Egrek's page
Pathfinder Society GM. 39 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.
Thanks for the reply - gives me some other angles to think about. I like the being saved by the same things it was being sacrificed to.
I've entered as a mysterious hero who keeps turning up to help people (saving people in fires, when fire resistant helps) so I still have lots of backstory and character to build on. Especially as I seem less linked to the rest of the group at the moment.
PS gone for the young female who turns into a stylish human rogue fighter (but currently a bum).
Hmm reading the blood god disciple entry:
"A half-orc summoner who devotes himself to one of the bloody orc gods may believe his eidolon is an avatar of that god rather than a mere supernatural creature. A blood god disciple generally fights by the avatar's side and offers it blood sacrifices in exchange for martial prowess"
So - this could be brought in as the reason the character has the power.

I am after character ideas and advice - have a summoner (syntheist, blood god disciple) in mind for a half-elf drow with orc racial heritage (human, elf, drow, orc) - no idea how this would really work (especially in backstory!)
Also happy to hear other fun ideas?
Hello all
So looks like our group is starting afresh after some annoyance at the Pathfinder Society play - thus we are looking at trying the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary edition to get a full campaign going. As it's not PFS, it opens up all the possibilities of banned classes too, to try out. We also have about 7 players so other than saying it would be good to have one from each of the base areas (trapfinder, arcane caster, divine caster and fightery type) we have another 3 spots to play with.
I should also say I am a part GM, so my character is currently planned for book 1 (levels 1-3) then I will GM the next steps (levels 4-7) - after that we've not decided.
So first character: Summoner (Syntheist/Blood God Disciple)
Whilst I have one Summoner (with a level of fighter) - he's not optimised - a bard paladin wannabe halfling, I wanted to see what this synthesist was all about - the possible flavour for roleplay with summoners is great (twins, angelic protectors, tentacled beasts, sentient butler dogs) – and my first thought was like many people – a superman approach.
Then I started looking at odd archtypes!
So. Assuming not many people have thought of this mix of archtypes as they don’t go greatly – as a synthiest, you are your eidolon, as the blood god disciple, your eidolon eats a fallen foe = combined, YOU eat a fallen foe! Something about offering the dead to the blood god to grow a tentacle just seems fun to me though!
Race: being immune to sleep seems very important to not dying as a synthiest, so elf or half elf is a good start. Half elf allows a human half and thus able to pick up the racial heritage feat to get the orc blood, opening up the archtype and possible ‘tenacious survivor’.
In order to not min-max (I like optimising, but with a target in mind, and comedy can often distract me from true optimisation), I wanted a strong roleplay aspect to explain the character (and this is half formed so far so will be expanding as I write this)
I was thinking something like a half elf with drow heritage base, thus wants/needs to hide – the eidolon to be a ‘perfected view’ of the life the character (not sure if male or female) would want.
Speaking of sex – either same sex, or have a ‘laddy male’ pretending to be an amazon woman, or a scared girl pretending to be her heroic paladin like human knight – I was thinking of a confusing roleplay aspect of the character trying to hit of people of the same sex as the eidolon, then finding it weird when people think they are gay. Going a normal route of male to male or female to female is fine too, I guess it just looks like an interesting opportunity to roleplay something new. Currently a female drow wanting to be human knight seems a good start.
But then causes a problem if I keep the blood god disciple. Human paladins wouldn’t eat foes (but could explain why his paladin powers don’t work ;) hehehe)
Also if changing sex, it means the character has to be secretive around bed time, encasing themselves in bedrolls (as they’d wake up in natural form) – could be really interesting for any nighttime attacks, as can’t spend a minute “preparing themselves” before helping defend the party (but at least people would understand more with a girl character!) – or wait, as elves don’t sleep, they don’t lose the form!?! Oohh one way around it – shame , looked like a fun roleplay chance.
So blood god disciple – mainly used as interesting, lose summon ability, but doubt I’d use that, I like the idea of summoners NOT for spellcasters, but as fantastic roleplay opportunities. So losing a power I’d not use, for a power, I’d likely not use much, doesn’t seem a bad swap. Again more a comedy distraction, lose summon monsters I don’t want to use, to eating opponent to gain a tentacle (or later level 5 fly – more use!)
A werewolf idea could work? Hat of disguise? Be in wolf form, but pretend to be in human form with disguise self, until in the middle of combat when ‘lose control’ to cancel hat of disguise, to be a hybrid wolfman – and then most people would EXPECT you to eat oppnents… but… again, maybe not heroic, infact eating foes doesn’t seem heroic? This could be a problem – but taking it out relieves a feat.
A cursed paladin – has to eat his foes – thus has no paladin abilities. Uncontrollable curse – scared around high powered casters as could see through the illusions, disguises and see it’s not THAT curse that’s in effect! Liking this one more. Still wondering about the ‘heroic’ aspect of eating foes?
So why take another form? – to not scare the little people! Especially as a scary drow and often the target of abuse and bullying. Maybe using eating foes as an intimidate on bullies as an excuse?
Other character ideas
I’ve liked the look of some of the Advanced classes – read them but not got the book myself.
Advanced players guide – can’t say many of these have really grabbed me – maybe a Magus or Inquisitor as not looked into them much, witches don’t seem that different, cavaliers look annoying, alchemists everyone else plays (seem very popular).
Open to nearly any race – but conscious we are after a ‘typical’ group so we’re not all just burnt as freaks! (one of the reasons for my ideas above!)
Svirfneblin – used to have a fun character of death – just need to be heroes – maybe I could get something fun to work here? Miss the mushroom beer!
MORE TO COME! Thinking as I type.
So what is in the Ultimate Campaign? Seems a popular one!
Ultimate Equipment also seems very popular.
Thanks for the feedback and advice (took me ages to track down this post!)
(For the Beastiery's I was just going to use online or printouts)
Hi all.
So I'm an experienced player and GM and finally stopped travelling so wanted to finally get (rather than borrow) books from Pathfinder. Earning money helps hobbies!
So I just wanted some advice on what books I should get and what order?
Just started a new PFS group too.
My thoughts are:
Advanced players
Ultimate combat
Ultimate magic
Advanced Race
No idea what's in the Advanced Campaign and leaving the Advanced Class Guide for now.
Is there anything I am missing? Anything people think I shouldn't get? Any particular order? (Was thinking of just going for the top 5 all at once)
I was also thinking of the Rise of the Runelords anniversary edition too, liked the second adventure and if its PFS legal that could be fun to play!
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So a supernatural ability is still counted "as a spell" ?
Only thing I would add. A monster doesn't NEED to use this ability.
So after getting hit once, it doesn't need to do it again.
...I'm a few years too late aren't I?
So I was wondering about next level. Do I go summoner straight? Or get a boost to HP, armour and weapons? Its fine playing fun yet useless characters till someone dies!
Unbreakable fighter looked the most interesting. Diehard means you never fall unconscious if you dont want (handy for summoners! Would be a great combo with elf/halfelf) and armour and martial for this wannabe knight ;)
Though barbarian is always good so in light armour, Penville runs the same speed as his dog! :)
I like a lot of the dips, but the Eidolon suffers for each one. A single dip seems okay, anymore and it will just keep dying!
Nice, combat trained mounts use a free action to control, DC 10, untrained are DC 20 and a move action!
...tempting. Its not like his -3 with a lance will do much anyways (why be trained?)
Blue glowing eyes? So far people have enjoyed the games he's in, trusting the dog more than the halfling. Last session the dog failed a cause fear and ran off full speed for 4 rounds, whilst the party could just hear the halfling berating the scared dog, as it got quieter the further they ran!! Great fun :)
I had noticed, especially for monks, the abilities are all swift and/or immediate, so a number of choices need to be made! Martial artist is the only choice for barbarian multi class!

Hello all
So I've had a character by the name of Penville for some time and wanted to bring him into PFS. But there are a few teething problems (and some bumps)
So first a little background: Penville was raised by wild dogs and was reintroduced to the world with his trusty (and intelligent) dog 'Bigby'. Together they joined groups to be adventurers, but normally had to run off when everyone else died. This happened a few times. He became a sign of doom for any groups he was with.
- Mechanically he was a Halfling barbarian/bard/fighter - illiterate and loving the stories as he tried to inspire others with stories of how bad his life was (so theirs wasn't) dreaming of being a knight - I used a Cohort for Bigby after an Awakened animal spell (he had Int of 17!)
- I also had people believing that Bigby was my character and Penville was the cohort! (I wasn't playing him... very efficiently)
So onto a new version.
With no cohorts from no leadership I am forced to go for an animal companion. Until I saw a Summoner.
I never realized they could be 'anything' and so it works rather nicely for a Summoner. Plus they have a reputation for being overpowered. So having a useless character (and good Eidolon) would help with game balance too (as well as being great fun for roleplay)
Eg: Bibgy (Penvilles adopted brother) often runs off when not watched (unsummon) and poor little Penville has to go calling for about a minute until Bigby comes running around the corner. Sometimes Bigby's other brothers come to help (other summon abilities) or annoying birds and things. (I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the casting, infact I wanted the class for the Eidolon, other the spells!)
So current idea is to go either straight Summoner, or take a level of a fighter class (Fighter, Barbarian or Ranger) to get better armour and weapon proficiencies. But I'm tending towards a straight Summoner to focus on Bigby's abilities. Sadly getting to Int 17 will take a little while/be impossible - but as long as he's fun to play (I was going to play him as a mute, occasionally speaking with a thick English posh butler like accent to the other PC's, telling them never to mention his ability to talk to Penville, who will speak with a childlike voice and innocence, and any one trying to convince him that Bigby is something other than a dog, will laugh at them for being silly).
1. So I'm asking for advice on Penville and how to best build him.
I like powerful builds (which aren't played to full power) so lots of multiclassing won't work as means the Eidolon would suffer.
Any ideas on how to get the character working well, feats, evolutions, even fun roleplay tips (from what I've said)
2. My other question: How do the rules of riding work with an intelligent mount?
Reading the ride skill, it reads as you are controlling unintelligent animals. If the mount is as intelligent (and more dangerous) than the rider, do you even need ride? Can the mount attack and maybe the rider not?
And yes, I noticed the 'Mount' evolution but was thinking of getting it later.
- I was also curious about the 'non saddle' riding style.
- But together, they look like a lot of penalties.
- And at least if he falls off, the Eidolon can fight without the worry of the ride checks! :) (see - not quite efficient!)
Any help/advice on the build, feats, or even fun roleplaying ideas! :)
Knew it had to be something obvious, just couldn't get it! :)

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Just to add to this (exactly what I was wondering)
Situation A) Opponent attempts grapple with no special feat (causes an AoO from attempt).
So one of these takes effect:
1) You get the standard AoO and add the damage to CMD.
2) You get the standard AoO and add the damage AND the +2 from the ability, to CMD.
From reading the ability: "If she hits with this attack of opportunity, she gains a +2 circumstance bonus to her CMD against the grapple attempt."
So I would guess 2 is correct (but ready for FAQ)
Situation B) Opponent attempts grapple with improved grapple (normally causes no AoO from attempt).
So one of these takes effect:
3) You get the standard AoO (via ability) and add +2 to CMD.
4) You get the standard AoO (via ability) and add the damage and +2 to CMD.
5) You get a (special ability) AoO and add +2 to CMD.
6) You get a (special ability) AoO and add the damage AND the +2 to CMD.
From reading the ability: "She can make an attack of opportunity against creatures trying to grapple her even if they possess the Improved Grapple feat or the grab special attack."
This one seems less clear. I have a feeling it is 6, whilst this seems very powerful, it only comes in when something tries to grapple you - compared to uncanny dodge helping with surprise rounds and invisible creatures or effective blindness (eg darkness). So it is actually replacing a powerful ability.
Wow yeah past DR/- I hadn't realized that.
That's really powerful.
Then again they do lose a lot of good powers by not having a Ki Pool (no Qinggong - which is a shame!) and no natural magic hands! So without it they can affect nothing with DR!
It also means against some of the scarier foes, they have to use their 'swift' action each round to damage things. Which means no bonus from other skills, styles etc.
...we'll see - there seem to be a lot of choices for swift actions!
There are items that make wearers count as 4 levels higher for certain abilities (eg sorcerers cloak? Monks belt etc) so no reason you couldn't get the GM to price up (or match) a similar item. That would be +4.
Circlet of Persuasion has always seemed too cheap. Everyone should get them. Then everyone should recognize them, so everyone is at -5 (as everyone else expects to be manipulated).
And I agree that it says a wisdom check. So from Circlet (equivalent), it should apply. Just good luck! ;)
May be a stupid question - what does "3pp" mean?
(I have a feeling I knew last week? But now nothing?)
Eldritch Heritage! That is another good one! I remember looking into it and again totally blanked on it! :)
And yes, I was more interested in getting an improved familiar, that actually making it much better. But... being better is good too ;)
For 6) I guess it was "what is an object"
I would class a body (unconscious or dead) to fit, but not a person (and then we're onto grapples)
Thanks for the replies. And the idea I may need to chop off limbs to use :)
(and yes, I forgot about great club - that works!)

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Hi all
So Improvised weapons. A little background: my plan was to make a wrestler (WWE style) to go crazy in the Pathfinder world (he's just got kicked out of The Guard) and really wants to (potentially) use opponents or corpses as weapons inbetween his unarmed fighting (I am thinking Barbarian Brutal Pugilist and Monk Martial Artist).
***EDIT: I should also add, I'm after this for Pathfinder Society***
1) Can you use a weapon (eg a greatsword) as an improvised weapon?
RAW I would say yes. It would be a "quarterstaff" (I guess) and do D6 bludgeoning damage.
So I'd say - yes.
2) Can you get MW Improvised weapons?
RAW - A masterwork item, is a great item, but not fighting (except in certain circumstances... maybe?) so I'd say no. Unless you pay extra. But even then it gets confusing, a MW weapon is designed for fighting, so if an improvised weapon is made to act as good weapon... it would BE a weapon, not an improvised weapon... And even a MW weapon being used as improvised, you're not using it properly so to me, wouldn't get the MW quality.
So I'd say - no.
3) Magic improvised weapons?
This makes more sense than masterwork (which partly confuses it if you can't really have MW improvised) but we're in a magical world. Why not? And a magical weapon being used AS a magical improved weapon, is still magical.
So I'd say - yes.
4) So can you use creatures?
RAW - doesn't say you can't, but also doesn't go into rules - ideally you'd need to grapple them first, to use them as a weapon (and then it's not a grapple 'action'). The fact they have this ability: "Body Bludgeon (Ex)" suggests it's for 'barbarians only'.
- Maybe there is an option if you were to use the -20 to grapple to grapple an opponent, but not be grappled yourself. I may allow this, but at -20 it's barely going to ever happen!
So I'd say - no idea? Yes at -20? Or you need to be a barbarian with that ability.
5)If not alive, how about a corpse/unconscious?
Not really anything saying you can't. Though as weapons go, I would guess the weight is so much more than weapons, bodies would count as a number of sizes more than the body. Eg a small body counts as a large or huge weapon? Maybe?
So I'd say - yes - but how to work it?
6)How would the Lesser Hurling rage power work with these?
I read this as throwing unconscious/non living people.
Hurling, Lesser (Ex)
Benefit: As a full-round action while raging, the barbarian can lift and hurl an object up to one size category smaller than herself with both hands or two size categories smaller with one hand as an improvised weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. This inflicts damage as a falling object plus the barbarian’s Strength bonus. This damage is halved if the object is not made of stone, metal, or similar material. This is a ranged touch attack, and the target may attempt a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Strength modifier) for half damage. The barbarian may apply Power Attack to this attack as a one- or two-handed weapon, as appropriate.
Anyone know any links to official rulings on any of this? I checked out a few threads and had a few answers and ideas, but seem to want to get into more.
I just wasn't sure it did much at the start - looking into it gave a few more options - so I just wanted to see if I'd understood it properly (it seems now I have - my session of knocking people out with my claws was maybe not within the rules)
And yes, Snake looks good too! :)
I was just looking into the styles when I ran out of time and had to post! :)
But so far it's is looking like it can be of use.
Thanks for the feedback!
EDIT: "If you're unarmed, you don't normally threaten any squares and thus can't make attacks of opportunity" - this causes more problems with many of the feats ;)
Loving the guides! Just wanted to give good feedback being thanks for confirming ideas, or giving new ones! :)

Hi all, so I've been looking into the alternative racial trait:
Claw Attack: Tengus with this racial trait have learned
to use their claws as natural weapons. They gain two claw
attacks as primary natural attacks that deal 1d3 points of
damage, and are treated as having the Improved Unarmed
Strike feat for the purpose of qualifying for other feats.
This racial trait replaces swordtrained.
And am a little confused.
- I love the claws as primary attacks to match the bite giving 3 natural primary attacks.
- But the "Improved Unarmed Strike" for the purpose of feats?
From a look at most of the feats, nearly ALL of the unarmed feats require/alter an unarmed strike.
1) So do your claws count as unarmed strikes?
RAW seems to suggest no.
So most unarmed feats seem useless?
eg Belier's bite: add bleed to unarmed strikes. Doesn't work with the claws. You can buy it, but not use it.
(unless you buy Improved Unarmed strike, or take an AoO, but also can't natural attack with it)
2) So your claws can't do non-lethal damage (as unarmed strike would).
As your claws don't seem to have Improved Unarmed Strike, it looks like you can't do this.
3) What feats do work? So far all I've found is:
- Deflect Arrows.
- Improved Grapple.
- Crane Style (and Crane Wing)
Hmm, after more research (as I write this) it's not a great selection, but better than a kick in the...
Any other thoughts or feats?
Just to check - it says in We be Goblins: (chronicle PDF)
"As always, each player may receive credit for each module
once as a player and once as a GM in either order."
So is this then superceded by the Tier 1 & 1-2 being replayable for level 1's?
(I assume so, but it seems to be very contradictory info)
The gremlins look great fun - especially the luck one with halflings, but I'm also trying to get my head around it. Love the idea, love the gremlins, but the fact the Eidolon is 1/2 BA and 2/3 HP just seems a BIG compromise?!
Thanks, I will look into these too!
Thanks for the info.
No thanks for the anniversary edition bit! Gah!
Well a friend has it, but it's annoying my book is now "out of date" for PFS. Every step forward becomes a smack backwards ;)
So I've noticed there are a number of threads fighting over the various rules for Improved familiar, yet reading them through I couldn't find 'set' answers.
If I'm a level 5 character Aasimar, 1 sorcerer (with the Arcane bloodline to get a familiar), 4 rogue, and want to take "Improved Familiar" - it's generally accepted without other feats I don't qualify.
Improved Spellcaster feat adds 4 to the CL, but not really Familiar (depending on how you read the Improved Familiar requirement).
Boon Companion feat adds 4 to effective level for familiar.
So can I get a "Almiraj" (for example) as it requires level 5.
1) Using the Improved Spellcaster feat
2) Using the Boon Companion feat
3) Can I just do it by being an Aasimar (CL 5) with the sorcerer familiar class ability?
4) Any other way to do it?
5) Just no.
Any help (and links to rules if possible) appreciated.
Hello all, I'm a new PFS GM and having a little confusion over this sanctioned content:
I have the Pathfinder #2—Rise of the Runelords Chapter 2: "The Skinsaw Murders" (OGL)
(As found here: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8029?Pathfinder-2-Rise-of-the-Runelords-Chapt er-2-The-Skinsaw-Murders)
And getting the chronicle sheets and info to run it in PFS, it says:
Sanctioned Content: “The Skinsaw Foxglove Manor (areas B1–B37) 4–6
So if I was to run this, do I have to run the entire adventure? Or just the Manor encounter (being the only PFS content)
As it's for 3xp and 4pp - it can matter quite a lot (especially as some of the unsanctioned adventure is really dangerous!)
Thanks for any help/hints/pointers and links to the right information incase I've missed it :)
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/4-winds-fantasy-gaming/combat -feats/ranged-flank-combat
This makes it clearer.
"Normal: Only characters in melee are considered flanking."
(Apologies if it's already been mentioned)
Thanks to both! :) Was as I thought. Just feel like I'm wasting level 7 games on my level 1 characters... but I have to get going at some point! :)
Also scary you can save them all up, get killed and lose everything!
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Hello all.
So I've been reading around and have a few questions I've not been able to track down the answers to:
Easiest to start with and example, you've played a 4th level pre-gen and assigned it to character A (to be picked up at 4th level). At level two, character A dies.
1) Does this mean you lose the scenario? As character A can't use it? (And you can't play it again!)
2) Can you transfer it to another character?
3) And you can't raise the character (as won't have the money or the PP)
4) Another observation is, as you can only play a scenario once, if it's two tier and you play the lower tier, you don't get the higher tier items. And never can? So it's worth playing the higher tiers whenever possible to give you access to the items!
Thanks. Sure I'll have more soon ;)
If you set up another scenario, you can report > show all scenario and then select it.
I was told the reporting was more important then the event! :)
Nope :(
Filled it all in a few times and nothing.
But a friend just pointed out, you can report on scenarios not selected in the event. So I can report on it, just the event is wrong.
So hopefully this is all good! :)
Thanks for the ideas! :)
Hmm seems to work for other scenarios
Not the one I played though?
Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore (PFRPG)
Appears to be the only one I can't get working!?
Hi all
Just ran my first GM session (as my second PFS session)
But I can't create an event?
(going: My Account > GM/Event Coordinator > Create Your Event)
I fill in all the form, but whether I click Update or Save, it keeps saying I need to choose a scenario, then when I go to the scenario, the one I've chosen is blanked?
Repeating the selection and save, or even redoing the entire form, does nothing?
Any help or how do I contact someone to look at it?
PS. I was running first steps - is there a problem with this one?
Thanks - thought so, just wanted to be sure having so many names for the same number ;)
Just about to post for a game and wanted to check my GM number is my Pathfinder number (without character number) or do I need a separate GM number (and if so, where from?)
Currently playing a wizard archmage who tells (most) people he's a Paladin. Due to the nature of selling souls, a cover identity needed to be established. Now being a better being, he has a paladin follower and friend, both of whom defer to him as the greater paladin. It's quite fun :)

Thoughts on the Advanced Class Guide
Numbers for ease:
1. No multiclassing – this could be very annoying trying to make characters, being cut off from more than two classes. Means you need more planning to create characters. Also suggests there is some balance issues?
Arcanist (this sounded like there wasn’t much they could do)
2. So same spell progression, BA and HD as sorcerer. So I’ll be using that as a base for comparison.
3. They lose some ability with sorcerer powers (maybe not that much really) but gain access to any spells? Seems good. This is often how I want to run my wizards!
4. And they get feats too?
5. But one less spell per level – hence inbetween wizards and sorcerers.
6. I think I’d prefer these than sorcerers. But there isn’t really anything new? Still I like the partial flexibility idea. At higher levels I use this from divination spells.
7. Using INT instead of CHA is a really good bonus compared to sorcerers though. More skills (and less cha, but that’s what charm person is for!) This would really make me think of them over sorcerer!
8. Overall? It’s okay, a more flexible sorcerer – I’d prefer this to sorcerer myself, compared to wizard I’m not sure due to the spell level being delayed.
Bloodrager (must say this one sounded interesting)
9. Full BA and spells, it’s an arcane version of ranger and paladin. As spells look very secondary, I’ll compare to barbarian.
10. So you lose rage powers and trap sense, but gain bloodline powers and spells (and spellcasting). Seems a good deal to start with! Also D10 HD instead of D12, but that’s fine!
11. But gain feats from level 6 onwards? That’s good! Extra spells? Mmm okay.
12. Rage is the same as a barbarians, as is movement and uncanny dodge, skills, skill points.
13. You don’t have to be Chaotic?!
14. I’d say this is more like a detailed archtype.
15. Overall – I’d say it’s better than a barbarian, giving more flexibility and playability. I’m sure some would still prefer the brute force of the barbarian. But I’d happily play this! (which probably means it’s overpowered) Plus the bloodrage powers look great!
Brawler (didn’t think I’d like this, but I do)
16. Full BA, D10 HD, skills as a monk, saves halfway between the two. I guess you have to compare to monk due to the martial arts variety and looks like they have a lot of the monk abilities.
17. So full BA is great, no flurry means less attacks, but better to hit – I was wrong, they have a form of flurry!
18. Feat gaining ability is good! Would give lost of flexibility, but a problem for all the book keeping!
19. Don’t need to be lawful – makes sense.
20. Bonus feats as a fighter? Nice. Does seem weird they’re not ‘fighter feats’ and also doesn’t specify they cant get feats for other weapons (I guess it’s brawler, not unarmed master)
21. Light armour and a few weapons feats. No shields.
22. Why not just say the flurry applies to all the base Brawlers weapons? Free two weapon fighting is nice. Also it doesn’t say you can’t be armoured? A Brawler Paladin anyone?!
23. Extra combat maneuvers looks nice. Makes them better ‘weapon masters’ than fighters. Let alone more feats, more feat flexibility and free two weapon feats. Still get bonus to AC.
24. So no evasion, no wisdom to AC (but can use armour) No stunning fist, no movement bonus. No acrobatics, slow fall, Ki.
25. Ccompared to monks, there are still reasons to play both. Monks are acrobatic and fast!
26. Compared to fighters? Well they seem more skilled, it depends if their feats count as fighter feats for specialization etc. Otherwise I’d always prefer a brawler for the extra feats, flexibility and pretty close AC. Lose armour mastery (don’t use it much) and bravery (not used much) – not got the weapon mastery which is good. But they seem to be more flexible to be fun.
27. Overall – this one feels good. Not too overpowered (unless you like this sort of fighter, then you get lots for free!) and still plenty of reason to choose this or either the others.
Hunter (wasn’t sure about this?)
28. Looks like it’s more druid than ranger at first glance. Same BA but less spells. So will need something good to offset that!
29. Animal aspect looks good. Lots of bookkeeping when you can shift it for free each round for 10 rounds!
30. Animal companion as a druid. But the team work is a nice touch.
31. Compared to druid, you lose spells and wildshape and some of the funky abilities (1000 faces, trackless step, timeless, venom immunity) and others delayed like woodland stride, but gain the animal focus and teamwork feats as well as tracking.
32. Compared to ranger you lose BA and weapon styles, favoured enemy, but gain better spellcasting, animal focus and an earlier companion and teamwork.
33. Overall this one feels like a nice fit too – a few little tricks the others don’t have. But not sure I’d ever go for it. Spellcasting or full BA with weapon feats would likely win out for me.
Investigator (hmm sneak attacking bombs?)
*Note – this is a shorter review as I don’t know Alchemists that well)
34. Lots of skill points, extracts, sneak attack. No bombs. Poison, extracts.
35. I like rogues and their abilities, but this seems to make up for what it’s missed and I know extracts can be fun. So my guess is this is better then rogue (unless you’re going an assassin route)
Shaman (*not going to bother, don’t know Oracle or Witch much)
Skald (I remember the prestige class)
36. Spellcasting, D8 HD, this is looking like a bard.
37. So no inspirations. But can make people rage? Not quite as good as the barbarian one, but then it can affect everyone! That just seems dangerous. And do they stack? Can you have a barbarian raging and further infused with the skald song?
38. Looks less versatile than a bard to me, more fighting focused and not much else. But that could work well for some games (and I rarely play bards anyways).
39. Rage powers affecting all allies too? They look like a well trained one trick pony (that of raging allies) – would be a good enemy leader!
40. Spell Kenning adds some nice versatility, especially as there seems to be no knowledge of the spell – so suddenly hugely versatile!
41. Overall - I’m not sure what I’d play, if you want many skills, then bard is better, but for fighting, rage, helping allies and spellcasting that one needed spell a day, Skald looks the way to go! Seems good to me, but I could imagine it upsetting a lot of games. Groups would really want one of these – but I can imagine, no one wants to play it?
Slayer (just sounds bad)
42. So a ranger rogue? Well less sneak attack than the other rogue class (investigator) but full BA!
43. Must say, ever since seeing the 3rd ed ninja, I’ve loved full BA with sneak attack. I’ll compare to ranger as full BA and tracking.
44. Favoured target makes an amazing bonus to any social interactions and even fighting!
45. A free feat every two levels? Looks good.
46. Compared to a ranger – it’s more one on one stalking and sneak attack. No spells, or outside things, no weapon style (but can get the feats). Less skills.
47. Compared to a rogue – less skills and no trap finding, which can be a problem. This is more an assassin fighter class, with some handy social benefits.
48. Overall - it seems a bit specialized? Basically a social ninja? I could imagine people loving this class though.
Swashbuckler (fighter and gunslinger, without the guns?)
*Note – this is a shorter review as I don’t know Gunslingers that well)
49. I know fighters best and full BA so will compare to that.
50. So critical? Rapiers and Kukri’s it seems. Who doesn’t want to play dandy fighters outwitting and out sword fighting their opponents?
51. Parry with -4 for size difference, (I read someone complaining of this) maybe a feat could work (eg Used to fighting Big Uns) to reduce this, but normally a small creature has +1 AC and +2 Dex, giving a total for +2 AC so they should be hit less and thus need to parry less. But. Why have the negative? Just say it can only be done to one category size larger? (eg Humans can pary ogres, but Halflings can’t as they are too big and strong).
52. A bit of book keeping to remember all the deeds?
53. Otherwise they just look like nimble light weapon fighters. The deeds make them a little different and so I can imagine people playing them easily.
54. I can’t see a problem with them being gunslingers too though?
55. Overall – nice, but confusing to be linked to gunslingers (just make gunslingers only apply to ranged weapons, and swashbucklers only apply to melee weapons).
Warpriest (can’t say I expect much – clerics are already fighters with spells)
56. So more a cleric by the look of things. Lose spells. Gain feats. Half channeling. Weapon and armour focus
57. Looks interesting. But reminds me of a paladin more than anything. Not sure it’s enough to make it look better than a paladin.
58. Overall - I think I’d play a cleric over this (the spellcasting being better than the abilities) – it’s just cleric is a really boring class to level up in (apart from the spells)