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Silver Crusade 5/5

Lau Bannenberg,
Thank you,
Elyas Ravenwood

Silver Crusade 5/5

I have a character i made for season six. I have played this character through most of season six, as much as I could have played him through. He will soon be retiring.
The Sky Key:


Now I understand there were five pieces of the Sky key. There was the core which was recovered in #6-00 Legacy of the Stone Lords, which my character played through. I seem to remember that a first piece of the Sky key was recovered in #6-14 Scions of the Sky Key part 3: The Golden Guardian and a second in #6-21 Tapestries Toil, and a third part in #6-20 Returned to the Sky.

Just out of curiosity where was the fourth piece found?

I am really just curious.

Thank you

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thank you

Silver Crusade 5/5

Just out of Curiosity when were faction journal cards introduced?

Thank you

Silver Crusade

I have a 7th level cleric in a home Carrion Crown game.
I’m looking for some advice on what feat to take at 7th level.
We have finished the Haunting of Harrow stone, The Trial of the Beast, and we are starting Broken Moon. Our characters, after a couple of adventures, are settling into a lodge over-night. We have enough XP to level and the GM wants us to level our characters up. What feat should my character pick for 7th level? Thank you.
I have put the character behind spoilers, because I don't think everyone wants to read a wall of text.


Name: Raziel Brightstar of Vigil
Senses: Dark Vision, Perception: +13
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Aasimar
Class: Cleric of Iomedae

Abilities: 20 point buy
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 14 (16 with headband of intellect +2 add Spellcraft)
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 14

Fortitude: 8
Reflex: 4
Will: 8

Hit Points: 52 (8 HP 1st level 5 HP 2nd level and up)

Speed: 20/30

Masterwork Heavy Crossbow: +7 1d10 (14 bolts)
Masterwork Heavy Mace: +8 1d8+2
Masterwork Longsword: +8 1d8+2
Dagger +7 1d4+2
Sling +6 1d4+2 (50 Cold iron bullets)

Masterwork Chain Mail, Heavy steel Shield
AC: 19
Flat Footed AC: 18
Touch AC: 11

1) Selective Channel 3) Extra Channel 5) Craft Wonderous Item
7) ?

Sacred Conduit

Diplomacy +12, Heal +12, Knowledge History +7, Knowledge Nobility +7, Knowledge Planes, +7, Knowledge Religion +11, Linguistics +7, Perception +13, Sense Motive +9, (from Headband) Spellcraft +13

Racial Abilities:
Dark vision
Celestial Resistance: Acid 5 Cold 5 Electricity 5
Daylight 1/day
Skilled: +2 Diplomacy +2 Perception

Class Abilities:
Aura of Good
Channel Energy: 4d6 DC 16 7 times a day
Domains: Sun, Glory
Deities Favorite Weapon: Longsword
Spontaneous casting: Cast cure spells
Sun’s Blessing: No Channel Resistance, +7 to Channel Energy Damage to Undead
Favored Class bonus: +3 to Channel Energy Damage to Undead
Touch of Glory: +7 on single Charisma skill check. Duration: 1 hour Uses: 5/day

Domain Spells:
1) Shield of Faith
2) Bless Weapon
3) Searing light
4) Fire Shield
0 level: Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Stabalize
1) Bless, Bless, Diagnose Disease, Divine Favor, Magic Weapon
2) Burst of Radiance, Burst of Radiance, Restoration Lesser, Shield Other
3) Prayer, Prayer
4) Blessing of Fervor

Magic Items:
Cloak of Resistance +1 (crafted), Ectoplasmic Metamagic Rod, Heward’s Handy Haversack (Crafted), Headband of Vast Intelligence+2 (spellcraft), Inheritor’s Gauntlet (crafted), Potion of Cure light wounds x2, Potion of Remove Disease x2, Scroll of Detect Undead, Hide from Undead x2, Protection from Evil. Stone of Alarm, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds 11 charges, Wand of Gentle Repose 29 charges, Wand of Hold Person 10 charges, Wand of Lesser Restoration 3 charges, Wand of Restoration 1 charge.

Alchemical Gear:
Alchemist Fire X4, Alchemist Kindness x2, Antiplaguex2, Antitoxin X8, Bloodblock x10, Holy Water, Smelling Salts, Soothe Syrup x2, Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt)

Bedroll, belt pouch, Bottle of strong Brandy, Candle x10, Cleric’s vestments,
Flint and Steel, Healer’s Kit, Holy symbol, wooden: Iomedae, Holy Text The Acts of Iomedae, Mess kit, Pot, Rope, soap, Surgeon’s Tools, Torch x10, Trail Rations x10, Waterskin

Encumbrance: 86.6 Medium Load (Max Dex +3, Armor Check -3, Run x4)

Carried: Belt pouch, Inheritor’s gauntlet, Masterwork Chain mail, Masterwork Longsword, Masterwork Heavy Mace, Masterwork Heavy Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts, Cloak of Resistance +1, Dagger,Heward's Handy Haversack (139 @ 90.86), Headband of Vast Intelligence +2, Heavy Steel Shield

The party (My Character:) Aasimar Cleric of Iomedae (sword and shield), Aasimar Paladin of Iomedae (sword and shield), Changeling Alchemist 7 , Dwarven fighter 7 (wields 2 dwarven War Axes), and an elven spellless ranger who makes it as much as he can.

The Aasimar’s are brothers, the paladin being the older brother, and cleric being the younger brother.

Oh and nobody has archtypes.

So what Feat would you recommend? Thank you

Silver Crusade

I'm just curious is there a way for a wizard to learn a spell from a sorcerer and scribe it in his spell book?

Can a Wizard learn a spell from a witch?

thank you

Silver Crusade 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Personally I prefer Tameron Credence because I think he will be a more interesting NPC, and I look forward to the sniping between him and Zarta Dralneen.

Silver Crusade

Artificial Intelligence and ships makes me think of Hal and 2001.

" Hal ramming speed please". cut to red light....." Dave, I'm sorry, I can't allow you to do that."

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thank you again for your posts.

From reading the posts in this thread. I think Kevin Williams has summed up how Spell Savvey works in a nut shell "The scroll-specific rules only require that you have the spell on your list and a high enough ability score to cast it. (And it be “of the appropriate type” but PFS ignores that). So if breath of life is considered to be on your spell list as a 5th level spell, you need 15 in your primary casting stat (whatever that might be) to use it."

I think that this line: "treat your caster level as 1 if you do not already have a caster level" refers to someone who doesn't have a caster level, like say a monk, or rogue etc.

Thank you all for your posts and thoughts .

Silver Crusade 5/5

The Scroll Savey boon is something you earn after GMing at least 150 scenarios (10 of them being specials) and building your character from 1st up to 9th level. So having a boon that allows your character to to read a scroll, and cast the spell written on it is a nice "capstone" ability in my opinion.

I will need to go over this thread with a fine tooth comb to see what rules people are quoting and how they are interpreting them.

Thank you everyone for your posts

Silver Crusade 5/5

I have a question about

this boon on the PFS student of Scrolls chronicle sheet.


(9th-Level, 5 Stars): After penning countless reports and poring over myriad texts, you have developed a natural affinity for using magical scrolls. You can cast spells from scrolls as though all spells were on your class’s spell list (treat your caster level as 1 if you do not already have a caster level); however, if you fail the caster level check to activate a scroll, the Wisdom check DC to avoid a mishap is 8.

How does this work?

Lets say I have a 9th level wizard who would like to cast a breath of life off of a scroll. What would happen? Would he be able to cast the spell?

How about a 9th level cleric, who would like to cast cone of cold off of a scroll. what would happen? Would he be able to cast the spell?


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

AVR Sure I would be happy to share details about my character


Sure my character is 11 level in PFS. He is a Sylph with 10 levels of Wizard air elemental specialist and 1 level of Magaambyan Arcanist.

Name: Imuthes

Senses: Dark vision, Cloud gazer (see through non-magical mists and fogs with no penalty, in magical fogs, see x3 distance), oil of daylight, scroll of See Invisibility, Perception +12

Alignment: Neutral good, Faction: Scarab Sages, Deity: Nethys

Str 8
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 27
Wis 12
Cha 10

Int= base 16 +2 race, +2 Protegé Boon, +2 Level advancement, +1 Research specialist boon, +4 Headband

Ft +7
Ref +9
Will: +12

Attack Bonus +5,
Hit Poings 57,
Speed 30’,

Armor Class 15, Touch: 14, Flat Footed 12
(+3 Dex, +1 Nat, +1 Deflection)

Armor Class with Mage Armor, Shield, Protection from evil,
AC: 24, Touch 15, Flat footed 21
( Armor +4, Shield +4, Dex +3, Nat +1, Deflection +2)

Additional traits, Alchemical Affinity, Cloud Gazer, Oppositional Research (remove’s earth as opposition school) , Scholar: arcana, engineering, spell focus Evocation, spell mastery, Spell penetration, Time Stutter

Traits= 6 (2+2 extra trait boons, +2 Additional traits feat)
Ease of faith, Osirionologist (engineering), pragmatic activator, student of philosophy, Tomb raider, Underlying principiles.

Skills: (Favored Class Bonus +10 skill ranks)
Appraise +12, Craft Alchemy +14, Craft calligraphy +14, Craft Cartography +14, Diplomacy +23, Fly +21, Knowledge Arcana +27, Knowledge Dungeoneering+ 14, Knowledge Engineering +21, Knowledge Geography +13, Knowledge History +14, Knowledge Local +13, Knowledge nature +17, Knowledge Nobles +13, Knowledge planes +23, Knowledge Religion +13, Linguistics +22, Perception +12, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +22, Use Magical Device +23

Languages: Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Hallit, Ignan, Infernal, Kelish, Osiriani, Osiriani Ancient, Polyglot, Skald, Terran, Thassilonian, Tian, Varisian, Vudrani

Special Abilities: Aura of Good, Cyclone, Dark vision, Lightning Flash, Storm in Blood, Weather Savy. Energy resistance 5 Electricity.

Spell like abilities: at will: Feather Fall, Fly, Levitate

Spells Memorized: (can change them)
0) Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1) Air Bubble, Comprehend Languages, Magic Missile x3, Obscuring mist, Windy Escape
2) Aggressive Thundercloud (DC21), Burst of Radiance x2 (DC 21), Glitter Dust (DC 20), Gust of Wind (DC 21) See Invisibility, Web (DC 20)
3) Dispell Magic, Fire Ball (DC 22) Force Anchor, Lighting bolt (DC 22) Comunal Resist Energy, Storm Step, Tongues
4) Ball Lightning (DC 23) Black Tentacles, Emergency Force Sphere, Freedom of Movment, Greater Invisibility, Resilient Sphere (DC 23)
5) Lightning Arc (DC 24) Passwall, Teleport, Wall of Force
6) Chain Lightning (DC 25) Disintegrate (DC 24) Summon Monster VI

Magic Items: Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Blessed Book, Cloak of Resistance +3, Handy Haversack, Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 ( Knowledge planes, Sense Motive), Oil of Daylight, Pathfinder pouch, Pearl of power 1st level, Potion of Delay Poison, Potion of Feather step, Potion of water breathing, Ring of Protection +1, Scroll of communal Resist Energy, Scroll of Haste (X3), Scroll of See Invisibility, Staff of Abjuration (Bonded Item), Wand of Burning hands (Cl 3rd, 4 charges), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (33 charges), Wand of Mage armor (29 charges), Wand of Protection from Evil (8 charges), Wand of Shield (22 Charges), Wand of Stone Call 37 charges,

Gear: Air Crystals x2, Antiplague X2, Antitoxin X2, Masterwork tools for Alchemy, Calligraphy, Cartography, Smoked goggles, Vermin repellant x5, Wreath sheath x2 wand CLW, Wand of Protection from Evil.

Weapons: Dagger,

I almost forgot This character has a few PFS boons applied to him. There is the GM star boon, another that gives him endure Elements for heat, one that allows him free access to the Dwarven language...there are others, I don't have access to my PFS chronicle notebook at the moment

I had initially made this character for the year of the Sky Key and he had the Technologist feat, but I eventually wanted to get into the Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class, and I was able to get a boon alowing me to swap out the Technologist feat for a feat allowing me access to the prestige class.

Recently I played this character through a scenario involving undead and incorporeal opponents. My character was one un prepared wizard. I am curious how I can improve my wizard's prepared spell selection if he expects to tackle the undead again. Any other suggestions would be welcome too.

Thank you


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for all of these suggestions,

I will have to make sure my wizard memorizes such spells as burst of radiance, and force anchor.

Thank you for reminding me of the utility of spells like grease, glitter dust, protection from evil.

I will have to look into Ghost bane Dirge, bone shaker, battering blast....

Thank you all great suggestions! Please keep them coming!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What are some good spells for a wizard to deal with the undead....in terms of harming them, in terms of neutralizing their special abilities, in terms of controlling them, In terms of well dealing with them?

For corporeal undead?

Incorporeal undead?

Thank you

Silver Crusade

I don't require my players to keep track of their spell components.

For myself all I really do is to mention what material component my character is taking out of his spell component pouch to cast a spell....wether its a pinch of sand, a piece of cured leather, a pinch of fleece, a dried pea, a bit of butter, some sulphur and bat guano, a bit of fur and a glass rod....etc. I don't keep track I guess because the rules don't require me too.

but I guess I just like the idea of spell components.

I was just curious if a spell component pouch ever ran out that's all.

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

I am curious....I enjoy playing wizards.....and there is the spell component pouch.

I'm putting this story behind spoilers because I assume not everyone wants to read a wall of text.

Thinking about spell components reminds me of a moment


back in boarding high school.
This was in the late 80s. We, the D&D group were over at our history teacher’s house on a Saturday evening. His name was Mr. Army. Our teachers didn’t have first names.

We had to wear blazers and ties, and stand up when the teacher came into the classroom. I suppose it was little like Hogwarts without the broom sticks and moving stair cases.

We were all seated around a table in Mr. Army’s living room. There were old maps in frames up on the wall and fire crackling merrily in the stone fire place. Some of his kid’s toys were stuffed behind an easy chair. I remember the front end of a Star Wars At At peaking around from behind the chair.

There was also a pair of brightly colored plastic baseball bats. My friend and I grabbed them, and be began “deuling” with the baseball bats, gleefully quoting “hello, My name is Inigo Montoya, You killed my father Prepare to die”. After a minute of two of laugher, Mr army smiled, and said, “The whole party has been plunged into darkness as the fighter and the mage decided to deul with the party torches…..Then Mr. Army asked us to hold up the base ball bats, because those were the “party torches” if we let them down, everyones light would go out.

Mean while, our characters had come to a chasm in the under ground cavern complex they were exploring.

I thought I could have my character, the party mage, cast a spider climb spell, take the rope and climb up the wall, along the ceiling of the under ground chamber, and come down the other wall, on the other side of the Chasm.

So I told Mr. Army “ I have my mage cast Spider Climb” and I begin climbing up the wall, carrying one end of the rope”

Mr Army replied “ all right, you go over to the wall and nothing happens, you are not sticking to the wall. “

Puzzled, I asked Mr. Army “ what happened, my Mage cast the spell didn’t he?”

And Mr. Army replied “ read the last part of your spell description”

I looked at it and exclaimed, “ my character has to eat a live spider?” Mr. Army nodded affirmative. Every one at the table exclaimed “eeeewwww”

My character ate his spider, holding his nose, and we got across the chasm.

I will never forget that moment, and after that, I always remembered to read my spell description, and to take notes on 3x5 cards.

After that experience I became familiar with what my mage's spell's materiel components were, and I would tell the DM that my character was gathering some sand, or a pea, or a bit of wool, or bat guano and sulphur...

But I wonder, does a materiel component pouch run out of well materiel components?

what do you think? Thank you

Silver Crusade

If I were to go into Mystic Theurge, I would need 4 levels of Oracle, and 4 levels of Sorcerer. So I would be able to enter the Mystic Theurge class at 9th level, and I think gain access at 10 level (4 lvl oracle/ 4th lvl Sorcerer / 2 mystic theurge) to third level spells. I don't think that would be a viable combination.

I guess I am just curious about a hybrid class.

Sythia thank you for your ideas about selecting blood lines and mysteries. I'm not sure what to do about the spell access either.

Chris Ballard I will check out the Blood Mystic...

thank you

Silver Crusade

I am curious how would you make an Oracle Sorcerer hybrid class?


Silver Crusade

Thank you all for your suggestions

Updated character summary:

Character concept: cleric of Pharasma concerned with life, positive energy & death, negative energy

Race: Human

Theme: priest

Class: Mystic

Ability Scores

Str: 10

Dex: 14

Con: 10

Int: 14

Wis: 15

Cha: 10

Skills: Computers 6, Culture: 6, Diplomacy: 4, Life Science: 6, Medicine: 6, Mysticism: 8, Perception: 6, Physical Science 6, Sense Motive: 6

Skill Synergy: Added computers and Physical Science as class skills.

Long arm proficiency

Class abillites
Connection: Healing
Connection Power: Healing Channel
Connection Spell: Mystic Healing
Healing Touch

0): Detect Magic, Detect affliction, stabilize, Telekenetic projectile
1): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Share Language

I did pick skill synergy, and expanded my class skills adding Computers and Physical Science. I thought this would help to give my character a starship roll, namely a science officer.

While I have picked long arm proficiency because plenty of people have suggested it, I am not sold on it.

Instead of Long Arm Proficiency, I think the feat: Medical Expert sounds interesting. I am also considering taking a skill synergy a second time to boost a couple of skills, perhaps computers, and maybe medicine....

Anyways thank you for your advice, and I am still curious about what you think about my choices.

Thank you

Silver Crusade

Thank you all for your suggestions.

While looking through the feats, I didn't find anything that was terribly appealing.

The skill synergy sounds interesting.

If my character is going to go and use laser rifles, and other ranged weapons, Is there an equivalent of point blank shot and precise shot?

I did have my eye on Harm Undead.

What sort of ship board rolls are there? I assume pilot, gunner, engineer...

Is there someone who mans the sensors and communications? that might be a useful

Thank you for your suggestions. They have been helpful.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you both for your answers.

I am coming from playing PFS with a 20 point buy. With a 20 point buy usually I spend 10 points to get a 16, 5 points to get a 14, and then I drop one score to a 9 to gain a point. That leaves me with 6 points to buy 3 12s.

the point buy for star finder is disappointing.

Thank you both for answering my question

Silver Crusade

I am thinking of making a dwarven cavalier or paladin.

I would like an alternate animal to a horse. I would like to put together a riding ram like in World of Warcraft....or a riding boar, like the mount Dain had in Battle of the Five Armies.....

How would I go about changing the size of a ram or boar so they are big enough to be a mount for a Dwarf with the Pathfinder rules?


Silver Crusade

Hello I have a 1st level mystic I am not sure what feats to pick.

Character concept: cleric of Pharasma concerned with life, positive energy & death, negative energy

Race: Human

Theme: priest

Class: Mystic

Ability Scores

Str: 10

Dex: 12

Con: 12

Int: 12

Wis: 16

Cha: 11

Skills: Culture: 5, Diplomacy: 4, Life Science: 5, Medicine: 5, Mysticism: 7, Perception: 7, Profession: Doctor 5, Sense Motive: 7

Feats: ?

Class abilites
Connection: Healing
Connection Power: Healing Channel
Connection Spell: Mystic Healing
Healing Touch

0): Detect Magic, Detect affliction, stabilize, Telekenetic projectile
1): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure

What feats would you suggest, I am trying to build a healer.

Thank you

Silver Crusade

During Character creation can you drop an attribute to raise another?

for example can you drop a 10 to a 9 to raise an 11 to a 12?

thank you

Silver Crusade

How does your character pick up new languages?

When you know a language can you automatically can read and write in the language?

Thank you

Silver Crusade

One thing I have done in the past, is to use the traits system to tailor the skill selection of a character class to what I want it to be. For example I had a sorcerer whom I wanted to be a diplomat as well. I used traits to add Diplomacy and Sense motive to his class skill list. I also sometimes use the Additional Traits feat to further expand the available class skill choices.

I know this doesn't expand the amount of skill ranks you have, but it will expand the class skills you have to choose from.

I hope this helps.

Silver Crusade

Thank you

Silver Crusade

Is there Hero-lab support for multiple wizard spell books?

thank you

Silver Crusade

Again Thank you all for your thoughts and advice.

I would like to make a more skill focused rogue and I find the idea of a Melee combat focused rogue to be unappealing. I felt I had to sacrifice some of the things I was interested in, such as the finding and removing of traps....and the social skills, not that the Dwarf is very gregarious, to improve the character's melee combat effectiveness.

However as you (other posters on the thread) have kindly pointed out my character must be able to make some sort of contribution during combat. Thank you for suggesting a ranged combat focus. Also thank you for suggesting other Ability score allotments.

core PFS rogue


Level 1 (He has only played The Begger's Pearl)
Race: Dwarf
Abilities: Str: 12, Dex: 16, Con: 14,Int:12, Wis 14, Cha: 10
Skills: Acrobatics: +7, Appraise: +5, Climb: +5, Diplomacy: +4, Disable Device: +10, Perception: +7 (+8 Traps), Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7
Feats: Point Blank Shot,
Traits: Observant, Poverty Stricken
Weapons: Dagger, Light Crossbow, Morning Star, Sap, Short Sword, Sling,
Ammo: Crossbow Bolts 20, Sling Stones 10

Cold Iron Crossbow Bolts 50
Alchemical Silver Crossbow Bolts 50

Armor: Leather Armor
Gear: Alchemist fire X5, Backpack,Bedroll,Belt pouch, Caltrops, Chalk, Crowbar,Flint and Steel, Grappling hook, hammer,Mess kit, Mirror, Pickpocket outfit, Piton, Pot, Rope, Soap, Thieves Tools Masterwork, Torch, Trail Rations X5, Water skin.

Cash: 260gp

Magic: Wand of Cure Light Wounds ( Spent 2 Prestige Points for it)

Skills: 2nd level put 1 rank in Bluff, Escape Artist,Craft: Locksmith, Knowledge Local, swim, and 1 rank in Acrobatics,Diplomacy, Disable Device, Perception, Stealth. 3rd level and beyond: put 1 rank in: Acrobatics, Appraise, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival
Feats: 3rd level: precise shot, 5th level: rapid reload, 7th level: Rapid shot
Rogue Talents: 2nd level: Trap Spotter,4th level: Quick Disable,6th level: Fast Stealth

I guess my basic idea for a back story, would be that my character was a locksmith before serving in the military of his holdfast. He was trained as a scout. After his military service he joined the Pathfinder society to keep himself occupied.

The ranged combat focus would seem to allow me to have some combat effectiveness and still keep my character's skills up

What do you all think of this current iteration of character crafting?

I am sure there are better choices.

What do you all think?

For example for traits:

I have chosen for my character:
Poverty Stricken to give my character class access to Survival.
Observant: If my character is looking for traps, then Perception seems pretty important.

Would say Armor Expert and Reactionary be better?

How about the my planned progression with skills feats and rogue talents?

Thank you

Silver Crusade

Thank you everyone with your thoughts and advice. I have revised my rogue a little bit.


I have a core PFS rogue
Level 1 (He has only played The Beger's Pearl)
Race: Dwarf
Abilities: Str: 14, Dex: 14, Con:16,Int: 13, Wis 12, Cha: 10
Hit points: 14
Skills: Acrobatics: +6, Bluff: +4, Climb: +6, Diplomacy: +4, Disable Device: +9, Perception: +6 (+7 Traps), Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6
Feats: Toughness
Traits: Observant, Poverty Stricken
Weapons: Dagger, Light Crossbow, Morning Star, Sap, Short Sword, Sling,

Cold Iron battle axe, Alchemical silver short sword,

Ammo: Crossbow Bolts 20, Sling Stones 10
Armor: Leather Armor
Gear: Alchemist fire X5, Backpack,Bedroll,Belt pouch, Caltrops, Chalk, Crowbar,Flint and Steel, Grappling hook, hammer,Mess kit, Mirror, Pickpocket outfit, Piton, Pot, Rope, Soap, Thieves Tools Masterwork, Torch, Trail Rations X5, Water skin.

Cash: 325gp

Magic: Wand of Cure Light Wounds ( Spent 2 Prestige Points for it)

I made a couple of adjustments to the ability scores, and I purchased a cold iron battle axe, and an alchemical silver short sword.

What do you all think? thanks

Silver Crusade

Thank you all for your posts. I will need to go through this thread with a fine toothed comb to see what everyone recommends. I expect all of this helpful advice will lead to more questions. Thank you again for your advice

Silver Crusade

I have a core PFS rogue
Level 1 (He has only played The Beger's Pearl)
Race: Dwarf
Abilities: Str: 11, Dex: 16, Con:12,Int:14, Wis 14, Cha: 10
Skills: Acrobatics: +7, Appraise: +6, Bluff: +4, Climb: +4, Diplomacy: +4, Disable Device: +10, Perception: +7 (+8 Traps), Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7
Feats: Combat Expertise
Traits: Observant, Poverty Stricken
Weapons: Dagger, Light Crossbow, Morning Star, Sap, Short Sword, Sling,
Ammo: Crossbow Bolts 20, Sling Stones 10
Armor: Leather Armor
Gear: Alchemist fire X5, Backpack,Bedroll,Belt pouch, Caltrops, Chalk, Crowbar,Flint and Steel, Grappling hook, hammer,Mess kit, Mirror, Pickpocket outfit, Piton, Pot, Rope, Soap, Thieves Tools Masterwork, Torch, Trail Rations X5, Water skin.

Cash: 370gp

Magic: Wand of Cure Light Wounds ( Spent 2 Prestige Points for it)

A friend helped me put this character together using hero lab. I don't quite understand everything. I would like to try and focus primarily on trap finding and disarming. As a secondary focus, I would like to be able to to some pick pocketing conning etc....like a classic thief. A tertiary focus some combat ability.

In terms of planning ahead and character advancement what would you recommend?
I hear you can rebuild your character at 1st level.
Are there some better choices I could make?

Thank you

Silver Crusade

I know everyones experience is going to be a little different. I have played paladins. I have GMed with paladins at the table. I have GMed in home games and PFS games with paladins.

Generally I have not found them to be a problem. But that is just my opinion

Silver Crusade

I have a 10 level Sylph Wizard Air school Elemental Specialist with the Cyclone ability. He also has the Wind Blades spell.

How would this spell and school ability interact with each other?

What if my character first cast the Wind Blades on an opponent, and then the next round used his cyclone ability so his opponent was caught in its winds? Or the other way around, using the Cyclone ability and then casting wind blades on an opponent?

What do you think?

thank you

Silver Crusade

Thank you, I was curious about the extra lightning damage.

Silver Crusade

I have in PFS a character who is a 10 level air elemental specialist wizard and a 1st level Magaambyan Arcanist.

At 8th level he got access to the wizard specialization school greater power called Cyclone.

Through his Halcyon Magic, from his prestige class, he gains access to a spell on the Druid's spell list. I am thinking of taking Call Lightning.

How would Call Lightning interact with the Cyclone (SU) ability? Thanks

Silver Crusade

It may be worth checking this PFS Scenario out: #7-03 The Bronze House Reprisal. This scenario describes

an Aspis operation based in Magnimar
. It may have useful for ideas for your campaign. I hope this helps

Silver Crusade 5/5

I am going to Dragoncon for the first time. While I have been to plenty of conventions in the past, they have always been relatively small local conventions like Carnage on the Mountain in Vermont, or Contemporal in Raleigh NC.

How do I sign up for PFS games at Dragoncon?

Thank you

Silver Crusade

Thank you all for your suggestions.

Silver Crusade

how does an Alchemist gain access to Detect Magic?

Thank you

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a Wizard (Necromancer) command Undead/ Cleric (Pharasma) positive Turn Undead / Mystic Theurge 3/3/9 (15 level) in PFS


I initially started the character in PFS in 09. It was one of my first Pathfinder characters. This was a few months after the core rule book was published.

I was rather excited that I had a character who could both command and turn undead.

Because the command undead came from the necromancer class and turn undead came from the cleric class, I realized that they wouldn't stack, and would in the long run not be very useful. So I abandoned the multi class wizard/cleric and went into Mystic Theurge.

My character uses the command undead spell instead.

I do not believe your channel positive energy from your paladin class and your channel energy from your necromancer class will stack.

While a cleric/necromancer of Pharasma might seem contradictory, my character was a cleric first necromancer second. My idea with the turn/command undead, was that he was interested in studying both life and death....beginnings and endings....which are part of Pharasma's portfolion. My character never animated the dead. He used his necromancy to controll /destroy the undead, and to weaken or kill his enemies.

He was helping break the unnatural state of undeath and helping ghosts etc to move onto Pharasma's plane.

I just put my thoughts behind a spoiler so not everyone has to read it.
I enjoyed the character. And I hope you enjoy your paladin/necromancer too.

Silver Crusade

Yakman thank you

Silver Crusade

Thank you

Silver Crusade

Which Iconic Characters have appeared in which adventure path?


Rise of the Rune Lords

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Second Darkness

Legacy of Fire


Oh and how do the writers decide which Iconics to include in the art for and Adventure path?


Silver Crusade

Thank you

Silver Crusade

I remember reading on the inside cover of one of the Shattered Star adventure paths the words

Sorshen Lives!

so I think this person is awake and alive somewhere

Silver Crusade

How do you determine the DC for finding the door to the Sylvan Hideaway?
I looked up the spell description and it says the DC of the spell.
The spell description says the spell has no save.

What would you suggest?


Silver Crusade

Thank you for the suggestions

Silver Crusade

Personally I find the test of the star stone much more interesting if left undefined.

This way it leaves details to ones imagination. It also lets a gm in a home game come up with their own "test of the starstone" for their own players.

So in short I hope it is left undefined and left to our imaginations.

But that is just my opinion.

Silver Crusade

My PCs are planning to

ambush Scarvinious while he is out patrolling. Assuming they kill the bugbear and his bugbear guards, What do you think will happen to camp redjaw with out their military commander?

What do you all think? thanks

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