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Quentin Coldwater wrote:

My newest PFS character could use a visual aid.

Malendyl Sarmaris is a human. He has a bright red mohawk, a black eye, and missing some teeth. Despite that, he has a big grin and is usually pretty cheerful. His favourite tactic in combat is the use of dirty tricks, where he pokes people in the eyes, pulls his pants down, kicks them in the groin, and so on. If that doesn't work, he always has a greatsword to fall back on.
I was sort of going for a punk/anarchist vibe with him, but when I described him to someone, he went "oh, so like an American Football player?", and I couldn't really disagree. I always pictured him in raggedy clothes, maybe a greatcoat, and muted leathers. Maybe vaguely piratical, like this, but with a few brightly coloured accessories here and there. He's raised by Gnomes (took it for a trait), hence the chipper attitude and coloured hair.

Thanks a lot!

I happened to finish this fella first! I tend to jump between projects so I don't burn out on one of them. And let me tell you, I had a TON of fun with this guy! It's not the type of design i'd have come up with myself, and that's partially why I had such a blast. A real breath of fresh air. I chose to go for just accenting certain places with colour, to keep both the sketch vibe and the bright red iconic mohawk.



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Heyhey! I'm a freelance illustrator needing something to spend the next few hours doing. So, if you want, I can draw your character. I'm fairly new to pathfinder myself, but I'd love to learn more.

So, if you'd like a drawing, please post a description of your character, as well as a piece of advice for someone trying to get better at this whole thing.

PS: my favourite class is wizard (I play one myself!), so generally, those are the most fun for me to draw. I'm open to anything, though!