Elric VIII's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Other than via the Damnation feats, are there rules for the mechanical aspect of selling your soul?

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This is a question I had regarding archetypes and how literal they are to be interpreted:


If there is an archetype for Class A that grants a class feature of Class B, is it correct to assume all references to Class B in that ability can be replaced with "Class A?"

For example, if I take the Sanctified Slayer archetype for the Inquisitor, would the line "the DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1" become "the DCs of inquisitor class abilities against that opponent increase by 1?"

This also came up in that thread:

Do spells count as class abilities?

Chess Pwn wrote:


Secret Wizard wrote:

Paizo is compiling official errata and FAQ for the ACG.

Post in that thread, or flag this as FAQ and hope for when that gets released.

Excellent, thank you. Where can I find that thread?

zanbato13 wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:
It is not certain if Studied Target on Sanctified Slayer applies to Spells though, as they are technically a class feature but a special kind of one.
That is a good point. My two copper says that Studied Target on spells isn't OP and should affect spells.

This was my main hope, that it applied to spells. This way I could play a debuffer and have my saves keep up with real casters and be relevant.

Thank you for the input.

Is there a paizo help desk where I could ask this and get an official answer?

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If there is an archetype for Class A that grants a class feature of Class B, is it correct to assume all references to Class B in that ability can be replaced with "Class A?"

For example, if I take the Sanctified Slayer archetype for the Inquisitor, would the line "the DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1" become "the DCs of inquisitor class abilities against that opponent increase by 1?"