![]() Jaelithe wrote:
I would have to go and find it again, but I saw it said that another character in the movie will be in the role that Spiderman was in for the comics storyline. No names given, just that another superhero would be the one caught in the middle. I have been wondering which one it might be. ![]()
![]() Yep, here is the text from the Palladium Weekly Update page from before a specific company was announced for this: "Something new and exciting. In an effort to truly expand Rifts® across the Megaverse®, in cooperation with Palladium Books, another role-playing game company is currently adapting the Rifts® Earth setting to that company’s RPG system of rules, as well as producing adventure sourcebooks. This is only the second time in Palladium’s history that an outside company will create new game material under a different set of rules. Rumor Squashing: No, Palladium is NOT going to stop publishing Rifts®, nor change to a completely different set of rules. Far from it. In fact, Palladium expects to release six new Rifts® titles in 2015 and 98% of all Rifts® titles are in stock and available for purchase right now! The idea is that by offering Rifts® via another game company’s set of popular rules it creates a parallel dimension of gaming enjoyment. An expanding Megaverse®, if you will. This is a bit of an experiment, but we are excited to see how it all unfolds." ![]()
![]() Check the D&D forums on the WotC site. Other people had the same concern and got a tweet from Jeremy Crawford clarifying that a bit more. The unarmed strike thing is being tweaked a bit more. And from what I have seen, they have gone through several print runs of the PHB so far. The next print run will be the one that updates the actual book with the errata. ![]()
![]() Werthead wrote: Release date: 8 September, which is pleasingly soon. Even better, it will release for Windows, Mac and Linux. Plus later this year it will come out for PS4 and Xbox One. And the pc platforms will allow crossplay between them online. Between this and FF XV I finally have enough reason to buy a PS4 by the end of the year. :) ![]()
![]() If these people have no experience with table top gaming, it may be a good idea to start them with something a lot simpler than Pathfinder, in order to introduce them to gaming in general. Then the ones who stick around and want something more complex can graduate to Pathfinder. Even if you do not want to use a different game for this, at least use the boxed set to start them out. ![]()
![]() Kthulhu wrote:
That is just the way Newsstand works. It requires you to buy each issue for $0.00, so it is a microtransaction that costs no money to do. ![]()
![]() From what I have seen discussed elsewhere, what allows companies already publishing compatible material is that anything in 5th edition that was also in 3rd edition is still covered by the 3rd edition OGL, at least for now. Also, it seems some companies are assuming that anything published in the free Basic rules pdfs is also allowed to be used without a new 5th edition OGL. And speaking of an SRD, I am thinking those same Basic rules are the closest thing WotC is going to make available to compare to an actual SRD. ![]()
![]() Just remember that 5th Edition does not need the crazy bonuses that 3.5 and Pathfinder use. Magic bonuses per item cap at +3 for a reason and the system is meant to be low magic when it comes to items. You could make masterwork weapons cost half the price of a +1 magic weapon, since masterwork only gives you the bonus on the hit and not damage. Masterwork armor is more of a problem, since it would be identical to +1 magic armor, just not being magic. ![]()
![]() Spoiler: The one thing I want to know is how did Glenn manage to get out of his mess alive. Laying on his back on the ground with a wounded shoulder, one walker on top of him and at least one more coming up on them. Then the next scene is the priest coming up on a walker feeding on a still living victim. I have the feeling they filmed those scenes two way. First, the way they were aired, and second, with Glenn dying and maybe that walker feeding on him. And then they waited til the last minute to decide which version to put on tv. ![]()
![]() I don't get what is going on with Morgan. All the reports about the actor said he was under contract for two episodes this season. If all that meant was his two brief appearances at the end of two episodes, I will be very disappointed. He better show up in the finale and either rescue people in the town or rescue Darryl and Aaron in the jam they are supposed to get into during the finale. ![]()
![]() Adjule wrote: They already have something similar out for Princes of the Apocalypse, which includes 4 races (aarakocra, svirfneblin, genasi, goliath) and a number of elemental-based spells. I am sure there could probably be an extra one for when the adventure itself comes out. That is a different thing. It is a player's pdf. The one for the previous adventures are pdfs for the DM, so yes, there will hopefully be one of those for PotA too. And Lorathorn, it was available on the WotC site first, and probably got added to the other sites because it is free and meant for everyone who plays, not just DM-only info. ![]()
![]() For everyone using just what is available as a free download, do not forget to go to the product pages for Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat. There are free PDFs available that include the magic items and monsters appearing in the adventures that are not detailed in the Basic Rules: http://dnd.wizards.com/products/tabletop-games/rpg-products/hoard-dragon-qu een http://dnd.wizards.com/products/tabletop-games/rpg-products/rise-tiamat And hopefully, sometime next month one of these will be available for Princes of the Apocalypse too. ![]()
![]() Spoiler: I do not know if Tara will survive or not, but if she dies in the van and turns, I hopes she rips Nicholas' throat out. That is, if they even brought him back. They did not show him in the van, they only showed Eugene watching the back while holding a gun. That gun could be for Nicholas, if he is there, or to shoot Tara, if she dies and turns. ![]()
![]() Are you going to keep expanding your "free rules" campaign as more free pdfs get released, such as the new elemental stuff? Also, keep checking back in the basic rules, as WotC supposedly will keep updating and slowly expanding them. And yes, $150 is a lot of money, which is why I got all three books from Amazon for about $100 and free shipping. :) ![]()
![]() People need to remember that in The Walking Dead, none of the zombie books or movies exist. There is no prior knowledge that head shots stop a zombie. And until the dead rise up and start chewing on the living, thus turning them into zombies also, there is no prior knowledge that this can happen either. And the big secret that everyone is infected and will turn after any kind of death that does not also happen to destroy the brain, is not known by anyone outside of maybe the CDC. Besides, police and military are trained to aim for center of mass, which will do nothing to stop a zombie. ![]()
![]() It is interesting what they did on the show when it comes to Tarkin and what he believes he knows about the Jedi. One one of the episodes he states that there are no more Jedi at all, then Kanan proves him wrong. I think they wrote it that way to fit in with his dialogue from the movie, where, as someone else posted, he said that the Jedi were all but extinct. So he went from thinking they were gone for good to all but extinct, instead. It feels like they are setting it up with the show for at least one of them to survive, with Tarkin knowing he or she is still out there somewhere in hiding. Depending on exactly when this takes place between III and IV, Ezra could be close to the same age as Luke, perhaps making him a character in VII? ![]()
![]() ShinHakkaider wrote:
If you do not see the death, then do not trust the enemy is dead. That is why there are rumors that Palpatine is still alive and in Ep VII. Sure, there was the big explosion, but you did not see him die. As for Vader, he made an appearance in the slightly extended version of the pilot episode too. ![]()
![]() Just remember when you are doing the conversion work, that 5th Ed does not have, nor need, the Christmas Tree effect for owning magic items. It is perfectly reasonable to run from level 1-20 and only acquire 4-6 permanent magic items and still have fights be survivable and winnable. +3 is also the max on weapons and armor/shields and very few creatures need the kinds of things that 3.x/PRPG require to defeat them. If you do not want to convert, just wait til April and pick up the mega-adventure Princes of the Apocalypse. It covers levels 1-15 and will have more PC options. I personally would not start with the Tyranny of Dragons modules, as I have heard they can be rather inconsistent in content and flow and were written and/or published before all three core books were released. ![]()
![]() For those who do not also read the forums over at swordcoast.com here is an update from one of the developers of the game. This is a lot of info, though a fair amount is not really detailed, but here it is: My name is Dan Tudge and I’m the director of Sword Coast Legends and president of n-Space. We’re all very happy to be finally be sharing SCL with the world and are very thankful that you have chosen to be a part of its creation. We've already seen a lot of questions on the boards here and while there is much we can’t talk about I’m going to do my best to answer what I can: Will there be a Mac version of this game? Boom! Right out of the gate something I cannot talk about! We’re not talking about additional SKUs right now. Will there be micro-transactions, or content locked behind a price tag? I can understand the concern around micro-transactions and assure you that SCL is a fully featured RPG that is not “locked behind micro-transactions.” Much like the table-top, we do plan on continuing to create adventures for both DMs and players long after launch. We have a lot of stories to tell, characters to meet and places to visit, but we cannot create them all before launch. We are going to keep creating content as long as you keep playing! How long is the single player campaign? While we’re not talking about the campaign in detail right now but I can tell you this: It’s not going to be short! A great RPG isn’t something you finish over a weekend and SCL certainly won’t be finished in a weekend either. What exactly is the Design Council? Access to special forums that will help us, the developers, make decisions that mold and shape SCL. What exactly is early access? (Roughly how long is it?) We actually can’t say just how long early access will be just yet, however we can say that you’ll get ample time to adventure prior to launch. Will there be an alpha or beta test? We’re not talking about alpha or beta testing right now. Can you explain more about how DM mode works and the DM toolset? The DM can fully customize the player experience, significantly altering an adventure by changing encounters, placing traps, spawning monsters, creating quest NPCs, generating secret areas, locking doors - all in real-time. There are also offline campaign tools that enable DMs to build campaigns for their players - more about that later. Are any localizations planned? We understand that there are a lot of RPGs players that love to play in a language other than English and we are evaluating additional localized versions right now – more details to come. Are there any plans for the game on SteamOS/Linux? We’re not talking about additional skus right now. Will there be Romances in the game? A hallmark of a great RPGs is the meaningful companions you meet along the way and how they react the choices you make in your story. These companions become your “friends”, ones you remember long after playing the game - characters like Minsc and Jaheira from the Baldur’s Gate series or Alistair and Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins. In SCL we’re creating companions that stand tall within that legacy. Will you be able to romance them? You’ll have to wait and see. Will Sword Coast Legends be separate canon from the novels? We’re working in tight coordination with Wizards of the Coast and have created an original story for SCL, one that is tightly woven into Forgotten Realms lore. How do you coordinate with Wizards on lore/content? For two years we've worked very closely with the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast to ensure players get a true “D&D experience.” I would also mention that we’re all fans of tabletop D&D (and the Forgotten Realms) here. Many of the Sword Coast Legends team plays D&D several times a week and have done so for years. In fact, several of our story ideas have come from our personal campaigns! Can you tell us more details about the Belaphoss Statue? Right now I can tell you that it looks awesome and will be shipped to your house closer to launch. Will the camera be able to rotate, move and zoom in and out? Absolutely, and in single player you’ll be able to pause with the spacebar and issue tactics old school! How will movement be handled in the game? You will move around the game with your mouse using point and click. Will the single player campaign be playable coop? More details on that later! Any idea exactly what the tome of knowledge is? Reading the Tome of Knowledge will give players additional points to spend on their character’s ability scores and class features (spells and abilities). ![]()
![]() Diffan wrote:
Do you mean in the two published adventures? Because if you go to the product page for each of them, there is a free pdf download for each that includes all the magic items, monsters, and spells used in the adventure that are not also in the Basic Rules, so that you have them for reference and do not need to even have copies of the core books. ![]()
![]() Diffan wrote:
But that was their intention. It was meant that you start making real character choices at 3rd level, as 1st and 2nd level are supposed to almost be apprentice levels and pass by very quickly. ![]()
![]() Steve Geddes wrote:
Yeah, it does not sound like an MMO at all. More like Diablo 2, which had a limit of 8 people in a game at once, only this one is just four people, or five if you are in DM-mode and also have four players. I wonder if the company will even have their own servers or if the players will host the games directly? ![]()
![]() thejeff wrote:
This book may interest you, when it is finally released: The Adventurer’s Companion – The first supplement aimed squarely at players. Including a whole wealth of advice, ideas and background for making your own hero and company, as well as new Heroic Cultures including Bree-folk, Riders of Rohan, Dwarves of the Blue Mountain, the Elves of Lorien and People of Gondor, a new Calling in the form of the Captain, and expanded rules for generational play. ![]()
![]() Sort of an off-topic question for this, but this is the first I heard about this going the Kickstarter route. Was it done that way just because Green Ronin felt like doing it that way or was it done that way because Green Ronin is in financial trouble and could not afford to make such an expensive book without having backers first? Oh, and I have the 3rd edition version of the setting and I think it is great and really hope Green Ronin will be able to update it to 5th edition rules one day. :) ![]()
![]() I own the first several books for the game and while I have not had a chance to sit down and play or run it yet, I have read through everything and I feel it is well made and much better than the previous Tolkien-based rpgs. Having the time frame for the game set between the end of The Hobbit and beginning of Fellowship gives you a lot of room for major stories and adventures without altering how the trilogy plays out. They are also slowly expanding out from their original concept of the game staying in the regions of Middle Earth covered in The Hobbit, with the next sourcebook coming out covering Rohan. ![]()
![]() Even though they have the free Basic Rules available on their website, I think they will eventually release PDFs of the core books, but they want to sell the physical books too. After all, the DMG only came out back in December, so give them a few months to sell them. Personally, I am giving them til summer before I get more upset about legal PDFs not being available. That gives them at least six months to sell the books and convert them to PDFs or other e-book formats for sale.