
Ethan Limir's page

10 posts. Alias of Evindyl.


I had actually thought that Ethan WOULD know that word; that the Way of the Sand Shinobi was semi-consecrated. That can not be the case though ...

Ethan is seen meditating near the mouth of the cave.
He seems happy to have some silence.

*Forgotten Ninja Trick - 2 ki
*AcroMaster - 1 ki
*ACRO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (8) + 20 = 28

The boy seemed almost still in the rippling chaos, his movements seeming to conjure the way of the sayyadinas.

“I live in balance. Balance is the mind-healer. Balance is the little-life that brings all life into clarity. I will hold my balance. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it is firmly rooted, I will turn my inner eye upon its path. Where balance is rooted , all is possible. From there I become unstoppable.”

Understood, thank you

I think the actual play should be both; Kasit can pull up next to them, we can make small talk, and we can seem to drive away ... all the while Ethan will have slipped out invisibly AND stealthily to tell the lead female that we will pick them up in half a kilometre or so whereever there is an outcropping or something.

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Basically, Kasit is a Hellknight ;)

If you haven't broken a law, you haven't done anything wrong.

Børak wrote:

ninja'd by Kasit, will leave be.

Climbing back into the back of the truck, Borak is relieved to see Elta begin to hide himself. Patting Kasit on the shoulder, "He's right, let's get back to the village gate, hopefully we can get out without a fight."

Turning back towards ELta, "I don't know how to use one, but how hard can it be?" As he thought about the guards at the gate he continues, "If we need to fight, hopefully we can kill the Harkonnen without the lazguns, I'm concerned they'll bring too much attention to our retreat." He leaves the obvious desire to kill harkonnen up close, unspoken.

"Wow Elta, a Freman who likes to watch ... guess we should have put on more of a show."

There's an air of mischief to the young "man's" smile.
"Let's fix that; these disguises only appealed to the dogs from Giedi Prime anyway."
He begins, once again, to change his clothing, this time removing the accoutrements of its femininity for Borak
"My birth name is Ethan, and my sietch name in Tabr is Lusu, the flourish at the apex of a pillar. Now that we know we could be brothers, use my birth name until we share water."

Ethan turns to Ghir when he is done changing, "I would counsel against too much tossing of lasguns; although the odds are slim, it wouldn't do for one to go off or overload ... that would be a bad thing."

Elta Tabr wrote:
Elta pulls on Aliyan's hand and says "We go with them." To their rescusers he says "We owe you a water debt and will help however we can."

The younger Fremen smiled gently at Etla's touch, "By my honour, by your honour, in the name of Lisan al Gaib, it will be as you say cousin; the debt will be repaid."

So incredibly sorry! I posted much much earlier today!
I will repost right now :(

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It will be EPIC!!!