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I've been a subscriber since the beginning, but I am now unemployed with a baby on the way. I am going to have to request that you cancel all of my subscriptions, with the exception of the miniatures. I think I should keep my commitment to that one product for the initial set, and cancel my subscription after that. ![]()
Charlie Brooks wrote:
I look at it slightly differently. The dime sized saucers and chain accentuate and decorate, not obfuscate. ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
Consider this my official request (begging) for a Linnorn Kings companion. Viking influenced cultures beset by insurmountable and immortal evil is a concept very dear to my heart. ![]()
In the Thassilon chapter of Burnt Offerings there is a passage that indicates one city of Cyrusian remains extant, where would it be, I don't remember seeing it on any of the maps. This is the passage in question. Spoiler: Cyrusian, the domain of pride, was traditionally the most powerful domain and de facto capitol of the empire. Its great river connections and centralized location allowed it to exert power over trade routes and communications, and its cities were larger and more numerous than the outlying provinces: names like Corveilles, Xin-Cyrusian, and Justnoque are remembered, though Torandey is the only great Cyrusian city still inhabited. ![]()
Vic Wertz wrote:
Thanks! That is exactly the information I was looking for. I'll be buying my worldworks pdfs from here rather than thier site. One of the reasons I stopped buying their product was the removal from RPGnow and losing several sets I had bought previously. ![]()
Specifically I am questioning the policy about Worldworks pdf. I have at various times bought pdfs of their both from their site and when they used to sell though rpgnow. In the case of the set I bought on their site recently it seems their policy is to have two downloads with only one year to do so. I have not noticed any such policy in place with pdfs that I have bought from Paizo. So, my question simply is are there limitations in general as to how long downloads will be available to me, and specifically as it applies to worldworks. thank you for your time. ![]()
Clark Peterson wrote:
I would not have, that's for sure. I thought it of it more like a dust or, really like Keoughtom's ointment, just evil. ![]()
Elora wrote:
Oh, I see what I did. Where I have price I placed my item creation cost, and neglected to add in the price of the item. Amateur mistake. Thanks for pointing it out to me. ![]()
Majuba wrote:
Thank you both for the comments. I appreciate it. i also realized I copied an earlier version. This was what I submitted, under 200 words. Zombieneighbours, absolutely I'd be really pleased if it found a place in your games. Rouge of Venomous Vengeance
When worn upon the cheeks it grants the wearer immunity to poison for 7 hours. When worn upon the lips the wearer may bestow upon a single target Calistria’s Kiss. This is a touch attack if resisted. Once kissed the victim bears a lipstick stain that cannot be removed by any means short of remove curse. This mark renders the victim more susceptible to poisons and other ailments, suffering a -4 to all saves, per the curse spell. The rouge may be mixed into a fluid, whereupon the substance looses taste and color and becomes a mystical vector of the Poison spell. The wearer of the rouge may choose to delay this effect for up to 7 hours at the time the substance is mixed. If two doses have been applied to the lips, the poison effect may be applied via bodily fluid transfer, or by mixing poisoned saliva with a drink. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Poison, Delay Poison, Bestow Curse, Neutralize Poison. ![]()
Thank you for your time in responding to these items. If you could, I'd appreciate your thoughts on this one. Rouge of the Vengeful Mistress
When worn upon the cheeks it grants the wearer immunity to poison for 6 hours. When worn upon the lips the wearer may bestow upon a single target Calistria’s Kiss. This is a touch attack if resisted. Once kissed the victim is left with a lipstick stain that cannot be removed by any means short of remove curse. This mark grows painful and swollen, rendering the victim more susceptible to poisons and other ailments, causing him to suffer a -4 to all saves, as per the curse spell. The rouge may also be mixed into wine or other fluid, whereupon the substance looses taste and color and becomes a mystical vector of the Poison spell. The wearer of the rouge may choose to delay this effect for up to 7 hours, chosen at the time the substance is mixed. If two doses have been applied to the lips, the poison effect may be applied directly by bodily fluid transfer, or by mixing poisoned saliva with another fluid, such as wine. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Poison, Delay Poison, Bestow Curse, Neutralize Poison. ![]()
Elizabeth Cougill wrote:
Unfortunately, there seems to still be an issue. I updated the card payment method the same day as this conversation, but it did not seem to take. Now, I have tried again and there is no button that would allow me to change the credit card information. I also cannot remove the existing payment method, that button simply does not work. I can update the address however, but seem to have no means by which to fix my credit card issue. ![]()
Cosmo wrote:
Excellent, thank you both for your assistance. I was originally afraid that while my card was lost, and subsequently canceled, that you had run and then shut off my account for lack of payment method. ![]()
Alison McKenzie wrote:
Check my order history, you will see subscriptions since their inception. I was a charter subscriber. I have already set back up my subscriptions by just resubscribing, and setting the first shipment to be for what seems to be Octobers release as I already have the Campaign setting, Shadow in the Sky and the Second Darkness guide. Right now, I guess the only thing I have lost is my nifty Charter Subscriber tag. I actually share this account with my boyfriend, and it is his credit card that we use. Kane Leal is that account, but all the orders are on this account. You can check the order history and downloadable files if that is available to you. ![]()
My credit card was lost during Hurricane Ike, and so I was forced to get a new card. I came on today to change my credit card information and update my address, only to find that all my current subscriptions have been canceled. What is the best way for me to reestablish my subscriptions? Should I simply resubscribe? It seems to have stopped with Shadow in the Sky, but I would like to resubscribe in such a way that this month's shipments would include the pdf as normal. Thank you for you assistance. ![]()
personally I don't see an issue with the use of terms like consortium, or the existence of crossbows, or any anachronistic details that exist in fantasy gaming. The very language we speak in game, the naming conventions, and the dialogue of the characters cannot comfortably remain in the middle ages period. The Lumber Consortium is not some guild, it is a bunch of thugs who want to sound like more than a gang, I see no issue with their use of the word. As much as it may bear similarities to the middle ages, it is it's own world, it's own history, and has developed or stagnated in ways that our own did not. ![]()
Set summed up my thoughts well. I can work with some of the rules changes, I can deal with a lot of the lore changes, and I don't inherently have an issue with borrowing mechanics or style from other forms of games. What I do have a problem with is that fell is like the new shiny thing, as is haven, and compound adjective words in general. Bored now. I want to play a game that is a distilled and refined version of all the mediums and genres we love, I don't want to play a knockoff. ![]()
Set wrote:
I own it. I bought it for the mechanics, and was not a fan of the fiction. I never used the system wholecloth, but over the years I did use elements of it from time to time. I was especially fond of the Composure skill. ![]()
Speaking purely for the sake of my group, I can say that 4e and Pathfinder will both be supported by us. We have to people running games now, and one of them will be 4e. He intends on running their adventure line, and will probably buy several of their other books as well. I've sold my soul and will be looking forward to all the Pathfindery goodness I've subscribed to, and fully intend on getting the final release of the Pathfinder rules, even as i work on my own 3.x variant rules for my homebrew campaigns. ![]()
KnightErrantJR wrote:
Excellent suggestions. I found that the swordsage in our group was able to do massively more damage than the other players, constantly, due to recharges, and since the abilities have no resistances and are not magic, there is little to prevent them from constantly dominating the game compared to the poor straight fighter. The fighter does a fine job, but being flashier, AND being better at killing stuff means the fighter always feels second fiddle. Weapon Aptitude really kills me. ![]()
Jank Falcon wrote:
I was considering this route myself, but wanted to give spellcasters some access as well. I'll ignore the balance debate as well, as it is not core to my question. ![]()
Any suggestions on what to do with characters that were built with Tome of Battle rules? Two characters in the campaign we are moving to use them. Changing the skills is no problem, but will book of nine swords characters still be unbalanced compared to pathfinder core classes? Is anyone else using these rules in their campaigns? ![]()
For me the World of Darkness is intrinsically tied to it's mechanics, just as DnD is to it's. While one may argue that D20 and OD&D are different animals, they were designed for a specific purpose, to make a wargame into a roleplaying game, where combat and physical dangers are the real obstacles and objectives in the game. World of Darkness focussed on roleplaying primarilly, with combat and intrigue playing equal parts in it's make up. It is a more cinematic game by far. While D20 varients do a good job of increasing the cinema, the system was not designed for it. It is too rules heavy. So, I'm not excited about the rules of Monte's new World of Darkness for use in a World of Darkness style game as I am used to. I am excited because this means I will have more toys to play with for creatures and baddies in my other d20 campaigns. I am excited to see what he does differently, what his vision of a setting I have always loved is like. Less angst, more evil? Less rock paper scissors supernaturals, more uncertainity? That could be nice. Adri has not created a profile. |