El Cubano's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 27 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.

So to preface this, let me go ahead and list the party:

Human Samurai
Tiefling Spellslinger/EK
Human Druid (Weather Domain, so no AC)
Half-elf Ranger (Switch hitter with a cat AC)
Gnome Cleric 6/ Rogue 6

All level 12, and above WBL guidelines. If you think you're in this group, you're one of my players, so stop reading!

Now the situation. They are in book five and are currently on part three. I'll put the rest in a spoiler so people don't freak out about it.

Current Sit-rep:
The group was having some significant trouble when they first entered the Shadow Maze. They fell back to the town and regrouped for an assault the following day. They managed to get up to Yugureda Shosaito without any real difficulty this time, mainly because they made most of the correct choices in the maze.

To be frank, he tore them up something fierce. To complicate it, the party couldn't deal with the summons quickly enough, so he just pelted them with his lightning and laughed as they struggled.

As a last ditch effort though, the party fled (using a teleportation magic, with the bodies of the two women. At this point, Yugureda is at about 50% on his spells and 95% on his health. The party has taken the bodies, but left the soul, so we are at a bit of a stand-off.

Alright, so now the advice I'm seeking. How would you run Yugureda's attempt to either destroy the party or at least retrieve the women? I assume he would probably wait to recover his spells, but what then? He needs the bodies, and the party needs the soul.

If you've gotten this far through my post, then I appreciate the forthcoming sage advice.

-El Cubano

Let me preface by laying out the situation. I'm a 5th level magus using the whole shocking grasp concept with a sword. We are playing Jade Regent and just entered the room with the

Hellwasp Swarm.
I broke the case open. Now that I've owned up to the probably stupid idea, let's not bring that up again. Now to the questions...

Hellwasp Swarms
are immune weapon damage and any spell that has a specific target (ie: not area of effect stuff). How would using shocking grasp, chill touch, etc... delivered via spellstrike effect the thing? Just because the creature is immune to weapon damage, doesn't mean it can't be hit by them; thus activating the spell? I know spellstrike changes the delivery method, but does it still technically remain a single target spell?

Thanks ahead of time, El Cubano.

Edit: verbage

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I've searched through the messageboards, but either the question I'm going to raise hasn't been answered yet or I just can't find it. According to the rules, enemies hit by the channel are forced to save or negate the additional effect of a variant channel. What about in instances where enemies aren't specifically targeted by it. For instance, the Earth domain makes all squares count as difficult terrain for one minute, do creatures get to save to negate this effect, or is it automatic and they just save against the damage?

Along with that, I assume the Destruction variant would allow objects a save? The other variants are Darkness and Air/Sky/Wind, same question as with Earth variant.

My final question relates to the Travel Domain's Agile Feet power. Would that power then allow someone freedom from the Earth Variant channel, assuming they made their save if one is indeed required?

Thanks for any responses!