
Elias Darrowphayne's page

Organized Play Member. 121 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Yeah I do not care about the +1 to your leadership score part.

The big money maker of this trait is absolutely:

"If you select the Leadership feat or the Vile Leadership feat at any point when you meet the prerequisites for that feat, you can recruit a cohort who is up to 1 level lower than you (instead of the normal requirement that your cohort must be 2 or more levels lower than you are) as long as your cohort is evil."

I'm looking for anything that can give you something like this but not have to be an evil character as that is not allowed by my DM.

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I'm looking to get into Eldritch Knight as a Theurge base class (3rd party, Kolbolt press) without dipping into a level of fighter/non caster class.

My GM has ruled any class that gives me + arcane or divine casting advances my spells, I'm mainly looking how to get proficiency in all martial. Light armor would be good too.

I'm thinking a 1st lvl prestige that gives MWP. Any help would be appreciated.

Also looking for anyway to make a good melee arcane caster without the limited magus list would be nice. Looking into Battle mage prestige also.


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Also the description says one creature, does this mean that the victum can be of any creature type? Could I, for example take over the body of a sucubus? (for hilarious effect) "Boobs....well thats new." xD

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Ok well here is my question as i have to ask it for a developer or other official persons to answer as my DM would only trust the word of one such person.

Here is the problem: My DM rules that since classes alike Druid and summoner have the Link ability which allows them to handle there animal companion/edilon as a free action. my Dm sees this as precedent and uses it to justify that you have to use a standard action, each round that you have a summoned creature to control that creature. if you have multiple summoned creatures you can handle them all as a standard action but you still have to use a standard action because summoning does not give you the link ability.

Now i think this is stupid and not how the rules are suppose to work at all. But my DM will not listen to me because "Well if the designers wanted it to work that way they would of given you the link ability with what you summon"

as currently you have to give up your standard to allow your summon to attack each round or it does nothing. taking you out of the combat for a lower lvl creature. He says that this is what separates a summoner from a sorcerer because otherwise "why ever play a summoner?"

can anyone official help me out here?