
Ekeebe's page

357 posts. Alias of Peebo.


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If you are looking for a group that is Sydney based, I GM Wednesday nights from 6 pm to 9:30 pm at a gaming store in south west Sydney called The Hall of Heroes.

The owner of the store has asked me to run this so that he can get more business in for roleplaying, as he does stock Pathfinder and other roleplaying systems, but with 40k and Magic the Gathering as big as it is, people aren't aware that he does stock and order RPGs books.

Just google the Hall of Heroes, it has a forum with details of it.

currently we have 2 groups of 5 running, a CotCT group and a Jade Regent group, and can easily accommodate another player in each, or if you want to just come down and use the store for space reasons, the kitchen is open in the store until about 8:30, and the staff are always really friendly.

My party have a habit of doing crazy things continuously, so it becomes normal place at the gaming table in my group.

One of the more memorable ones that my party have used though, was in a custom Demon killing campaign, based heavily on Diablo before D3 was ever even thought of.

The barbarian had a habit of carrying around potions of enlarge person, and was very hulk like in his play style, which I applauded him later on.

The party were standing in the middle of a wedding celebration when a pack of demons teleported into the wedding ceremony, being held on a beach, not in a church. They started to kill the wedding guests, and so the barbarian, the sorcerer, the cleric and the rogue charged into battle.

Each had their own tactics, but the barbarian was still waiting at the high priest that was performing the ceremony. He quaffed his potion of enlarge person, and waited. The rest of the gaming table started to berate him for not doing anything, and he just smiled.

All of a sudden a Glabrezu teleports next to him and smacks him upside the head. Raging as a free action, the barbarian proceeds to grab the high priest and wails on the demon, having the appropriate feats and archetype to be able to justify this combat style.

I was curious as to how he thought that this was the way to fight the demons, and he asked whether or not a cleric detected as divine, and if they channeled energy of their gods. In his quick, albeit simple, thinking, he had grabbed the nearest blessed thing within reach, the cleric, and started wielding him as a weapon.

suffice to say, the Glabrezu had no idea what was going on, and the barbarian was able to confuse the demon enough that the party then came to the rescue...of the cleric...who was almost dead due to being used as a makeshift holy flail...

Play these simultaneously
Rainy Mood
Noir Jazz bar

One of my most favourite characters was an Oracle of the Dark Tapestry and being a gnome with the Bleaching just to add more of the creepy little Lovecraft prophet vibe.

Other than that, for a dedicated healer, I absolutely love the Life Mystery.

I would edit, but the boards currently wont let me... I just found the rule myself.

but I don't see anything in the Verdant Bloodline that gives you an animal companion, so I'm not sure where to other animal companion is coming from.

No, it would be 2 animal companions, one as if you were 9th level and the other as if you were 5th level, the levels do not stack on themselves IIRC, and Boon Companion only applies to one animal companion per use of the feat.

Boon Compaion wrote:

Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were four levels higher, to a maximum bonus equal to your character level*. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one to receive this benefit. If you lose or dismiss an animal companion or familiar, you may apply this feat to the replacement creature.

Special: You may select this feat more than once. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different animal companion or familiar.

Okay, so I am currently playing a wizard, level 9, and my school is Transmutation with Necromancy and Divination as my prohibited schools.

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any other uses for any arcane spells that I can do to make the game more interesting and fun.

I have already used Hostile Juxtaposition (Ultimate Combat) on the party's barbarian to avoid being squished on more than one occasion, and I have used a combination of Defensive Shock (Ultimate Magic) and Wreath of Blades (Ultimate Combat) to effectively burrow my way through the gullet of a dragon turtle.

The most recent character in my memory is Franc.

My GM loves the idea of the variant teifling rules from Council of Thieves, and so I was able to use them to become a powerhouse of complexity and obscurity. I managed to roll Androgynous on the teifling physical characteristics table, and took the class Sorcerer (dual bloodline abberant and maestro).

I set my bac kstory as being from Tian where my character was a prominent geisha and entertainer...the only thing is, with my masterwork disguise kits, traits and almost ever feat I could get my hands on to increase disguise (to a respectable +18 at 5th level without using the disguise kits or change self spell), I specifically played the character as androgynous as possible, to the point that other characters were trying to get my character to bathe with them, just so that they may be able to tell...but unfortunately...they still could not.

It wasn't until character death that the party finally found out what sex my character truly was (in this case male) which made a lot of the party look across the gaming at me with a strange look in their eyes, and one even asking me "WHY? O.o"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

134 - You find yourself arguing with your friends and family over what alignment superheroes are.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Sorry GM, please don't swarm me! I was posting in other pbps and forgot about not having to post a perception check...and the thing with Halstadt, I was tired, and guess i worked out the watches wrong, sorry again.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8
Poor Wandering One wrote:



This sounds good, I may have to implement this when I start Gming my PbP.

+1 from me.

As I understand it, the squirrel in question has a language, he may be physically a squirrel, but on the other hand, has the mind of a high intelligence wizard. The wizard has a language, and can probably understand what is being said completely, as he retains all his former knowledge and personality, so therefore tongues should work imo.

on another note, this would make a very strange campaign setting, something similar to Mouse Guard.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Am interested in the waiting list, also will stat up my fighter over the weekend.

Throwing hat into ring if you aren't full, I've always wanted to play this module with 10th level Human 2h style fighter (APG variant fighter rules).

This one made me laugh way harder than is medically advised (some entries slightly NSFW)

My eldest is too young to understand roleplaying, she's 2 today, but she loves the shiny dice and pretty artwork on the APs and bestiary!

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Had me worried Thalia was going to die in her sleep, well played GM!

Okay, a new tabletop/miniatures store opened up a few months ago, and a 4ed group has moved in and started to play Pathfinder. After meeting them, their current GM explained to me that near half the group had never played pen and paper roleplaying before, but loved the last 6 sessions he had run them through. The other half of the group haven't played since 2nd Edition D&D, but they were also loving the new feel to the game.

I, seeing the GM's reluctance to run the game, he being new to the rules and Golarion as a whole, offered to GM alternate weeks for him, and have selected Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne, as I managed to pick it up fairly cheap.

I am not a very experienced GM, 2-3 years experience in mainly 3.5 and Pathfinder, but I have played Pathfinder since the beta playtest, and can probably name off spell effects, duration, level, components, etc. at will.

My conundrum is this, after seeing the way they game, roleplaying isn't an issue, how do I as a GM get the half of the group, whose entire experience with RPGs is World of Warcraft, to utterly fall in love with the game.

Pretty much in a nutshell, I am asking this;

How do I get the less experienced of the group to like the game system?

How should I portray NPCs (funny accents, acting out their int score as printed)?

have you ever had this problem yourself, and if so, how did you overcome the barrier and what was the outcome?

Thank you in advance for any advice given.

Ekeebe :D

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8
MoFiddy wrote:
Hmmm...I'm thinking "Let's keep one alive. We can eat it for a month!"

+1 hahahaha

Wrong country, but perfect job opportunity...willing to pay for a relocate tot he US, only a thousand or so dollars? no? okay then...

good luck to all applicants! :)

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

I'm not sure, I'll await DM_Camris to tell me if I did it wrong. Thanks for the praise, nice intro yourself, by the way.

So am I allowed to post in this thread?

The Duke will die before these eyes and he'll know, he'll know, that it is I, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who encompasses his doom!

I prefer to go for the throat, personally...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

91. A small green skinned goblin sits drinking fine wine, dressed in Leaf Armour, complaining in Elven about how his brothers will not accept him as a fellow elf, to his "Twin-Brother" an elf who will not dash the dreams of his brother of becoming an elf one day.

[DC 10 perception and 10 minutes of listening to overhear that goblin's misguided dream]

Hey guys, for all you trying to find a place to play Pathfinder, 4th ed and alot of other roleplaying games, or a place to buy them, now that Tin Soldier has shut sown and moved to Penrith, allow me to introduce Hall of Heroes in Campbelltown.

Linkified for your viewing pleasure.

I walked in today for the first time, and Lo and behold, there were 4 PF core rulebooks, 2 bestiaries and an APG staring me in the face!

I enquired about gaming, and I was told by the workers that a regular group plays nearly every Tuesday, and I am going to go in this coming Tuesday to see if they are playing PFS or just running the APs.

They only picked up Pathfinder a few months ago, but are playing regularly now (+1 for PF recruitment again!)

Go ahead and check it out, It's a fairly large place, they lock all the merchandise away if you are playing longer than the 7 PM close, except on Sundays, they get Mondays off, so they want to get home early and rest up for their day off.

They also can cordon off sections of the store with black curtains for privacy, if you would prefer you game be a little more private.

The store is full of fun, friendly guys, and are new to anything Pathfinder themselves, bless their hearts, the had no idea what Pathfinder Society Organised Play was, but they want a larger customer base and more people to come in regularly so that they can get to know them and make more friends who share their love of any and all fantasy gaming!

Ekeebe :D

okay, fair enough, have fun, I will be watching this recruitment thread, it may turn out quite entertaining and unique.

Okay, even though I'm not applying, this thread confuses me...what exactly are you asking for?

I refuse to reply to this thread on principle!

Well I may have a want to DM for you, the only thing is, I have a 3 month old daughter, and she takes up a lot of my time, I live in Campbelltown, and so getting to you would only be a 2 hour train ride (no car, but no worries)

I'll give you my email address, and I will ask my other half about monthly gaming sessions (can't do any better due to work and children).

I have about 6 years experience GMing, and can get my hands on any PF AP from my old gaming group, we all collectively bought the books, just need to get myself a hardcover copy of the Core Rulebook and Bestiary.

I am 24 and have played through/GMed CotCT, RotRL, LoF, SD, and Kingmaker.

I'll drop you an email, but leave it with me for a week or so, and I'll get you a final decision.

finally something non gaming relates.
1. What kind of car do you prefer (SUV, convertable, etc).

2. What kind of car do you drive?

3. Is that your car over there having a ticket being written up by a meter maid?

Don't make me win, you know I will! adds AC, its costs near to nothing (minus masterwork costs of course), and it looks great!

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

heya thank you for inviting me, I have updated almost everything so far to PF RAW, and I will be working on a more detailed backstory today, I cannot guarantee very active posting until Saturday, GMT +10 hours, Sydney here, so it would be more Friday for most players, as I have just had a death in the family and I am currently organising funeral arrangements.

In any case, HP for level 2!!!!!

1d8 ⇒ 6

[EDIT]the lead in from Me'mori sounds good, writing that in now, and that would justify a connection with Saul, allowing him to call me by name, and not be obliterated when I jump out from around a corner and yell "BOO!"[/EDIT]

Will throw hat into ting with a half elf rogue, Meri, she's an old build, and I have to re-work her a little, now that I have access to the APG.

Just curious though, what level PCs are you looking to recruit?

Like believing a lyre bird's call, you all believed you won, when the sound you really heard was the sound of my victory!

Is hiding



A good while back, I did notice it as a player and a GM too, with one specific player.

While we were playing, and I noted, after seeing a few perception checks, that his bonus was the same as mine, +8, but over the course of 3 game sessions, it magically jumped to +9, then +10, and finally +12, all without going up levels or access to buying any sort of magical item that could in theory, grant him that +4 bonus.

Unfortunately, I was unable to continue gaming with my group, as my daughter was just born, and couldn't talk to him or our GM about it.

As a player, I made a couple of table rules to help me keep track of bonuses, and also help keep track of player's rolls.

The first thing I did as a GM was to ask that all rolls be rolled in view of at least 2 other people, our group numbering 7 at that time, not counting the GM.

Secondly, I asked that every player give me their "to hits," "Damages" and hit point totals, so that I could take control of the character if needed.

Once certain players noticed that I could add up their rolls and bonuses to verify the maths myself, the cheating slowed right down to almost insignificant levels.

But as a general rule for criticalss, house rules of course, a 1 on any roll is automatically a critical failure, and a 20 is automatically a critical success, for us, the players, and the monsters.

Also, most of the time, we are so proud of rolling a critical, that we grab the nearest person's attention and quite smugly say "Look at that!"

[bad Arnie voice]It is not a tumor[/bad arnie voice]

Okay thanks guys, I can't get into the Pathfinder SRD for a few days, due to internet problems, so this really helped me out.

maybe it has something to do with the family of waffles I slaughtered...maybe this is their heroic cousin who has called Vendetta on me...

Okay, so I was wondering what would happen if a fireball explodes near to a person wearing a necklace of fireballs.


"Player 1" wears a Necklace of Fireballs type IV, and "Enemy 1" casts fireball into player 1's occupies space.

1. Would the necklace be counted as in the area of effect of the fireball, and if so would the necklace be saved by a relfex for half, or reflex for no damage through evasion?

2. Would all the globes go off at once, and would the damage stack, dealing a total of 36d6 damage not counting the spellcasters damage?

3. Would player 1 require more reflex save(s) for the exploding globes, if #2 is applicable and how would you determine the DC?

4.would you prefer regular fried or extra crispy?

Ekeebe :D

Great, now all I smell is korma...well at least the toast smell is's there, lingering...waiting...maybe it has levels in rogue?

The smell, it's everywhere, you guys telling me you seriously can't smell that?

I won this back in 1764, when I was but a strapping lad, now I shall win it again, for I have experience!

Is it just me, or can you guys smell toast?

Okay now I know I'm not paranoid, there has to be a reason for this smell...

It smells so near, almost like someone is eating breakfast behind me.