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![]() If these people have no experience with table top gaming, it may be a good idea to start them with something a lot simpler than Pathfinder, in order to introduce them to gaming in general. Then the ones who stick around and want something more complex can graduate to Pathfinder. Even if you do not want to use a different game for this, at least use the boxed set to start them out. ![]()
![]() People need to remember that in The Walking Dead, none of the zombie books or movies exist. There is no prior knowledge that head shots stop a zombie. And until the dead rise up and start chewing on the living, thus turning them into zombies also, there is no prior knowledge that this can happen either. And the big secret that everyone is infected and will turn after any kind of death that does not also happen to destroy the brain, is not known by anyone outside of maybe the CDC. Besides, police and military are trained to aim for center of mass, which will do nothing to stop a zombie. ![]()
![]() Just remember when you are doing the conversion work, that 5th Ed does not have, nor need, the Christmas Tree effect for owning magic items. It is perfectly reasonable to run from level 1-20 and only acquire 4-6 permanent magic items and still have fights be survivable and winnable. +3 is also the max on weapons and armor/shields and very few creatures need the kinds of things that 3.x/PRPG require to defeat them. If you do not want to convert, just wait til April and pick up the mega-adventure Princes of the Apocalypse. It covers levels 1-15 and will have more PC options. I personally would not start with the Tyranny of Dragons modules, as I have heard they can be rather inconsistent in content and flow and were written and/or published before all three core books were released. ![]()
![]() For those who do not also read the forums over at swordcoast.com here is an update from one of the developers of the game. This is a lot of info, though a fair amount is not really detailed, but here it is: My name is Dan Tudge and I’m the director of Sword Coast Legends and president of n-Space. We’re all very happy to be finally be sharing SCL with the world and are very thankful that you have chosen to be a part of its creation. We've already seen a lot of questions on the boards here and while there is much we can’t talk about I’m going to do my best to answer what I can: Will there be a Mac version of this game? Boom! Right out of the gate something I cannot talk about! We’re not talking about additional SKUs right now. Will there be micro-transactions, or content locked behind a price tag? I can understand the concern around micro-transactions and assure you that SCL is a fully featured RPG that is not “locked behind micro-transactions.” Much like the table-top, we do plan on continuing to create adventures for both DMs and players long after launch. We have a lot of stories to tell, characters to meet and places to visit, but we cannot create them all before launch. We are going to keep creating content as long as you keep playing! How long is the single player campaign? While we’re not talking about the campaign in detail right now but I can tell you this: It’s not going to be short! A great RPG isn’t something you finish over a weekend and SCL certainly won’t be finished in a weekend either. What exactly is the Design Council? Access to special forums that will help us, the developers, make decisions that mold and shape SCL. What exactly is early access? (Roughly how long is it?) We actually can’t say just how long early access will be just yet, however we can say that you’ll get ample time to adventure prior to launch. Will there be an alpha or beta test? We’re not talking about alpha or beta testing right now. Can you explain more about how DM mode works and the DM toolset? The DM can fully customize the player experience, significantly altering an adventure by changing encounters, placing traps, spawning monsters, creating quest NPCs, generating secret areas, locking doors - all in real-time. There are also offline campaign tools that enable DMs to build campaigns for their players - more about that later. Are any localizations planned? We understand that there are a lot of RPGs players that love to play in a language other than English and we are evaluating additional localized versions right now – more details to come. Are there any plans for the game on SteamOS/Linux? We’re not talking about additional skus right now. Will there be Romances in the game? A hallmark of a great RPGs is the meaningful companions you meet along the way and how they react the choices you make in your story. These companions become your “friends”, ones you remember long after playing the game - characters like Minsc and Jaheira from the Baldur’s Gate series or Alistair and Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins. In SCL we’re creating companions that stand tall within that legacy. Will you be able to romance them? You’ll have to wait and see. Will Sword Coast Legends be separate canon from the novels? We’re working in tight coordination with Wizards of the Coast and have created an original story for SCL, one that is tightly woven into Forgotten Realms lore. How do you coordinate with Wizards on lore/content? For two years we've worked very closely with the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast to ensure players get a true “D&D experience.” I would also mention that we’re all fans of tabletop D&D (and the Forgotten Realms) here. Many of the Sword Coast Legends team plays D&D several times a week and have done so for years. In fact, several of our story ideas have come from our personal campaigns! Can you tell us more details about the Belaphoss Statue? Right now I can tell you that it looks awesome and will be shipped to your house closer to launch. Will the camera be able to rotate, move and zoom in and out? Absolutely, and in single player you’ll be able to pause with the spacebar and issue tactics old school! How will movement be handled in the game? You will move around the game with your mouse using point and click. Will the single player campaign be playable coop? More details on that later! Any idea exactly what the tome of knowledge is? Reading the Tome of Knowledge will give players additional points to spend on their character’s ability scores and class features (spells and abilities). ![]()
![]() Lathiira wrote:
I am waiting to buy the Hobbit movies til all three have their extended versions released, preferably in a nice boxed set to sit on the shelf beside my LOTR boxed set. ![]()
![]() lorenlord wrote: I saw it yesterday, my local Theater was showing the trilogy, so that was the only way to see it before Wed. I thought it was very good. The battle scenes were awesome, especially the Dwarves, and the designers always seems to come up with interesting ideas for the big creatures (Ogres and such, don't want to give anything away). Plus Dain was great. I just read a review where the reviewer was whining that Bilbo was not in the movie enough. Did this person not ever read the book and thus not know that Bilbo was unconscious and invisible for most of the battle? lol I will see it anyway, but please tell me that Jackson did not change this and that he did not keep anyone alive who died in the book. ![]()
![]() And with a horde of those types of numbers, where are all the dead bodies landing? In a pile around the heroes. This pile will start to hamper their movements, eventually even collapsing onto them and pinning them down, making them an easy target for a called shot or a coup de grace, since they cannot move to avoid it. But that would require a DM that does not just give the players infinite maneuvering and weapon-swinging room during a fight. ![]()
![]() Sunderstone wrote: I want to like 5E but currently it's impossible if I cant read it. I've become a PDF only customer. PC, iPad, and to a lesser degree, my laptop. Go and download the free basic rules. They will give you a good idea of how the game plays, as they contain a decent chunk of the rules and will be updated periodically as new books are released. They may not ever contain everything like the SRD does, but they are still a good place to start. ![]()
![]() Terquem wrote: Hey, I hate to pose such an off topic question, but how is it handled at WotC? Do they have any "Talk about Pathfinder" or "Talk about other versions of D&D" forums. I can't access their site on most of the computers I use I do not see any forums on their site for anything other than their products. But that makes sense, since they only sell their products. Paizo has forums for other products because they sell gaming stuff other than Pathfinder. ![]()
![]() Don't ban any of the early firearms, just make any other than the starting weapon to be not always available. That way, that 4000gp double hackbut will not seem so overpowering at the point a gunslinger can finally have enough Fame to buy one. Checking the chart in the Guide, it would require having at least 18 Fame, so with perfect Fame earning, it would be a minimum of 4th level to buy one. Oh, and walking from the back of the double hackbut after shooting to the front of it to reload would probably use up your movement for the round if you also attacked that round. It is just too big of a weapon to expect to do that action multiple times because you have to move to do it. ![]()
![]() Michael Brock wrote:
Retire it, since there are much better options now for an intro to PFS play than there was when it was released almost two years ago. ![]()
![]() Arnwyn wrote:
Yep, and you just have to look to the past where both the music and movie industries lost in court over the issue of trying to prevent the sale of used cd's and dvd's. If the gaming companies try this, then they too will eventually lose in court. ![]()
![]() Stargypsyd wrote: That makes sense. But is everything sold off and then the "money" split among the party members? It is in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Play, page 17: Quote: Pathfinder Society Organized Play is unlike a standard roleplaying experience. Instead of dividing up treasure among your fellow party members, every Pathfinder has access to any piece of loot available in a scenario. Every Chronicle sheet lists all of the loot that can be found during the scenario, with the exception of minor items available to every Pathfinder Society character. After the scenario, the GM checks which items you and your fellow Pathfinders discovered, and each of these items immediately becomes available for purchase by all party members. Items not discovered in play are blacked out or lined out by the GM. In addition, every player who completes a scenario receives a set amount of gold for the scenario that she may spend to acquire items. And page 18: Quote: At the completion of each encounter during a scenario, your GM will award each player a set amount of gold that reflects that player’s share of the potential loot (though not all encounters will have treasure rewards). This gold piece total can fluctuate depending on what you accomplished and how you accomplished it. We assume that you have enough bags, backpacks, or muscle to haul around the loot you find or, in the case of an urban scenario, immediate access to markets and bazaars where you can sell your goods. If you have not downloaded and read the Guide, you really should. ![]()
![]() No, if it is an official PFS game, a GM cannot ban anything at all that is legal for play. It does not matter if it is a private home game, a game in a store or at a convention, on being run online or play-by-post. Now, in your situation, maybe he just knows nothing about the class and would be uncomfortable with one in his game. But if that is true, then he should say so and players should honor his request rather than risk ruining the game. ![]()
![]() Well, whatever is done about any conflict between the Factions, it needs to be done in a way that will preserve the No PVP rule. Putting in conflicting faction missions will not help with this. Putting in a story arc for the season that will encourage players to sabotage others' faction missions will not help. Having a prize that characters of a winning faction would receive at the end of a season will not help. The Pathfinder Society is about working together and the factions should always come second to that or the Society will not survive, story-wise. I personally feel that if one player does something to cost a second player their faction mission prestige point, that the first player lose the point that would have been earned from the Society for completing the main mission. Sort of a punishment for not following the rules of the Society. The conflict between the Factions really needs to be kept in the fluff of PFS play, because if you let it get into the mechanics and the rewards, then I feel the PVP conflict that will naturally occur will hurt play and drive away players. That said, I am not sure how to make the conflict between Factions be relevant without any mechanical reward being involved in the results. ![]()
![]() What material is or is not available for PFS should not matter. An average player with a character made only using the Core Book and an average player with a character made using all available material should be able to play together in a game and both contribute and have fun. Feel free to substitute optimizer or min-maxer or munchkin for average for both players and it should still hold true. But at the other end of things, when you think sub-optimal, are you talking about the player or the character? A sub-optimal player, who barely does anything other than roll the dice, can be a real downer at a table regardless of character build or resources used, but a sub-optimal character can still shine if the player is good and participates fully in the session. And Robert, do not take this personally, but I am wondering if you have some local players who are really jerking on your VC chain to get you so worked up over this. ![]()
![]() It is sad that this is needed, but I agree with you that it had to be done. I am not pointing fingers or naming names, partly because that would require me to re-read all the threads where bending or breaking the rules is suggested, but it does seem that lately that have been way too many posts or entire threads that violate the rules in the Guide. And it does not seem to matter whether it is a player or a GM doing it, as I have read both. Sure, some may seem harmless, like a GM not applying his GM chronicle right away, but others, like playing out of tier or playing up more than one sub-tier, or playing 8+ people at a table, are not good for the Society. And people can argue all they want about ruining a player's fun, but I think Spock said it best: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." ![]()
![]() Caedwyr wrote:
You also have the problem that Paizo has their own Organized Play campaign, the Pathfinder Society. In that, if it is not published by Paizo, then is has no chance of being legal to use for a character or for the writers to use in a scenario. There are plenty of people who only get to play PRPG through PFS, like me, so I have no use for 3PP products, no matter how good they are or how much better duplicate material from a 3PP may be. For example, if I am going to play a witch, it will be the Paizo witch and not one from a 3PP, no matter which one is better, because that is the one I need to use in order for the character to be legal. I am also STILL burned out from the incredible glut of 3.0/3.5 books, good and bad, and I just do not have the energy or effort or desire to sort through the 3PP products and compare them to the Paizo products and figure out which one I like better in order to decide which version of something I want to use. Whether someone is lazy or does not have the time, it is just not worth it to me to deal with it, so I just stick with Paizo. That said, there are a very few companies still around from the old 3.0/3.5 days that I trust for quality and would give a look at if they ever did PRPG products. One example would be Green Ronin's Pathfinder stat book for Freeport. Oh, and rules and mechanics aside, only Paizo can publish material for Golarion, so as long as that is the setting I am interested in, then that is who I am buying setting material from. But fluff is a whole other can of worms than rules mechanics and similar or duplicate classes, feats, etc. ![]()
![]() Tarma wrote:
Making a +2 enhancement "Always Available" for any character that has reached an appropriate level, somewhere between 5 and 7, would be a good way to fix this. ![]()
![]() I think the conversion guides for 3.0 to 3.5 is still floating around on WOTC's site. And here is is. I was at the top of the search list on Google. ![]()
![]() Almost 400 posts and I cannot remember if anyone has even quoted the bit from the Cleric entry in the Core Book that is causing all the trouble, so here it is: Quote: As their powers are influenced by their faith, all clerics must focus their worship upon a divine source. While the vast majority of clerics revere a specific deity, a small number dedicate themselves to a divine concept worthy of devotion—such as battle, death, justice, or knowledge—free of a deific abstraction. (Work with your GM if you prefer this path to selecting a specific deity.) It seems like people want to forget the final sentence that is in parentheses, which I have put in bold. This sentence, to me and many others, means that Concept-worshiping clerics are an optional rule because they require you to work out the details with your GM, and any rule that requires GM approval or assistance first is not a default, or Core, rule. If this is an optional and not a default rule, any setting material would have to spell out any Concepts a cleric could worship before you could create a Concept-worshiping cleric and still be following canon for the setting. So since there are no rules for Concept worship in any of the Golarion books, and one of the setting's primary designers has said there never will be, then this point is moot by canon. As has been said many times, you can house rule this however you want if you are the GM, or with approval from your GM, but if you want to play in Golarion the way James Jacobs designed it, then you cannot have a Concept-worshiping cleric. ![]()
![]() I am not going to reply to any one specific person on this, but, as I have posted in other threads where this has come up, this is what the Inner Sea World Guide says on the topic. It does not directly answer every point, but still: From page 235 of the Inner Sea World Guide: Quote:
and from page 236: Quote:
![]() This is from the Pathfinder Society FAQ: Quote:
But I think this could apply equally well in home games. ![]()
![]() Stereofm wrote: I have zero interest in 5th right now. I have zero interest in 4th right now. Sure, it made a few changes that I like, but it continued the feel of playing an MMO on a tabletop which was started with 3rd and continued with PRPG. I want a new edition where I do not feel like I am forced to use battle mats and miniatures and a slide rule to fight a battle. I want the imagination back in the game. ![]()
![]() Mikaze wrote:
Yeah, we get enough of humans every day in the real world. I want a game setting where non-humans mix with humans freely, like in Star Trek, Star Wars, or the various Final Fantasy worlds. I also almost never play a human in fantasy rpg's. ![]()
![]() I am pretty sure that the lands you are looking for were destroyed before the beginning of the Third Age. Sauron forged the rings in the middle of the Second Age and I am not sure if any of the original kingdoms of the Nine still existed into the Third Age to even be shown on a map. You would probably have to find a map of the Second Age, maybe from the Silmarillion or other such book, to find the exact location of Urd. ![]()
![]() The thing with the assassin is that, in PRPG, you only have to be evil to become an assassin, not necessarily to stay an assassin, as there is no "ex-assassin" text for the class. You can get into the whole "killer with a heart of gold" stereotype from various movies where the character only assassinates those that deserve death. So I could see a character being evil enough, meaning their alignment has an E in it, to become an assassin, but some time after that events cause them to reform enough to change from E to N and still have all their assassin abilities. The problem is that characters in PFS are started at level one and if at any time in their adventuring career they become evil enough to qualify for the prestige class, they also become evil enough to become an illegal character and be removed from play permanently. ![]()
![]() What you posted answers your question. Adopted lets you pick a race trait, not a racial trait. Race traits are one of the categories from the trait system that all character can choose from. The others are General, Religion, Regional, Equipment, and Campaign. They are details starting on page 326 of the APG and also in a free web enhancement for the Core Book. ![]()
![]() Azure_Zero wrote:
And unfortunately, Paizo folks have posted before that there will not be any archetypes for the alternate classes because the alternate classes are basically just mega-archetypes that are already replacing abilities from the class they are based on. ![]()
![]() This is part of what the Reward Creative Solutions section on page 25 of the Guide refers to. If the players are successful in an encounter in a way other than is intended by the scenario writer, then it is your job to reward their creativity and come up with a way for them to find the treasure they would have normally gotten from completing the encounter the intended way. ![]()
![]() Andy Griffin wrote:
Actually, no. The spells causes the target to voluntarily try to wear, equip, etc, the item. So if that requires the druid to shift back to human form first, he will, and then if there is still enough time in the spell duration, he will take the item and attempt to use it appropriately. ![]()
![]() Please notice how James worded it, he added a new simple template and not an advanced simple template, thereby allowing it to not boost Int without contradicting any templates already in place in the game. As for what a 3 Int is or isn't, is a 3 supposed to be equivalent to maybe a 2 year old human or a heavily mentally-handicapped person? Sure, they are sentient but not fully aware, and honestly, of those posting here who have a small child or a baby brother or sister, would you turn them loose in the way people are suggesting an animal with a 3 Int should be in this thread? They still have to be taught, they still have to be monitored and taken care of, they have to learn what is right and what is wrong. Sure, a wild animal has more self-reliance and instincts built-in than a human, but they should not just be automatically be able to do anything they want upon achieving 3 Int. ![]()
![]() fatouzocat wrote:
Ah, so when the T-rex eats the dog, instead of a doghouse dangling on a chain from it's mouth, it will be your character dangling on a rope. :) ![]()
![]() Some people may think this is a silly question, but how is 38 pages massive, especially when maybe 8 of those pages at the most are rules clarifications or house rules for PFS play that a player needs to know? The rest of the pages are character creation, factions, faction traits, the GM's section, front and back covers, character and chronicle sheets, and legal stuff. ![]()
![]() I am with you two. I just want an official ruling for the rest as well. It is a lot easier to decide if you need to house rule something or not when that something is clear rather than vague and confusing. Of course, this was easier to deal with before Paizo introduced the Traits system and Race Traits. hehe ![]()
![]() I just want to say that you are both right, just in different ways. Kyle, you are right when people are assigning numbers to the stats in the order they want them, while Thod, you are right when people are generating stats randomly or if they are having to pick a list of numbers and assign them in the order written rather than getting to place them as they see fit. |