Eugene Nelson's page
Organized Play Member. 136 posts. 3 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.
Im not good at coming up with ideas quite like that, do you have more I can steal to make that book a bit better.
OMG I dont have all 18's!! I used to play this way and it SUCKED. Try a real character and keep a 15 point buy character alive. That's a challenge I like and its fun too. Your character actually has a bit of fear instead of the god complex all 18 stat characters have.
James, I have a favorite character from all the Paizo AP's and that is Queen Ileosa. She is an amazing NPC. What is your favorite NPC in the adventure paths.
Thanks Laric for that info. It may help a bit in the parts I needed help in.
I would personally chuck the whole idea of multiclassing. The axebeak isnt even that good.
Here is my backstrory.
All belongings have or depict in some way, shape, or fashoin beautiful colored metallic carp and fanciful fish
Kagome Katsumoto is a nobles daughter from Minkai, in Tian Xia. She grew up in a land of samurai and shugenjas and learned a bit of both worlds. Bushido and magic skills were at her disposal. Her parents, the honorable Shirobi and Sango Katsumoto were a family of master merchants and held the position of diplomats to the local Daimyo, leader of their lands. Kagome with her beauty and charm worked her way into the palace by becoming her Daimyo's personal attendant. Beyond simple sexual relations, she enthralled her muse. Her ability to please the Daimyo with her wit, charm, and intellect made her a great asset. In turn the Daimyo took incredible care of his treasure.
When the Katsumoto family was called upon by the Daimyo to personaly lead a mission to the neighboring lands of Garund in search of a commodity that would expand his and his peoples wealth and standing in the fiefdom. Shirobi insisted to the Daimyo's behest that his daughter Kagome be relieved of her postion to follow her families path with the promise of grand rewards. Begrudgingly he accepted and a little more than a year later later the family returned with what they promised. A bounty of goods from another world that the Daimyo could use to bring himself and his fiefdom into a more prosperous time. When Kagome was called upon by the Daimyo Shirobi had to tell him that his daughter had refused to return with his family and stayed in the foreign lands to his dismay.
Absalom, the city at the enter of this wierd world was amazing like nothing Kagome had seen before. Her travels in this "Inner Sea" region as they called it was breathtaking. She visited many wealthy and morally conflicted people in such a short time that she was beside herself. How could these people be so different than her own. After many fights and explosive outbursts of emotion her father had finally accepted her decision to not return back to Minkai. Kagome loved her home, but Kagome believed she could someday bring back something more important than simple baubles and treasures. There must be more substance to this land than that. Kagome decided to find her own way and work like the people in this world wokred. She would become one to find the truest of treasures to bring home to charge her peoples lives.
A few months and many ports turned into indecision. A great place this is to be sure, but Kagome had not found what she was looking for. Months turned into a couple of years and Kagome found herself living a moderate life in a city called Cauldron. After a few months in the city she started to settle. Not meaning to she fancied the place. She liked the people and was dedicated to some of their beliefs the people held. With her exotic looks and honorable stand she became quite the figure in town. Kagome eventually once again fell upon her old ways and started showing the nobles and affluent people of the city just what her culture had to offer. Kagome started to work at the Cusp of Sunrise as a geisha with the same principles she has always held. More joy can be found from the ceremony and cher company than from any sexual relations. Kagome has slowly built her reputation to the point where she has built up a good chunk of money and has gained the trust and loyalty of much of Cauldrons higher citizens. Because of her work and charity and dutifulness to helping others less fortunate she has an easier time talking to Caulrons citizens. Hence the Nobility Trait.
Here is my character so far
Kagome Katsumoto
Female Human (Tian-Min) Bard (Lotus Geisha) 1
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
Vig 9 (1d8) Wnd 26 (Threshold 13)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed strike +2 (1d3+2/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +3 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks bardic performance (standard action) (6 rounds/day, bardic performance: countersong, bardic performance: distraction, bardic performance: fascinate (1 targets) (dc 12), bardic performance: inspire courage +1
Bard (Lotus Geisha) Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Hypnotism (DC 14), Charm Person (DC 14)
0 (at will) Mending, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation (DC 12)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Traits Master of the Sudden Strike (Tian), Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +1, Climb +0, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Intimidate +6, Perception +5, Perform (comedy) +6, Perform (oratory) +6, Ride +1, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5, Swim +0
Languages Minkaian, Tien
Combat Gear Acid, Caltrops; Other Gear Lamellar (leather) armor, Dagger, Shortbow, Backpack (44 @ 30.5 lbs), Bedroll, Blanket, Chalk (10), Coffee (per cup) (10), Coffee pot, Flint and steel, Shizuru, Mirror, Perfume/cologne, Signet ring, Soap (2), Spell component pouch, Tea (per cup) (10), Tea ceremony set, Trail rations (4), Waterskin, Whetstone, Wrist sheath, spring loaded (1 @ 1 lbs), 179 GP, 9 SP, 6 CP
Acid - 0/1
Bardic Performance (standard action) (6 rounds/day) - 0/6
Dagger - 0/1
Trail rations - 0/4
Special Abilities
Bardic Performance (standard action) (6 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (1 targets) (DC 12) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Master of the Sudden Strike (Tian) +2 bonus to weapon damage during the suprise round
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Spell Focus (Enchantment) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Oratory - Diplomacy, Sense Motive
Comedy - Bluff, Intimidate
Human - Point Blank Shot
1st - Precise Shot
3rd - Rapid Shot
5th - Improved Initiative
7th - Deadly Aim
9th - Manyshot
11th -
13th -
15th -
17th -
19th -
Trait - Nobility +200 GP and +1 Diplomacy within Cauldron
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Now my question is, what are the best spells and feats and whatnot to make my character effective. I do not power game so I do not care if she has weaknesses, I just want her to come alive with spells and feats and abilities that will keep her true to her background. She has to be an archer and Lotus Geisha. Let me know what you think.
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So, I have finally decided to run second darkness a third time. Being one of my favorite adventure paths I must say there are some excrutiating flaws within its cover. I am going to name a few and I am going to ask people for their fixes to the problems and I will include my possible fixes. If you are in my game DO NOT READ!!!
1. The module starts out as a seedy adventure that by book 3 starts turning into a crusade to end a plot to end the world.
I have a few ideas on this. I have made all my players choose characters that were good at heart. Like Han Solo, you could count on them doing the right thing when it mattered. Other than that I didn't change much.
2. The players do not have a chance to return to Riddleport.
I am thinking about making sure they get down time but later in the books that's not possible. I am thinking about building up Riddleport so much that they return using teleport. I kinda need help on this one.
3. The Whole book 4 skill check for jobs fiasco.
This idea in this book is terrible. Why roll 60 days worth of checks for really doing nothing. I have decided to take on the flavor of some of the jobs and have the party escort Faidaeva Vonnarc somewhere dangerous all the while she is using her super dominance to whip a certain party member unconscious at times. I am really going to play her evil on this trip. Also I am going to have the party told to go retrieve an item from a group of drow and be robbed. The party will then have to go back in and massacre the drow who thought they would curse the Vonnarc name which will cause major alignment problems as the scream for mercy even though they were told to hideously murder every one of them.
4. Book 5
Book 5 sucks as written. I am going to instead have the Shin Rakorath attack as normal. The queen call the Pc's in. Then the queen is going to instead plea for help in thwarting the council. She asks them to go in there, gather them together and explain that they are not needed anymore by the queen and that they will be disbanded and if things get out of control to do what is necessary to keep the council from exerting any power over the elves again. So, book 5 can continue kinda as normal and when Hialin turns drow and pulls the Malficus Spike out after being told his power is being stripped by the queen the rest of the council stands and does nothing each for their own reason. The party must handle by themselves Hialin and all the demons that fall upon the group.
If you have any input at all or advice on how to do something better please let me know as I would really like to write a really good fix here on the forums for others who are afraid of running Second Darkness because of the problems. Let me know.
I have a shadowdancer who thinks he is able because of hide in plain sight that he can stealth after his attack without any penalty. Even though sniping is -20 I can only imagine that being that close would count for more penalties.
So for a few game sessions he hit then stealthed, and unless I readied an action to hit him I never saw him. Advice?
1. My question is what about poisons. Do they only work after you have actually done wound damage if they are applied via a wound?
2. Couldn't bleed just be one per die or the number given if static?
3. What does stabilize do now?
Thanks for the help, I will more tyhan likely modify one of these to fit my pesonal whims. Good ideas, thanks!
So I am building a Lotus Geisha bard from Minkai. Somehow I need a some good ideas on how to get Kagome, my bard, to the Sargava are to eventually fight a great evil in the city of Cauldron for the Shackled City campaign. Im kinda stumped and need your help. Thanks all.
I am playing a Pathfinder Wizard and I have to say it is the most powerful class and it would whoop the 3.5 wizard 7 out of ten times only cause of the spell changes.
Roberta Yang wrote: "If your paladin doesn't spend half the campaign with no class features then what's the point of the class?" Exactly!
It's pretty simple actually, any evil act and the paladin falls. No discussion. Alignment of lawful is where the DM and player should be discussing things. The phyla terry of faithfulness allows a DM to tell the player that what he is doing is about to be an evil act or against his deities wishes. It's that simple. If paladins are not confronted with the notion that he could fall then the DM isn't doing his job right. Look at most if not all heroes in the modern day. How many of the good heroes do not worry at times if they are making the wrong decisions and constantly staying aware that he has to strive to be good. Its not easy to be lawful good and you fail all the time. How many heroes actually fall. If your campaign has a paladin and he isn't constantly proving his faith and repenting for his sins, and constantly fighting to stay righteous what's the point of the class.
Stome wrote: Really with all the childish "Make him fall!" bull? For a class that's only about middle ground in power there sure are a lot of people that love to play screw over the paladin.
Not a day goes by around here without a "Justify me making this paladin fall" thread around here.
The biggest thing is not to exploit the character to only attack his weaknesses but to give him a few encounters every now and then that he has to use himself as a shield instead of a brute damager. Making him team tactics with his party is a fun way to learn to be effective against things you normally cant do crap against.
Another good creature even though it isnt pathfinder is the Beholder. He will fail one of the saves eventually.
A good way to orchestrate a fall is making him do very small unquestionable things. Then they become more questionable, but the task giver gives him tons of reasons why what he is doing id righteous. After a bit of this have him do something really dangerous to his morals by choice but with great rewards at the end and AND!! make it emotional for the character. After that he is a fallen paladin and you get to have fun watching his story of repentance.
Touch attacks, and non evil creatures are big ones. Constructs will be hated by the paladin. I see the moral dilemma to be a drawback if you can do it right. Make him fall and adventure for a little while with no paladin levels. Then show him who's boss, without being a dick of course. My favorite thing as a DM is walking the paladin into a fall and redeeming him. If the Paladin does not fall or come close I haven't really done my job as a DM. And of course, this involves not just screwing with him either. I in no way condone arbitrarily making him fall. Make it real fun, and morally ambiguous.
Herolab is the only way to play pathfinder anymore!
What are the weapons that the catfolk is holding on page 91 of the Advanced Race Guide.
1. A +5 Weapon bypasses all DR. Why waste money on Axiomatic or Anarchic.
2. Paladins smite bypassing all all Dr no matter what.
3. Counterspelling. Ive been playing D&D since the early 90's and have yet to see a counterspell other than dispel magic.
4. Dervish Dance
5. The 10ft. reach diagonal square rule.
6. Large creatures only getting a +1 on CMD, Huge only a +2. WTF
7. Clustered Shots, why is archery 10 times better at dealing damage than anyone else hands down.
8. No combat maneuvers on Attacks of Opportunity
9. Synthesist Summoner
10. Charging in a straight line
11. Running in a straight line
12. Common weapons being so crappy
13. Crafting normal items takes way too long
14. One swift action per turn no matter what
15. Why isnt grab more powerful than a full attack
16. Did I mention counterspelling
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There are a lot of good and bad points on this thread. Making crafting anything other than how it is written will plague your game with problems. Making crafting less than how it is written will severly hamper the character who took the feat. He took a feat to have a bit more product and less power. Let him use it and stop taking away from him unless he is being a bad player with it. I hate it when I hear DM's out here telling us how they make players pay full price for their crafted items, or that they give less treasure to players with crafting feats. I personally play a wizard with a few crafting feats in Slumbering Tsar and I am over 50,000 gp over my wealth by level. Am I more powerful than our other party members. NO! Am I ruining the module because I have a few extra wands. No! I am still limited by actions and nothing will ever change that. Be a better DM by learning to run the game the intended way, the fun way. Let the players be powerful and do great things, especially if it was intended to be done that way.
I kinda feel the same. They are going to have to put a lot of work into flavor or this system is going to fail miserably. I understand that a playtest like this can not have all of that but I know they have heard this from others and are working on it. If it truly is just about gaining new powers I would be really really disappointed.
I have a conundrum I cant quite figure out. I need to create about 200,000 gp worth of equipment and was told by an NPC that we did not have much time. How much "not much time means" I do not know. But I need to maybe come up with a spell combo that will get me maybe onto a demiplane with x10 time. Maybe something else. Let me know what you guys think.
Skylancer is right on the money.
This is actually something I have always wanted to know. The question of why the hell cast a shadow conjuration. But now it seems like a good idea. Does this work the same as shadow evocation?
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Find me the best feats for my last two slots at 17th and 19th.
Conjurist Summoner - Enchantment and Evocation are 2 Slots
1st - Improved Initiative
1st - Scribe Scroll
Hum - Spell Focus Conjuration
3rd - Augment Summoning
5th - Superior Summoning
5th - Spell Penetration
7th - Improved Familiar
9th - Greater Spell Penetration
10th - Opposition Research Evocation
11th - Craft Wand
13th - Craft Staff
15th - Persistent Spell
15th - Quicken Spell
17th -
19th -
These are not at all in the order I took them.
Here is my whole character from herolab.
Isis Avanne
Female Human Wizard 15
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +19
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +4 deflection)
hp 107 (15d6+45)
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +13; +1 morale bonus vs. fear
Speed 30 ft.
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 15):
8 (2/day) Summon Monster VIII, Prismatic Wall (DC 28), Prismatic Wall (DC 28)
7 (3/day) Spell Turning, Summon Monster VII, Forcecage (DC 27), Dispel Magic, Quick
6 (5/day) Acid Fog, Chain Lightning (DC 26), Dispel Magic, Greater, Flesh to Stone (DC 26), Scorching Ray, Quick, Resilient Sphere, Prstnt (DC 24)
5 (6/day) Teleport, Slow, Prstnt (DC 23), Slow, Prstnt (DC 23), Color Spray, Quick (DC 21), Obscuring Mist, Quick, Stoneskin, Communal, Magic Jar (DC 25)
4 (6/day) Scrying (DC 24), Fear (DC 24), Invisibility, Greater, Resilient Sphere (DC 24), Solid Fog, Glitterdust, Prstnt, Emergency Force Sphere
3 (6/day) Sleet Storm, Ray of Exhaustion (DC 23), Fireball (DC 23), Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic, Daylight, Ash Storm
2 (7/day) Resist Energy, False Life, False Life, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray, Web (DC 23), Web (DC 23), Glitterdust
1 (7/day) Mage Armor, Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, Color Spray (DC 21), Obscuring Mist, Anticipate Peril (DC 21), Anticipate Peril (DC 21), Anticipate Peril (DC 21)
0 (at will) Open/Close (DC 20), Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation (DC 20)
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 31, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +6; CMD 21 (26 vs. Grapple)
Feats Augment Summoning, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Familiar, Improved Initiative, Opposition Research, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Penetration, Superior Summoning
Traits Desperate Focus, Reactionary
Skills Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (arcana) +28, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +28 (+30 to navigate underground.), Knowledge (engineering) +28, Knowledge (geography) +28, Knowledge (history) +28, Knowledge (local) +28, Knowledge (nature) +28, Knowledge (nobility) +28, Knowledge (planes) +28, Knowledge (religion) +28, Linguistics +18, Perception +19, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +30, Survival +0 (+2 to avoid becoming lost when using this.), Use Magic Device +14
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon
SQ acid dart (13/day), arcane bonds (elvünduil, azata, lyrakien), arcane familiar nearby, deliver touch spells through familiar, dimensional steps (450'/day) (90 5-ft inc/day), empathic link with familiar, opposition schools (enchantment), scry on familiar (1/day), share spells with familiar, speak with familiar, specialized schools (conjuration), summoner's charm (+7 rds)
Combat Gear Boots of escape (1/day), Extend metamagic rod (lesser) (3/day), Otherworldly kimono (1/day), Pearl of power (1st level) (1/day), Ring of counterspells, Ring of counterspells, Spellguard bracers (3/day), Wand of Arcane Eye, Wand of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Wand of Magic Missile (CL 9), Wand of Mirror Image, Wand of Shield, Wand of Stoneskin, Alchemical grease (10), Heatstone; Other Gear Belt of mighty constitution +4, Carpet of flying I, Gloves of elvenkind, Goz mask (60 minutes/day), Handy haversack (95 @ 112 lbs), Headband of vast intelligence +6Knowledge (nobilit, Ioun stone (dusty rose prism, cracked), Bedroll, Blanket, Candle (10), Chalk (10), Charcoal stick (10), Compass, Crowbar, Earplugs, Fishing net, Flask (3), Flint and steel, Folding chair, Hammer, Hammock, Incense (5), Ink, black (2), Inkpen, Journal (2), Miner's pick, Mirror, Perfume, common (10), Pocket watch, Scroll case (empty), Shovel, Signet ring, Silk rope, Sledge, Soap, bar (50 uses), Spell component pouch, Spellbook (4), String or twine, Wine, fine (per bottle) (5), A: Ivory Statuette of Isis, Diamond Dust, 4473 GP, 2200 GP of Valuables
Special Abilities
Acid Dart (13/day) (Su) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+7 Acid damage.
Arcane Familiar Nearby You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution.
Boots of escape (1/day) Dimension Door 1/day to escape being grappled, pinned, or entangled.
Compass +2 circumstance for Survival or Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to avoid becoming lost.
Conjuration The conjurer focuses on the study of summoning monsters and magic alike to bend to his will.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Dimensional Steps (450'/day) (90 5-ft inc/day) (Sp) Teleport 30 feet per day, in 5 foot increments.
Earplugs +2 save vs. hearing effects, -5 hearing-based Perception.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Extend metamagic rod (lesser) (3/day) Metamagic rods hold the essence of a metamagic feat, allowing the user to apply metamagic effects to spells (but not spell like abilities) as they are cast. This does not change the spell slot of the altered spell. All the rods described here are use-activated (but casting spells in a threatened area still draws an attack of opportunity). A caster may only use one metamagic rod on any given spell, but it is permissible to combine a rod with metamagic feats possessed by the rod's wielder. In this case, only the feats possessed by the wielder adjust the spell slot of the spell being cast.
Gloves of elvenkind +5 to concentration checks when casting defensively.
Persistent Spell Foes must succeed at 2 saves or suffer the spell's full effects.
Quicken Spell Cast a spell as a swift action. +4 Levels.
Ring of counterspells Counters this spell when it's cast on you.
Ring of counterspells Counters this spell when it's cast on you.
Scry on Familiar (1/day) (Sp) You can scry on your familiar, as the spell.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Speak With Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spellguard bracers (3/day) +2 to cast defensively. Activate to roll twice and take better roll.
Summoner's Charm (+7 rds) (Su) Increase duration of summoning spells by 1/2 level (permanent at 20).
Superior Summoning When summoning more than one creature, summon an extra one
716 Pages of Spells in 8 Spell Books
Contingency: When I am caught flat footed to an attack or I say Abracadabra Resilient Sphere pops.
I have a concentration check of 36 to cast defensively and I can roll twice once a day.
I take half damage from all attacks because of the Shield Other spell from my Ghaele Planar Binding Cleric.
Permanent Spells
Arcane Sight
See Invisibility
Item's I Want
Tunic of Careful Casting - 5000
Eyes of Keen Sight, 6000
Necklace of Adaption - 9000
Wings of the Gargoyle - 72000
Belt of Con +6 - 20000
Tome of Clear Thought - 27500
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Female Azata, Lyrakien
CG Tiny Outsider (azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good)
Init +8; Senses darkvision, low-light vision; Perception +21
AC 33, touch 20, flat-footed 29 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +2 size, +9 natural, +4 deflection)
hp 53 (3d10+3)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +13; +1 morale bonus vs. fear
DR 5/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 20
Speed 30 ft., flight (80 feet, perfect)
Melee Slam (Azata, Lyrakien) +7 (1d2-3/x2)
Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks starlight blast (dc 12)
Spell-Like Abilities Commune (6 questions, cl 12th) (1/week), Confusion, Lesser (1/day), Cure Light Wounds (1/day), Dancing Lights (At will), Daze (At will), Detect Evil (Constant), Detect Magic (Constant), Freedom of Movement (Constant), Silent Image (1/day), Summon Instrument (At will), Ventriloquism (At will)
Str 5, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 28
Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 20
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +20, Fly +16, Heal +6, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +18, Knowledge (engineering) +18, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +18, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +18, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (planes) +21, Knowledge (religion) +18, Linguistics +8, Perception +21, Perform (Singing) +15, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +12, Survival +6, Use Magic Device +28
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Daemonic, Infernal; truespeech
SQ improved evasion, traveler's friend (1/day)
Combat Gear Scroll of Locate Object, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Wand of Baleful Polymorph, Wand of Displacement, Wand of Fireball (CL 8), Wand of Haste (CL 8), Wand of Invisibility, Wand of Lightning Bolt, Wand of Mirror Image, Wand of Shield; Other Gear Amulet of natural armor +1, Cloak of resistance +1, Ring of protection +1, Ring of the Dangerously Curious, You have no money!
Special Abilities
Damage Reduction (5/evil) You have Damage Reduction against all except Evil attacks.
Damage Resistance, Cold (10) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Fire (10) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Fire attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Flight (80 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Flyby Attack You can take a standard action during your move action while flying.
Immunity to Electricity You are immune to electricity damage.
Immunity to Petrification You are immune to Petrification.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Spell Resistance (20) You have Spell Resistance.
Starlight Blast (DC 12) (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a lyrakien can tap into the divine power of Elysium, unleashing a blast of holy starlight in a 5-foot burst. All creatures in this area take 1d4 points of holy damage, plus 1 point for each step their align
Traveler's Friend (1/day) (Su) The performances and company of a lyrakien ease the burden of travel. Once per day, a creature may spend a minute listening to a lyrakien's performance - doing so removes the effects of exhaustion and fatigue from the listener.
Truespeech (Su) Speak with any creature that has a language.
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Pendagast, we have to agree to disagree on your last post. I think Ileosa wanted to do all those things just didnt have the balls to do it without Kazavons influence. I could run this 100 times and Redemption would never be a choice.
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I am so glad a lot of these problems are being fixed. This is why Paizo will beat 5.0 into dust.
So where are these so called FAQ threads anyways. I may just be blind or dumb.
Taking the crown away will not change Kazavons influence besides him not being able to give her the way to continue her reign of evil. Ileosa would be weakened as a mastermind in that respect without Kazavons help. She may not be smart enough to pull off her plans without it. Unless of course the bound erinyes begins to influence her mind too.
I think that if neolandus had found the crown he eventually would fight off the power. Ileosa wouldn't have done those things on her own yes, but she had to have thought about it. Remember it is not mind control that Kazavon has. He only can nudge Ileosa to do certain things. The closer that these actions are of Ileosa's own mind the easier it is to get her to want to do them. Remember Salvator scream was only influenced not controlled. You had to be willing to not fight those leading thoughts in her dreams. She is an evil person through and through. I do not mean to offend anybody but think of nazi germany. Most of the people who did those horrible acts of genocide wouldn't have done them if they couldn't get away with it and had the means to do so. The power Ileosa was given made her embrace the evil that was already present in her heart and compound on it exponentially. Thereby her truest nature is shown by Kazavon showing her what is possible. Then she decides to be bound to an erinyes and its all over. But in the end it was all her choice. The crown does not take away Kazavons influence in the least because Ileosa has accepted it full heartlessly and is thoroughly evil because of it. If the bound erinyes is disjointed from her she will still be the same evil wench that she is just without all the power.
Just let the folks rebuild. It's not a big deal.
Yay for Paizo and clearing up rules!
Maybe everyone has forgotten that Queen Ileosa sold her soul to Sermignato. She has been possessed by an erinyes with Bardic class levels. She had to willingly accept the possession. There is a whoile contract in the book too. I dont know how much more she had to do to be considered unredeemable. Taking the crown does not cancel her decision to be possessed. Taking the crown does not even lift the influence of Kazavon. Kazavon influenced her way before she ever had the crown. Before she did anything evento the king. She knew exactly what she was getting into when she started to follow Kazavons will. Then, she invited Sermignato into the castle after she had her husband murdered by his own brother. She allowed her to be bound, im sorry, she was not possessed by an erinyes she was bound to a traitor erinyes and that was Ileosa's boon. And the erinyes punishment. Then Ileosa caused the town to be torn apart by the plague. Ileosa herself contracted the Red Mantis Assassins. Kazavon just opened up her ability to act like she really wanted to. He eased her into the things she really wanted to do to become immortal and she is nearly there. Ileosa, not Kazavon wants to sacrifice the entire city of Korvosa to get to this end. And you ask if she is redeemable. There is no way in hell that this woman would be redeemable unless you change the entire purpose of the story and blame everyone but her. She was only helped to become evil, Ileosa fully embraced it.
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This is for those who do not want to take the time that others have already put in to build the random encounter chart. I rolled randomly and this is what I got. I made sure not to use two of the higher random encounters and spread a few out. Each number is one day of travel. If the caravan stops roll for any extra days they lag behing and if they go faster move everything down until you get to a point of interest and drop the rest and start over as normal. Happy Huntings!
1. None
2. Frozen Dead on the road
3. None
4. None
5. Wrecked Caravan
6. None
7. Rough Terrain
8. None
9. None
Arrival at A
1. None
2. None
3. None
4. Aurora
5. None
6. None
7. None
8. None
9. None
Arrival at F
1. Cabin
2. None
3. None
4. Polar Pudding on the road
5. None
6. None
7. None
8. Wings of Hope
9. None
Arrival at G
1. None
2. Aurora
Arrival at H
1. None
Arrival at I
1. Creeping Rot
2. None
3. None
4. None
5. None
6. None
7. None
8. Death from Below at camp
9. None
Arrival at Iqaliat
1. Dragon Sighting
2. None
3. None
Arrival at L
1. None
2. Horned Herd
3. None
Arrival at Iqaliat
1. None
2. None
3. None
Arrival at L
1. None
2. None
3. The Lonely Maiden
4. None
5. None
6. None
7. Black Monolith
8. Wanderers at camp
9. None
10. None
11. None
12. Auroral Flight at camp
13. Wagon Damage
14. Northern Lights on the road
15. None
16. None
17. Erutaki Encampment
18. None
19. None
20. Black Slush
21. None
Arrival at M
1. None
2. None
3. None
4. Cold Gate
5. None
6. None
7. None
8. Hunting Party on the road
9. None
10. None
11. None
12. Polar Mirage
13. Pleasant Weather
14. Crevasse
15. None
16. Ice Hunters
17. None
18. None
19. None
20. None
21. Blizzard
Arrival at N
1. None
2. None
3. None
4. Wagon Damage
5. None
6. None
7. None
8. None
9. Hungry Predators on the road
Arrival at O
1. Frozen Dead at Camp
2. None
3. None
4. Polar Pudding at camp
5. None
Arrival at P
1. None
2. None
3. Pleasant Weather
4. None
5. None
6. None
7. Horned Herd at Camp
8. None
9. None
Arrival at Jagiin
1. None
2. None
3. None
4. None
5. Wrecked Caravan
6. None
7. None
8. None
9. None
10. Ice Hunters at camp
11. None
Arrival at Q
1. None
2. None
3. None
4. Aurora
Arrival at S
1. None
2. None
3. None
4. Hungry Predators on the road
5. None
End of Trail
Thats just what my party did. The monk grappled her and took the crown off her limp body. I think they just really wanted her dead real bad for all the stuff she did and I had her do to be a vile and horrible bbeg.
The Block Knight wrote: Idea:
What if spending a Mythic point when summoning, rather than improving the base summon, allows you to increase the Summon Monster spell level by up to half (round down) your Mythic Tier.
Level 4/Tier 2 (APL 6) - could increase Summon Monster I to II and SMII to III (which a normal Level 6 summoner would have access to).
Level 12/Tier 6 (APL 18) - spend a Mythic point, SMI becomes SMIV, SMII becomes SMV, and so on up to SMVI becoming SMIX (which, again, a normal APL 18 would have access to).
The consequence of this would be a required extension to the Summon Monster table (Mythic Summon spells) to allow for Summon Monster X, XI, and maybe cap it out at XII. X would have CR 15 monsters, XI would have CR 17 monsters, and XII would have CR 19 monsters. CR 20 and higher should only ever be the subject of Gate spells.
By doing this we can continue the examples:
Level 14/Tier 7 (APL 21) - SMI still becomes SMIV, SMVI still becomes SMIX, but now we also have acess to SMVII which becomes SMX (CR 15 may stand up a bit better against those CR 20 to 21 average combats).
Level 16/Tier 8 (APL 25) - SMI becomes SMV, SMVI becomes SMX, SMVII becomes SMXI, and SMVIII becomes SMXII (pitting CR 19 against average encounters of CR 24 to 25).
At Level 17 and higher, the list still caps at XII, meaning SMIX would be the same as SMVIII for a Mythic point, but that doesn't render IX useless. You can still cast it as a normal IX without having to spend a Mythic point to instead increase SM V. Plus, now you have access to Gate as well.
Once you hit Tier 10, the cap of XII still remains but you get even more effectiveness out of your Summons as you can now boost each spell by 5 levels. So that's something.
This is interesting, but you would have to create new lists for new spells and I dont think paizo will do this unfortunately. Damned decent idea though imho.
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With help from Jason Nelson's post this is what we are doing in our campain. I will update the community on the results of this formula as soon as Hungry Storms is concluded.
The party will usually have a separate encounter alongside the caravan of the same type of creatures appropriate to the heroes level. To keep them busy and happy and have the caravan and caravan enemy go at the end of the round.
We will use the caravan combat rules as-is. Make no changes there. Instead, re-benchmark the encounters damage based on a CR 4 lower than given which comes out to this. All other stats will stay the same.
CR 6 - Damage 4d4
CR 7 - Damage 3d8
CR 8 - Damage 4d6+2
CR 9 - Damage 8d4
CR 10 - Damage 7d6
CR 11 - Damage 6d8+3
CR 12 - Damage 10d6
This should give you properly calibrated challenges for the caravan acting alone against the challenges placed in the adventure.
Damage from the caravan will be 1D6+caravan level. There are feats to take that gives an extra D6 to the damage and can be taken 3 times. The caravan level bonus to damage is adequate for higher levels.
When the encounter is over with the heroes, they can help the caravan by adding 1D6 damage on a sucessful caster level check and the expenditure of a spell that could possibly help or an attack roll against the AC of the caravans enemy.
If the caravan finishes first, the heroes enemies will usually flee and the caravans NPC's can help the heroes out.
alientude wrote: Just finished running a playtest game with 14th level/7th mythic tier characters. The characters were taken from a Slumbering Tsar game I'm running in which they're currently 14th level (with 20 point buy) and the players added 7 tiers. I had them increase their treasure/wealth up to 400,000.
The Party - APL 21
Gobby Firebomb
goblin alchemist 14/trickster 7.
Focuses on versatile bombing, has wings discovery, and had a dragon simulacrum.
Notable mythic abilities: Enduring Elixir
Gnaww Breaker
goblin barbarian (true primitive) 14/champion 7
Focuses on absurd damage output and has the superstitious rage power. To stick with the superstitious theme, he refuses to use most magic items that require activation (so no flying ability, generally).
Notable mythic abilities: Fleet Charge, Critical Master (twice), Precision (several times), Power Attack (mythic)
Isis Avanne
human wizard 14/archmage 7
Absurdly high Intelligence, focuses on conjuration magic, and has extreme bonuses to spell penetration and caster level checks. She also uses planar binding to keep a movanic deva around, and has an improved familiar that uses wands like crazy.
Notable mythic abilities: Dual Path (hierophant), Metamastery (4 times), Sustained by Faith
Lily the Condemned
human cleric 14/hierophant 7
Doesn't really focus on any one area too much, just a well-rounded cleric.
Notable mythic abilities: Inspired Spell, Dual Path (marhsal), Rally, Faith's Reach, Sustained by Faith
Encounter One - CR 18
Advanced Giant Agile Froghemoth (CR 16)
Advanced Giant Savage Froghemoth (CR 17)
Advanced Invincible Black Scorpion (CR 18)
The group took this encounter with ease, although that's to be expected with the CR difference. Isis used prismatic spray and sent the agile froghemoth to another plane before it got to use its dual initiative. The black scorpion's poison would have wrecked the creature it attacked,...
You make Isis sound like a God! Haha. Isis is my character by the way. Inside joke.
Lets see folks. I have a 14th level wizard that we tested with 7 mythic levels. I am a summoning wizard. Thats what I do. Not a single summons against these cr 20 you are all talking about could get close to 1. hit, 2. defend, and finally 3. Never once did I get withing 10 of beating the creatures spell resistance. When the creatures did not have spell resistance the spells slid off their back like teflon rolling 2 or higher. If this is supposed to be what summoning is be, you play it. I will do something else cause summoning is hamstringed in the first place not to lose all effectiveness with 2 levels of mythic. I am just trying to say that it is broken. I am not a developer and I do not know how to make it work better besides making mythic abilities that up your summoning on all summons without using points.
My planar binding had the same exact problems too.
Some progression of spell abilities or caster level would be great seems as for example summoning loses its effectiveness real fast with mythic rules.
I tried and failed miserably using my wizard summoner even with the boosts that the mythic summoning feat gives. The summons just become obsolete very fast. Also I noticed that my planar binding creatures were absolutely unable to do anything but aid another which is not why I bind them. They are supposed to do a bit more than that. Has anyone else seen this problem?
I agree with Lord Snow. Having played and DM'ed this campaign I think redemption is totally out. I and my players loved finally having an enemy they could unleash all hell upon to finally end this horrible plague on the city. They need her as a final enemy that is evil because of her own desires as a petulant queen instead of a possessed woman.
A +5 over 10 levels to hit is what the epic rules gave and this seems to do that in a different way. I am looking at this from the 30th level character point of view. 20th/10mythic. At "30th" you would have fallem way behing without those stat boosts and never had a cr 35 fail a save besides a nat 1.
I really like your Dark Stalker Wannabe Jiggy. I can see him doing more than just fighting in darkness. A flank with two claws is pretty terrorizing. But the basis of seeing through darkness and ripping people apart is awesome. With a party you have to be careful not to screw them over by not allowing them to see. The best solution I see is to cast darkness on an enemy not quite in battle and 1 vs. 1 him dead.
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cmastah wrote: @Starbuck, all those issues came from my lack of knowledge about psionics :/
Thanks everyone for your tips and info, I really am honestly grateful :)
This is an example of a DM learning and overcoming his shortfalls and becoming better. Why can't more be like him?
One of the things I hate more than anything else is a DM who says no and doesnt even know what he is talking about about. They see one person break the class and ban it. I have played a psion many times and have broken it and showed how it is normally to prove a point to a bad DM. Once again if youve read any of my previous posts know that I believe it is the DM's fault every time the game gets out of hand and he has to ban classes feats and whatnot. I have banned certain things but just for a time until I can understand it better and get it back out there without causing havoc.