Laori Vaus

Elyza's page

154 posts. Organized Play character for Satin Knights.


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Scarab Sages

In case you haven't seen it, Seeker of Secrets has a very good selection of ioun stones available as well as an interesting table for the random resonant abilities.

Scarab Sages

But, but... Thomas pulled off the epic bluff. The two blobs should start fighting each other. If we pull back and let them at it, they should slam each other repeatedly. Then we can clean up the winner.

That bluff was worthy of fame and glory, and a minor trial accomplishment. Oh well.

Scarab Sages

Have we lost Mari?

Scarab Sages

You get more mileage out of quadruped, claws, reach(bite), imp damage(claws) and pounce. Take combat reflexes as the feat. Now, you have a reach of 5' on the claws and 5 or 10' on the bite, and can take 3 AoOs. Any caster you pounce on cannot simply 5' step back to get his spell off easily.

A long neck on a dragon look-a-like beast is thematically appropriate.

The extra bite evolution only gave you +1 damage. The improved damage(bite) average as +1 damage. The improved damage(claws) averages as +2 damage if you get both attacks. This way costs 1 evolution point less to do the same damage if you are full attacking.

The eidolon's to hit is low until he gets his strength up. Taking power attack early makes it that much harder to land its attacks. Reach+Combat Reflexes gives you more opportunities to do damage while maintaining the best to hit available at the moment.

Scarab Sages

Bluff check! The Count's sense motive can't be that high.

Scarab Sages

That synthesist/monk is rather easy to take down.

a) Dispel magic cast by a 11th level caster is going to strip the Bestow Grace on any die roll other than one. That is the problem with casting from a wand, minimum caster level.
b) Ensure the fight is in a five foot wide corridor. The charge and pounce is stripped away. The synthesist is reduced to one attack a round and double movement costs.
c) Shrink the 5' wide hallway to 4' wide by adding a wall of stone along one side. Now, the synthesist has lost his dex (and likely monk) AC bonuses and is making escape artist checks to be able to even move. Oops! He forgot to invest in the escape artist skill.
d) A Dimensional Anchor to block the Dimension Door every synthesist has, and now he is a sitting duck just waiting to be pounded upon.

Of course, the proper order is b, d, c then a.

Paizo has done a great job of making sure, for every advantage you think you have, you will have some disadvantage that someone can exploit.

Scarab Sages

Charles and Elyza have gone, so it is Mr. Blob's turn.

Scarab Sages

Elyza continues her measured retreat and slaps the pudding again 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5. Confirmation 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 for additional 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2.

Not much else she can do. Move back down the hallway to 30' from the blob, putting her off the map, and Telekinetic Fist 2 of 7.
AC 16; HP 13; MP 0 of 5

Scarab Sages

With Charles taking on the fire beast, Elyza slaps the mouthy pudding from a distance. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

telekinetic fist.
You said teeth, but not eyes. So, color spray is not going to do much. She is out of MP to call up a different spell. And moving into what she thinks is its reach would be bad to test color spray.

Scarab Sages

So, we downed fire 2 I think. Therefore, fire 1 should be up.

Scarab Sages

Elyza shoots a frosty arrow into the closer fire beast, 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19, 1d8 + 0 + 1d615 ⇒ (3) + 0 + (540) = 543 That formula of d6*1.5 didn't work, doing it by hand then, 1d8 ⇒ 6 weapon damage + 1d6 ⇒ 4 *1.5 cold damage + 2 arcane strike damage for a total of 14.
If that drops the elemental, she moves past where it was to A10 for strategic retreat.

AC 16, HP 13, MP 0, Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +3
To hit accounted for shooting into melee.

Scarab Sages

I suggest replacing the shatter with blur. A flat 20% miss chance against a melee beast is far more useful than breaking mundane objects. Cast your shield spell early and his melee attacks are going to miss more than hit. His only offensive spell is Hold Monster. You have the same wand to buff your saves, so that can be almost ignored. Bob, weave and wear him down. Doesn't look too hard to do.

Scarab Sages

Well, if he put 2 pts in STR, -4 in DEX, 0 in CON, 7 in INT, 7 in WIS and 13 in CHA, I come up with an aasimar strength of 11(12) and a wisdom of 18 instead of 20, but otherwise, all the numbers are coming out right. (Will dropping by 1 appropriately.)

He doesn't get Immortal Spark and Incorruptible both. So, the DR 5/evil disappears.

Kiinyan: When you are large, you pay double for the Ability Boost evolutions to STR or CON. So, he only got +2 STR out of the four evolution points.

Remember that the Bestow Grace is a four minute spell. So, if you are picking the place and time to engage into combat, that HUGE buff is not up and running.

Tactic #2: A dispel magic against the Bestow Grace only has to beat a caster level of 4.

So, the player cherry picked well, and is using the wand to make his saves go extreme. A 20 or 15 point buy character would not be so over the top. And if you ever knock him unconscious or catch him sleeping, well... game over.

Scarab Sages

Elyza uses the last of her mythic energy to enchant her weapons again. Firing at the southern fire elemental, 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6, she misses wildly with the frosty arrow. Knowing the pudding has decent reach and beats things until it can digest them, she moves far away from it. Screech takes flight to hide in the rafters. "Mind or sight spells will not work on the pudding! My Color Spray, Burning Hands and Grease are going to be useless here! Even Acid Splash should fail against it."

Used last MP to invoke Mythic Arcane Strike and enchant her weapons with Frost
Forgot the +1 for bard song, but it doesn't matter.
AC 16; HP 13; MP 0 of 5; Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +3
Grr!! I can't reveal the more useful information about Black Puddings, like what NOT to do!!

Scarab Sages

Out of turn free talking, "Lead the fire to the black pudding. The pudding is dumb and should attack anything."

Scarab Sages

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Black falling thing appropriate Knowledge check of Arcane, Religion, Dungeoneering, Nature or Planes 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Same for flames from fireplaces 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Scarab Sages

Elyza and Screech look around the room while she moves in.
Elyza's Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Screech's Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

AC 16, HP 13, MP: 1 of 5, Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +3, Weapon in hand: Longbow

Scarab Sages

Elyza steps into the chair alcove and slices 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13, using reroll 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 spend an Mystic Power point 1d6 ⇒ 5 results=19 to hit for 1d8 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 8 + (4, 1) = 17 damage, inflicting a significant wound to the undead creature.

actions: 5' step to G8; std: attack H8; immediate: use mystic power point for d6 bonus to roll
To hit: 9 = 3 STR +1 BAB +1 MW + 1 arcane Strike + 2 bane +1 bard song
Damage: d8 weapon + 3 STR + 2 Arcane Strike + 2+2d6 bane + 1 bard song
AC 16; HP 13, MP: 1 of 5, Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +3

Scarab Sages

I believe Charles is up in initiative and has an extra move action.
No one has claimed the +1 Ghost Touch longsword yet and started using it.
I didn't take it cause I could create +1 on my own and do damage anyways.

Scarab Sages

No quickdraw feat. Just +1 BAB to combine a move and draw a weapon as a move action.

Firebolt: Cleric fire domain power, has a "to hit" roll, so no reflex save.

Scarab Sages

Elyza shifts the bow to her off hand, draws her sword and shifts around to face the elusive creature. Swinging 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24, damage 1d8 + 5 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (5, 4) = 20 /2 The creature shrieks as the empowered blade slices.

free: switch weapon hands, Move: move to F7 including drawing second weapon, std: swing sword with +1 enhancement, +3 equiv, do 10 damage, forgot to include the extra +2 to hit from bane for a total of 26, but didn't need it.
HP 13; AC 16; MP 2 of 5; Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +3; Swift: available

Scarab Sages

Mythic Advance and Mythic Rally are both swift actions. You are limited to only 1 per round. They cannot be substituted into a longer action like move --> std. So, the Mythic Rally fizzles.

Scarab Sages

That missed Elyza. "Incorporeal touch attacks do not ignore armor bonuses granted by force effects, such as mage armor..." CRB p.179. So, she is AC 16 against him.
Whew! Her fort save sucks.

Scarab Sages

Elyza turns and shoots an arrow point blank into the apparition. hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10, damage 1d8 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 2 + (2, 4) = 13

Provokes AoO and half damage if that possibly hit. Expect not. Considered +1 magic and undead bane
AC 16; HP: 13; MP: 2 of 5; Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +3
I thought he was in the next alcove, not mine! ;-)

Scarab Sages

Init:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
"Watch their bite and claws. They have a tendency to paralyze and spread ghoul fever disease."

"Hey, something might be in the next alcove on the left!"

Scarab Sages

Elyza peers in as well at the creatures trying to determine what they are and what will hurt them.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Kn Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Kn Planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Kn Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Kn Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Elzya draws her bow while moving in behind a pillar. Enhancing the bow to deal with these creatures, she readies the shoot the first of the two creatures that moves forward.

move: draw weapon while moving to E5, swift: Mystic Arcane Strike Undead Bane, std: ready to shoot, Init if needed [dice]d20+4[dice]
AC 16; HP 13; MP 2 of 5.

Scarab Sages

"The statue looks mundane, but the house has real bad juju. Necro and conjuration magics." Elyza continues concentrating on the house to identify the spells causing the auras. Spellcraft1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

"Nope, can't tell you what specific spells were used."

Scarab Sages

Elyza ponders about Zon-Kuthon and how wicked he is. Kn Religion 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
She backs it up with a detect magic to examine the statue first, then the rest of the room.

Scarab Sages

Elyza draws her longsword and then steps into the room to inspect the statue from a reasonable distance. 20' away Perception1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Scarab Sages

"No traps that I can see." Elyza opens the gate.

Scarab Sages

"I can produce the same enchantments, or others as needed on my own weapons, so others can take the longsword or crossbow." With Screech on her shoulder inspecting everything, Elyza steps up and examines the gate carefully for traps. Perception1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21Not that she could remove one if she does find a trap. Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

AC 16, HP 13, (was forgetting Favored Class), MP 3 of 5 available.

Scarab Sages

Elyza has a few more tidbits of information to help Thomas with his predicament: Kn Arcana 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20, Kn Religion 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16, Kn Nature 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Scarab Sages

When Mari says the alter is magical but she cannot identify exactly what, Elyza takes a look at is as well. Casting Detect Magic as well.
Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11, Kn Arcana1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19, Kn Religion1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Screech's Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
While his mistress is looking around at lights and colors that are not there, Screech hops off her shoulder, lands on the alter and starts pecking at...

Scarab Sages

Marigold gets two full rounds of actions, and then after her actions in her second round, the werewolf recovers. (unless he makes his save early.)
AFK for turkey day, so after Thomas and the sleeping wolf get their turns, Elyza goes...

With no intention of letting the werewolf get back to his feet, Elyza strikes again 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25, Mythic Power if needed1d6 ⇒ 2 damage 1d8 + 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + (1, 6) + 6 = 17, again slicing deep into the shapechanger.

Attack: +1 BAB, +1 AS, +2 bane, +3 STR, +2 flank, +1 MW, +1 Bless +4 prone target = +15
Damamge: d8 sword + 3 STR + 2 AS + 2d6 bane + 1 Dirty Fighting
Actions: std: attack, swift MP spent if needed to ensure strike hits
AC: 16, HP: 11, MP: 2 of 5 per day used, maybe 3; Mythic Acane Strike 7 rounds left

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am voting for Trogdar's suggestion, except tweaked from third to fourth for the one ability bump.

Trogdar wrote:
Amazing Initiative (Ex): You gain a bonus equal to twice your Mythic Tier on your initiative and you may use two swift actions per turn. In addition at fourth tier, you may spend one use of mythic power to gain an extra standard action. At sixth tier, the extra standard becomes a full round action. This may be used once per mythic tier times per day.


A) the original Amazing Initiative writeup becomes a mythic monstrous only feat called Monstrous Initiative.
B) Mythic monsters get a bonus feat, which is often going to be this one.
C) PCs, companions, mounts, familiars, eidolons and pets are barred from taking the Monstrous Initiative feat.

1) PCs scale up in power and don't immediately nova after gaining Tier 2.
2) PCs get a bonus swift action without spending a mythic point. This benefits monks the most, followed by paladins, bards, rogues. Those classes can use the extra help. More swift or immediate mythic abilities can be used by all mythic characters in each round.
3) Yes spell casters like the fourth level for an extra spell. Melee, if using the standard as a move action then full attack, they get the effects of Pounce. It brings a pounce-like abitily to all mythic melee characters, and slightly better than pounce since they can turn while moving instead of charging in a straight line. In normal progression, this should be arriving at about 8th level, so only a couple levels after getting the second iterative attack. Stacked with Haste, which is common to receive at this level, and the melee characters are going to effectively double move, full attack + 1 haste attack, or standing still for four-five attacks a round. That should be mythic enough for an eight level character. At tier 6, melee gets to shine more with the increased ability than casters. By that time, casters are already powerful enough.
4) GMs get a trump card with the Monstrous Initiative. If they don't want to use it, the GM gets to use a different mythic feat instead. It is not an "automatic" anymore that the creature will have it. That makes it harder to use knowledge skills to identify what your opponent is capable of doing.
5) The Agile template already effectively has the Monstrous Initiative feat as its Dual Initiative. But when a Divine template creature comes up and acts twice in a round, it will be surprise the players were not expecting.

Scarab Sages

Yeah, I could have stepped to the side and color sprayed it, but mundane save or suck would not test combat. So, I am doing the things a mage shouldn't do, and surprisingly well. I am afraid of what the magus class could do at this point with this style.

Edit: Forgot the Dirty Fighter flanking damage trait bonus of +1

Scarab Sages

Elyza drops her bow, draws her longsword and tries to go toe to toe with this horrific beast. Swinging her longsword, 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26, damage1d8 + 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + (1, 5) + 5 = 15, she slices heavily into the werewolf with the temporarily enchanted blade.
Edit: Add 1 more damage for Dirty Fighter flanking trait

Attack: +1 BAB, +1 AS, +2 bane, +3 STR, +2 flank, +1 MW, +1 Bless = +11
Damamge: d8 sword + 3 STR + 2 AS + 2d6 bane
free: drop bow, move: draw longsword, std: attack
AC: 16, HP: 11, MP: 2 of 5 per day used, Mythic Acane Strike 8 rounds left

Scarab Sages

Elyza moves from G3 to K7 as the extra movement from round 1.

Scarab Sages

Elyza draws her bow as she moves in to see the hairy beast, infuses it with some arcane energy to deal with the threat and lets an arrow fly. Two more wolves come in from behind before she can turn her shot. To hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 +1 bless, damage:1d8 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + (1, 1) = 4

draw bow while single moving to G3, Swift: 1 MP in Mythic Arcane Strike (bane humanoid shapeshifters), std: shoot arrow at Tooth.
16 to hit, forgot bless before rolling. (1 bab, 2 dex, 2 bane, 1 arcane strike, 1 bless) Probably still not enough, but swift/immediate action spent already.
I had already rolled before the extra wolves came in.
AC 16, HP 11

Scarab Sages

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Scarab Sages

When the cave entrance is found, Eliza readies herself by casting Mage Armor before approaching. Not being a graceful one, she will be staying back with Tom until a foe can be found.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Once she gets up to the corner: Kn Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16, Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28, Kn Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14, Kn Local 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

purchases: 15 1st level spells and 1 cantrip on scrolls and inscription materials, masterwork longsword, 1 vial of anti-toxin and a crowbar.
AC 16, HP 9+1d6 ⇒ 2

Scarab Sages

Elyza takes another swing to finish off the zombie, 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 Rally Reroll 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 but still misses. Since she is not having luck, she steps around the zombie to give Charles a better chance.

Swift: Mythic Arcane Strike without spending the MP as the flaming property lasts 9 more rounds, Std: attack with sword, miss twice, 5' step: to B2 to provide flank if Charles moves

AC: 12, HP: 9, Saves: Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +2, Longsword +4, d8+5+d6 flaming

Scarab Sages

With a growl, Elyza draws her longsword which bathes it self in flame before she swings at the zombie. To hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 While the action was impressive looking, the zombie didn't even flinch.

move: draw weapon, swift: mythic arcane strike, flaming weapon property, std strike

Scarab Sages

Well, a take 10 perception would have Elyza noticing them at a range of about 180'. Rolling in case you want to use that instead. 3 or better on Kn Religion, she would know the front line is zombies. Same using Kn Local for the kobolds. Edit: Wow. She doesn't know what the little creatures are in back.
This mage is hot headed and not one to stay in the back of the pack.
PS. Spent 1 more gp to get 20 arrows.
Init:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12, Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22, Kn Religion1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15, Kn Local1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Scarab Sages

Well, here she is. I am thinking she pretty much turns out as fury unleashed.

Elyza Thornspire

TN Female Elf
Transmuter 1/Archmage 1
Speed: 30ft.
Size: Medium
Init: +4; Senses: Perception +3, +8 when hawk on shoulder, Low-light vision
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Auran, Sylvan, Orc
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Mage Armor (3 hrs per MP used)
HP: 9 (1d6+0+3) (Dead at -20)
Saves: Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +2
Flaw: Furious Rage (If intimidated or hit with crit, rage without benefits, lose spell casting for d4+1 rounds)
Bab: +0
Melee: Longsword +3 (1d8+3)(19-20 x2)
Arcane Strike: Longsword +4 (1d8+5)(19-20 x2)
If MP spent, Longsword +4 (1d8+5+2d6)(19-20 x2) (for 10 rounds)
Conditional: +1 damage if flanking
Ranged: Long bow +2 (1d8)(20 x3)
If MP spent, Long bow +3 (1d8+2+2d6) (for 10 rounds)
Telekinetic Fist: +2, (1d4) 30ft RTA, 7/day
SA: Arcane Strike +1 attack, +2 damage + bane (for 10 rounds)
SA: Physical Enhancement, +1 to one physical stat, movable when prepping spells
DA: Elven immunities, Hard to Kill
Mythic Power (1d6, 5/day)
Archmage Arcana: Wild Arcana (1 MP to cast any one spell in spellbook at +2 CL)
Path Ability: Abundant Casting (+1 target)
Str: 15+1 Dex: 15 Con: 10 Int: 18 Wis: 10 Cha: 8

Skills: Perception(1) +3, Spellcraft(1)+8, Kn Arcana(1)+8, Kn Religion(1)+8, Kn Local(1)+8, UMD(1)+0
Feats(1): Scribe Scroll, Arcane Strike, Mythic Arcane Strike (1 MP = 10 rounds any +1 weapon ability, +1 attack and damage), Alertness when familiar is in reach
Traits: Dirty Fighter, Warrior of Old
Spells Memorized: 3 cantrips, 2 1st + 1 transmutation
0) Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1) Grease, Color Spray, Enlarge Person(t)
Mage armor cast by using 1 MP to get 3 hours coverage.

Spellbook: all cantrips, Color Spray, Enlarge Person(t), Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Grease
Opposition schools: Enchantment and Necromancy
Possessions: long bow, longsword, backpack, spell book, 2 daggers, clothes, 2 sunrods, bedroll, long coat with reinforced wood shoulder perch for Screech, 2 wooden bowls, scroll case, 10 sheets paper, 3 ink pens, 1 inks, tent, 10 days rations, 5 gp, 6 sp

Familiar: Screech, Hawk, AC 16, Int 6, HP 4, walk 10', fly 60' average

Scarab Sages

Elven Transmuter 1/Archmage 1 incoming.

Lets see if I can get it all typed in before the edit timer expires.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Armor and Celestial Shield for 35,570 gp. Adds 5 to her AC, and gives her overland flight for 5 hours a day.

Ring of Force Fangs is only 8,000 gp and protects her from all force spells while giving her access to magic missile when she wants to use it.

Have her commission a staff being built for her. Pick several useful spells that are on her spell list, but she doesn't have, and the last spell is the highest level, but she does know this one. This greatly expands on the variety of spells she can cast. It also allows her to recharge the staff on her own during down time.

Scarab Sages

Let's see. This isn't fully optimized, it is just a sketch. There is plenty of more room to boost offense, but this has a good balance of defense and protection in it too.

Half-elf Synthesist 12/Savage Warrior Fighter 10 with a two level dip into Master of Many Styles Monk of the Sacred Mountain.
Half-elf stats: STR 10+6belt DEX 10 CON 14+1+1 INT 13+1 WIS 18+2 CHA 14
Levels: F F M F M F F F F F F F/ Sx12
Why? The Master of Many Styles monk gets to ignore prereqs with the two bonus style feats. So, he can take the starting style feat as a normal feat, skip the second and jump straight to the third with the bonus feat (affects the snake line).

1 Combat Reflexes
1(F1) Weapon Focus (Claws)
2(F2) Power Attack
3 Snake Style
3(M1) Snake Fang, (M1 bonus) Improved Unarmed Strike, (M1 bonus) Stunning Fist
5 Dragon Style
5(M2)Dragon Ferocity, (M2 bonus) Toughness
6(F4) Feral Combat Training
7 Combat Style Master (enter styles faster including in surprise round)
8(F6) Furious Focus
9 Extra Evolution
10(F8) Weapon Specialization (Claws)
11 Extra Evolution
12(F10) pick anything

45,000 gp ~ Holy Vicious Amulet of Mighty Fists +0. +4d6 damage, 1d6 self inflicted. It is 40% of your WBL, which is reasonable for a main weapon.
36,000 gp ~ Belt of STR +6
9,000 gp ~ Cloak of Resistance +3
18,000 gp ~ other stuff

Quadruped Synthesist, in the shape of a cattaur. Clawed arms and foreleg paws.
Evolutions: 19 = 16 base + 3 Favored Class bonus + 3 feat bonus
Evolutions: pounce(1) + clawsX2(2) +limbs(arm)(2) + large(4) + skilled(perception)(1) + resist(fire,electric)(2) + Imp Nat Armor (1) + energy attacks(2) + spell resistance(4)

The beasts stats turn out as
STR 27+1+6belt DEX 17 CON 17+1 INT 13+1 WIS 18+2 CHA 14
NA +2+10+2
AC = 42 = 10 base + 14 NA + 2 Imp Nat Armor + 3 DEX + 5 WIS + 4 Mage Armor +4 Shielded Meld
Touch AC = 18, Flat footed AC = 39
Snake Style + immediate action can boost Touch AC to d20+20 against one opponent if Sense Motive is maxed out in ranks.
SR = 23 = Synthesist level + 11
Resist: 15 fire, 15 electricity
Perception = 30 = +2 elf + 3 class monk + 12 max ranks + 5 WIS + 8 skilled
Other niceties: Darkvision and Evasion

HP while merged = 10f+6*9f+5*2m+12*4con + 12Toughness= 134 Real and 9*6e+9*4con = 90 Temporary

Holy Vicious Amulet of Mighty Fists +0. Cost 45,000 gp, +4d6 damage, 1d6 self inflicted. It is 40% of your WBL, which is reasonable for a main weapon.

Attacks: claw x4: 12 bab + 12 STR + 1 WeaponFocus -1 Large - 3 Power attack +2 Savage Warrior = +26/+23/+23/+23 to hit
Attack while charging: additional +5 to hit due to Savage Warrior's Savage charge replacing the normal +2 from charge == +28/+25/+25/+25 to hit
bite: 12 bab + 12 STR -1 Large - 3 Power attack = +20, d8 + 12STR + 6 PA + 4d6 AoMF + d6 energy

Damage: 1d8 + 12STR*1.5 + 9 Power Attack +2 Savage Warrior +2 Weapon Spec +AoMF + energy attack = d8 + 31 + 4d6 AoMF + d6 energy = average damage of 53 or 40 per attack times 5 attacks for 252 damage per round.

You are able to charge through difficult terrain and allies, then attack with all five attacks at full BAB==level. Since pounce allows you to full attack at the end of a charge, every 10 foot movement or more is declared as a charge. Therefore, you can always full attack unless you have to turn around a hard corner.

Every missed attack against your AC 42 provokes an attack of opportunity, of which you get four.

Saves: Fort 19 Reflex 14 Will 21 including the cloak +3 to enhance them. You have an additional +2 vs. enchantment (half-elf), +2 vs. sleep, paralysis and stun (Dragon Stance), +3 vs. energy drain and death (Savage Warrior).

Your weakness, Damage Resistance. Fighting a creature with DR will slow you down considerably because you depend on multiple attacks.

Oh, you are a spell caster than can self buff too. ;-) Mage Armor, Overland Flight and Haste are all your daily "go to" spells.

Design Synergies:
a) Dragon Stance lets you charge through most obstacles. Pounce lets you full attack at the end of the charge. Savage Charge changes the attack bonus from +2 to +5 for charging.
b) Feral Combat Training allows all the monk goodness on natural weapons. Savage Warrior gives additional bonuses on natural weapons. And the AoMF applies to all natural weapon attacks.
c) Snake Fang allows for every missed attack against you to provoke an AoO. Very few things are going to hit your AC 42.
d) The SR is not great, but if it negates a third of the spells thrown at you, it was worth it. The reflex is a little low, so the resist fire and electricity cuts down on the overall damage you take, if SR didn't get it.
e) Dragon Ferocity changes natural weapon damage from STR to STR*1.5, which cascades down to Power Attack damage as well.

Books: Core Rule Book, APG, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat.

PS. This is a gestalt character with highly pumped ability purchase points. Properly built synthesists are not this over the top.

Scarab Sages

Lune, it looks like you missed a few prereqs with that build. Mistakes I see:
a) Panther Claw requires Wis 15 since you didn't take it as the bonus monk 1 or bonus monk 2 feat. It also gives you the number or retaliatory strikes equal to your WIS bonus, which is (-1). Therefore, ineffective.
b) Crane Riposte, if you want it, is delayed until 9th level due to the BAB +8 requirement.
c) Panther Parry has an unmet requirement of WIS 15.

Here is a rework. It replaces Panther with Snake and adds Dragon Style just for the delicious charge through difficult terrain and friendlies. Starting at third level, you enter combat spending you swift action on entering the Snake Stance. Then you can provoke 7 AoOs with retaliation via movement. The Master of Many Styles feature of ignoring prereqs on feats is precious. That is why I used it on skipping Sidewinding Snake and the STR req of Dragon Style.

The AC drops a little with this build, but with a friendly mage armor, you are starting at AC 24 at first level. Fairly safe. If you find a way to not tank wisdom, you could add that as a bonus to your AC too.

This build doesn't have perfect symmetry. The dervish dance bonuses only work with a scimitar. The AoOs from the monk abilities are all unarmed strikes. So, carrying a decent scimitar and an amulet of mighty fists is necessary. The idea is still cool enough to try. It will never do a decent amount of damage, but it will tie up the enemy allowing other party members to do their things. The strategy is to flank and frustrate the enemy.

After racial and size modifiers:

Str 8
Dex 22
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 10

1 Fighter 1: Weapon Finesse (racial bonus), Dodge (1st), Combat Reflexes (Fighter 1)
2 Fighter 2: Combat Expertise (LW bonus), Dervish Dance (Fighter 2)
3 Monk 1: Stunning Fist, Imp Unarmed Strike, Fuse Styles, Snake Style (3rd), Snake Strike (monk bonus)
4 Monk 2: Evasion, Dragon Style (monk bonus)
5 Fighter 3 Maneuver Mastery (LW bonus), Crane Style (5th)
6 Fighter 4: Piranha Strike (Fighter 4)
7 Fighter 5: Crane Wing (7th)
8 Fighter 6: Mobility (Fighter 6)
9 Fighter 7: Crane Riposte (9th), Know Thy Enemy
10 Fighter 8: Underfoot (Fighter 8)
11 Duelist 1: Canny Defense, Precise Strike, Weapon Focus (11th)
12 Duelist 2: Improved Reaction +2, Parry
13 Duelist 3: Enhanced Mobility, Weapon Specialization (13th)
14 Duelist 4: Combat Reflexes (already has it), Grace
15 Duelist 5: Riposte, Critical Focus (15th)
16 Duelist 6: Acrobatic Charge
17 Duelist 7: Elaborate Defense, Staggering Critical (17th)
18 Duelist 8: Improved Reaction +4
19 Duelist 9: Deflect Arrows, No Retreat, Stunning Critical (19th)
20 Duelist 10: Crippling Critical

Scarab Sages

Well Gauss, the examples I could find fit that formula. Can you show me an item based on an instantaneous duration spell that can be used more than five times a day? My quick search didn't come up with one. (Excluding wands/staves as they have a finite number of total charges.) If five uses/day was the same cost as an infinite number of uses/day, why would the boots of teleportation or cape of the mountebank be limited. Mages are greedy. If there was a threshold where price didn't increase, they would not stop short of it during their crafting.

Full Name





Hacker/Rigger [ Edge: 1/1 | Phys Dam: 11/11 | Stun Dam: 11/11 | Armor (B/I): 12/11 ]




New York


English: N; Japanese (INT): 3; Mandarin (INT): 3; Or'zet (INT): 1; Russian (INT): 3

About *Legion*


Body: 5
Agility: 5(7) (Muscle Toner (Rating 2))
Reaction: 5(9) (Reaction Enhancers (Rating 2), Wired Reflexes (Rating 2))
Strength: 3(5) (Muscle Augmentation (Rating 2))
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 5
Logic: 4(6) (Cerebral Booster (Rating 2))
Willpower: 5

Total Edge: 1
Current Edge: 1
Essence: 0.8
Initiative: 14 (REA (9) + INT (5))
Initiative Passes: 3 (Wired Reflexes (Rating 2))
Matrix Initiative (Cold Sim): 14 (RES (8) + INT (5) + Customized Interface (1))
Matrix Initiative Passes (Cold Sim): 2
Matrix Initiative (Hot Sim): 15 (RES (8) + INT (5) + Customized Interface (1) + 1)
Matrix Initiative Passes (Hot Sim): 3
Composure: 6 (WIL + CHA)
Judge Intentions: 6 (INT + CHA)
Lifting and Carrying: 10 (STR + BOD)
Memory: 11 (LOG + WIL)

Skills and Qualities:

Aeronautics Mechanic (LOG): 1
Automatics (AGI): 1
Automotive Mechanic (LOG): 1
Blades (AGI): 1
Climbing (STR): 1
Computer (LOG): 3
Cybercombat (LOG): 4
Data Search (LOG): 3
Dodge (REA): 1
Electronic Warfare (LOG): 4
Etiquette (CHA): 1
First Aid (LOG): 1
Flight (STR): 1
Gunnery (AGI): 1
Gymnastics (AGI): 1
Hacking (LOG): 4
Hardware (LOG): 3
Heavy Weapons (AGI): 1
Industrial Mechanic (LOG): 1
Infiltration (AGI): 1
Nautical Mechanic (LOG): 1
Navigation (INT): 1
Perception (INT): 1
Pilot Aircraft (REA): 1
Pilot Ground Craft (REA): 1
Pilot Watercraft (REA): 1
Running (STR): 1
Software (LOG): 3
Swimming (STR): 1

Area Knowledge (New York, INT): 3
Bars and Clubs (INT): 2
Combat Tactics (LOG): 3
Security Companies (LOG): 1
Security Tactics (LOG): 3
Shadow Community (INT): 2
Underworld (INT): 3

English: N
Japanese (INT): 3
Mandarin (INT): 3
Or'zet (INT): 1
Russian (INT): 3

Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly): +2 dice pool modifier when performing a particular Matrix action
Low-Light Vision (Racial): Can see normally in light levels as low as starlight
Natural Hardening: 1 point of biofeedback filtering
In Debt (30,000¥): Owes 45,000¥ + 10% of remaining balance each month
Weak Immune System: -2 dice pool modifier to any tests for resisting diseases

Contacts and Lifestyle:

Fixer: Smiley (Con 2/Loy 1)
Mechanic: Bobby (Con 1/Loy 1)

Low (2 months)

SINs and Licenses:

Arthur Dent (Rating 4)

Ceska Black Scorpion (Rating 4)
Combat Axe (Rating 4)
Gas Vent 3 (Rating 4)
Glasses (Rating 4)
Muscle Augmentation (Rating 4)
Muscle Toner (Rating 4)
Nonstandard Wireless Link (Rating 4)
Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 4)
Reaction Enhancers (Rating 4)
Riot Control Armor (Rating 4)
Ruthenium Polymer Coating (Rating 4)
Shock Frills (Rating 4)
Smartgun System (Int.) (Rating 4)
Smartlink (Rating 4)
Wired Reflexes (Rating 4)


AR Gloves
Concealable Holster
Datachips (5)
Earbuds (Rating 2)
- Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)
Electronics Kit
Glasses (Rating 4)
- Flare Compensation
- Image Link
- Smartlink
- Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
Medkit (Rating 6)
- Supplies
Stimulant Patches (Rating 6) (3)
Subvocal Microphone
Tranq Patches (Rating 6) (3)
Trauma Patch (1)
White Noise Generator (Rating 6)

Weapons and Armor:

Ceska Black Scorpion
Mode: SA/BF RC: 4(5) (or 1(2) w/Sound Suppressor) Ammo: 35(c)
- Gas Vent III
- Internal Smartgun
- Personalized Grip
- Sound Suppressor

Combat Axe
Reach: 2 Damage: 7P AP: -1
- Personalized Grip

Shock Frills
Reach: - Damage: 6S(e) AP: -half

Reach: - Damage: 3S AP: -

Form-Fitting Full Body Suit (B/I: 6/2)

Riot Control Armor (B/I: 6/9)
- Chemical Protection 6
- Fire Resistance 2
- Ruthenium Polymer Coating
- Shock Frills

Cyberware and Bioware:

Control Rig
Cyberlimb: Lower Arm (Left, Obvious) (Body 5, Agility 7, Strength 5)
- Nanohive (Rating 1)
- - Neural Amplifiers, Neocortical (Rating 3)
Reaction Enhancers (Rating 2)
Wired Reflexes (Rating 2)

Cerebral Booster (Rating 2)
Muscle Augmentation (Rating 2)
Muscle Toner (Rating 2)

Commlinks and Software:

Novatech Airware
OS: Novatech Navi
Firewall: 6 Response: 5(8) Signal: 5 System: 6
Current Mode: Hidden
Running Software (Default):
- Agent (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
- IC (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Scan (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Tacsoft (Rating 2, Pirated)
Running Software (Hacking):
- Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Biofeedback Filter (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Browse (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Data Search (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Exploit (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
Tacnet Sensor Channels:
- Glasses (1), with Smartlink (2) and Vision Enhancement (3)
- Earbuds (4), with Audio Enhancement (5) and Select Sound Filter (6)
- Ceska Black Scorpion (Slave)
- Cyberarm, Lower Left (Slave)
- Drone (MCT Fly-Spy)
- Drone (MCT-Nissan Roto-drone)
- Earbuds (Slave)
- Glasses (Slave)
Additional Features:
- Armor Case (Rating 10)
- Customized Interface
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5)
- Nonstandard Wireless Link (Rating 6)
- Response Enhancer (Rating 3)
- Sim Module (Hot)

Meta Link
OS: Vector Xim
Firewall: 1 Response: 1 Signal: 2 System: 1
Current Mode: Passive
Currently Running Software: None
Additional Features: None

Agent (Rating 4, Pirated)
Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
Armor (Rating 6, Pirated)
Attack (Rating 6, Pirated)
Biofeedback Filter (Rating 6, Pirated)
Black Hammer (Rating 6, Pirated)
Blackout (Rating 6, Pirated)
Browse (Rating 6, Pirated)
Command (Rating 6, Pirated)
Corrupt (Rating 6, Pirated)
Data Bomb (Rating 6, Pirated)
Decrypt (Rating 6, Pirated)
Defuse (Rating 6, Pirated)
Disarm (Rating 6, Pirated)
ECCM (Rating 6, Pirated)
Edit (Rating 6, Pirated)
Encrypt (Rating 6, Pirated)
Exploit (Rating 6, Pirated)
Firewall (Rating 6, Pirated)
IC (Rating 4, Pirated)
Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
Medic (Rating 6, Pirated)
Nuke (Rating 6, Pirated)
Purge (Rating 6, Pirated)
Reality Filter (Rating 6, Pirated)
Scan (Rating 6, Pirated)
Sniffer (Rating 6, Pirated)
Spoof (Rating 6, Pirated)
Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
System (Rating 6, Pirated)
Tacsoft (Rating 2, Pirated)
Track (Rating 6, Pirated)


MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
Firewall: 6 Response: 5 Signal: 5 System: 6
Handling: +1 Accel: 3/15 Speed: 15 Pilot: 4 Body: 1 Armor: 0 Sensor: 6
Currently Running Software:
- Pilot (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Clearsight Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Covert Ops Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Defense Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Electronic Warfare Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Camera (Rating 6)
- - Low Light
- - Thermographic
- - Vision Magnification
- Microphone (Rating 6)
- - Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- - Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)
- Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6)
Additional Features:
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5)
- Improved Takeoff and Landing (Level 2)

MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium)
Firewall: 6 Response: 5 Signal: 5 System: 6
Handling: 0 Accel: 10/25 Speed: 100 Pilot: 4 Body: 3 Armor: 9 Sensor: 6
Currently Running Software:
- Pilot (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Clearsight Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Covert Ops Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Defense Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Targeting Autosoft (Automatics) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Camera (Rating 6)
- - Flare Compensation
- - Smartlink
- - Thermographic
- Directional Microphone
- Laser Range Finder
- Microphone (Rating 6)
- - Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- - Spatial Recognizer
- Motion Sensor
- Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6)
Additional Features:
- Concealed Armor (Rating 9)
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5)
- Improved Takeoff and Landing (Level 2)
- Weapon Mount (Normal, Internal, Fixed, Remote)
- - Colt M22A3 (Damage: 6P AP: -1 Mode: SA/BF/FA RC: 3 (Gas Vent III) + 1 (Electronic Firing) + 3 (Drone BOD) = 7 Ammo: 100(b)
- - - Electronic Firing
- - - Extended Clip (100 Drum)
- - - Gas-Vent 3 System
- - - High Velocity
- - - Smartgun System, internal
- - - Sound Suppressor
- - Grenade Launcher
- - - Airburst Link


[dice=Aeronautics Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Automotive Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Climbing (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Computer (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Cybercombat (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]4d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Data Search (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Electronic Warfare (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]4d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Etiquette (CHA)]1d6+1d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=First Aid (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Flight (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Gunnery (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Gymnastics (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Hacking (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]4d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Hardware (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Heavy Weapons (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Industrial Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Infiltration (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Nautical Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Navigation (INT)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Perception (INT)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Pilot Aircraft (REA)]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Pilot Groundcraft (REA)]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Pilot Watercraft (REA)]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Running (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Software (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Swimming (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]

[dice=Initiative]14d6[/dice] [ooc](3 passes)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Free Action:[/b] [/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [/ooc]

[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - SA (Ceska Black Scorpion (Automatics), Smartlink)]1d6+7d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 4P | AP: -)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Narrow) (Ceska Black Scorpion (Automatics), Smartlink)]1d6+7d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (4+2)P | AP: -)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Wide) (Ceska Black Scorpion (Automatics), Smartlink)]1d6+7d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 4P | AP: -)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Melee Attack (Combat Axe (Blades), Reach 2, Personalized Grip)]1d6+7d6+2d6+1d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 7P | AP: -1)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Melee Attack (Shock Frills (Unarmed Combat))]6d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6S(e) | AP: -half)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Melee Attack (Unarmed (Unarmed Combat))]6d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 3S | AP: -)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Full Dodge (Dodge vs. Melee))]1d6+1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Gymnastics Dodge (Gymnastics/Dodge vs. Melee))]1d6+1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Full Parry (Blades vs. Melee))]1d6+1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Full Dodge (Dodge vs. Ranged))]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Gymnastics Dodge (Gymnastics/Dodge vs. Ranged))]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]

[dice=Matrix Initiative (Cold Sim)]14d6[/dice] [ooc](2 passes)[/ooc]
[dice=Matrix Initiative (Hot Sim)]15d6[/dice] [ooc](3 passes)[/ooc]

Simple Actions:
Analyze Icon/Node (Analyze) - [dice=Matrix Perception (Computer + Analyze)]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Deactivate Program (System)
Decrypt (System)
Encrypt (Encrypt)
Issue Command (System)
Jump into a Drone/Vehicle/Device (System)
Log off (System)
Observe in Detail (System)
Transfer Data (System)

Complex Actions:
Capture Wireless Signal (Sniffer) - [dice=Capture Wireless Signal (Electronic Warfare + Sniffer (3))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Control Device (Command)
Crash Node (Exploit) - [dice=Crash Node (Hacking + Exploit (System + Firewall) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Crash Program (Exploit) - [dice=Crash Program (Hacking + Exploit (System + Firewall) Opposed)]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Data Search (Browse/Other) - [dice=Data Search (Data Search + Browse (Extended))]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Detect Hidden Node (specific) (Scan) - [dice=Detect Hidden Node (Electronic Warfare + Scan (4))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Detect Hidden Nodes (in range) (Scan) - [dice=Detect Hidden Nodes (Electronic Warfare + Scan (15+, 1 Combat Turn) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Disarm Data Bomb (Disarm) - [dice=Disarm Data Bomb (Hacking + Disarm (Data Bomb rating x 2))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Edit (Edit) - [dice=Edit (Computer + Edit)]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Hack on the Fly (Exploit) - [dice=Hack on the Fly (Hacking + Exploit + Codeslinger)]4d6 + 6d6 + 2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Initiate Cryptanalysis (Decrypt) - [dice=Decrypt (Electronic Warfare + Decrypt (encryption rating x 2, 1 Combat Turn) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Intercept Traffic (Sniffer) - [dice=Intercept Traffic (Hacking + Sniffer)]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Jam Signals (None)
Log on (System)
Matrix Attack (Attack, Black Hammer, Blackout)
Reboot (System) - [dice=Reboot (System + Response (10, 1 Combat Turn) (Extended))]6d6 + 8d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Redirect Trace (Spoof) - [dice=Redirect Trace (Hacking + Spoof (Computer + Track))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Repair Icon (Medic) - [dice=Repair Icon (Computer + Medic (damage taken x 2, Complex Action) (Extended))]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Run Program (System)
Set Data Bomb (Data Bomb)
Spoof Command (Spoof) - [dice=Spoof Command (Hacking + Spoof (Pilot + Firewall) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Trace User (Track) - [dice=Trace User (Computer + Track (10) (Extended))]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]

[dice=Drone Initiative (MCT-Nissan Roto-drone)]9d6[/dice] [ooc](3 passes)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - SA (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Short, Narrow) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (6+2)P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Short, Wide) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Long, Narrow) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (6+5)P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Long, Wide) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - FA (Narrow) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (6+11)P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - FA (Wide) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]