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Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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I'm not gonna write a full build, but the basic part is Tiefling Wizard, Foresight specialization. We'll assume the wizard wins initiative, due to having a +24 initiative before any items (Improved Initiative, Reactionary, +4 DEX, Greensting Scorpion, Forewarned). Wiz leads with Time Stop to do whatever he wants, in this case, a Prismatic Sphere around Fluffy, Maze, Cloudkill inside the sphere, Haste himself (Quickened via Spell Perfection, if necessary). And that's just off the top of my head. Wiz then casts Greater Invisibility and Fly while Fluffy is stuck in the Maze, ready to wreck his day with Intensified Dazing Fireballs (Sacred Geometry) and other such nasties. Regardless of how high your saves are, a natural 1 is still a failure, so Wiz can likely make something stick eventually, like Baleful Polymorph. Or he can summon an Astral Deva if he feels like it.

The moral of the story: don't screw with wizards. They're the most powerful class in the game for a reason.

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Latrecis wrote:
- which player's guide? The one that came with the original edition had more information in it than the one with Anniversary edition. You may want to check both out.

I've been looking at the Anniversary Edition. I'll be sure to check out the original as well, especially if it's got info on Sandpoint itself (kinda sad there wasn't a gazetteer or anything in the AE).

Latrecis wrote:
- that said, your party is short on arcane casting ability. It's called Rise of the Runelords. Might be a hint there.

Duly noted. The Bard and I should both have decent UMD and Knowledges, and Bard should have at least a fair bit of casting ability. Wizard or Arcanist was what I was thinking for a reserve character, so if it comes to that, I'll drag him out.

To everyone else, I don't intend to be going behind my GM's back on anything, and he's usually fine with players doing stuff like this. I was very careful avoiding spoilers on the way here, and didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to.

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Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards wrote:

More importantly, when I talk about a "god" Wizard, I'm talking about style not power. (like writing that will get me out of trouble.)

What god comes down and finishes off all his mortal enemies personally? No, instead he provides his followers the tools required to do it themselves.

The above is from one of the most famous Pathfinder guides of all time. The first segment is all about a wizard's role in the party, both in and out of combat. I highly recommend you check it out here.

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Assuming you're only referring to full casters, not things like the Paladin or Ranger:

Cleric: Buffs, Healing
Wizard: Battlefield control, buffs, Summoning
Sorcerer: Blasting, buffs
Witch: debuffs, healing, buffs
Arcanist: Blasting, battlefield control, buffs
Oracle: Buffs, debuffs, possibly healing

Note that these are generalizations, and are just off the top of my head. Just because one class has more categories than another doesn't make it better. If you're a new player, I would suggest a spontaneous caster like Sorcerer or Oracle. If you can narrow down what you're looking for, I can make a better recommendation.

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Try a Strix archer. Flight means staying away from the things that can hurt you most, and it's nonmagical to boot.

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First off, let me just say that this guide is great. I've rarely seen this level of dedication in a guide, so thank you, and well done. The Magus has become one of my favorite classes to play. Anyway, I'd like to request a couple of additions to the guide, namely words of power and mythic. Both are really cool subsystems, and I think a Magus in particular could benefit from WoP, especially Eldritch Scion.

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I'm currently running WotR for a group of four, and we've just begun SoV (cleared the Gibbering Swarm last session). After consulting the players, I've decided to replace several minor bosses (Barrid, Jestak, etc.) with an anti-party of my own design. My problem is balancing them, especially in the face of mythic PCs. Given the party below, what level and/or tier should the antis be at? What about at higher levels? (1 encounter per module, alternating solo fights and all at once). I've got the antis pretty much built, with each being an evil version of one PC, and a direct counter to another. They're currently built at level 10, with no tiers. Any other general suggestions are welcome, and more information can be provided upon request.

The party:

Zaigan, Emberkin Synthesist 7, Archmage/Hierophant 1

Varren, Human Two-Handed Fighter 7, Champion 1

Riddik, Human Cavalier 6, Chevalier 1, Marshal 1

Orion, Elf Alchemist 7, Trickster 1

The Anti-Party:

Dellisar, Tiefling Occultist (archetype) 10

Valmotha, Dhampir Antipaladin 10

Rotfoot, Goblin Gunslinger 11 (planned to have him show up later in the module)

Maldrek, Pitborn Primalist Metamagic Bloodrager 10

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Starting the anniversary edition of ROTRL soon, and decided I wanted to play an Arcanist (because flexible metamagic is amazeballs). Problem is, I'm super indecisive about how to build him.

The rules:
Traits are allowed, but one must be a campaign trait
As a general rule, all paizo books are legal, but most additional rule systems are not (e.g. Mythic, Hero Points, etc.).
25 point buy, or roll, player choice. I chose point buy.

The party:
Human Knife Master/Scout
Human Brawler (class, not archetype)
Halfling Bard
Whatever the heck I'm going to be

My current inclinations:
Get Quick Study ASAP, for obvious reasons. I'd take an archetype, but that would mean losing out on 1st level exploit, meaning not starting with QS. Extra Arcanist Exploit looks good for a feat, probably for Potent Magic, or maybe Dimensional Slide. For race, either Samsaran or Elf. My GM is allowing me to use Mystic Past Life to grab spells from the Summoner list at an earlier level (e.g. Summon Monster VIII as a 6th level), but the ability bonuses, FCB, and Longbow proficiency from elf are also really nice. I'm also dumping Charisma. The only thing I'd use it for is Consume Spells, anyway.

Tl;dr, Is Elf or Samsaran better? Is delaying exploits worth taking Occultist or School Savant? If not, which exploit(s) should I take? General tips for surviving low levels would be nice, too. If there's any critical information I've left out, don't hesitate to ask.