
Arcutiys wrote:
Evan Kestin wrote:

Most of the time, its completely unnecessary to have multiple races in an RPG because player play them all EXACTLY THE SAME. Now, sure there are occasional times where playing a different race may come in handy, like a dwarf being able to be a liaison between the party and a dwarven clan, but that itself doesn't really make it worth it.

The fact is that most of the time players only choose a special race because they want the bonuses that come with it.

Here's why we should have a mechanic for giving each PC cultural diversity instead of racial diversity that all end up being exactly the same:

"Most of the time" isn't good enough for a "all of the time" solution.
Actually it is. When you design a product, you focus on the most common use case, whatever your customers will want to use 90% of the time. Maybe some of the other stuff is supported, but it's pushed to the back.
I very highly doubt that race makes 0 difference 90% of the time. I highly doubt it's 20% of the time. Maybe your groups just don't try to roleplay.

In my experience, race comes into play much less than 10% of the time. As in, we all forgot he played a dwarf until he used his dark vision that one time in a 4 hour session. And even that is an ability, not a difference in personality or customs.

That's from about 8 different groups I've played in, and a few I've heard on podcasts or youtube.

Arcutiys wrote:
Evan Kestin wrote:

Most of the time, its completely unnecessary to have multiple races in an RPG because player play them all EXACTLY THE SAME. Now, sure there are occasional times where playing a different race may come in handy, like a dwarf being able to be a liaison between the party and a dwarven clan, but that itself doesn't really make it worth it.

The fact is that most of the time players only choose a special race because they want the bonuses that come with it.

Here's why we should have a mechanic for giving each PC cultural diversity instead of racial diversity that all end up being exactly the same:

"Most of the time" isn't good enough for a "all of the time" solution.

Actually it is. When you design a product, you focus on the most common use case, whatever your customers will want to use 90% of the time. Maybe some of the other stuff is supported, but it's pushed to the back.

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Most of the time, its completely unnecessary to have multiple races in an RPG because player play them all EXACTLY THE SAME. Now, sure there are occasional times where playing a different race may come in handy, like a dwarf being able to be a liaison between the party and a dwarven clan, but that itself doesn't really make it worth it.

The fact is that most of the time players only choose a special race because they want the bonuses that come with it.

Here's why we should have a mechanic for giving each PC cultural diversity instead of racial diversity that all end up being exactly the same: