
Elias Darrowphayne's page

Organized Play Member. 121 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Not to necro but just wanted to see if people's opinions on this has changed in the past few years?

Can I use my Lightning Rod Domain ability on a prepared Empowered Lightning Bolt?

Bonus Question: How would you do the math for that?

Character Example:
Class: 14th level Theologian Cleric/1st level Cross Blooded Blue Dragon/Primal Air Elemental Sorcerer.
Spell: an Intensified Empowered Lightning Bolt prepared as a 5th level spell thanks to Domain Secret and Magical Lineage(Lightning bolt).

Damage Example #1:
Damage dice is 14D6+28
Result: Roll: 42+28 = 70 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Feat): +35 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Lightning Rod): +35 Divine dmg

Final Results: 105 Lightning + 35 Divine to enemy(s). You take 35 Lightning.


Damage Example #2:
Damage dice is 14D6+28
Result: Roll: 42+28 = 70 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Feat): +35 Lightning dmg
Results: 105 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Lightning Rod): +52 Divine dmg

Final Results: 105 Lightning Damage + 52 Divine dmg to enemies, you take 52 Lightning Dmg

Elias Darrowphayne wrote:

Just a quick question, is there any way through feet or magic item to change what stat your breath weapon is based on? third party is allowed.

I have a character who is getting a breath up and through a third party feat but it goes off of con which is an absolutely miserable score for me.
If I could find a way to have it function off of decks or charisma or even wisdom that would be way more better.

Oh for the love of Saerenrae! This is what I get for using voice to text.

Just a quick question, is there any way through feet or magic item to change what stat your breath weapon is based on? third party is allowed.

I have a character who is getting a breath up and through a third party feat but it goes off of con which is an absolutely miserable score for me.
If I could find a way to have it function off of decks or charisma or even wisdom that would be way more better.

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Yeah I do not care about the +1 to your leadership score part.

The big money maker of this trait is absolutely:

"If you select the Leadership feat or the Vile Leadership feat at any point when you meet the prerequisites for that feat, you can recruit a cohort who is up to 1 level lower than you (instead of the normal requirement that your cohort must be 2 or more levels lower than you are) as long as your cohort is evil."

I'm looking for anything that can give you something like this but not have to be an evil character as that is not allowed by my DM.


Found this fun trait in Champions of Corruption:

"Wicked Leader
Benefit(s): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma checks against evil creatures.

If you select the Leadership feat or the Vile Leadership feat at any point when you meet the prerequisites for that feat, you can recruit a cohort who is up to 1 level lower than you (instead of the normal requirement that your cohort must be 2 or more levels lower than you are) as long as your cohort is evil."

Is there a good or Neutral alignment equivalent?

If not I am also looking for ways to improve the Leadership Feat that are not related to Race/Class. (I must be a cleric/evangelist for character I'm planning.)


So this question comes from me trying to decide which flying mount to take as a Cleric (God Undetermined).

I could sub out one of my domains for the Chivalry Inquisition to gain the Mount Class Feature which would allow me to take the Monstrous Mount Feat for the Griffon


I could take the Animal Domain and choose a Roc, taking the boon companion feat to make sure the Roc has full levels.

Though it has been brought up I could go: Exotic Heritage, Eldrich Heritage, Boon companion for a Roc as well if I wanted to keep both of my domains, alas feats are more important atm.

The campaign is a bit of a trek around the custom campaign setting while we look for a wayward noble who's family wants him back so mix of out door and indoor.

What is the best way as an Aasimar Cleric to get the most bang for my buck with Animal Companion? And before someone suggests it, I already know about Elastril's Evangelist boon, I just detest ranged combat so wont be going that route. I will be going deity's favored weapon + Shield and melee'ing when I'm not chucking spells and the occasional heal when its absolutely necessary. I AM NOT building a heal bot and my party knows that.

I want people's opinions on flying mounts in 1E.
Below I present 2 Animal Companions, the Griffon and the Roc.
One is a base Animal Companion, the other requires Skill Prereqs and 2 feats.

Prerequisite(s): Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Handle Animal 5 ranks; Ride 5 ranks.; Feat: Monstrous Mount, Monstrous Mount Mastery (for lvl 7 Mastery Ability)
Starting Statistics
Size Large; Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average; unable to carry a rider while flying); AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 13, Cha 8; Languages Common (cannot speak); Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent.
7th-Level Advancement
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (average; unable to carry a rider while flying); AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 talons (1d6); Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2; Special Attacks pounce, rake (1d6).
Mastery (7th Level)
The Griffon can fly while carrying a rider but reduces its speed by half while doing so.

Size Medium; AC +5 natural armor; Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft.; Attack 2 talons (1d4), bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11; Special Qualities low-light vision.
Size Large; AC +3 natural armor; Attack 2 talons (1d6 plus grab), bite (1d8); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4.

So by lvl 7....

Size: Large; AC: +6; Speed: 40ft., Fly 80ft, Fly 40ft (with rider); Attack: Bite (1D6), 2 Talons (1D6); Ability Scores: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 13, Cha 8; Languages: Common (Cannot Speak); Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Low-light Vision, Scent; Special Attacks: Pounce, Rake (1D6).

Size: Large; AC: +8; Speed: 20ft., Fly 80ft; Attack: Bite (1D8), 2 Talons (1D6 Plus Grab); Ability Scores: Str 20, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11; Languages: None; Special Qualities: Low-light Vision, Special Attacks: Grab.

Roc has +2 better AC, better fly speed (is not reduced with rider), has a 1 die sized better bite, has +2 better Str/Dex/Cha, and has the grab ability

Gryphon has +20 better land speed, +5 better Con, +3 better Int, Can understand a language, Darkvision, Scent, Pounce, and rake

My question is, why is the Roc better then the Gryphon? Is this bad design choice with the Griffon?

Roc doesn't reduce its fly speed by half, has better AC and most importantly does not requires Skills and 2 feats to use.

Is there something I'm missing? How can you maximize the benefits here?

Jawsome! That makes ALOT of Prestige classes I had never considered before to be very worth it.

So my question boils down to this:

According to Pathfinder SRD:

Prestigious Spell Caster gives you a +1 spells per day for the 1st level that you're prestige class doesnt provide that feature so long as it provides that feature at all.

You can take it multiple times, it increases your caster level by +1 up to the limit of you're level in the prestige class.

On the second time of taking this feat, is it suppose to give caster level or +1 spells per day?

As far as I know, a +1 caster level does not increase you're spells per day in the base class.

Which is correct?

No, we have a miscommunication.

What i'm asking is does each purchase of the feat give you +1 level of spells per day or just increase caster level? I understand it only works for the prestige your taking it for. a +1 to caster level doesnt increase you're level or number of spells per day so I'm just trying to figure out which it is.

Ideally im trying to have as many options as possible for melee/ spells. Magus loses too many good wizard spells. I plan on taking this PRC but with the level of spell casting loss from 1 level of martial class and the 1 level loss of casting in this and Eldritch Knight I worry about my casting. cturnal-publishing/battlemage-prestige-class/

Also I read prestigious spellcaster, does the +1 existing casting class extend to additional times taking the feat or does it just increase caster level for that classes spells? There is a difference.

I was looking for a way to not lose any spells per day from my base class and still gain proficiency in all martial weapons. So I could qualify for Eldritch Knight.

What I need.
A prestige class that gives:
Proficiency in all martial weapons
And has +1 arcane or divine spells per day at 1st level.

I'm also always looking for a better way to do a melee arcane caster other then magus.


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I'm looking to get into Eldritch Knight as a Theurge base class (3rd party, Kolbolt press) without dipping into a level of fighter/non caster class.

My GM has ruled any class that gives me + arcane or divine casting advances my spells, I'm mainly looking how to get proficiency in all martial. Light armor would be good too.

I'm thinking a 1st lvl prestige that gives MWP. Any help would be appreciated.

Also looking for anyway to make a good melee arcane caster without the limited magus list would be nice. Looking into Battle mage prestige also.


That cant be right as it says you can keep or abandon your spellbook/familiar.

Again, looking for a Developer's thoughts/rulings on exactly what this path ability is suppose to do for a wiz.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So my rules question:

The archmage path ability Perfect Preparation says a prepared arcane caster no longer needs his spell book to prepare spells.

Does this mean he now prepairs spells like a cleric? Knowing every wis/sor spell (in the case of wizards) and is just limited by his number of prepared spells per level?

What was the intention behind this ability? It leaves alot of guessing.

Id like a dev's perspective on this please. As i know we are all rules lawyers to a point but i need something official ish,

So my rules question:

The archmage path ability Perfect Preparation says a prepared arcane caster no longer needs his spell book to prepare spells.

Does this mean he now prepairs spells like a cleric? Knowing every wis/sor spell (in the case of wizards) and is just limited by his number of prepared spells per level?

What was the intention behind this ability? It leaves alot of guessing.

Id like a dev's perspective on this please. As i know we are all rules lawyers to a point but i need something official ish,

So my rules question:

The archmage path ability Perfect Preparation says a prepared arcane caster no longer needs his spell book to prepare spells.

Does this mean he now prepairs spells like a cleric? Knowing every wis/sor spell (in the case of wizards) and is just limited by his number of prepared spells per level?

What was the intention behind this ability? It leaves alot of guessing.

Id like a dev's perspective on this please. As i know we are all rules lawyers to a point but i need something official ish,

So my rules question:

The archmage path ability Perfect Preparation says a prepared arcane caster no longer needs his spell book to prepare spells.

Does this mean he now prepairs spells like a cleric? Knowing every wis/sor spell (in the case of wizards) and is just limited by his number of prepared spells per level?

What was the intention behind this ability? It leaves alot of guessing.

Id like a dev's perspective on this please. As i know we are all rules lawyers to a point but i need something official ish,

The theurge base class recently came out: theurge

The question I have is does it have 1 caster level for both Arcane and Divine or two different ones?

Also what happens when you prestige this class?
Theurge Qualifies for Eldrich Knight eventually. When you add +1 exisiting arcane caster level do you progress both spell sides or just one?

Or would you need a class that is ambiguous +1 to exisiting caster level either arcane or divine like loremaster to progress both at the same time?

Ofcourse this is the case if it has just 1 caster level that is considered both arcane and divine. Unless im misreading something.


Inquiring minds need to know

Question about the theurge in regards to caster level.

Does this class have two different caster levels? One arcane, one divine or is it considered one cast level?

Looking at it in regards to PRC's that advance caster level. +1 to Arcane or divine caster level would it advance just one aspect of the class I.E would a eldrich knight just progress the arcane side of this class and not the divine?

Or would any +1 to Caster Level progress both no matter if its Arcane or Divine ?


I wish I could hotlink this to Adamant publishing's page. We need an update!

Adamant Publishing:

Please update the warlock, so many people want to use this class, it just needs some clearer wording and it could be golden.

PLEASE update this book

Once the character reaches 20th level and selects gavel kind and all their automitons gain an intelect of 10 do they gainfeats and skill points? What about skill inventions?

After 20 are they still unable to use magic items? Is there an invention to give an automiton a magic item slot?

How do automitons react to spells? I know they are constructs but what happens if a golem with an int score reads the tome of understanding +1?

When an automiton is able to deploy others of his blueprint does it take away from your deployments per day or count against how many you can have out?

Do you have a link or product name for this document which was suppose to be out July 15?

Does giving the Automatons an int of 10 (from the Gavel Kind feature) give an automaton skills? Or do they gain feats like the Alpha?

Also, how do we determine the mental scores of a automaton? Are they just static 10 for wis and cha? Or are they simply " - " ?

Ok well if I didnt go cleric/wizard what should I do?

I'd like to find a divine/arcane prestige class that a Good character could get access to.

3.5 as well as pathfinder, Ideally i'd like to keep just to pathfinder but im open to suggestions

I was wondering if there were any other mystic theurge type classes?

I am playing in a good game and looking to do something with mystic theurge but the lack of useful class abilities that are worth it kinda kills it.

I'm Cleric 3 Wizard 3

Any help would be appreciated.

Ahh thanks alot DM, either way i'm probably going to sleep before then. lol

Not to break up this lovely conversation of worship but when do the pdf's get released on the day that they come out?

I was going through Ultimate combats optional piecemeal armor section and i think i discovered something and want a rules call on it.

According to the chart,
Do-Maru chest armor has +5ac, +4 max dex, -4 armor check, 25% spells failure, 15ft move speed for medium and 20ft move speed for small and Weights 30lbs.

According the Mithral in the same section,
Medium pieces of armor made that have a speed reduction do not have a speed reduction when made out of mithral.

First of all, With a small size you have a better move speed? wth!

Secondly, would that mean so long as my other pieces were made out of mithral that the Do-Maru would have a 30ft move speed?


Wasnt this pdf suppose to be out on the 16th? Its why I didn't buy it at gencon, i was going to just wait til i went home and bought the pdf! >.<

the section of skeletal champion/juju zombie is from Undead Revisited by Paizo. as is a number of these creatures. Unfortunately besides a table, it doesnt really say much.

Ok so it is not just a +1 to the multiplier when creating a variant skeleton/zombie?

Also since Zombie Lord/Juju/Champion is created with a stronger spell (create undead + Enervation) is it considered a variant or is that used as the base for creating intelligent undead?

Inconvenience wrote:
Bestiary on variant skeletons wrote:
Each of the following skeleton types modifies the base skeleton in a few key ways. Except as noted, these variations can be stacked with one another—it’s possible to have a bloody burning skeletal champion.
Correct, to have a variant with your own HD it would be the only thing created. If in the area of desecrate you could stack up to 3 variations. In Pathfinder, a double double is always a triple

Therefore, applying Juju Zombie, Bloody, and Brain eating to a corpse of my own HD would count as HD x4? I.E if created in the area of a desecrate it would be the only thing I could create with that particular casting of Create Undead, correct?

Skerek wrote:
Elias Darrowphayne wrote:
I'm kinda with you on this Nikk, i think there needs to be more hard set rules for this.
The text for the Cavalier's mount ability is pretty much the same as the Oracle's Bonded Mount revelation, and if you look at the PFS FAQ entry As a paladin or cavalier, what mount can I have? you'll see that Cavaliers are limited to what is listed there. So since the texts are so similar I'd say that it's intended that you are limited to what is listed.

That, along with a few more reasons, is why I do not play PFS. :)

Just a quick question does the skeletal champion/juju zombie/zombie lord count as a base for applying variant zombie templates? Since it is created with a more powerful spell (create undead) rather then animate dead.

Or is it treated as a variant I.E you consider the undead to have double HD+ any other variants you wish to apply (like brain eating and fast) for telling if you can create it in one casting of create undead.
(To create something equal to your cast level you can only create one, if you want to stack up to 2 more variants you must be in the area of a desecrate spell.)

Thank you very much for that Brogue, i've unfortunately asked this question before and not gotten any answers, which is why i put the "not looking for opinions" part as i was hoping that there were some hard rules out there that i was just not finding. Sadly it seems there is not.

I will end up taking your suggestion Brogue, my group ends up doing the usualy of 3.5+pathfinder in our games as pathfinder doesnt have too many options yet and quite frankly our group prefers 3.5 barbarian/bard for rage and music. (i dont understand why, but eh, to each there own) so if it has not been reprinted then it will most likely fly using libris mortis until pathfinder comes out with more solid rules on the subject.

Unfortunately with the way it seems pathfinder is going with there wanting to keep as much PFS safe as possible it doesnt seem likely a libris Mortis like book is ever to come out as in Golorian Undead are evil. Period. Even the juju Oracle's Spirit Vessels doesnt work as written because all undead are evil, no neutral undead or good undead.
And as pc's must not be evil in PFS....

It seems like playing a necromancer will never be viable.

I'm kinda with you on this Nikk, i think there needs to be more hard set rules for this.

Ok so i was browsing libris Mortis which has a large section on Undead, and how the undeads spawn ability ends up functioning. The basics are that the undead created by the spawn ability are under the control of the creature that created it.

The question I ask does this transfer over to pathfinder? I see no universal Monster rules about the create spawn ability and it matters for undead that you can create as if you make a Juju/brain eating zombie it is intelligent and if it kills a creature it has bitten it rises 2D6 hours later as the same type of zombie it was killed by, in this case a braineating juju zombie.

In vampires and other undead they gain control of their spawn but are limited. I can see why this wasn't clarified with the brain eating zombie as most people will only put it on regular zombies which are unintelligent but with the release of undead revisited and hard rules for creating skeletal champions and juju zombies (and by proxie Zombie Lords), this has come to a very real possibility that an intelligent brain eating zombie might come to exist.

There is also the issue of Juju Zombies made through the Spirit Vessels ability that are not Evil. Now when they create spawn do they rise as intelligent juju brain eating zombies or do they follow the exact type as the parent I.E whatever alignment the creator of the first was?

I'm looking for hard, quotable rules, not just what people think, i know the developers are busy people so i don't expect a response from them but if there are rules that exist for this situation i'd love to see them.

Thank you for your time and helping me find an answer for this

Unfortunately there are no rules when it comes to constructing airships and the like. i guess paizo doesn't want you to get to that level of customizable yet. though i'm sure they'll put it out in future books if there is enough like of the idea.

I think tho that people are harken back to the days of 3.5 and the silliness that ensues from things like the Stronghold Builder's Guide.

i don't think that they want to put out things that are too far from allowing in PFS, which a supplement build around building your own cities/airships/floating castles is pretty far from allowable.

which is sad, i'd love to see a book on that as well as for creating undead, a nercomancer's guide book if you will. As well for golems.

tho for me anything that gives the PC's the ability to create and perpetuate is pretty fickin cool

The problem with this mystery and the wording on it in general is that some things dont make sense. For example when a medium oracle gets to 6th level can they select a wolf now that it is Large size and capable of bearing him as a mount?

If not its stupid, and needs to be changed, this is why it is very hard to keep the complete rules for these things down to only a sentince or two when they really deserve a paragraph. Also it looks like they need a more flushed out rules for animal companions in general, there are so many classes that get access to them, they either need to allow any class that gets access to them the ability to choose any mount that is of the appropriate size or create a separate section of the animal companion rules and list creates that are usable as mounts. Like animal companions with the [Mount] Tag, so you know a creature that is at least 1 size category smaller then it can use it as a mount.

Honestly i've seen a druid use a tiger as a mount and thought it was terrifying! And then i laugh at the poor cavalier and laugh at him as he is only able to choose a horse. There is a huge disparity between druid, which is powerful as heck and other classes which are "ok" and have to get a weaker version of the animal companion.

yeah a cohort levels as you level, always staying 2 levels below you. so when you gain xp, its considered to of gained the same xp

Ok i was wondering if there were any universal monster rules for this ability as i could of sworn there was but didnt find any in the bestiaries.

So it looks like rules as written no, the create spawn ability does not give the parent control over its spawn but it does heavily imply that it should?

and it does look like a varient zombie with the brain eating package does create an exact varient of itself when it uses its create spawn ability.

This could be difficult and interesting for me as i am 16th level oracle with the Spirit Vessels Revelation. I have a Maralith that i plan to create as a Bloody, Brain Eating JuJu zombie (which will cost me 48HD to create, i have to use desecrate to create it) which will end up being NG as thats my alignment. but if it creates spawn they will be brain eating bloody juju zombies which we will have no control over....

this could get hairy. lol

HI this is a small rules question for the Create Spawn (su) ability.

Is the creature that is created by this effect under the control of the creator that created it using the Create Spawn ability?

Also for zombies with this ability from virtue of the brain eating zombie variant, classic horror's revisited, does it create a base brain eating zombie or the exact type of brain eating zombie that the creature was. say a Bloody, Brian Eating Juju Zombie.

From the example in Classic horrors revisited which was a Gilmore zombie (Relentless, plague carrying, brain eating zombie) the create spawn ability said the created creature raised as a Gilmore zombie. So i assume you rise as the exact type of zombie that you were killed by.

Any thoughts on this would be most beneficial. Mostly though need a clarification on if the create spawn ability gives the creature that created you any kind of control over you. I've zombie apocalypse plans. lol

Looking for a permanate solution, is there a magic item that duplicates its effects or perhaps a feat?

Also when you create a creature as a zombie lord/juju zombie do you get to select its bonus feats/rebuild it from the ground up?

Hello i'm looking for a little advice on making the most out of my undead abilities. My character is a Juju Oracle who's just hit 16th level and recently acquired 6 maralith Corpses (16hd). Now I have create undead and the Spirit Vessels revelation and want to create them as variant Juju Zombies. Probably Bloody and Brain eating (From Beastiary 1 and Classic Horrors Revisited respectively).

Now as when animating the undead and applying a variant template to a zombie you consider it's HD double for the purposes of creating them so for a Juju, Variant Bloody & Brain eating zombie its considered to have x3 HD (48) and when controlling them they count as normal HD (For control undead spell and command undead feat).

Now i can only control one of these at a time with those abilities and i want to preserve its appearence and not have it rot/stink and have to preserve the other 5 bodies sitting back in the group's demiplane.

Any ideas for this/ spells/ items that could help me achieve this end besides illusion?

What does the newly created lich do for keeping up appearances around town? I know there is things that help you do this but I'm blanking on what.

I also wanted to ask. Can any type of creature be turned into an undead now? I see that the pathfinder game has removed the restriction to what type of dead creature can be animated.

I ask because I recently acquired a maralith corpses (as it doesnt seem that the corpses of outsiders dissapear when the creature is killed.) and count as 16cl for the purposes of creating undead. So I was wondering, could i use create undead with enervation to be ablt to create outsiders as Juju Zombies/Skeletal Champions/Other templated undead?

I have the juju Spirit Vessles ability and it says i can create 6hd per CL with animate dead and since Create undead functions as per animate dead I was thinking about creating A bloody JuJu Zombie out of it. (16hd x 3 for the purposes of creating a zombie with two different variants if this is actually how this works.)

But i still want to find out if you need to x3 the monsters HD that you want to create with 2 different variants.

Full Name

Tanwen Anwyl


Ifrit/Human (Chelish)


Cleric (Sacred Attendant/Divine Paragon) of Arshea 1 | HP: 8/8 Channel 5/5| AC: 15, T: 15, FF: 10 | Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | BAB: +0, CMB: +0, CMD: 13 | Init: +3 | Perception: +2 | Active Conditions:








Neutral Good





Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 8
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Tanwen Anwyl

Tanwen Anwyl, Dearest Holy Flame
Female Ifrit Cleric (Sacred Attendant/Divine Paragon) of Arshea
NG Medium Humanoid (Human), Outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60, Perception +2
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex, +2 Dodge)
hp 8 (1d8-1+1 favored class bonus) Grazed at 6, Wounded at 4, Critical at 2
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4
Resist fire 5
Defensive Abilities nimble, fire in the blood
Speed 30 ft. (35 ft the first round of combat, +10 ft once per day for 1 round as a swift)
Melee Light Flail +0 (1d8)
Ranged Light Crossbow +3 (1d8)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Ifrit Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1/day—burning hands (DC 13)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st: Charm Person D (DC 13), Protection from Evil, Remove Sickness
0 (at will): Detect Magic, Spark, Stabilize
D domain spell; Domain Charm
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Celestial Obedience (Arshea), Dodge
Traits The Wagon, Thrill Seeker
Skills Diplomacy (+6), Lore (Arshea) (+4), Lore (Sandpoint) (+4), Profession (Harlot) (+6), Spellcraft (+4) +4 sacred bonus on Charisma-based skill checks when interacting with an intelligent creature who could be sexually attracted to Tanwen.
Languages Taldane (With a Chelish accent)
SQ aura, nurture grace 5/day
Combat Gear Light Crossbow and 20 bolts (6 lbs), Light Flail (5lbs) Potions 2 Mage Armor, 1 Cure Light Wounds Other Gear Cleric’s Kit (backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol of Arshea) (32 lbs), Courtesan’s Outfit (4 lbs), 99 gp, 185 sp (2 lbs)

Special Abilities:
Channel Beauty (Su): Whenever Tanwen channels energy to heal, she can opt to reduce the number of dice she rolls by 1 or more. For every die Tanwen subtracts, each of the targets of the channeled energy is healed of 1 point of Charisma damage.

Channel Energy (Su): Tanwen channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on Tanwen. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 Tanwen's level + Tanwen's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. Tanwen may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Tanwen can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. Tanwen must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.

Darkvision: Tanwen can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Devoted Domain: Tanwen is intensely devoted to Arshea, and her alignment must be identical to Arshea’s alignment. She gains Celestial Obedience as a bonus feat, even if she doesn’t meet the feat’s prerequisites. She gains access to her boons at an accelerated rate (see below) rather than the standard HD-based rate granted by Celestial Obedience.

For Tanwen’s single domain, she gains only its domain spells—she does not gain any of the granted powers of that domain. Instead, she gains the boons granted by her deity. At 5th level, she gains access to the first boon granted by her deity. At 11th level, she gains access to the second boon. At 14th level, she gains access to the third boon.

In order to retain access to her domain spells and the boons granted by Celestial Obedience, Tanwen must perform her obedience daily. If she fails to do so, she loses access to these abilities until she next performs her obedience (but she can still cast spells, channel energy, and perform other abilities granted by her cleric levels).

Divine Brand (Ex): At 1st level, a mark appears somewhere on the Tanwen’s body. The mark’s location varies by individual and faith, but takes the form of the deity’s holy symbol and generally appears in a location easy to display, such as on the hand, forearm, chest, or face. Tanwen’s mark is across her chest. An uncovered divine brand functions as a holy (or unholy) symbol and as a divine focus for spellcasting. Tanwen’s aura is even more powerful than a typical cleric’s as a result of her devotion, and her cleric level is treated as 1 higher for the purpose of determining the strength of her aura when it is viewed by spells like detect good.

Dodge: Tanwen gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC. A condition that makes her lose her Dex bonus to AC also makes her lose the benefits of this feat.

Energy Resistance: Tanwen has fire resistance 5.

Fire in the Blood: Tanwen mimics the healing abilities of the mephits, gaining fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they take fire damage (whether or not this fire damage gets through their fire resistance). Tanwen can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.

Mostly Human: Tanwen has an appearance much closer to that of her human ancestors; in fact, she may not even realize their true race. She appears to be human, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and she counts as humanoid (human) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as charm person or enlarge person).

Nimble (Ex): Tanwen gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC and CMD when unarmored, unencumbered, and not denied her Dexterity bonus to AC (regardless of whether she has a Dexterity bonus). At 2nd level and every 4 cleric levels thereafter, the dodge bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level).

Nurture Grace (Su): Tanwen can coax forth the charm and beauty within a willing, touched creature as a standard action. For 1 round, the subject gains an enhancement bonus equal to 1/2 Tanwen’s cleric level (minimum +1) on Charisma checks and Charisma based skill checks. Tanwen can spend two uses of this ability to instead counsel a subject for 10 minutes; in this case, the ability’s duration lasts for 1 day. Tanwen can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Wisdom modifier.

Obedience: Achieve sexual release by yourself or with one or more partners. Praise the most beautiful aspects of yourself and any partners aloud, and offer a prayer to Arshea while still naked. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks when interacting with an intelligent creature who could be sexually attracted to you.

In Varisia, humans come in three major ethnicities, the tribal native Shoanti, the wandering Varisians, and the “Cheliaxian invaders”. Ethnically, Tanwen belonged to the third group and although born in Varisia her blood was Chelish through and through. Born on Arandus 3rd, 4689 AR, under the sign of The Wagon, in Sandpoint, Tanwen Anwyl has always been an only child, which unfortunately for her meant be married off for the sake of her parent’s farm. Tanwen came from a poor family of cabbage farmers, by all means an ordinary life, with ordinary parents and what would likely be an ordinary future, but to her parents’ surprise, Tanwen was anything but an ordinary girl.

From an early age, a passionate fire burned in the young girl’s heart, and her parents quickly learned that if their child wasn’t passionate about something, she just wouldn’t do well in it, and unfortunately Tanwen lacked passion for both farming and the idea of marrying anyone for the sake of anything other then love. Try as they might however, Tanwen’s parents could not produce a second child, and so ultimately the fiery girl was the only hope they had. Her parents tried to douse her passion and fuel a passion for farming, but Tanwen wanted something greater for herself, Tanwen wanted adventure. She would never help out around the fields, instead spending all of her time playing adventurers with the local farm boys and farm girls; she was always the hero and never the damsel in distress.

Tanwen’s parents didn’t know what to do with her, she wouldn’t take over the farm herself, and she wouldn’t sit back and become a loving wife for a son-in-law that would – not that anyone would accept Tanwen’s hand in marriage when her parents pursued their options anyway, all the eligible boys were afraid of her, and ultimately she was too wild. Left with few other options, Tanwen’s parents gave into her desire to let her adventure, however, they had a condition: Tanwen would have to enter into squireship with a knight before she could leave, in order to learn swordplay from someone who had been an adventurer and survived such a life, as Tanwen’s parents knew that a live of adventuring wasn’t all romance and swashbuckling, it was a dangerous profession, very different from being a cabbage farmer, but knights were very few and far between in the small town of Sandpoint. Tanwen’s parents however knew of one retired knight who could teach their daughter a thing or two, Gaven Deverin a paladin of Abadar, and co-owner of the Two Knight Brewery.

In 4699, at the age of 10, Tanwen became an employee of the Two Knight Brewery, and in exchange for her help in producing the city’s spirits, Gaven agreed to take the young Chelish girl as a squire. Although motivated to learn swordplay, Tanwen was, unfortunately not very skilled at it and focused instead on understanding Abadar. For 3 years, Tanwen served Abadar as an apprentice cleric and Gaven's squire, but it never felt like the right match for the young child. Life was quiet and simple at first, but quiet and simple never seem to last in Sandpoint unfortunately. Nearly 3 years after Tanwen began working for the Deverin brothers, the time that would later be known as the Late Unpleasantness began.

During the long winter months, a string of murders began to take Sandpoint by surprise, and Gaven’s brother Wade Deverin was one of the first victims of the man who had been dubbed Chopper. With Wade’s death, Gaven had less and less time to train Tanwen, and before long, Tanwen couldn’t take working at the brewery anymore as Gaven seemingly had no more time for her studies. So Tanwen quit her job at the Two Knight Brewery, and stopped being Gaven’s squire, after having trained with him for only a year. Although she stopped working at the brewery, Tanwen did not go back to her parents, for she knew that if she did, she would have no choice but to remain a cabbage farmer for the rest of her life. Only a month after the death of Wade, Tanwen quit her job as Gaven had stopped teaching her. She didn’t go home though; instead she sought comfort in the town’s Sandpoint Chapel.

There were many children who lived near or in the Sandpoint Chapel, perhaps due to the generosity of the people who worked there or visited there. Most of the children there were nice enough, but one child stood out among the others, Nualia, the adopted daughter of the religious leader of Sandpoint, Father Ezakien Tobyn. Nualia however was in a coma when Tanwen met her, and Tanwen never knew why. Tanwen would spend less then a month at the chapel before she woke up one night to the smell of fire.

When Tanwen awoke, she saw the entire chapel burning around her, and while she felt warm, the fire did not seem to bother Tanwen. Still however, the young girl panicked, knowing that fire was something to be afraid of, she tried her best to find a way to escape from the flames, but the chapel was too big, and the fire had already spread too much by the time Tanwen had awoken. Not knowing what else she could do, Tanwen ran into the flames in an attempt to escape from the blaze, and from there her memory seems to go into a haze. The next thing she knew, Tanwen awoke at home, three months later.

Happy to even know that their daughter was even alive after all of the misfortunes that had come to pass in such rapid succession, Tanwen’s parents did not imminently pressure her to come back to working at the farm. They knew that she had been through a hard chain of events, and she needed to recover, even more so since Tanwen had been one of the few survivors of The Sandpoint Fire, as the burning of the Sandpoint Chapel became known. However, neither Tanwen nor her parents could understand how she had survived the fire; by all accounts, she should have burned alive, and yet she didn’t have a single burn mark on her flesh and other then having been in a coma for three months, she seemed perfectly normal.

But Tanwen was anything but normal. She began displaying traits that were associated with the element of fire, and were typically signs of a maturing sorceress. However, Tanwen showed very little signs of developing arcane talents, and her parents had neither the money nor the heart to send their daughter away again to receive training. One day, things were going fine, until Tanwen sneezed, and the girl was surprised to see the farmhouse burning when she opened her eyes. Luckily the fire was put out before anything serious happened, but as a result, her mother and her father decided it was best to keep their daughter away from others, lest people begin talking about the possibility that she had been responsible for the burning of the Sandpoint Chapel.

It would be more than three years before Tanwen gained control over her newfound abilities, now age 17, she decided it was time to leave her parent’s house once again. Now and adult, Tanwen didn’t know what to do at first but she still had a bit of money from working at the brewery when she had been younger. For a few weeks, she would spend much of her time in the local taverns, trying to find a bit of excitement and some sort of adventure to go on. But Sandpoint was quiet, for once in her life. After a few days, Tanwen found herself acquainted with a woman known as Kaye Tesarani. Kaye was a classy woman, significantly different from Tanwen herself who was a little rougher around the edges, but the two women seemed to hit it off and somehow a friendship began between them. Perhaps it was Kaye and Tanwen’s similar heritage that lead to their friendship, as both women were obviously Chelish, something fairly rare in Sandpoint.

As their friendship deepened, Kaye invited Tanwen to come work for her at her establishment, The Pixie’s Kitten. Kaye had of course explained what her establishment was to the young woman, and Tanwen promised that she would think about it. By this time, money was getting tight for Tanwen, and she wasn’t finding any adventuring leads. Deciding that it was better then going back to live with her parents, Tanwen ultimately took Kaye up on her offer.

As one of the younger employees, Tanwen is quite popular among The Pixie’s Kitten’s patrons, though many avoid her simply due to her Chelish blood. During her time working as a woman of the night, Tanwen learned about the teachings of the Empyreal Lord Arshea and ultimately accepted Arshea in a way that she could never accept Abadar. Tanwen has spent much of her last year entertaining various patrons of The Pixie’s Kitten.


Tanwen appears human. This is reflected in her racial trait Mostly Human. Tanwen does not actually know she’s an Ifrit, and may not even know what one is. She has Chelaxian black hair very similar to the picture used for the profile. She has a holy symbol of Arshea on her chest above her bosom and dresses let’s say very liberal she’s literally walking around wearing a Courtesan’s outfit.

As a mostly human Ifrit, Tanwen has hints of red in her hair and skin is redder as well, though still within the expected range for a Cheliaxian. She could probably be mistaken for some sort of tiefling, especially being Chelish.

Overall, Tanwen might appear a little plain, if it weren’t exotic to be Chelish in this region. Of course she doesn’t dress plain, though she doesn’t wear a lot of make up either. Tanwen isn’t afraid to show off some skin and her breasts and legs are not covered very well, but she certainly doesn’t look like someone expecting to fight goblins today.