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![]() I'm about to start DMing CotCT and I realize I'm looking a bit too much in the future, but none of my PCs are egligible for Serithial. Party consists of: Half-Orc Summoner (Synthesist) - who'll be fighting with claws.
So, when the PCs hear from Zellara that they should go to Scarwall to get a weapon... they probably wouldn't be intrested that much. I mean, they wouldn't ignore it, since they're aware that it's scripted that way in the AP, but I want it to make sense for them to go there, not just follow the rails. Does anyone have any alternatives for what can be in Scarwall that would make my PCs want to go there? Thanks. ![]()
![]() So, some of the covers are out, and I was pretty shocked by this one. No, not because of Seoni's pose, I've grown accustomed to that, but... why does Valeros look like a middle-aged woman of African descent? ![]()
![]() After 34 sessions/295 days/42 weeks/9 months we finally finished Carrion Crown. In an epic combat that laste for 19 rounds, my PCs defeated Adivion Adrissant, along with four Daughters of Urgathoa (leveled up to 9th lvl clerics) and two Giant Bone Golems. There were two deahts on their end, although averted with one Breath of Life and one Wish spell (from a Ring of Three Wishes). Party consisted of: Istvan Szabo
vs. And it looked like this: ![]()
![]() Is there a way for a wizard to increase his chances for resisting dispels? Aside from the obvious - increase in Caster Level. I'm looking for a feat, item, archetype that just flat-out gives a bonus. Is there such a thing? I seem to recall that I saw it somewhere, but whether that was 3.5 or PF, I can't remember. ![]()
![]() If you modify a spell with a metamagic feat, does it count as a higher lvl spell for purposes of using a rod on the same spell? And a follow-up quest if the above is correct - you use want to use a metamagic rod on a spell of 3rd lvl that's been modified by a metamagic feat, can you still use a lesser rod, or you need more powerful ones? ![]()
![]() I was wondering about adding articles to Pathfinder Wiki (or additions to articles, since I've seen that some of them miss certain information) and what is allowed to be added and what is not. How do I know what's legal and what's not? For example, I randomly stumbled upon the page about Saoc Brethren and then remembered they are mentioend in Liches of Golarion article in Carrion Crown, so I wanted to add that info to the page on PathfinderWiki, but I was not sure whether I am allowed to or not. So, whom do I contact about this or is there a list of sources that are allowed to be referenced in the articles? ![]()
![]() Spellcraft states: Quote: When using detect magic or identify to learn the properties of magic items, you can only attempt to ascertain the properties of an individual item once per day. Additional attempts reveal the same results. What does this mean, precisely? Additional attempts during that day reveal the same results (effectively, it can be retried tomorrow) or every additional attempts (until someone else tries, or try with a spell or acquire a new rank)? ![]()
![]() I'm sorry I have to do it like this, but these boards don't have a message system and I really have no idea how to get in contact with you otherwise. I asked for advice in Wake of the Watcher thread about Raven's Head mace, yet nobody answered for two weeks... Since the moment of revealing the Mace for my party is nearing, I'm forced to these extreme measures... So, here's my original post, in hopes that you'll answer it. :) Quote:
![]() While under the effects of the Tongues spell, are you able to also read all languages? The spell description leaves room for doubt as it states that subject can speak. Furthermore, Oracle's Tongues curse states that he can 'understand any spoken language', which also confuses me even more. What's your opinion? ![]()
![]() Situation: Spellcaster casts Ray of Exhaustion on a creature. It makes the save and now it's fatigued. Next round, spellcaster casts the same spell again. It makes the save again. Creature who is fatigue while under the effects of the fatigue gets exhausted. But there are some rules on spell effects stacking which I'm not that much familiar with. So what happens now, is the targeted creature: A) Fatigued, because effects from the same spell don't stack.
? ![]()
![]() I'm looking for a way for my animal companion (a dog) to bypass DR/Cold Iron. Greater Magic Fang doesn't allow it, Eldritch Claws applies only to silver and Amulet of Mighty Fists +3 costs 45k gp. So, aside from spending 45k on one natural attack (or 22.5k if I get someone to craft it), is there a way to obtain Cold Iron attacks? ![]()
![]() Just a quick question - I saw somewhere an enhancement for armor that reduced its armor check penalty by one. It also did some other thing, but also can't remember it. But, I think the point of armor is being lighter etc. For the life of me, I can't remember the book that I saw it in, so does somebody have an idea what the hell am I talking about? :D ![]()
![]() I've been planning on DMing SS once I finish with Carrion Crown, but recently it has come under my attention that Serpent's Skull isn't that good. Since only these two APs my group hasn't played, I can pick between them. Jade Regent is not an option since, aside from my dislike for asian culture in medieval fantasy, another friend plans to DM it. At first I dismissed CotCT because it's 3.5 and went with the assumption that newer is better, but this post by Gorbacz, made me start considering it: Quote:
So, what do you guys think? Is CotCT truly better AP than SS? ![]()
![]() I'm thinking about DMing Serpent's Skull once I finish Carrion Crown (even though we're only on second chapter now, I like to plan ahead), but before buying the AP, I'd like to know what are the glaring plot holes of this AP? Or what is considered to be the worst part campaign? Or a thing that people have come to a conclusion that definitely has to be changed? ![]()
![]() I have noticed that in the APs, almost none of the main villain has their endgame speech written to be read to the players. Why is this so? Sure, I could perhaps write my own version, but it's for the same reason I'm not writing my own APs - I trust Paizo to do that better. There are speeches written in the APs for some other NPCs, too. And it's been done before, for example Demogorgon had an excellent speech (someone even recorded that speech and poster it Savage Tide sub-forum), so why there are none for main villains? ![]()
![]() I started reading some more on Golarion and currently I'm on Humans of Golarion, trying to get the hang of knowing the differences between ethnicities (based on the looks), but I'm having troubles with some, namely Keleshites and Taldans. While I assume Keleshites are based Turkish/Arabic people, what would be the real-life match of Taldans? And while we're still on the same topic, the same question for Chelaxians and Kellids? I see Kellids as Picts, but I could be wrong. And if Varisians have dusky skin (as Roma people) how are notable Varisian characters (let's say Yasmadrin Senir and Alpon Caromarc) completely pale and don't look AT ALL Varisian? ![]()
![]() As Wes kindly pointed out, we, the DMs, should be thinking of ways to include Adrissant in our campaigns in a greater way. I, also, believe that campaign's primary villain should be known to the party before the end, so I'll also be brainstorming the ways to include him. Until I think of something of my own, I'd be glad to hear suggestions. Has anyone had any ideas so far? ![]()
![]() Ok, it costs 10 feet of movement to move 5 feet within difficult terrain, that part is clear. Part that confuses me is this: Quote: Each diagonal move into a difficult terrain square counts as 3 squares. Does that mean that every diagonal move in difficult terrain counts as 15 ft or just when you're entering difficult terrain from normal terrain? ![]()
![]() In CRB, it states that 'preparing to throw a splash weapon' (pg. 183) is a full-round action. What does that exactly mean? Do you first need to: 1. Use a move action to take it out of backpack
Or: 1. Using a full-round action means taking it out of backpack
Point is, I really have no idea why preparing Alchemist's Fire would take a full-round action. Who would bother with that in that case? ![]()
![]() I have a question regarding AoOs. If someone moves through the threatened area of a character using a ranged weapon (a bow) and who has spiked gauntlet/cestus/armor spikes, or tries to grapple him, or does something else that would provoke an attack of opportunity, can the archer attack him? I am not sure whether you can attack with a melee weapon in the round in which you attacked with a ranged weapon, so I'd be grateful if someone could offer some insight into this problem. ![]()
![]() The description says: Quote:
Does that mean that this ranger trick is ACTIVATED as a free action (and still needing a normal jump check as a move action) or that ranger makes a jump check as a free action? ![]()
![]() What happens with the above mentioned combination in play? If the spell is cast on a subject that doesn't understand the language the Oracle is speaking. Command spell says that spell ends if the subject can't carry out the specified command. Does it also applies if the subject doesn't understand it or no? ![]()
![]() Her 'performance' last night in Belgrade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0ZDMf6DTvk It's embarassing to watch. ![]()
![]() Hi, I recieved my copy of Rule of Fear today in not that great a shape. Minor problem is that upper right corner was bent and twisted. Second problem is that it seems that shippment got wet somewhere in the process so ALL of the pages were almost glued one to another which resulted in color of one page getting smudged on other pages. Some parts dryed off and the whole book is a bit uneven and poor to look at, which is especially annoying because I'm an avid collector. Please help, this hasn't happened with any of my previous orders. ![]()
![]() I'm intrested in a situation where a lvl 1 Fighter is wearing it. Mind you, not a lvl 1 character, but a multiclass character (say a Fighter/Rogue) who has one fighter lvl. If he wears it, he's treated as a lvl 5 Fighter for the purposes of Weapon/Armor Training, does he now gain those abilities or no? ![]()
![]() Last night, my group also finished Legacy of Fire. The ending was a bit different, though. IMC, they killed Jhavhul before he merged with Xotani, but since ritual was completed, Xotani rose again! So after Jhavhul, they fought my version of Xotani (a bit toned down). After that, they became the new generation of Templars and through Nefeshti's wishcraft they all became the immortal half-janni. It took us 27 sessions of about 4-5 hours, spread over 10 months. Everyone agreed it was their best campaign to date and their favorite characters, so thanks to all of you here who contributed! :) ![]()
![]() Not real monsters per se, but what passes for monstrous in Ustalav. Seeing as it is a primarily humand dominated nation, people in Ravengro seeing a Tiefling (with the Fiendish Heritage feat, so he can't even pose as a human) and a Half-Orc, I'm unsure how would they react. Shriek in terror and run away? Refuse to talk to them? Stone them? Now of course, those are the extreemes, but I wan't for them to feel opressed by the society (since those races are prone to prejudice), I'm just fishing for ideas how to best represent that. :) ![]()
![]() Well, as off few minutes ago, I officially became a Pathfinder AP subrsciber, as my credit card was charged and I got my Carrion Crown PDF. Since I now have that nifty 15% off all paizo products, I thought I'd order a few more things, but when I got to the pentultimate step of the order placement process I saw that there's no discount included. The products in question are: Pathfinder Dice Set: Legacy of Fire
What's up with that? ![]()
![]() Just a quick question - will undead be overpowerinly present in this campaign? I'll be DMing it and one player would want to play a Ranger with them as favored enemy, of course, but I'm kinda worried how will that turn out since all Undead fall into one category. Meaning, if they make up 60% of the campaign, he'll be getting huge bonuses all the time, which is too much to handle as a DM and also the rest of the party would feel overshadowed. Are my worries unfounded?