
Elliana Nym's page

95 posts. Alias of Archae.


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just in case

Ammon here

Here's my submission, or most of it anyway. the important parts. I just need to purchase equipment.

As for my history, ive been on the boards for years now. im actually still in the first game ive joined which ive been with for a few years through loss of players and long quiet times.

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

i will climb last, my climbing skills are not the best

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

so everyone's getting sick then? i thought it was just me. try to get well people

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Yes i do believe it helped, even if it didn't look like much now. Information was gained, this monster has a range limit, and we now know what part of that limit is...Also he can climb out how he went in no? that is why he brought a rope? there is no need for him to come down this way. Ellliana explains maintaining a calm while talking to the Dwarf Though we can discuss your willingness to abandon a child later, right now there is work to tend to

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Elliana follows down the stair's, slowly determined to try and find how far it's willing to follow. Elliana moves to block the creature from follow Amigail and standard action to enter total defense

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

knowing the circumstances and everything would Alledeuces really take his time?

i have a plan don't worry, if you were to come in here it would clutter thing's. We are going to find out it's range and then skirt that.

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Let's see how far this thing follows us, we need to move back maybe out of the room, stay at the edge of it's range Elliana begins slowly moving backwards

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

I would only put you in jeopardy if i were to follow up there, however i will stay, if you need anything call and i will see what i can do. Elliana follows Amigail to watch the wraith

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

There's a child in there, we cannot simply leave him...You would leave a child to suffer such a fate? I will bait the wraith then, and if there is something worse than we deal with that when it appears. We cannot fight the wraith to that i agree, however we can bait him by staying on the edges of it's area.

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

We can distract the wraith, he can't leave the house right? we play with that

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Not all just one, if someone goes in quiet that might be enough. a stealth mission. Though i do not know how we could get up there anyway, a ladder maybe?

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

You would need ladder or something it is very far up Elliana pulls a 50 ft bundle of rope from her pack This should help.

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

We cannot beat this foe, not as we are...i hate to say this but we should retreat and come back when we are at full power Elliana wait's for everyone else to retreat, going last to ensure everyone's safety

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

i'm out of spells for the day used them earlier, if you want to take point you can but it might be a good idea for me to try and attack it with the dagger to get more damage off. if we clear the diagonal i can 5 foot step away if a get to low on hp and someone else can step in

This thing's a higher weight class than us so we definitely need to discuss this before we make decisions

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Welp whoever can should start firing that wand then I'll take point to keep it at bay

We out number it so we control the action economy. So i say we jsut tart slamming it with attacks until it stops moving

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

I do not want to....but i think we must. Elliana agrees, Her hand on her scythe though trembling I do not think i can slay this monster

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Let Elliana hold the rope, she lacks ranged attacks

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Be careful Elliana mutter's taking the Wand and holding on to the rope for further support

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

We should check, they are children and it's the right thing to do The paladin speaks up

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

So being the new person maybe i can provide a somewhat unbiased view point

So Elli has little to no clue what's going on with you guys or the city. Tactically we can't deal with the haunt in a reasonable manner that won't drain more resources than necessary.

So judging from what i've seen so far isn't there also a chance that this path we are on now is the correct one? if that is so then investigating other leads is basically side questing.

I don't care much for what the text or description of the adventure is, Why? cause my character doesn't know that. I don't like venturing into meta-game territory even in out of character context, if as a player my character doesn't know it i don't want to know it. Hence why I am okay with looking into other avenues while we get resources to deal with the current encounter. it's not going anywhere, it's a haunt. We can deal with it on our time, not it's. if we sit there swinging at the air trying stop this it would be a waste of resources and time when there are other avenue's to explore.

Stretch or no we win by controlling the pacing of thing's and fighting in a manner beneficial to us. The fact that this adventure is atypical and hard is more of a reason for us to take this slowly and explore all options.

Point being it's not avoiding anything it's being smart. and gathering what we need to deal with this reasonably. That's why Elli's opting to Leave..

We also have no chance of winning the game if we die because we rushed into a situation or are ya know dead

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Neither am i, Let's go. i'll talk to the local pharasmin priests to see if any of them can sort this out Elliana agrees, leaving the room

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Burnt flesh, anyone else smell it? it's getting stronger. if you feel comfortable going on i do as well. but we should be careful. Elliana whispers having her scythe at the ready, to swing at whatever threat appears
percept: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

She's going to follow after Alledueces

Elliana sigh's following after the curious Halfing I will keep an eye on him, catch up when you can

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Thank youElliana say's still holding her stomache she get's up giving a deep breathe If we are going we should go now

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

I need a moment's rest, i can still feel the effect's from that thing's spellElliana slumps against a nearby wall scythe in hand

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Even More Scythe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 3) + 6 = 13

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

MORE SCYTHE: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Still a bit sick Elliana misses her swing.

SCYTHE: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Good enough She says's underbreathe, still weary. she picks herself up, still holding back the urge to throw up. dashing over to where the mage is to take some revenge

Elliana takes a double move to get behind the skeleton

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Elliana stay's away from the fight, too weak to do anything

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Elliana stumbles her way hanging out by the door, she seems stressed and in a bad way she speak's her words coming out in an odd tongue
Doleo, non multum possum

Elliana's in total defense in case something happens, there isn't much she can do


I am sorry there is not much i can do

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Okay with everything that's happened i'm going to risk getting up and try to get to the back, i'm goign to sit this fight out. i'd end up in the way with all the debuff's that happened

Elliana risk's getting up and moves as far away as possible from the situation

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

How long does this whatever is hitting me last btw Gm? guy's im pretty sure i'm out of this fight

Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Ohhh it seems it is a crit well then here's hoping. if 12 somehow hit's the Crit is X4 scythe

Crit confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

I might be screwed but here goes nothingp. That'd be bit too dangerous but yeah i'm not in a good spot and i don't know if i should try and stand or not.... what do you guy's think?

Okay so i activate smite evil against one of the hounds, the one directly adjacent not diagonal. I'm prone so that's a minus 4 to attack while prone. If the Zombie dog's aren't evil let me know i'll recalculate

Smite evil attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1) + 4 = 7

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Oh goodie...a 1...

Will save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

That was quite creative indeed, i'm not certain i could have broken it down Elliana briefly smiles at the halfling, before returning to normal controlled self .

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Wait do we not have a lock opener? hmm... well i guess it's time to try my hand at breaking down a door. what check it that?

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Elliana goes to slowly open the door

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Let's, shall i take point?

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Good job in the fight everyone, Elliana goes quiet again, keeping her scythe out . keeping an eye out .

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Sorry for the hold up i've been incredibly busy with work lately...Also forgot about the guidance actually, using it!

Elliana steps into the room swinging her scythe once again

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Elliana responds though unexpectedly in a different language, it seems as though she is unaware however. As she swings her Scythe.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11


thank you, we just need to keep fighting. they won't use any fancy tactics. Though if anyone has Holy water now is the time

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Might end up not being able to post much today so i'll drop mine now. just put it wherever.

As Elliana misses she steps out of the way to allow the others to attack

attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

No need, we can handle this without summoning. we might need it later Elliana answers Nhilune, turning only briefly to focus on the fight

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

Stand behind me, let them come. i'll cut them down one by one. Elliana stands at the ready weapon out. She takes a swing with her scythe at the Undead in front of her.

attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 = 10

Female Half Elf Oracle 5 Paladin 2 | HP: 55/55 | Cmd 15 | AC: 21 T: 14 | FF: 17 | Perc: +9 | Initiative: 4 | Fort11 Ref5 Will 11

That would be best, though burning fetid meat is not the best me on this Elliana comments Scanning the room with her detect evil ability from the door entry.

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