![]() Heh, my weekend was really chaotic and I was on my laptop for like 15 minuets. Emma has a +16 to diplomacy to gather info which is at half the normal time Shrugging, "Lets go poking around West Dock." Letting out a long sigh and rubbing at her neck, "I could really use a drink though we should clean up at least a little." Looking around at the others, "Do any of you need to rest and do this tomorrow or are we ok with just asking. Maybe acting on what we learn after some rest." ![]()
![]() Yeah he was likely given to the 'bird doctors' Keeping to the back of the group and silently trailing behind them once they leave that horror filled mansion. Once the mansion is out of sight Emma finally speaks up, "We need to learn more about the, umm, she called them Bird Doctors. If they are going around kidnapping people they need to be stopped." ![]()
![]() Grimacing at the brutality and the insane woman's bizarre lust for it. But it was at least worth it. But a she can't close her eyes to it, similar to seeing a stampede of wild horse rushing towards you. The horror of it freezes you. But that sight, the whoosh of the whip and the sound of impact. That is going to linger. And it steals her voice for the following conversation. Trapped somewhere in compliant shock from the brutality of a whipping and the macabre poses of the unfortunate undead. Emma numbly follows the others lead on what seems a mad idea, but the undead cannot be left to linger. ![]()
![]() Hmm, sees like quite a bit has happened. Sorry. Been a busy weekend in the sense that I got waylayed by a nasty migraine and missed some work. Flinching at the sight and scent of the carnage. Silently moving though the building. Biting back the urge to yell in frustration, to the point that her tongue hurts. Picking up the small safe and tucking into her bag, "We can take it with us." "Anything we can figure out to let the Guard know. Because this is not right." ![]()
![]() Smiling at Tronar, "So long as you are sure. And I am not sure 'good' is an accurte word. Emma works, Emma Ho.." Shaking her head, "Holt. But Emma is what you can call me. And formality has not been a heavy theme." Nodding, "Yes there was a woman with Cressida earlier and I am very nosy." Jumping slightly when the woman runs up. I need to wake up. I suppose this will be a good way to figure out if Tronar is a good fit. Turning to the woman, "I cannot promise anything but I will listen and then we," waving a hand to gesture at her companions, "will need to figure out if we can help you." Taking a deep and steadying breath before continuing, "Can I get your name and then whatever you know about what happened to your brother." ![]()
![]() Rubbing at her face and biting back a groan at the 'orc' word. Letting her hands fall back to her side and watching the interaction, "It's a pleasure to meet you and I promise I am interested and have a few questions. But I do not want to waste guards time with our getting to know each other. So please give me just a moment." Looking back at Cressida, "Thank you and if you can get anything on the individual on that note please let me know. I am very curious who is after my life. Do you have sort of work for us today? And what was the story with the woman who was in here? Someone was missing?" ----Once out of the Cressida's office.---- Swiftly walking towards the exit, "I did give that woman who was in the office a note to wait for me outside. No clue if she did." Looking back at the new mage, "Cressida said your name was HanFrum, right?" Pushing the door open and holding it for the others. Looking around while rambling, "We were attacked last night and could have died. Not entirely sure who I angered yet but we are not safe to be around. Are you sure? We tend to stick our noses into things that do not want us there and I'm honestly surprised we are not dead yet." Perception for the woman from earlier: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Shaking her head and trying to catch the half-orcs eyes, "Sorry, its a weird day and I seem to be in a strange mood. Thus far we are trying to do good and that has nearly killed us. I just feel you have a good idea of what you are wanting to get into." ![]()
![]() Taking a step back and digging in her bag and digging out a small book and a piece of chalk. Quickly scribbling a note, tearing it out of the journal, and folding it up in her hand. Walking up and looking at the unknown woman, "So sorry to intrude." Holding out the folded piece of paper, "I saw you drop this earlier." diplomacy if needed: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22 Turning her back to Cressida and mouthing a silent 'please' at the distressed woman note assuming she is willing to take the note.:
'The guard can't break down a door but if I'm not a guard. Just can't say so in this place. We can talk outside if you want.' Waving a hand at their captive, "I promise this will be quick." Turning around to hand Cressida the note from the attack with a smirk, "Not sure who they are but I seem to have made them angry enough to want to try to sneak in at night while we were sleeping. Didn't work out well for them. So attempted murder and home invasion at the very least for the man who is to dumb to bother answering our questions." ![]()
![]() Skills: bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, arcana, geography, history, perception, sense motive, spellcraft, stealth
5th level feat I apparently never picked is skill focus history so next level I can get eldritch heritage, the Vestige bloodline. I love the idea of the ring she lost and just got back giving a little something. Plus the nineth level call ancestors is really cool and the 15th eternal past is great for knowledge, assuming we get to level 17 Bardic Performances : Suggestion is now avalible And I am not sure if I am done shopping or if I want to hold on to the amount left over. I don't need the cloak. The saves would be nice but I have other things I think I want. And I have not updated the profile for the items yet. +1 to my chain shirt 1000gp,
![]() Sorry not posting the last few days. I still have to kind of limit my computer time, because the Fates are cruel. I have not yet. Maybe in the morning. That game is in a pause cause the GM had some event they were going to so maybe no one is checking it. I will try to get Emma leveled after I get some sleep ![]()
![]() [b]"Can you grab the one in the window and I can get the one outside? I can make you invisible till you grab him but you gotta be quick."[b] Gonna try shadow trap and if that fails she will go for hold person. And hopefully time it with Searok's grab. If he agrees Emma is gonna cast vanish on the dwarf so he can get close. ![]()
![]() Quickly moving out of the crowd and back to her companions with agitation clear on her face, "Sorry. People like that are why my people are called 'moths' its why I have had so much trouble getting a real job and play for change on the streets." Shifting on her feet, "I did not mean to start all that." Legit did not expect the good roll. ![]()
![]() Growling, "I doubt it is a good thing. People always manage to find a way to profit on misery." Pushing her way threw the crowd and raising her voice, "Is that so! Cause I have been working with the actual temples who are here dealing with the Blood Veil and they never mentioned you. And I have some experience with magics that can do things like that. They are never cheap. How much for your miracle bottle? Cause I have seen swindlers like you before. People peddling scented water that at best might not make you vomit. Is yours better?" Smiling and continuing, "As you can see I am a bit of a mess right now. So that thing should fix me right up, right?" diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33 +2 to influence the crowd to not trust the miracle elixir If possible she would use prestidigitation to make her voice louder, so she can be heard ![]()
![]() Is she has to use magic she will be the big thing is that he is still bound. Nodding and shaking Girrigz awake. Glaring at him, "So your plans have failed and your army is gone. You lost. This plague has nothing to do with your people and I have proof. No one is going to come after you. But your dumb plan would have meant the guards would have poured into the sewers and you would have lead your people to there deaths." Taking a deep breath, "So what are you gonna do now? Because that really matters to me." ![]()
![]() Searok is more often in the front so he should get the armor. And Emma could use the rapier "Thank you Sheada." Leaving their captive for a moment to look at the so called stash. If we let him stay will he try again? Closing her eyes and listening to the list of items found before going back to Girrigz after he has been stripped of his things. Crouching down infront of him, "Any issues if I talk to him before we leave? I need to know if he will try to start this up again?" ![]()
![]() Biting the inside of her cheek, that is a lot of blood. Crouching down to feel for a pulse and listening, "Depends on what he says." Looking around for Sheada, "Can you keep him from bleeding out? And do we still have manacles so he has to just talk?" If Sheada wont then Emma will use a cure lt wounds to wake Girrigz up but would want him bound. Looking back to the group of wererats, "We said we did not want blood. And we said we knew who caused the plague and that it wasn't any of you. And that we have proof. We will make sure the city knows you had nothing to do with this and they don't need to know about your plans either. The city needs everyone in it and that includes all of you. So you won't make your attacks now, right?" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23 +2 if they constitute a crowd.